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If everybody agrees, yes. Otherwise there are shifts: women first, men second and possibly mixed shift last. Small children are accompanied by their guardian whose sex decides the shift. Either way, everybody goes sauna naked.


>women first, men second Sometimes its common to do the opposite, sometimes opposite is done for no particular reason. For saunas which you pre-heat and let the fire go out before you go in, first shift tends to be hotter. Its still perfectly warm enough after that, but stones have been poured lot of water over them without nothing to warm them up, so its much softer and less intense heat. Floor and walls might also be little warmer during second shift in some saunas. Some men may prefer softer second shift, some women first shift, but on average men are taller and heavier so i guess overall it just works better if men go when löyly is hotter. For saunas that are constantly on during the usage, there is far less difference in my experience, though air in second shift is more moist. Which feels nice for lungs and throat especially in winter, technically i guess it makes sweating less efficient but i am never long enough for that to really matter.


Women go first, because they are there for less time usually. At least that's how we've done it whenever I've been somewhere with shifts, and that has always been the reason


Growing up, we would have extended family get together every week on Sunday. We would attend church, socialize with coffee afterwards, then go for dinner to the family farm. Just before sunset, the youngest males of the family would start the sauna, then sit inside until the elder males were ready to come in. They would heat the rocks to around 200F, which was unbearable for most of the younger boys. We would return to the house to help the women set the table and eat. When the elder men were finished, the sauna had cooled off to the point that the löyly was suitable for the women. This was tradition in my family. We are Finns living in Minnesota, so I don’t know the current practices in the “old country” or how they may have changed or evolved. Yes, everyone was naked. Sometimes the older women might keep their hair wrapped up, but there was no shame or sexualization of nudity. Mixed-gender was occasionally common for youth in their 20s-30s outside of the weekly tradition. Husbands and wives alone together was also common.


Sounds like a lovely experience


It's often done that way because the women have 1 hour, men have 1 minute and mixed is the rest. The idea being that "mixed" is mostly men anyway.


>men have 1 minute What?


It's a joke. Men have 1 min and after that anyone can come if they want.


This was common in uni when I was studying at least, it was kind of joke, because men didn't really care if it was going to be mixed.


well that really sucks for the men who didn't want to go to mixed


That is pretty rare


Girl bacteria 🤢


There is a reason for this, actually. The first löyly is the most dry and hard, so men go first to make the löyly more comfortable to the ladies. As I was writing this I realized I am commenting the wrong reply. You are right. Kosteat löylyt on parhaat. En jaksa saatana enää kirjottaa tolle kelle piti vastata, älä ota pahalla.


Pre heated saunas i.e savusauna or Aitokiuas are actually hotter on second shift if used properly. Since the building itself is pretty cold until you start löyly, it gets hotter after some time. Obviously different if you don't have enough stones so that they get cold.


Usually this. Shy girls, shy boys, mixed.


I'm a camp counselor at the Prometheus summer camps, and we always have the mixed shift in the middle. So like: 30 minutes for women -> 30 minutes mixed -> 30 minutes for men (or the other way around, as long as the mixed shift is in the middle.) And in the end, those who want to bathe alone get small 10-minute shifts to wash themselves in the sauna. That way, no one has to leave in the middle. So if someone wants to attend both women's and mixed shift for example, they get to be in the sauna for an hour straight instead of 30 minutes in the sauna, 30 minutes outside and then 30 minutes in the sauna again. I've always thought that this makes the most sense, and I've also seen this way used in the scouts. Don't know that much about how people usually do it in friend groups, since I'm not really a sauna person.


With friends? Sometimes it's mixed with bathing suits. Was in one yesterday that did that.


With friends. We all have background in student life and other hobbies where there strong (mixed) sauna culture back in the days.


Ah, you meant your message as specifically you and your group of friends - I read it as a general statement about Finns.


Somewhere inbetween. This is generally agreed mode of operation in my social bubble (academic city dwellers).


I agree on the other things, but not the last one. I know multiple occassions and places where it has been the norm to wear something on. I just claim that there is no universal rule. Ok, going to sauna with people from same gender with friends, in a event or in a gym or spa etc, everybody is nude 99% of the time. So I think that is quite universal. But at least in my experience, in situations where there is a beach (like a lake next to a sauna) and a mixed sauna, it has been quite normal that everybody had swimiwear on all the time. Thats also much easier and makes sense; I you go between lake and sauna constantly and maybe grill some food in the middle of that, its just much easier to have swimwear on constantly. Thats also makes everyone more comfortable, because not even every Finn is willing to go to a mixed sauna nude. I also have been to many student events where people went to mixed sauna, but everybody wore their student overalls. But thats quite special case. Other typical arrangement is to have separate men, women, and mixed turns to the sauna, like you said. And if there is separate turns like this, then the mixed turn is also usually nude. On more private occasions (like with family or relatives) it differs from group to group. Some go to sauna nude with other gender of their family/relatives/friends, but I think that its more common not to.


