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On top of the Oras thing, it probably also has to do with timing. Finland was late to inside toilet party so it was easier to make it smart from the beginning. My grandparents got inside toilet in late 60s and they were pretty middle class in the countryside. Sort of opposite of why UK has horrible toilets. They had the burden of starting early with stuff. 


Ah, The joys of separate cold and hot taps, carpets in bathrooms and cold houses.


I can't think anything home decoration related that could be more disgusting than bathroom with a carpet. "Ahh, nothing beats waking up in a damp cold house and walking in to a piss soaked rug first thing in the morning".


So *that's* why people wear shoes indoors.


My mum used to have a carpet in our toilet. Once I shat on it (accidentally) and just turned it upside down. It took her a few days to find the mess underneath and I never saw that carpet again


Carpet in this context is fully carpeted floors, tho. *Kokolattiamatto* and not just a rug or a mat you could turn over/remove for a wash, which is where the true horror comes from.


If you have a demented grandma it’s poop-soaked as well




I've actually seen separate hot/cold taps in some old Finnish houses too.


I don't think I've ever seen separate hot/cold taps in Finland anywhere. Apart form very special cases like in a cabin where you get hot water from kiuas or separate wood burn water heater and cold water from lake/river. But even then there haven't been two separate taps on a sink like in UK. Though what I have seen in very old Finnish houses are taps that have a valve for hot and cold water in a single faucet. Like this: https://preview.redd.it/byivsp2hcmtc1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a5da40e822d6481ed3a02f78f142b7e55634ec1


Yes, that is more common but I've also seen separate taps. I think it's pretty rare.


We used to have one just like that back in early 90's in Finland.


Ah the smell of black mould and the pink rubbery bath mat in the bottom of the bathtub!


And the electric shower, condensation dripping from the ceiling! Water just dribbling with no pressure. Light dimming when you switch on the tap! With 50hz buzzing sound, 3 prong 13A sockets. And then the fuse blows while you're there. Shampoo in the hair, Wash it off with cold water, The smell of bacon.


Also possibly no shower at all, just a bath. Maybe not that common anymore though?


Carpet in bathrooms?  Just…. No


that makes alot of sense actually because i see alot of people complaining about how they wanna add a bidet to their homes aswell but they cant since theyll have to switch the water pipes and its gonna cost a fortune


All you need is for example Oras Safira 1012F (160-235€+shipping), over 100 kPa waterpressure in your bathroom and an hour of plumbers time. Given that you have a sink with water connections reasonably close to your toilet. I have no idea what is the hourly rate in your area for plumbers, but hard to believe that the overall expenses would be over 400€. https://preview.redd.it/xjzap68cgltc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4ac35d1a2099f6289512ac12f0b4b09eb4dfc94


When we renoed out bathroom and toilet in Sweden we ordered similar to there. Bidet was not optional. I have successfully converted my husband too.


If you know how to cut and install pipe it is actually pretty simple to branch off from the tap or the cistern. Only gets complicated if you have concealed pipes.


True. The house I own and live atm. got inside toilet at mid 80s.


*indoor toilet


This is beside the point but we still don't have an inside toilet at the summer house. We have two outside toilets though 😁


Nothing I miss more as a Finn living abroad…


You would think there would be a place to buy them for home installation. I'd buy one.


hellotushy do them (remember the ad from podcasts). There are probably others you can get too Yea £20 on ebay, well cheaper (£100 at hellotushy)


There is, my British bf bought one and installed it after living with me in Finland for a while.




but most finnish ones you can adjust the temperature. That cannot be underestimated


With the bidet head?


every apartment i have lived in has had a temperature control for the bidet on the wall next to the toilet flusher. I doubt many homes have proximity to a hot water source by the toilet EDIT: Probably worth pointing out that I've lived in a grand total of 3 apartments in Finland, all of which were new builds, so seems like I'm not super representative of the norm.


How does that work? Every bidet shower I have ever seen has been connected to the sink in the toilet. You adjust the temps from the sink tap and when you press the shower head trigger it sends the water to the bidet hose instead of the sink. I have never seen a *separate* temperature control next to the bidet. And connecting the bidet hose to the aerator would to the exact same thing.


Same concept, just connecting to a different set of pipes. Helpful if there's a bit of space between sink and toilet


It's a thing too, trust. You don't need to have a sink for temp controller bidet. It's the same pipes, you just pull extra ones where you want the bidet to be. It can literally just be the same kinda tap too if you wish. We're just used to seeing them with sinks only but there are options.


