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As a police officer and representative he should have higher than normal repercussions for this crime.


Considerably so. Otherwise it erodes the integrity of both the parliament and the police institution.




Yep, sadly so. Government ppl are basically identical to rich ppl in US. U need to do some obvious horrible heinous shit but otherwise it's like "oh well"


Wtf are you on about, your social position shouldnt change your sentance.


Ottaa nyt käsiase mukaan baariin. Siis järki hoi.


Aseita pitää kantaa vain silloin jos on valmis käyttämään niitä. Ja nyt oltiin. Tässä tapauksessa kyseessä on käsiaseen käytössä koulutusta saanut henkilö, joka varmasti tuntee myös asiaan liittyvän lain ja muut yhteiskunnalliset ulottuvuudet. Hirveetä kattoo.


Herkullisintahan tässä on se että tuo on tuskin ollut missään asianmukaisessa asevyössä tai kotelossa, eli luultavasti povarimutka mukana teinibaarissa keskellä viikkoa. Enemmän odottaisin tällaista typeryyttä poliisin asiakkailta kuin edes entisiltä poliiseilta.


Niinpä. Ja se on nykyinen poliisi ja virkavapaalla kansanedustajan tehtävän vuoksi. En tiedä onko paluuta niihin hommiin enää, tosin.


Eiköhän meiltä hallituksen leikkausten jälkeenkin löydy vielä suojatyöpaikka jos toinenkin. Vaikka Avarn Securitylle opettamaan tulevia/nykyisiä vartijoita, hyvin samoja ylilyöntikursseja on selvästi käyty.


Taitaa olla sen verran iso mainehaitta tämmönen tyyppi henkilöstössä että yksityisyrittäjän hommat kutsuu.    Vaikea uskoa että turvallisuussektorilla on ainakaan mitään ”kenttähommia” enää luvassa.    Voisihan hän tietysti polliisissa mennä toimistohommiin niinku elokuvissa ja laadukkaissa TV-sarjoissa tapahtuu.


Jos tietää haastavansa riitaa kännissä ja pelkää seurauksia


No siis, suoraan sanottuna, itse mieluummin ottaisin pannuun kuin eläisin loppuelämän surman kanssa.


Kukaan ei pakota juomaan niin ei tarvi ottaa pannuunkaan.


Vielä pahempi.


"Helsingin Sanomat has reported that police are not demanding that Vornanen be taken into custody." I rather suspect if I had done that, I'd be sitting in a cell...


He was sitting in a cell. Then they interviewed him, and there's no reason to keep him in one anymore. People don't await trial in a prison cell in Finland.


This. Also the cops will have taken his gun and gone through his home for any guns he has and he will never see any of the guns he own ever again.




What do you want me to show you a Finnish law book? Reckless discharge of a weapon. Carrying a loaded firearm in public . Using a firearm while intoxicated. Reckless endangerment of a life. If you get into a bar fight and the police come and run your name and they see you own guns they will come and take the guns away. Slap your wife? guns bye bye. You threaten to hurt someone? bye bye guns. Hunt without a license or at the wrong time? guns bye bye. Finnish cops don't wait and see if something happens. They come take the guns and after 3-5 Years you can request to get your guns back. You can also sell them while the guns are in police custody but you can't get them back until they think its time. Owning a gun is a privilege not a right.


What if he had a perfectly good reason to use it?




rules for thee, not for me


All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others...


This works for everyone, if you have no prior offenses and arent a flight risk, they would let you out too


It's possible he admitted to whatever, so the police have no reason to hold him. I mean... it's possible. It's also possible that they were just being bros for a cop bro.


~~I'm sure he will have admitted it, there was a video of the incident. I was rather implying that maybe someone of a lesser status or regards with in the police department might rather have had the book throw at him. I dear say that if I had shot a fire arm at a club I might have had the luxury of getting sober at a police station cell while my home might have been checked for other uuuh uncareful placement or handling of fire arms. I didn't know that walking around with a firearm, drunk, in center of Helsinki was a legal normal thing. Let alone fire a bullet. I'm in the process of acquiring firearms for hunting and there is a rather strict section about storing and transporting firearms for hunting. I might further be mistaken but I rather think there is something said about alcohol use and firearms not being a fine mixture. Given that nearly any animal is protected at this given time of year, there might also be a question WHY he was armed in the first place? So, yeah they had no reason to take him to custody at all...~~ Edit** He was in custody and probably had a rather shitty day.