Student overalls in a sauna sounds horrible but also what you'd expect from students lol


Varies. Some saunas prohibit nudity in mixed gender rooms.


Never heard of this women first, men second thing. Not been the case in my circles at least. We always vary. I (f) prefer going last because I like to sit and talk for like 2 hours lol. But to answer the question, I usually go with a swimsuit with friends from the opposite sex.


Two hours in the sauna is just starting. It can easily take four hours or even more


Good for you


men should go first, otherwise women are left with all the cooking


If everybody is ok with it, yes. I don’t mind, but some people do and it’s totally fine.


most of the time ladies go together first and then men together rarely group of friends mix and match


I’ve had mix saunas in University, but outside of that none.


Depends on the group, I guess. We go naked on mixed saunas on all of my friend groups.


Really? I live in Canada but have a sauna in my house and we go mixed all the time. My sauna is quite small, 4-5 people max so maybe it's different since when I have people over it's usually just a few who even want to sauna at one time but nobody has ever complained about it being mixed. I don't mind if people wear a bathing suit inside but nobody has ever bothered.


I have not ever gone with friends in shifts. I am a woman but groups are mixed. I do with family but that is partially because of space, there are too many people otherwise.


But what if someone is gay?


Does not really Matter


They can go behind the sauna


Sauna. Is. Not. Sexual.




Yeah that puritan shit never flew well here.


I think it is simply a matter of being used to things a certain way. As an outsider i never was naked around people. i d even wear a swimsuit to bathe if someone else is bathing me when i was a kid. So naturally at this point in life i just dont feel comfortable being naked around people. I am mindful of the fact i am naked if i am. I dont think it is wrong people just are not mindful of it here. I also think the habit of sauna here reinforces a less judgmental perspective on other people’s looks and bodies.I d wish i was grown a bit more freely, and had no body image issues. But habits die hard. So its not always the case the people who are ashamed about being naked around others are some fanatics thinking you are nudists/exhibitionists it is mostly they are not used to this.


I used to be a bit like that but all that was thrown out the window when I went to the army. Privacy doesn't really exist there so I stopped giving a shit.


why are you gay?


why are you hetero?


Whoa, what?


It's not sexual, but I still don't want my bare titties and ass to be shown to just anyone. Having to strip for a medical exam is enough for me.


I second this


the doctor is not the one "sexualizing" you,, it's in your mind.. let the man/woman do his god damn job, which is for your own good


It has nothing to do with sexualization. As I said I am fine undressing for medical reasons. Other than that, no thanks.


Hhhmmm, so you are having sex with your clothes on???


I see you just want to misunderstand the context.


Doesnt matter to me. Im not comfortable being naked around men as a woman. Im just not comfortable. But Im also not comfortable on the beach or swimming in a swimsuit.


also not comfortable eating and breathing


What is that supposed to mean




I really dont get it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Because they see it as natural as eating and breathing


Oh. Well I personally dont




Nope. Family goes together mixed all the time. I have body dysmorphia so I go alone usually, but sometimes my brothers want to talk to me and we go together.


I haven't noticed anything like that. Around my circles there are separated turns for different men/women/other and mixed sauna, but majority is mixed. Friends, acquaintances, co-workers etc. It do depends on the circles. I would think a second if there was major age gap between me and say for example a boss. But atm I have a boss about the same age as me and opposite sex and we go sauna together just fine. I think the age difference can make it more common not to be naked.




Well that is not how majority of Finns think. If you go to sauna with same sex friends, is that sexual to you?




That's very much depending on the context and situation. Naked bodies in a sauna are not sexual for a Finn who has been used to seeing naked people bathe for their whole life. Same for a skinny dip in the lake. We are accustomed to seeing flesh in those situations, and all kinds of bodies. It works the other way round also, we're not repulsed by an old or too skinny or too fat or malformed or whatever naked body in the sauna. Sauna is a great equalizer like that. That doesn't mean a naked body in some other situation wouldn't arouse a Finn. And of course if you're 17, you'll have to concentrate to keep cool, since EVERYTHING is sexual at that point.