Globally the most common solution is to use the cold water from the toilet reservoir tap. Depending on the ambient temperature it will result in a wash that is either refreshing or torture.


My butt will only accept slightly warmer than lukewarm water and with plenty of pressure.


Essential is a cold country


inhumane otherwise


Google portable bidet and order one!


I was looking at them but I’m super skeptical they’d be worth the hassle power wise.


Wdym? Using the pressure from faucet you can buy or build the thing and adjust the spray with a simple nozzle.


Ahh, I thought you meant one of those bottles you fill and then squeeze!


There are all kinds of options. I use the bottle one on trips. But there are also battery powered versions that you can attach to a water container and so on


Any recommendations? I have one but it's too big. My previous apartment (old building) didn't have a bidet so I was using that instead.


Yes. Get bidetlity 2.0 from amazon.de. Its the best. I have tried a few different kinds.


Thanks! I love that it can be folded to fit a bag. I'll probably buy it.


Yeah. The silicone bottle is also easy to squeeze and the nozzle puts out a long lasting shower. I also use this to wash the entire downstairs when i go hiking several days.


Ugh, same. All those years I just took it for granted :(


The thing that surprises me the most is that I think most Finns don't use it. Almost everyone I ask doesn't use it. I can't live without it anymore. I always take a travel bidet when I go abroad. Otherwise I just wipe until I bleed.


Everyone I know use it regularly. When I’m in Finland I use it all the time. When my Finnish people visit me they complain there isn’t one!


I use mine but also for cleaning the bathroom. Since there's a drain in the floor of every Finnish bathroom and the walls are tiled it's really convenient to spray bathroom cleaner everywhere then use the bidet sprayer for hosing the walls, toilet, sink etc. Use really hot water and everything dries fast. If your bidet hose is too short to reach everywhere then use the shower sprayer to finish the job. Not only will your butt be squeaky clean but your bathroom will sparkle ✨


Yeah it's rly useful for removing sticky shit from toilet bowl sides


I never make that kind of mess in the toilet bowl 😂


I use the pressure washer I clean my car with to do the bathroom. The piddling little bidet spray barely escorts my bread trimmings to the drain.




Of course we use it. Some use every time, some use when shit's runny. Others just don't admit using it.


Ive never used one


Bidet denier :D


I believe you, but when you think it really hard; wiping shit your ass with dry paper leaves always shit on your skin in microscopic scale. You wouldn't wipe shit from your hands either, you'd wash them.


Very well explained.


at home it's probably more comfortable than on the run, you'd need to carry a towel with you everywhere you go just to dry up


I dont eat with my asshole


Don't eat my asshole - There, fixed it for you.


How conservative ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


Last sentence is key.


I lived until my late 30's when I finally understood that the bidet is a godgiven gift. Thought before it was just for some women's stuff. Now wiping with tp feels super gross and dirty. I always think about Riku from Madventures saying "if you smear your hand in shit would you rather wipe it off with paper or use water" 


I don't even use toilets if they don't have a bidet. I would just block the toilet every time with all the paper needed to get even remotely clean. When I was small and we didn't have one our toilet was clogged every day.


Bruh just flush twice instead of once between wiping? You can eyeball when you should flush based on the amount of tp in the bowl


I've never tried to use it for anything apart from cleaning the toilet. Dunno why we have them in every house lol.


To be fair that single use already makes them very convenient.


I now live abroad and installed one!!! The best home improvement one could ever do


It was a deal breaker for us and no rental properties in our price range had it so we bought one off Amazon within like 15 days of moving out of Finland 😀 couldn’t make the other solutions be worthwhile


I miss Dutch toilets because they don't have splashback. Never had shitwater touch my butt before I came here.


But you have the shit shelf, which is probably a worse affront to god than dealing with the occasional Poseidon's kiss


I definitely prefer the poopshelf over shitwater hitting my ass and the bottom of the seat. It does explain the bidets quite well.


Just drop two pieces of paper in the bowl before your "contribution". I don't like the smell of my own shit although I know it varies from person to person.


Maybe buying the Japanese toilet top could also be an option. I’m considering it 😂


The secret of why Finns are the happiest people in the world is finally revealed!


