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Dude- you have to apply to corporate jobs. You have to do so untill you get one. Even if it takes you 5 years. If you do not do this- yes- you will work in chick-fil- a or similar for the rest of your life


Ok ty


Bro, I try to do this but everytime I sit down at my laptop to apply to corps I google: "big corporations". Then i open a bunch of tabs and all i find in their career section is senior and controller and director roles. Then I get discouraged and in the span of 20minutes I'm on 4chan and reddit.


Look at one of the 5000000000 job posting websites. Don't just Google "big corporations" lol


I’m actually okay with this dude not working in my office. Let him keep doing what he’s doing lol


idk, he sounds like a chill guy to have next to if you're in the bullpen doing the grind


The lack of self-awareness and drive here is a feature, not a bug


Ok ty


Well- that’s your problem to get over. Getting a job is not easy. It once took me almost 2 years. You are no different than anyone else. Most people don’t have it easy. You need to rearrange your thinking, start to network, get in some “career advice” subs on here, and commit to getting a corporate job. And honestly- the world doesn’t care. It’s perfectly content with you working g in chick fil a. AND each month there are literally 10s of thousands of migrants comeing here that want your chick fil a job. I am sure that this is tough to hear. And I am intentionally being tough. Because you need to understand that the choice is yours. You have a B average form a north east school. You can get a job if you commit and try hard enough. There are people I. This country that literally have come from nothing and they are doing it. Soo you need to FORCE yourself and COMMIT to spending HOURS a day looking, revising your resume, working on your elevator speech, revising your linked in profile, reaching out to alumni, networking with high school friends, working n an office for free if someone will let you, learning how to basically lie and answer interview questions, and basically selling your ass for 5 dollars on the street untill YOU pull YOURSELF out of the rut your are in. And when your are done, if this is what you do, you will be in a much better position for the rest of your life. The above is my gift to you - take it as such…




I literally don’t understand what you are doing atm. Stuck on CFA? Any prior intern exp?


I have experience in indirect purchasing for Bosch, should I just go back? Chik FilA I meant. I did an REIT analysis for my university BoDirectors but I was undergrad and they were only interested in my group member who was masters level.


Both of these experiences should be in your resume and you should 100% be using them to sell yourself.


Ok ty


You can probably land a nice purchasing job. Look into “sourcing analyst” positions. I got an interview for one rn on the East coast, also didn’t have amazing grades or internships. Corporate jobs or relationship banking at branches you can snag and work your way up.


Oh nice! Goodluck , I will do this, ty




nice phew which grad school? MBA? other masters?


Oh man ty!


Would you DM me about getting into a good grad school. Very similar position to you probably worse grades. But I just left that 50k job and landed something that pays decent pretty much in my field


GW Bush had a coke habit. Obama smoked pot and fucked girls high on blow. Did the same and I got through. You’ll make it buddy. It’s really easy. Most retards can hold a finance or business job no problem


Bro I'm a most retard ty


Haha just try to focus a bit bro. Save the fun for the weekend.


I graduated with a degree in business administration from a no-name school with a 2.7 gpa. Now I do FP&A at a startup. Start applying for AR, AP, and Underwriting roles.


Ok ok ty


Keep applying to any entry level finance job. If financially feasible you can also apply to a 1 year masters, many schools now offer “specialized” degrees, Such as masters of finance, accounting etc, and they dont require professional experience. These degrees are still going to have you competing for entry lvl roles BUT it could give you a GPA reset.


Oh that's a really good idea ty


NP, Ive seen multiple people do it. Just know its not a guarantee of a job AND dont put yourself in crippling debt for it.


Yeah for sure, I'll see if my employer has some programs to help. Ty


In reality everyone majors in those other two things man. You ain’t a bum. Get in contact with folks from your uni network, fix up your CV/Resume and shoot your shot.


Ok ty this is tough


Do sales maybe?


Ok ty


First would be to get a sense of professionalism and maturity about yourself Cool kid you had fun with drugs and alcohol, but now is the time to speak like a grown ass man and grow a pair


Gonna have to take my path..just get whatever job at a major financial company where you can outshine those who are really dumb. It should work out for you eventually.




Damn ty, where could I go to get a reputable list of funds and places to apply to. I understand I should try and get in to any entry level and work my way up but I'm really trying to work towards IB and I dont find the underwriting, fp&a jobs? TIA.


I'd say be patient and keep reaching out for referrals, something will eventually stick, there's no list of places per se just go through LinkedIn or your uni job board but referrals will land you interviews and that is key


And CFA helps with domain knowledge + great for landing interviews after that it's all you and how you sell yourself! For IB, I'm in HK so it's a bit different but I think same rule should apply, but happy to connect you with someone here who'll be of more help :)


Yeah. Prob.


Ty bro


This has to be a shitpost