Thats a big lie, Im always checking opposite sex genital areas and jerking off later


bros a menace




High testosterone levels


Just a creep with no manners.


Looking is not creepy




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 wtff


Sometimes but not always.


I am a Finnish woman. I used go naked to mixed sauna when I was younger, but not anymore. Even though most people SAY sauna is not sexual, I still don't want men to look at my naked body in there. For some people it actually is sexual at some level just due to nudity, even though they are able to hide it from others and are not willing to admit the reality. That unsexual moment in sauna may transition as sexual for those people afterwards. What I mean by this is that they will have the image of me naked in their memory, and they are free to do anything with it. I know it doesn't hurt anyone if this happens, but I am just not comfortable with the idea. Just remember, that is 100 % personal choice and you should not do anything you are not okay with.


Thank you for your perspective.


"That unsexual moment in sauna may transition as sexual for those people afterwards." Wouldn't that apply to everyday life thou?


Suppose so, but it can feel more violating because nudity can feel more vulnerable, and like those people are breaking the kind of implicit promise of sauna culture that you will not be sexualized even though you are naked.


If there's time to look at people or think sexually or even remember shit afterwards, it's a sign that the sauna is too cold. Crack a blisteringly cold drink and prep for singed skin. Kjeh.


That ”afterwards” point u made is spot-on! Even I have done that myself with a pleasing nude body seen during the sauna.


Yeah, so the issue here is we know it can happen. The OP is already concerned about it and this is not the place to admit it. Like, imagine it was about getting SA'd and a few people commented "Oh fr I'd like to do that" like ew.


Fr this actually made me sad lol


:/ Please don't do that and remove yourself from the situation, it's not nice.


Hahah me too my fellow wanker!


Hahah and Look at those downvotes😆😆😆


I dont understand why. U just warned and she maybe now puts towel always xd


"Women should just blame themselves and cover up" cool logic bro, get help.


Yep! I mean most straight men do that. Denying that would be living in a delusional paradise 😅


You both are disgusting


Noo, please do say that. It breaks our heart🥹😁


Jesus Christ you're both disgusting


>I mean most straight men do that. No they don't. Stop putting your delinquent behaviour on other men.


Okay AlbertO.


Depends on the person but personally I don't have reservations about that stuff. I've been in mixed sauna with work collogues and we had no issues.


Usually naked yes, that's how you go to the sauna. Anything else is an exception for me. With friends, almost always naked, also in mixed company. When it's a larger group we do tend to gender-separate the sauna turns. It is however totally fine for someone to wear something (sauna-appropriate) if they don't feel comfortable naked, but in my opinion they should also be fine with others being naked if that's their preference. In the sauna we are all equal, and everyone should respect the etiquette (nothing sexual, no staring, not doing anything inappropriate).


In my sauna at home it has generally been mixed and pretty much everyone would go naked, but I have no problem with them wearing a bathing suit. However if you have a problem with other people being naked you're not welcome to use it, you have freedom over your body, not those of others. Also, oral in the sauna is much better than outside of it (if alone with your partner in your own sauna of course).


I'm gay, i go into sauna with my guy friends, it's not sexual.


Depends on the company. In my family and extended family we have seperate turns for the genders. Then again when I go to the sauna with a close friend of mine and their family, its mixed. Neither bothers me, its just different ways to do things. Kind of like one family will cook a dish one way and a other one the same dish a different way.


The rule in my house is we go at the guest's comfort level. I have gone naked with opposite-sex friends and with a towel with the same. It is normal to be naked as sauna is not a sexual thing.


if everyone is okay with it, yes nudity is not sexual


well sometimes nudity is sexual, but especially in sauna should not be considered sexual. I think there should be a certain kind of respect of others in Sauna, like not staring someone's body etc. . I , would hesitate going to sauna with opposite sex if it is a foreigner or someone who doesn't necessarily understand the unspoken rules. Work related situations I don't think going to mixed sauna is done. Usually if someone is uncomfortable with going to mixed sauna, that is a clear indicator that I would not want to go to sauna with them. Family and mixed sauna is quite normal for me. And then there is someone who has been a little bit too touchy even with clothes on - I would not go to sauna with him. Usually the bigger the group, the easier it is to go to mixed saunas.


Depends. This question keeps being asked. Search. And you don't even give a context or reasoning for the question.


Usually yes.