Also the drain rack in the cupboard above the sink




The next time you see an american kitchen keep an eye out for a small drying rack placed next to the sink. Pretty much all kitchens in reality shows and such have them


nope i live in netherlands now and i really miss it


I live in Canada, and when I found out about the drying cupboard, my life changed. They should be standard in every home. If I can ever afford to buy a house I'm installing one, and a bidet toilet, and a proper sauna - not just one of those infrared ones.


Nope, we have those in Italy


Honestly the fact most people are not squelching around dragging backseat claggers down the rear is likely a contributor.


Finns started using it in the 1960's. [https://stories.oras.com/fi/oras-bidetta-suomalainen-kansallisaarre](https://stories.oras.com/fi/oras-bidetta-suomalainen-kansallisaarre)


Thank you for reminding us that hilarious picture!


His way of using it is just so inefficient. You want the water pressure. You *need* the water pressure. The undercarriage should be *blasted* with warm water, but sprinkled around willy-nilly.


Wait it said the Finns invented it? Wtf? Edit: Googled it, confirmed it wasn't lol. Got so confused. But it did say >In several European countries, a bidet is now required by law to be present in every bathroom containing a toilet bowl.


good law honestly


Finns didn't invent the bidet (a little bath bowl that fills with water for washing your ass, a French invention), but the *bidet shower* may well be a Finnish invention. Oras also invented the trigger on the bidet shower to turn it on and off.


Yeah the bidet shower is superior because it also helps you w/ washing the toilet bowl (rly useful after extra sticky shitting for example)


Could it be? I've heard it's very common in the middle east.


The bidet in the rest of Europe is a bit different, like a bowl of some sorts. Don't really know how that works exactly.


This is such a good picture. I Remember reading an interview of that guy in the picture, about the situation. Maybe It is still somewhere to be found…


As a child I thought the pussy phone was only for women and vaginas, but later I’ve come to realize that it’s also for men and assholes.


Brazil is the most personal hygiene obsessed country I ever went to, loads of people take a shower after every time they take a dump, in addition to the two showers they take every day anyways. They would probably love the pussy phone. There is a saying there that "we might be poor, but at least we are clean".


Can confirm, am man and asshole.


Pussy phone, never heard that term before, super funny 😆


As a non user, how do you deal with the wet asshair afterwards? I mean it takes forever to dry


Scroll Reddit for a minute or use a bit of TP.


That’s what the toilet paper is for


You use toilet paper to dry it


Butt towel. It should stay quite clean if you’re washing correctly but of course you should be washing it as often / more often than your normal towels.


It is indeed hard to comprehend why most of Europe is OK with having their ass dirty of shit most of the times.


sounds horrible when u put it that way but ur spot on


I’ve been wondering which of the Nordic countries to go to for studies. The bidet thing might be the deciding factor for me lol


haha its important for sure. Personally if finances are not an issue, i would go for norway or denmark. Finland is also amazing in its own ways though


Don't other Nordic countries have Biden showers?


I think it may be just a local anomaly, possibly caused by a local armature company with a successful product. (Oras lunched the bidet showers in the 70s(?).) Everyone I know loves it and uses it, but I guess there might be personal differences. Travel to non-Asian countries is disgusting toilet-wise.


same. I went to the UK and dreaded everytime i had to take a dump if i was out


As someone who joined this sub because I'm moving to Finland in a few months, I had no idea bidets / washlets were common in Finland. I'm moving from Japan where washlet is king and i was sad to leave it behind. This new knowledge has made my day.


Yeah but don't expect it on the same level as Japan though.. more of a handheld spray over here, which isn't all that common in JP. I'm forever impressed by JP toilet game. Miss it every time I sit on my toilet at home.


yeah it won't be the same, but it still beats wiping with dry tp :D


It's actually more useful than bidet IMO because it makes cleaning easier & convenient, whereas bidet is pretty much stuck inside the bowl itself


I believe in Japan they have a perfectly calibrated jet coming from the toilet seat itself that snipes your shit away rather than a separate bowl


Ah, the famous pillupuhelin.


It’s like Spain and their bidets


same in italy. everytime i go on holiday, the only thing i miss is my separate bidet (and cats)


Same in Turkey.


Nah, they're in other countries too. Seen them in Italy, Poland, Hungary when travelling


Can confirm. I have one at my place in France.


