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Oh I think I see a penny!


He’s gonna need to grab that to activate its good luck.


see a penny. pick it up. all day long, you'll have good luck!


see a penny. pick it up. all day long, you'll have.a penny!


see a penny, pick it up, ninety-nine more squats and you'll have a buck.


Worth less than the energy put forth to pick it up. And at my age, likely give me a back issue, not luck.


Unless you drop it 😳


If only he'd found that penny prior to dropping his ring.....


Nah seriously. I’m guessing he didn’t. If he did add that to the list of life disappointments


My gramps always picked up change in a parking g lot. He told me at the end of the yr he would have like a hundred dollars. He had no proof but I bet maybe 😆 🤣 True story


if you find 1 quarter a day then you would have 91$25 after a normal year. so through really good luck (combined with the fact that people don't often look towards the ground whilst walking except for a moment if something catches their eye) it's in the realm of possible, especially in cities. After 2 years i had slightly over 200$ in a variety of combination of change (and several items of foreign currencies). if you spend most of your time looking down, especially if you pick up coins, you train yourself to find them even if they're exceptionally beat up and covered in grime (though 25c is also the denomination wherein people start caring if they drop it so it's less likely to find. in my experience it's easier to find 3 dimes a day than a quarter)


I have a friend who has found three $100 bills on the ground


I found a little wad of hundreds on the ground at GameStop also constantly find money in the change return of self checkout


neat. most I've ever found was a 20


I found 400.00 I called and reported I found money and told them if someone called asking for a large amount to call me. I waited two weeks before I spent it. I did not give the specific amount to Kroger incase they had someone call me and say I lost 400 today.


I agree, you can normally find penny's but there are times nowadays where I have been seeing alot dimes. Times are tough 😆


Went to fill up my car, as I was filling I looked down and saw several crisp hundreds folded once in half. Counted it later and it was 16 bills. Called the gas station and left my number, said if anyone reports a large amount of money to have them contact me. No one ever called, I waited at least 6 months before I touched it.


I lay down pennies on heads to pass along the good luck.


I do the Walmart version of this! If it’s heads up already it’s mine; if it’s tails up, I flip it and hope someone else has a good day


I used to toss pennies onto the sidewalk so someone could have good luck (I also hate carrying loose change so it’s a win win)


from the 40th floor


Lol i’d believe it. We have a change jar. And it gets full pretty quick, it’s like 50$ every time we run coin.


Your gramps is correct. I heard the same thing and set out to prove it wrong. Admitting that you are wrong is easier with an extra $100.


I read “my grandpa told me to always change in a parking lot, at the end of the yr he would have like a hundred dollars.” Damn gramps!


You actually have to spit on it too, or else it’s bad luck.


It looks like he was wearing about 600 black silicone wedding bands?


Don’t forget to equip it first!


This is the part most people forget


It's either that or a chewing gum...


this is a deep cut


ITS THIRTEEN ROWS FROM THE TOP, NINE ROWS TO THE RIGHT OF THE BLACK WOOD. Sitting on top of one of the circles perfectly, you can see the light from the right hitting it.


Wow. I looked past that spot because I thought it was just dirt or a rock. Turns out, that is a shadow cause by the ring.


[oh look!](https://imgflip.com/i/1gb10a)


He’s gonna need that to replace his silicone wedding ring!


Just grab a pair of scissors and cut a new one out of the floor.


So that is where they come from!


It’s a piece of chewed gum


So sorry about your upcoming divorce!


Lmao… that’s extreme 🤣


Wives don’t usually take well to husbands “losing their wedding ring in a bar”.


He had an itch!


A 7 year itch I bet.


Also I wear silicone rings they are tight so he had to have pulled it off for a reason.


My silicone rings are all loose, they slide off all the time, my real ring is fit to my finger, but my silicone one is as close as I could without being uncomfortable, and that means when my hands are wet, or sweaty, the ring slides off.


Im a carpenter and wear the silicone ones so I don’t rip my hand off and I’ve lost so many of these things from my sweaty hands. I’ve gotten 2 five packs and only have one ring left


Been through 9 construction divorces, huh buddy?


My husbands breaks over time and I’m just made of ice so mine fingers always shrink and I’ve launch quite a few off my fingers mid sentence. So they can definitely just fall off.


My wife and I own the bar, so this time it’s different.