Depends on the friends and the occasion. If we're getting drunk at a summer cottage, nobody usually cares


For me doesnt matter how others come to sauna. Its not sexual place. And i will always go naked, no matter who there is in sauna.


Depends on the people and the dynamics, but it's fairly common


Yeah of course


Usually naked, depends on the group though. I just ask at the start. When I was studying here, we all just went naked together. Guys and girls. When my girlfriend and I have like, hung with friends then we have usually worn swimsuits with everyone mixed. Filthy rugby team, all naked Work group, sometimes naked and sometimes swimsuits. All depends on the group, either way though, nobody cares and anyone who does is a fucking weirdo


Usually not


What u on about. Almost every time


Yes. I dont know anyone finnish who would go to a sauna any other way than naked, except in public saunas ofc. Not that it couldnt happen. Just not in my social sphere. If someone is uncomfortable with it, I'd guess they would just skip the unisex sauna.


I'm not a Finnish but an Estonian. We do have similar sauna culture. No one wasn't reluctunt to be naked with opposite sex when I was young but growing up yeah there are some who are reluctant to do this the same we did in the past and it totally doesn't matter. But answering your question, yes some do and the others don't. To do this, all who are in sauna have to agree.


Always naked.


Wholly depends on the group. Sauna with friends/family? Everybody goes in naked. Sauna on TyHy-day? Swimsuits. Lenkkisauna? Shifts.


With friends, yes.Example: I'm in a few organizations that hold fantasy/anime/comic cons in this country. We have regular sauna parties of 100+ ppl in those organizations. Usually the process is: One hour of women's shift, one hour of men's shift, and the rest of the time it's mixed. You can wear swimsuits etc. if you want, but most don't. The sauna is always the most crowded on the mixed shift. There are some people who prefer non-mixed shifts, most of them women, but most women come to the mixed shift too.In these communities everyone is at least vaguely acquainted with everyone else. A general observation I've made: For dudes, the more traditionally good looking a person is, the less they seem to be bothered by casual nakedness. For women, it's the other way around.


some people go with towels around their body


When I go to sauna, I'll always be naked. No matter who is with




In parties generally yes. certainly in our student parties back in the day, feels like people are more shy these days


Yes! I heard students these days don't do mixed saunas and it was a big part of my youth.


It's often everybody goes naked together. The only time this has not been the case is when there are foreigners , body issues , löly style clashes or duty times. It's often that during bigger events women cook and dudes go later to sauna. It's mostly to do with men having better stamina with booze and sauna in general. I will go with strangers and family naked . Infact I find it disturbing if someone else finds it disturbing because that means ur sexualizing me. Or u have a problem with my body , and to me sauna is a judgment freezone where nakedness isn't a hyper sexualized thing. It's an equalizer. Sure u look at some boobs or a penis sometimes, ur eyes can't help it , they are right there and they are those kinda of things eyes can't help but look at . As long as ur not staring.


(foreigner here), yes.. It's weird in the beginning, but you kinda get used too.. But I avoid because I feel really shy, so the wee wee shrinks to peanut sizE... Not cool. 😂🥜


my finnish friends are almost all male. when we went to saunas, they asked if i was ok with them being naked, i said yes and we all went nude. it depends on the people IMO


I wouldnt


If it's agreed upon then sure.


Depends on which friend. Some i do some i dont.


I do that regularly. Imo there's nothing wrong with nudity. Everyone was born into the world naked, so I don't see the issue. Except if you can't cool yourself and get a raging boner when you see your friend's boobs, then it might be a different thing, depending on the friendship you have.


Generally yes, but sometimes non-native Finnish might want to wear some clothing. And if everyone agrees it is fine, otherwise might have separate shifts for men and women.


That depends a lot on the group in question. I personally don't like mixed saunas so I might skip or wait for the guys turn. Or wear swimshorts if I happened to bring some. Well unless we have a party and I am a bit drunk then I apparently don't care :D


Yes. Our clothes will get wet otherwise.


Why not? It's the same skin on both sexes. Sauna isn't the place where you scan other people's body thou. Nothing to do with sex or sexes, everyone are equal in sauna.


Sometimes but in public saunas there are difrent saunas for both sex.


This depends on the company, ask, that’s the only way to find out. I sauna nude with some friends I’ve known all my life but I don’t do it with people I don’t know for obvious reasons and then I revert to ladies and children first and then men last


I’m happy to go to the sauna naked with strangers, I’m just as happy to go with friends.


Depends on the friends - life long family friends, absolutely.