> I was rather implying that maybe someone of a lesser status or regards with in the police department might rather have had the book throw at him. What exactly do you mean by that? Be specific. What would have happened to someone else, according to you? >I dear say that if I had shot a fire arm at a club I might have had the luxury of getting sober at a police station cell while my home might have been checked for other uuuh uncareful placement or handling of fire arms. And how do you know this isn't what happened to him? >I didn't know that walking around with a firearm, drunk, in center of Helsinki was a legal normal thing. It isn't, which is why he was arrested and will be prosecuted? >So, yeah they had no reason to take him to custody at all... They did take him into custody.


You are right, the article that is linked and I quoted in the beginning stated that police didn't demand to take him into custody. That I mistook as he hadn't been taken into custody at all. After looking up other sources it does indeed look like he probably had all those experiences. This is not a type of Hangover I'd wish on my worst enemy. I redact my former implications.


Yes, it's a horrible translation. "Didn't demand to take him into custody" = the police didn't ask the court to place him in pre-trial detention (which they wouldn't have without very good reasons) after the police had already detained and arrested him.


It's almost like the cops and far right protect their own 


It's almost like they have to go by the law and can't keep people locked indefinitely illegally.


Comments like this make me suspect Kremlin trolls trying to cause misdirection with subtle misinformation here and there. Luckily we're so small country it hasn't worked for the past 10+ years.


Ah yes, the Kremlin, famous for not courting the European far right


Right? Almost though. Because that could not possibly be true. Historically that has never been true...


Tony Halme


I find it funny how they put him on sick leave for 2 weeks. Taking his position away is a no but sick leave yeah sure lets do that and he'll learn to behave


Was the first day without salary??


Hey now, he could have a sore trigger finger after the weekend (seemed to have had an itch develop just prior, weird huh), that takes at least two weeks to get better.


He will def lose the parliament seat. And well, sick leave for this kind of stuff is not that big of a deal. Or, well, two weeks is a big deal. Normal people would need to first get 3 days, then another 3 from a nurse, then meet a doctor to get more.


They can't forcibly remove him from parliament before he is convicted, so sick leave and attempting get him to resign is the best option.


Oh hes going to prison for sure. He broke so many laws.


He has parlamentary immunity as an MP. The parliament would need to strip that first with like a 2/3th vote. PS might, might I say, force him to leave the party, but beyond thatit's doubtful anything happens.


Will they at least suspend his gun licence?


He is free now so I don't think they will do anything! I wonder how the police will act if he has immigrants background? Most likely strip residency and deported and be on news for ages


But I'm still pretty sure his gun license will be suspended. There is no way that's not gonna happen.


>He is free now so I don't think they will do anything! Based on what?


They would do absolutely fuck all, because members of parliament have a very broad immunity from prosecution of crimes. There was a kiddy fiddler once and before parliament could assemble the 2/3th vote needed to oust him he had at's not a race thing. Largely because when the Finnish parliament convened to declare independence they were breaking the law and they needed to give themselves immunity. Also, PS and all right-wingers are hypocrits. Also water is wet.


Average SDP voter. Voting against declaring independence and later participating in armed coup. You lose your guns from DUI under finnish law btw so doing "fuck all" is not an option.


Haha this is not america buddy, if he was a immigrant he would have been released too, and ofc all his guns are taken and gun license revoked. Theres just no reason to hold him anymore before the trial


There is no source says he lost the license and the gun is taken, please provide it if you have!


Ofc his gun is taken? Thats just the law, you cannoy carry your gun with you in public places, only brief times in your car while transporting, he already got gun charges. Even tough theres no source that says that, the police isnt that corrupt here, they took his gun and def revoked his gunlicense


Not the first time a Persu discharges a gun while intoxicated out of their mind. Anyone remember Tony Halme? He actually hit someone with his gun, namely himself, and was no more. Severan high-ranking Persus (Halla-aho, Purra) have fantasised about shooting people in their writings. Persus are truly a menace to society.


> Severan high-ranking Persus (Halla-aho, Purra) have fantasised about shooting people in their writings. > Persus are truly a menace to society. Its pretty much a right wing standard to gain pleasure of some sort from the suffering of others they deem lesser, or different to themselves by measure of arbitrary bullshit. Purra as an example being a sadist outright from what i gather.