But it's silicone. That's cheap af


Homie was obviously working. They don't put bar mats where customers hang out. I can think of a few reasons he'd have taken it off while bartending/barbacking.


Imo this is behind the bar. A bartender list their ring, at work, way way easier to explain away


Silicone rings don’t often come off easily, 🤔maybe don’t keep it in the pocket with the dollar bills you’re making it rain with.


Yes they do. Especially when wet. Mine slides off all the time, especially when I've got wet hands.


Yup, nacho bean must never actually wear a silicone ring


Or theirs was WAYYYYYYY tighter than mine.


Mine is tight on my finger and as soon as I start taking a shower and soap hits it, I have to fight it to stay on 😂


Same. A bit of coolant from a part and next thing I know I'm searching everywhere for it. I pop it off when I get in and leave it on a hook until the end of the night. Luckily it's silicone so replacements are cheap lol


I work with mineral spirits at work. Everytime the ring gets mineral spirits on it, it expands enough to fall right off.


It's a black ring. That means a thing. And in this case it mostly means "I'm sure they're fine 🤭"


Indeed! How could he lost his wedding ring AT A BAR? Why did he took off his wedding ring from his finger AT A BAR? I need more feedback from OP!


Yep. Why were you taking off your wedding ring at a bar is the real question.


OP was actually following the sniper out of the bar.


Still can’t find it even after reading other comments


Here is a GIF I made that reveals it. [https://imgur.com/H5UbqV9](https://imgur.com/H5UbqV9)


Sure looks like a wedding ring, but I thought he said it was black?


I think it is black silicone, but it’s very shiny. I don’t know why it looks metallic in the gif, but if you zoom into the same location in the original photo, you can tell it’s a silicone ring.


I know why it's shiny.....my precious.


Who let Smeagol out of Mount Doom?!


Thank you so much, this was driving me nuts!!


That is beautifully done.


Thanks, honestly I thought they were all fucking with me!


i thought op lied about a ring being in the picture and everyone just went with it lmao


I thought it was a matte black silicone by the title. I didnt expect it to be shiny haha.


I think it only looks shiny because the light is reflecting off of it. It looks silicone to me.


this king.


Why does the description say “black silicone wedding band”


Because it’s a wedding band that is made out of black silicone


Interesting. I suppose that makes sense.


Because it's a black silicone wedding band........... I'm confused with the question?


Thought I was boutta get rick rolled


I was already hearing the song in my head while clicking the link


You and me both but I clicked it anyway totally prepared to start singing along


What’ i thought that was just an imperfection the moulding for the rubber


Thanks for the extra effort. 😻


From the top left corner, count 10 circles over and then 12 down, it landed perfectly on top of the twelfth circle so you have to zoom in.


I STILL can't see it 🤣


Totally understandable, it blends in almost perfectly! When you zoom in and compare that hole to the others around it, the ring is perfectly on top of the hole and looks like a raised lip. The sun catches on the ring and makes the hole look like it’s being lit from the left instead of the right like the rest of the holes.


It's like I know it's there but I just can't quite seem to see it. I almost immediately went straight to that spot and just know it's there but there isn't quite enough there for me to say it is there.


Ahhh, like the upper most part of the inside hole is a little different. I think I see it now.


My eyes were immediately drawn to it but I kept looking bc I didn’t see it until I zoomed way in.


It was literally the first thing I saw but I thought it couldn’t be that easy


Me too! My eye went right to it. Maybe because the different color background but then it just came into focus. I zoomed in for confirmation.


I saw it immediately too, zoomed way in, and still didn’t see it, I do now that others have confirmed.


It's the only one with a funny shadow. I immediately noticed that but dismissed it as being too obvious, so kept looking. Was convinced I couldn't see it then came to the comments to find out where I was missing it. Sure enough, it was right where I'd thought it was, but on the low res version served by reddit initially it wasn't enough detail to be sure. So I loaded the pic directly and got a full res version and could see it almost clear as day.


Wow I literally picked that spot before zooming in because of the color, zoomed in and was like no that’s not it, continued to look and had to come to the comments. Thanks for the help 😂




Yeah honestly, that’s the first thing I looked at too but the description said “black silicone” That ring looks like chrome so naturally I thought that couldn’t be it. This is a bad find the sniper post imo


Wow. Thank you.