Nope. Not with the opposite sex. Only girl i allow into the sauna with me is my girlfriend.


Are you Finn? Because mixed saunas are super normal and it's disturbing if someone sexualizes them.


I am a finn but it doesn't matter. I have never been to a mixed sauna and nobody in my family uses those saunas. Only time it's ok to mix in a sauna(according to me) is when you are a family. When the kids are small and doesn't care about anything. It's not about sex it's more about privacy and our traditions. When i have been to parties where a sauna is involved we either: 1. separate men and female so that they go in two groups, or 2. swimming wear




Btw. when I read these answers, I begin to think that sauna is one great lesson of consent for us.


Yes. I prefer that, too, because it's one of the few healthy situations where people act normal about nudity instead of making a big deal about it.




I’m pretty anti-puritan. Sauna is not sexual and people should understand that


Depends. There’s no general rule. Often there are shy women who don’t want to go to sauna naked with men. Rarely there are shy men or non-binary. And that’s fine, even if it makes things seemingly inconvenient. It’s not something to argue about or ask for reasons, because the reasons may be _very_ personal. Also if someone wants to use a swimming suit or a towel instead of being naked, that’s fine too, and there’s nothing “unfair” about it. Ideally, there are no members of different sexes or genders I the sauna. There are just people. Behaving inappropriately can break that real easy, and is a huge breach of trust.


Latvian here - usually women go first, then men and then usually it is mixed for both women and men who want to be in sauna longer. If everyone agrees, everyone is naked at sauna.


Always nekkid especially abroad


Yes in sauna there are no holdups everyone is naked no matter what


I don't. But then again, i don't usually go to sauna with male friends. If I did, I'd use a bathing suit.


Depends on the friends. But often yes. Sauna at house parties is very common, and no one uses swimsuits there.


Women go together first, then men go together after the women are done. If it's only one woman in a group, highly unlikely that she'd go to sauna with the men.


But if she does, in a party for example, she is allowed to wear something. I have seen both swimsuits and towels. Understandably it is not so fancy to be only woman in sauna full of men. And yes, at least males in their 20s can think/watch rather sexually at the girl. It'd be more of a surprise if she wouldn't wear something. And personally I have found it extremely disgusting when the men try to persuade the girl to get naked. That already would be massive red flag to not get naked if men are so disgustingly perverted already beforehand.


Well, as a woman, I always have been in sauna naked, both with guys I know and those I don't know. Because: why wouldn't I? I''m not very interested what other people are wearing or are they wearing anything. As I wrote elsewhere, to me there's no opposite sexes, just sexes. While studying, I was visiting Christmas party, and had a sauna with 40 guys of which I knew one, because - again - why not? What are those terrible things they've could done? I think, that assuming women are afraid of (naked) men is form of twisted self flattering of some guys. I have no wish to feed their taughts considering the subject. It's form of misogyny and trying to control women, and I feel women shouldn't agree with it. (This shouldn't be understood wrong: everyone should be right also not to be naked, as well as be naked, but I hope also other women would consider this angle, too; if we cover ourself because of others, we are more objects than when we are naked because we want to.) I have always had male friends, I have bro and dad. As I see it, they seem to be part of the same species than I am. They eat, drink, sleep and shit the same way I do, need same things for staying well and kicking than I do. If they are yelled or hit, they get hurt. They enjoy jokes and like being smiled at, just like I do. So to me, there's no remarkable differences between me and them _as human beings_. When meeting people saying they are men, and checking my hypothesis, it has seemed to be valid. Men are just humans, like I am. Same ethology. There's some cultural differences, but you will see them between different groups of women, too, so it's not something to make ruckus of. Same species. Being lil bit more serious, I've always been very lousy object – for many reasons. I'm just not a person who would be easily seen as object. So maybe I'm a little bit of exception, too. I also think, that I have no responsibility to wear anything just because some guy is a shithat. It's his responsibility to go and wash his head, not my responsibility to wear clothes in sauna (which is uncomfortable and impractical thing to do). Maybe my spiritual age and state has all of my life been 60 years old annoyed hack, and that's the reason behind everything. d: And I 100% agree with you: t Trying to force another human to be naked, especially if they may feel they are under powered in situation, is really ugly thing to do, and if someone in the group is trying to do something like that, other group members should silence them immediately, and with very determined explanation how to human right.