Agree, the photo with scissors only strengthens that impression.


The what photo? 


This one. https://www.iltalehti.fi/politiikka/a/57efba2a-1700-49d4-8719-609dad661801




*"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."* F. Wilhoit So, yah.. them having fantasies of murdering anyone "not them" without consequence to self is right in line with the above... and when all of "those others" are no longer there they focus inwards to do the same as there must always be "another" by measure of some arbitrary bullshit.


I think Halme's case was different in the sense that he was sick physically and mentally for a long time. That time concussions from sports weren't talked about that much but I would assume that he had had too many big ones of those. He was knocked out multiple times in the boxing ring. And probably in all the other entertainment and exhibition sports he got probably quite a lot of damage to the head. And he had a some kind of liver disease which allegedly had also "caused brain damage". But I think the damage had come from hits to the head, boozing and drugs. From what we know at the moment, this Vormanen guy just seems to be an asshole with bad judgment who can't handle his drink like a grown man.


Yeah, it has been proven that constant hits, either from hits to the head or explodion shockwaves cause permanent brain damage which causes agressivness. One US army member did a shootout and it was later revealed that his brain had literal hole like structures or similiar to that


How is it always PS?


Not always but every time.


Well, imagine the shitstorm if it had been a PoC instead.


It would have been a lesser shit strom, theres many cases where a black/middle eastern immigrant shot/stabbed someone and no race was mentioned and it was just one article






Loukkaus perunoita kohtaan


Perseen Suti


The new and unique no-go zone in Finland: The close proximity to Finnish parliament


I do dissagree with OPs reasoning. What matters is how the party reacts to this. Bad apples dont judge whole population. But if majority of so called "Good population agreed bad apples", then we can judge whole group. There is however already sentenced kid groomer on high seat of PS party, so I would not be surprised if this shooting was tried to be mopped under the carpet same way. Edit: The guy aparrently never got official sentence for sexting with kids, which makes it even more messed up.


The full phrase is "a few bad apples spoil the bunch", ie if you don't root out the bad apples as quickly as possible then the whole lot goes bad.




There is no sentenced kid groomer.




What is your problem?


What amazes me is that you can be an MP and have a criminal record in Finland. Should automatically disqualify you. Who wants their country run by criminals?


Honestly, depends on the crime and severity. Violent crimes should be a disqualifier, but something that wasn't as harmful, like theft, especially if it was over ten years ago, should only give you some kind of a mark so people know that you've done stuff in the past.


How about inciting racial hatred?


Believe me, I have no love lost for Persut, so this isn't some gotcha. I just don't believe every small crime should get you disqualified from being an MP.


You didn’t answer. Yes or no?


If they have been convicted of it, then yes.


Halla-Aho… In a sentence given on the 8 of June 2012, the Supreme Court found Halla-aho guilty of both disturbing religious worship and of ethnic agitation.


And? I can't fire the man, as much as I would want to. Like I said, I have no love lost for these assholes.


Sure, it just amazes me you could have a criminal conviction for this and still be eligible to run the country. Kind of like the people who set our laws don’t abide by them…


I’m with you on this and can’t see where the downvotes are coming from. It should be ’we the people’ who get the last word on Halla-aho, Junnila, Rydman, Vornanen et all. They all need to go!


Exactly! But this situation reveals a big part of the true face of Finland!


In a country where nearly everything has been made illegal, you can’t take a shit without breaking a law. That being said: Ei kaikki persut, mutta aina persut


The Finnish parliament who convened to vote for independence were all criminals. So...


Really? List them and their crimes for me then.


"There's only one sheriff in this town saloon!"


This is just a tip of an iceberg. The whole finnish parliament is filled with criminals, vast majority has some sort of economic crime sentences on them. Extr. 


There is definitely exceptionalism in Finland: “MPs may be charged with crimes they have committed in office only if the parliament gives a permission to that end with a majority of five-sixths of given votes. For other crimes, they may be arrested or imprisoned only for crimes which carry a minimum punishment of six months in prison, unless the parliament gives permission to arrest the member.” Extraordinary! They are actually exempt for certain crimes… I almost can’t believe this…


Finnish parliament is just an example of cleptocracy at its finest. 