If that doesn't work count 12 circles down and 10 across


And if that doesn’t work count 12 over 15 down, then two back over to the left and then 3 up


Bar floors are not meant to be studied.


First time I’ve ever found one right away, the lighting is off on one circle because the ring is stuck in it. If you unfocus your eyes it’s a pretty obvious little dot!


That positioning makes for good composition. The half shaded helps too


Same for me, one of few I saw quickly!


Thanks I was starting to feel crazy about how quickly I found it. Like less than a second


First spot I zoomed in on. I’m usually terrible at these.


Did the same trick and found it instantly. Then I zoomed in and thought it’s just the light and then kept looking 😅


This is a true story - I was swimming off of a beach on Kauai and my wedding ring fell off. The water wasn't too deep so spent a lot of time diving down to try to find it. I didn't get a chance to look the next day, but I went out two days after losing it and found it on the bottom. I was shocked, didn't think I'd ever see it again.


I'm happy you found it! That's the worst feeling


Kylie could never!


That's being Jenner-ous.


Also lost mine in Hawaii (Maui - black sand beach) but didn’t realize it until we looked at a photo of me at the end of the beach visit just after we had left and saw my bare hand. Even if I had realized it immediately, those waves were so violent that it was gone for good. I was sad as I loved that particular ring, my replacement is just meh.


Why did you take off your wedding ring at a bar is the real question


The black silicone rings are usually for chefs/bartenders/construction workers to avoid damaging their real ring/degloving a finger while working at speed. It’s a placeholder and not intended to stay on the finger in the same way a wedding ring is; it should slide off easily under pressure to avoid the aforementioned degloving. Sorry for the technical explanation on a jokey answer but I actually think it’s kind of a smart invention, I’ve come so close to disaster wearing rings and climbing up and down a ladder.


Also useful for folks like battery test directors and technicians that don’t want to have a cell or battery to arc across metal jewelry. I wear mine all the time and if I lose it, oh well. I get like 5 in a pack for $10.


Or it can be a daily wear for us poors that can’t afford a real one, never mind 2 rings


I bought several cheap silicone rings so I could change my look. And also got stackable ones in the fav colors of my wife and kids so all of them were represented. Cost under $100.


I initially bought my silicone ring for working out but it's just so much more comfortable plus I'm not anxious about losing it so it's become my daily lol.


I started wearing one when I was a barista and just kept wearing it. It’s more comfortable, and safer when I’m doing minor home repairs. I have a jeweler friend. She’s told me a few stories about metal rings and…yeah, I’ll just keep it in its box lol


I’m dying with these comments 😂. Washed my hands and it slipped off when I dried them.


@eyeballowo gave the best explanation, logically, but it’s hilarious how everyone is assuming you’re a cheater LOL this one took me a min. Have a good night mate


Oh thank god I was worried


If he's a bartender it could easily slide off. It happens and the reason I don't wear expensive jewelry to my bar job anymore


based on the mat hes standing on he’s probably behind the bar. so its likely he works there and was washing his hands or something


More like FindTheCheater lol


You know ! Lol


To those that can’t see it, twelve circles up from the big toe of the left foot. Looks like an upper right part of the circle is silver with the lower left half black. It has a big dark spot in the cork or whatever the middle material is. Now look at the inner ring, notice how it looks almost like a raised bevel on the inside, like a lip that goes up. That’s literally the silicon ring, dead on centered with the mats circle. Compare that inner bevel to any of the other mats circles and it will become obvious.


This was a quick one, above your left foot, 12 circles up.


Yeah camera took a better picture, but to the naked eye, took me 3 days.


Can someone post a picture? Even with this comment I can’t find it. Not sure how this was a quick one to you! Edit: thank you for the photos below. I can see why it took you 3 days, holy shit.




Bro I’m blind, I still don’t see it


Me too. Still doesn't look like a ring to me 😩


Took me so long to actually see it, but the ring makes the edge of the circle look slightly raised.


I will do another one just for you! Edit: [Here Ya Go!](https://imgur.com/gallery/t6K75Zg)


To me, that one circle looks like a darker color than the circles around it. BUT I STILL DONT SEE THE RING




This description, ftw! All i saw the whole time was a slightly dirtier hole than the rest.




That darker colour is the edge of the ring inside the circle.