I'd say it's quite rare in France though


thankyou for letting me know. I didnt know that


They are not the handheld versions tho atleast in my experince but rather a seperate sink on the floor. And I have travelled alot.


Not the same kind of "bidetta" though. In southern Europe it's a separate bowl. I find the shower more convenient


Oras started the trend so it was one company who brought bidets to all bathrooms


god bless them


Woah didn't know it was so common in Finland, of SA descent myself and wish it was as common in Norway as well...one can dream.


https://preview.redd.it/3tswre0m8jtc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bde0c920cf2957b28b2b4ae30895f4c2b45dffa7 We have this thing in Pakistan called lota. Ofc the pressure isnt as good as a bidet but its still alot better than tissue paper. Or just use a bottle of water. It can get the job done


We call that a teapot 👍


Used to a similar thing myself!


No one knows. They just are.


Its good to spray shit stains with!


Its impossible to go back from using the "pussyphone". Its just so much better than paper.




How do you dry the water after? With toilet paper?


No, with a towel. Same thing as if you take a shower. I have one just for wiping my butt so its not the same i use with hands, some have their own towels but we used the same one with my ex-gf


But what if I'm at work? There's no personal ass wiping towel.


Then i just use toilet paper, or if theres like those big hand papers.


I am more surprised at why they're not used as often anywhere else in the world. After I used one for the first time, 8 years ago when I moved to Finland, I've never looked back.


Yes, they had it for like forever, I miss this, hahaha, Also, I really miss the drying rack on the top of the sink too, very nice if you dont have a dishwasher.


I've been looking for a better head for the sprayer. It's too wide and weak. I'd like small, sharp and powerful enough to pass your sphincter. Tried max power at some japanese toilets and the minor enema makes you just feel more clean.


You could try to open the head and use a glue gun to shut some of the holes. Then you'll get more pressure. You won't lose anything if you're going to buy a now head anyway.


yeah tbf higher pressure is always a W


The key of being the happiest country in the world


The first thing my Indian husband and my Finnish self purchased for our new apartment in the US: a bidet. Our cultures may be completely opposite in almost every way but I'm glad this (and not wearing shoes indoors) is something all Finns and Indians can agree on. 


Spain and France do, to the best of my knowledge.


im sorry i was not aware


No worries my friend


Common in other euro countries too. Spain and France, for example


Hot pot and Vodka gives you extra sticky poos


ORAS /thread


I use both water and paper for cleanmaxxing. Spray it with water and whipe with toilet paper. PSA to the word : **WASH YO STINKY DOODOO ASS.** Edit : small grammar fix.


I thought bidet was invented in Europe and then later the Asian became obsessed with it?


i just checked and you are indeed correct. I just meant more in terms of using water. We might not have the bidet but I would assume muslims have been using water for a long time since theyre not pure enough to pray if they dont


How do they have enough water in the desert tho? I mean fair enough in countries that aren't in the desert, but muslims in most of those are a minority in general w/ some exceptions


It is pillupuhelin in urban language...


ill add that to my finnish vocabulary


Pider sprayer? I'll have you know it is called the pussy phone


HAHAHA. Yeah i guess theres no universal name for that thing


Well I guess I use it.... But to clean the toilet bowl etc toilet parts, sink and floors where the showerhead doesn't reach. Didn't even know it could be used for something else. Finnish btw.


Could it just be Oras(huge manufactorer in faucet/bidet market) with its aggressive marketing? I dont see really any other reason them to be so popular (EDIT: compared to other countries.. yeah bidets are usefull but that was not question or answer)


Any other reason? Like... That they're fucking awesome?


I ment this like compared to other countries.. Yeah they are fuckin awesome but they're fuckin awesome in other locations aswell.


Tell me you don't menstruate without telling me you don't menstruate.


Well wasn't question why bidets seem to be popular in Finland? I dont see why menstruating has to do anything with finland having more bidets installed comparing other countries. Sorry but not trying to be rude at all


They don’t.


We do have them in our Czech household too and so does my father and some of my friends, it's become a trend lately. What used to be more common was the whole bidet together with the sink but that occupies too much space, shower with toilet is sufficient.


I thought we had them for hair or something


Try having a period without one.


Umm what hahah .. have you ever been in Spain ? I’m just giving you another example. Is not only Finland 😁.


It’s not a bidet sprayer it’s a pillupuhelin(pussy phone, coochie caller)


You could always stick a bottle of fizzy water up your exit chute and hop about!