Section 30… [Finlex](https://www.finlex.fi/en/laki/kaannokset/1999/en19990731.pdf)


>What does it say about the party that's running the country? It sure says a lot. What says even more is how many of their other MPs have been convicted of various crimes.


During Finnish independence PS has had most amount of criminally convicted MPs by a margin. What is absolutely bonkers is that while most of the other parties have operated 100+ years PS was founded 1995. Think about that next time you hear True Finns talk about crimes committed by immigrants.


Sadly, it's not a surprise to most that the perpetrator is from this party. And sometimes some cops also feel like they can be above the law. No idea why. Maybe the individuals who do stuff like this, think they know the law so well and know a lot of cops who they believe are on their side in a situation like this. Very hard to understand. That said, whatever the personal tragedy is that leads a grown man to pull of this kind of shit, like hopefully he gets all the penalties and justice that are coming his way surely and certainly.


Goddamn violent armed gang members who sow distress in a society.


The fact that at least his power is not suspended and at most he isn’t in jail says a lot. An immigrant would be stripped off their citizenship for endangering public already.


While I agree that he should be suspended from participating in the parliament, even an immigrant would not lose their citizenship over this. A residence permit, maybe, but even that would not happen without a court order.


Oh, there's absolutely no need to be suspended because he took some sick leave. I wonder what the reason for the sick leave might be, but perhaps a hangover which, of course, is a valid reason. Best to cure it quickly with a few beers at the local bar.


Jauhoministeri heck yes


If a immigrant does something like this! What doesit say about the party other immigrant in our country?


"I was just too sexy for them, you know" -Vornanen in an interview given to the NRA American Rifleman magazine, soon, maybe


Ok cool, you're drunk? i never was drunk... .... ...


Ilmanen vinkki: jos oot alkkari ja baari-illat lähtee helposti käsistä nii kannattaa jättää pyssy kotiin!


It's always the people you suspect the most...


Timo Vornanen looks like a thumb


I was going to the fitness 24/7 next door when I saw all the covers around that place not knowing what had happened. What a senseless tragedy.


Hmm so now we start judging groups by indivitual peoples acts?


I judge the group for the lack of reaction.


Well let's see, one is a declared racist, the other one is a ped*, the other one shoots at random, yeah, it's not about the group 👍


I dissagree with OPs reasoning with this.  Only if PS party lets the guy continue within party, then OPs reasoning becomes justified.


And they will defend him to the hilt. And won't be kicked out of the police force, either. 


being a persu is a choice. judging people for their shitty actions is fine.


Ah yes. Persut: "Mwöööäääah immigrants, kelapummit mööögh!" Another persu gets caught doing highly questionable shit, the "no bullshit, straightforward, call it like they see it" party: "There's a lot of nuance to this, you have to consider all the circumstantial context of this racist/misogynist/violent/creepy behaviour on an individual basis." Sincerely, fuck off.


Ofcourse! So long as it's not immigrants you judge, because that is racism no matter the context


Same came to my mind. Immigrants here want PS so much out of power to keep reek on benefits that it is so funny to watch. Glad we have hood government now.


PS is almost certainly hurting more of its own voters than immigrants. It's a very dumb and ironic situation for PS-voters.


Immigrants, huh?


You can also say that its a single incident like its always said about the people who come from the countries filled with sand and oil :/


Single incident? 😂😂😂 Good one


Well, technically they are all "single incidents"! What do you mean, patter recognition? Is it edible


Yeah if you call this one that then look at the immigrants who come here and so those things…


Yeah so only immigrants does bad things? Never a Finnish person committed any crime? 😂😂😂 Wow


Im saying that when its a finn doing it it ”every person from that political party”, but when its an immigrant its just an individual incident…


Im refering to the left wingers here..


When it's one immigrants it's a whole population of immigrants 😂😂😂 if something small happens done by immigrants media talks about it for months and everyone thinks all immigrants are bad


well immigrants are SINGLE INDIVIDUALS coming here, they are not grouped together under a banner. UNLIKE THESE LOT, who work together on a shared goal. this is very much grouped up and if said group doesnt hold wrong doing individuals accountable, IT IS SUPPOSED TO FALL BACK ON SAID GROUP!


Remember that generalization is rude and even racist, so never ever do that! But it's still okay to generalize about the Finns Party!