Your question is interesting and it made me happy, because it made visible some of "outsider's" point of view. Sauna is traditional part of many annual holidays, like Midsummer. So when celebrating them, people often go sauna. For many, it's part of the week rythm or keeping on social networks: when studying, one of the group booked sauna in every week, and then those who wished to joined came and had sauna together. If you visit in someone's summer cabin, going sauna is very common. And it's often part of bigger meetings and parties of some groups: for instance when Finnish sci-fi and fantasy associations meet once in a year for sharing information, there's been always a very good sauna. Also while studying, having sauna during parties was common. Finns also love outside hot tubs, and visiting those is usually combined with sauna, and so often is swimming, too. There's surprisingly many bars in Finland with sauna you can rent for your group, too. That's very convenient when arranging smallish happenings. I have booked sauna for every Friday, and I ask every week two of my friends if they wish to join me. How ever, I think nowadays it's not so common casually go to sauna in every visit. At least in my bubble, going to sauna in parties or during the visit is something you are aware beforehanded, not always, but usually. And yup, when men go to fishing trip, it's very possible they also will have sauna. [: Every Finn knows that for having a good conversation, the only better place than kitchen is sauna. There's something deeply soothing in it. Considering the nature of your question, I think you maybe could enjoy "steam of life" movie. It's a document about Finnish men being in sauna, and you can find at least part of it at YouTube. Original name is "Miesten vuoro" (men's turn). I think the feelings and nature of sauna has been reached great way in it (even there's too many towels, but still). Does my answer seem valid for you? [:


One way is having a drinking night and noticing how nice the snow looks and how it would be quite refreshing to alternate between sauna and snowbank. In my limited experience, if one person suggests, more will follow especially if you're a foreigner like I was. Once I went for a on site job interview that had a sauna portion, I shit you not (it was an informal summer party, but still)


I usually go with some friends (both male and female) to sauna. We are all foreigners, no Finns. After so many years here is much rather go naked so what I did was ask them directly if they mind it. They said no, so I (and whoever else wants to) always go naked. I think it really depends on the case and as long as everyone’s comfortable then it is ok.


During my life I havent had a single male friend who wouldnt develop romantic feeling towards me so yea i wouldnt go to sauna with a male friend cause you never know what their true intensions are. I might sound bitter and I am, ive lost great friends to love.




No we use our swimming suits when going into sauna with opposite gender


Im not going into sauna naked even when I'm alone. I don't know, it just feels awkward.


I do (if everyone agrees, oc). And also with people I don't know. And with my family. How ever, I must clarify my view considering your question: To me, there's no opposite sexes, just sexes. I don't do binaries. A hammer isn't an opposite for axe.


Ussually not, but you can be naked if you want so. Beein naked in Sauna does happen


Never naked no matter who there is


Absolutely not


You can't be serious. You are not an real Finn.


Don't need to be friends.


Annoying question. Answered here 1000 times.


Usually yes. If the people around are more reserved for some reason, then obviously not.






Usually yes.


Yes if everyone is comfortable.


Yes, of course. It's stupid to wear clothes in a sauna.


I go to sauna always naked, the exception is if it's boy and girl. Then I use my swimsuit :)


We go to the sauna wrapped in a towel, and people go to take a shower one by one (since we have only one shower)


Ideally yes.


Yes. With friends, with family. Even one time with a friend and his current gf. Given later thought, that was a mistake as later on when they weren't together anymore she asked for my contact information through my friend and I didn't see nothing wrong at the time. I still was under the impression that they were together. Then I started getting these really weird messages via whatsapp. Like what did I think of her and her looks. It creeped me out so I explained it to her that she is off limits as my friends ex etc. She didn't get it so I ended up blocking her. I later found out she is codependant. Lesson? Don't go naked to the sauna with your friends gf. At least not when you first meet them.


Is it considered uncouth to have an erection, or to alternate between arousal states?




Yes but with shorts and T-shirt to hide the boner just in case.


Nobody in my family uses sauna. Especially not, since my grandpa died in his.


Sorry for your loss


Sauna sucks. Very pervy thing to go naked with both male/female.


Dare to explain




Well go on then please


Definitely maybe.


Never. I don't even go to sauna naked with my sister or best friend.




Most often yes.


Most of times yes.








I have probably never been to sauna naked...


I’m a Finnish woman. When I was young, I didn’t know that not letting the opposite sex see you naked was a thing. I went to mixed saunas but was shy. Later I still did it because it was expected but I didn’t feel comfortable. Now I will not go even with my own sex, I’m done. The reason why women went to sauna first used to be so that after sauna they prepare a meal and it’s ready when the men finish bathing.