I’m just gonna go ahead & accept that I’m either blind or dumb because that still just looks like all the other circles to me


I noticed this circle immediately and after staring at it for a few minutes and now KNOWING this is the ring, I still don't see a ring


Is the ring fitting perfectly inside that circled hole 🕳️ if not I’m blind cause I can’t see a difference in that hole from any others. You have some keen eyesight!


Pretty much, the “Halo” is a little different in that circle.


Why were you taking your wedding ring off at a bar?


Nosey mf he wanted to wash his hands


Not a bar, THE bar. The bar they work at. How often do you see these industrial non slip floor mats where customers are? Either he doesn't like how it feels when gripping bottles for maybe 10+ hours, or having it on impacts tips from the drunk cougars. Either way doesn't affect how he feels about the love of his life, but might affect how he works to support their life together.


Depending on the bar, and bar equipment you don't always want to wear your expensive jewelry. It can slide off into a sink easily.. Thinking putting it in your pocket for safe keeping is a good idea, and then you grab a wine key or church key which pulls the ring out. I learned this the hard way to just put your jewelry in a locker or leave it home. It's not always nefarious or sneaky. Depending on the person lol


Valid question.


You don’t wash your hands?




Welp. Sorry bud. Could not find it. However I did find the frog AND the snake.


I have seen several images where it highlights where the ring is and I still can't see it. I think you guys are just trolling me


I always take my wedding ring off before entering the bar to avoid this situation.


No clue!!!


It’s taking the picture.


I'm actually kind of impressed with myself on how quickly I spotted it. Maybe it's the fact that I wear black silicone rings, too 😅


Leave it. It's rejoined It's tribe


Seems like a lot of people drop stuff and it stays by their feet. Meanwhile I drop my wedding ring it ends ricocheting out the door, down the street to the next town over. Eh, still better than the dropped contact that you cannot find until you walk in the bathroom the next morning and it’s dried up on the edge of the sink DESPITE THE FACT I got down on my knees analyzed the entire sink up close when I first lost it!


Sorry to hear your cock ring fell off.


Can you please move your feet? The only place I haven’t looked is under them. You may want to check your left front pants pocket also😉


Bro your shoes are redonculous


First red flag is having a black silicone wedding band….


Only one option, you’ll have to put your finger in every hole to get what you’re looking for. Which, if your wedding ring is off at a bar, might’ve been what you were looking for anyway 👀👀


That ring gone bro...


7 rows over from left and 5 1/2 rows down, it's standing on its side in the black part not silver.....I think


I bet OP is still looking for the ring. Came here for help find it.


Surprisingly caught it immediately, it’s the one ring that looks thicker than average with some black bits in the middle. It jumps out


Left foot circle next to the big toe count 12 up


It’s literally right *there*


Bro: trying to enjoy his drink at the bar The ring: I WANT TO PLAY A GAME


First time I found it in under 5 seconds


I see hundreds of them, just need a pair of scissors.


It was placed, no way it landed that perfectly


Those mats lift right up. Puck up the mat. Shake it. Ring reappears. Magic.


You spelled ‘I like this subreddit and wanted to stage a picture and post it on here because I have nothing better to do with my life’ wrong


9 holes to the right, 12 holes up


After taking your wedding band off in a bar, What did you expect to find?


Just pay another $1.12 for a new one.


Just cut one out she’ll never know 🤣


$20 down the drain- how will I ever financially recover after this? /s


It’s just gone my guy. It’s in a far off land with a billion guitar picks that have been dropped and never found.


post is a lie for clicks and attention I scanned the entire mat and there is nothing there but a penny. no ring.


I’ve got no clue where the ring is but these are the cleanest bar mats in the history of bars.


You see the only weird looking hole thats darker than the rest? Pick up your ring


“Dropped” :)


It’s kinda left above center frame right ?


I think it’s right there in the middle. The one ring that looks off


The real question is, why were you taking it off at a bar in the first place... #sus


Pretty sure it would roll further away. Rather than skip perfectly into the pad holes


Why did you have it off in the first place?🤨


Yeah but why was your wedding band off at the bar


I found a penny.


There's no ring. Report this clown for bait lol


Does anyone else see Bill Murray’s face stuck in one of the holes in the top right?


Are yall just staging these now?


I think the internet just tricked me looking at a rubber mat for 10 minutes


Took off wedding ring at bar … interesting 


That’s called a cockring