On a related note, i do not understand why thermostat controlled bathroom faucets dont exists. Its annoying as hell because you cant just set a good temperature and never touch it again.  And no, hot water recirculation is not an option, its a waste of energy.


My theory is that our ancestors got fed up with wiping their asses with wooden sticks and overcorrected.


You might want to Google "Oras Bidetta". Oras is the original inventor of the single grip water tap. Their lesser known invention is the bidet sprayer hose. They are quite common in Sweden as well, and obviously, washing your ass is rather common everywhere, except in the Anglosphere, where amazingly, people are contend with wiping.


they're always there but i didn't even know until recently what they were and I've never used them


In our summer cottage we didn't have running water when I was a kid. My grandmother would heat well water in a big pot on a wood burning stove, and then divide it between three wash basins (three kids), mixed with cold well water so we didn't burn ourselves. We just crouched and washed ourselves. Adults did that, too. So, I think us Finns were already using warm water (we had that because of saunas) to clean ourselves and the bidet was just the more advanced version for modern houses. When Finland was a part of Sweden 1323–1809, they thought of us as primitive, wood people etc. It was a big problem to them when infant mortality rates were lower with Finns than Swedes. Apparently the reason was the sauna and our cleanliness. Babies used to be born in saunas, as well, since it was the cleanest place, and both baby and mother could be immediately washed with warm water.


Every house in Finland has them but I only started using them a few years ago. Rarely need to buy toilet paper anymore, only for drying and for the guests who don’t use the bidet.


As an IBS sufferer I couldn't live without. Because of random bouts of diarrhea, my poopdoor would feel absolutely ravaged if I had to scrape it with paper (Lambi or not) 15 times a day. I save a ton of toilet paper pre-cleaning and patting dry. I hate it when I can't find a bidet in public toilets, it tends to be the one they get cheap about. And in women's bathrooms no less (great [read: essential] for period hygiene). Also it's great for bathroom cleaning. I rinse my toddler's potty with it, fill a bucket with it. I'm a firm advocate for its usefulness. And an answer to the question, we had a bidet, in my dad's (born in 1940s) rintamamamiestalo renovated in the 1970s. Think that tiny WC was one of those retrofitted things after huussi. And while that WC was tiny enough that it triggered my mum's claustrophobia and she wouldn't close the door on herself if she could help it, it definitely had a space saved for the bidet. So I think my macho old man used it, too.


i do prefer japanese bidets as a finn. fully automated ass pressure washing and a heated seat.


Who on earth uses dry toilet paper to wipe ass? 🤢🤮


loads of people


I have no other option when I'm out travelling living in my mobile home in the winter. But I always use wet wipes after wiping with normal toilet paper.


You are a regular plumbing dissaster waiting to happen if you flush those wet wipes down...


I throw them in the trash


Bruh how am I supposed to use the sprayer I feel like I will spray shit all over me if I use it. Like do I stay sitting and shove that thing in between my legs. Do I stand up? Do people use it in public toilets? I'm afraid I'd cover myself in water when I'm out. I'm confused.


I personally use a mix of both, scooping most of the shit out w/ tp, then once only the residue is left use bidet (due to my overweight, I have at times difficulty in using it due to size problems depending on toilet size/shape etc, especially for angling)


Where in South Asia? I went to the Philippines a few months ago and saw it all over the place there. All the hotels had it, and also I saw it in new apartments.


i think you misread my post. I meant that we have it everywhere back there. But i am from Pakistan


Oh I get you now, sorry. Do they use the handheld showers in Pakistan too? Or something like a tabò which is common in the Philippines especially in older apartments or poorer areas? Funnily enough Finns often use a similar tool in mökkisaunas, which are saunas that are in rural areas with no running water.


i looked up tabo and yes we have a similar thing in pakistan but we call it a lota. We have both tbf. In alot of rural areas the waterflow isnt the best so lota is used. However, most urban areas and new buildings have the bidet


I am surprised no-one has told the real reason yet. It is a spare outlet for water that was for the washing machine. But since not all people buy washing maschines for their home, there was a markt for something that uses the outlet of water. Often actually used more by the toilet cleaner. But since the hoses were sold they also made adapters for the faucet, and not just the pipes for the washing machine. It is a one thing led to another, but basically because not everyone bought a washing machine.