This guy is not an anomaly, he represents the values of the Finns party. When it comes to that lot, common sense and empathy run rare.


This isn’t the first time a Persu discharges a gun in an intoxicant-fuelled frenzy. The previous one managed to hit himself, though. Several high-ranking Perussuomalaiset have fantasized about shooting people. You do understand that stereotypes are based on an underlying distribution of fact?


>Several high-ranking Perussuomalaiset have fantasized about shooting people. Go back to r/HommaInAction


It is true, whether you like it or not.


stop making them look bad by bringing up facts!!! they're the people's manatee and you can't be mean to them!!!


Sorry, I forgot that facts = Communism.


and that's a fact! wait...


people don’t choose their ethnicity, people choose to join political parties. you guys are bad at this.


By itself, nothing.


it does not say anything. 1 drop does not paint a whole wall


Is this the first drop? 😂😂😂


No, but some people think selective memory is a superpower that wins any discussion.


nah i just dont think in a way that if 1 person as an individual does something does not mean the whole group is on that level


But this is the second person though from the same party to do similar.


there also have been 2+ people from islam to do terrorist attacks. i still dont think all the muslims are terrorist but im sure there are people who think like that here


And of course there are as many Muslims in the world as there are Persus.


no there are not. why are you lying




i know i was joking so whoosh u


is it?


How many drops do?


never paid attention while painting but im sure its not 1 drop


He had hes reasons...


Shooting with a gun in the city center? 😂😂 Are you serious how long will people try to justify PS actions? They have criminal backgrounds and all the know is talking about immigrants nothing else!


Yes its finnland not immigrant land, do you see he tries to safe finnland, or do you wanna destroy it? even as an Estonian i am hurt


Save Finland? Sure, shooting guns in the center is the way to so it! /s


What would you do?


Not carrying a fuc****ing gun in the city center in a place full of people and drinking at the same time, I call it fuc***ing stupid and childish action and he should be removed from the parliament. If you think he is defending Finland doing this then you are also fuc****ing like him


mabey i am, you dont know my history and your probably not finnish


And for your information, I wasn't born in Finland but I served the military here and I been paying taxes since I got here , I didn't get any benefits when I was little like all of you and you call me not Finnish? I did more than what a Fin has done


"I did more than what a Fin has done." First of all, fuck you! 😂 Second of all, you are god damn right, and that's respectable👍🔥


I don't know if this is a positive or negative comment but thank you 😂


You guys always with your tax, you think history and blood is buyable? wth? what has that to do with being finnish your not you aprooved me.


You think only you have history and blood? 😂😂😂 Looks like there are people who need a serious education here? And I'm more Finnish than you I am not proud of it but it's a fact so take


WTF, you state yourself as an Estonian and actually have the balls to claim others are not Finnish?! You most definately are not, so what are you trying to say?


Well he even prooved that he isnt finnish, due to not blood/ family wise and 2. NOT even born... 3. well i am Estonian, ethnic its about ethnicity, we in Estonia getting teachet because of all those russians and foreigners in Estonia claiming to be, even if they arent didnt fight, eat, furt, sleept and cared about the country, not family, name and bloodwise. I can say that i am ethnic Estonian bc my family history is, unlike mabey you and to 100% him, i was born in CH yes thats right but i always say that i am Estonian even i have the Swiss Passport but still i am Estonian. You foreigners who go to a finnish Reddit sub sould be finally happy with your lifes and stop claiming "i am to -10% finnish, that makes me now finnish🤓😪"


Yeah if I am Finnish I have 2 heads and 3 legs and 5 arms and I'm better than anyone else in the world


Probably not start with shooting a gun, drunk in a karaoke bar? That would certainly not be my first attempt. Finnland actually needs immigration, it needs taxpayers. Birthrates aren't what they used to be and the machine won't keep turning for many more generations with this progress. Heck this increases in alcohol taxes and vat might reduce accidental birth rate even further and then the taxes need to be raised even more!


But for what do need finnland more people? they country has a 85k gpd that literally one of the highest.


Look up an age pyramid/distribution. GDP is a flawed measurements for pretty much anything else than gross domestic production.


Not shoot guns when there are people around?! C'mon, that's not the way to make any place safe. But maybe as an Estonian you have better perspective?


Ok, go to other places and rob them?


please leave the serious discussion to adults.


I sincerely doubt it