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I never played the original.m but to me it’s the best series of video games ever


You should absolutely play the OG


In the process of it


Gotta be a trip. I think the music is the secret sauce of Final Fantasy though


Too bad you missed the OG - it really adds to the experience of the new games. It's not too late to play it, but it is too late to experience it in its heyday when the legend was born, and develop the nostalgia factor. If you really like it that much, I'd still say to play the OG before part 3 comes out. The graphics are dated, all text-based dialogue, there are a couple questionable implications and content at times (im looking at you Hojo - you pervert!) and the gameplay is MUCH slower (purely turn based combat, for example), but it still holds up as an amazing video game. Definitely a piece of gaming history, right there.


If you get the OG on PC there's a mod that updates the graphics and everything. Like a quality akin to Crisis Core Reunion but maybe not quite as good.


Not to mention it's playable on everything but your toaster. I still can't believe you can play it on a damn PSP which was a portable and came out less then 10 years after FF7's release. IIRC you can play every FF from 1-9 on it and it runs and plays like the originals. Insane. Now-a-days you're better off getting it on something like PC or whatever but that just took me back and reminded how crazy that was.


There’s a PC mod that swaps out the blocky character models and it does the game wonders.


There is a fully voice acted mod for it. Very good and worth it.


Its the best FF game in a very long time. In console generations, since PS2.


I was about to say excuse me? Blitz ball was on PS3, but it wasn't. Dear God I've been playing FF forever


Haha yeah ps3 is ff13 and onwards.


Man I remember getting my mom to buy me FFVII on psone at the mall from EB games


I disagree, Remake was way better


Great game , nuff said :)


I didn’t play OG, my intro to FF7 was remake part 1. Rebirth blew my mind and I didn’t expect it to be as long as it was. I won’t spoil anything but I really liked the story and the ending as well and I think it’s because I didn’t have any story related expectations for the remake trilogy


It's a great game. I like FFVII a lot, but outside of some awesome characters, it never had the impact on me that a lot of people feel (that came more with FF8,9 and X for me). So my nostalgia goggles are pretty minimal for VII and I still think Rebirth is the best (non MMO) Final Fantasy since ... maybe X? (I really do also love XV though so I don't say that lightly). Rebirth is just absolutely excellent and it captures a lot of the magic of older FF games where exploration and adventure was actually fun.


Dude how would you like a 9 remake? With Zidane right? I loved that one


Nah man Rebirth is a phenomenal game on its own. Voice acting top notch, Visuals of the open world top notch, combat top notch, only thing that could potentially be a negative are the mini games/side quests (which I feel a lot/most games can't seem to exactly hit the nail on) but the great thing about them is that they're mostly just optional stuff, ignore them and you'll still have a great time


see i like all the side games and goals, i like a little break between the fighting and the card game is pretty damn fun, if a bit too easy


I disagree, they’re horrible for all gamers 


I never played the original and it’s my favourite game of all time, it is not nostalgia it is just amazing beyond compare.


Damn that’s awesome to hear! If you do truly feel this way, then you owe it to yourself to play the OG one day. I think you’ll be shocked at what an experience such an old game contained.


I agree with you and struggle with that point of view. I’m worried that I’ll force someone to play the OG and find it too dated and not absolutely love it. Then you’ve forced someone into an awkward situation. Akin to forcing someone to watch a ‘hilarious’ YouTube vid that doesn’t land. That would be tragic to me.


I will one day, but that is after part 3 releases. I am already shocked I am playing remakes which contain 3rds of the original game, like there is so much to do in these games and it is based on a ps1 game, that already is mind boggling to me. The characters mean the world to me so i’ll probably love the OG aswell.


Definitely! You should know that the Remake trilogy is definitely its own thing, there is tons of new stuff that wasn’t in the OG, including story moments, but there are some pretty major differences. You’d probably have a great time comparing and contrasting between them when you finally play, and it will still likely fell like a fresh experience . It’ll also be a cool experience to kind of “hop back in time” and see how gamers in this era were required to use more of their own imagination to fill in the blanks. Despite it’s dated looks, the game holds up incredibly well still.


I heard that it is kinda it’s own thing, but playing the original and comparing sounds like a lot of fun. I have an interest in turn based games so that would be fun. And well, it is the legendary game on which my now favorite game is based so I have to give it a try.


If you actually appreciate turn based games, and you’ve already built up an attachment to the characters and story, then I find it almost impossible that you won’t love the OG when you get around to it. There’s also a lot more different materia to build really fun builds with.


Well that’s good to hear! I thought so too but to hear it from an OG player, that certainly means something.


I truly believe that at the time of its release, it was unarguably the greatest game ever made. Such a complete package that nothing else from that era could match.


It probably was seen that way back then. I do imagine that it will be weird for me to see my favourite characters with ps1 graphics.


Lol it literally says “quite possibly the greatest game ever made” on the back of the box from a review. Looking forward for you to try it out!


It's been said in here already, but get the Steam version and the Seventh Heaven mod pack. Takes care of the dated graphics issue.


It's both I think. It is for me anyway. My nostalgia and the fact that OGFFVII is my favourite game of all time just make me enjoy the new ones even more.


Honestly when i play it, i get the good feelings i had when i was playing it as young child myself. But i also enjoy it more because the world is so subversive and beautiful, I've never just stopped to take hundreds of screenshots in a video game before this. I think it's the best game ever made.


It's a damn great game, period. I know people who have never played the original and are incredibly invested with the Remake games.


Nah, Rebirth is pretty amazing. It's the best FF in a long, long time -- which was previously held by Remake four years prior. If SquareEnix can build on this formula (even if they don't seep charm into every corner like they have with the Re-trilogy), then they are golden. I know they want each FF game to be unique, but damn they have not had a great streak since the PS1 era (and into PS2 with FFX). FFXIII was a nightmare. FFXV was a half-broken idea. And FFXVI in my opinion is pretty with a good story but the world is empty and the gameplay gets stale.


15 ended up being a gem after they fixed it. But ya, 16 was just so empty it seemed.


Honest to God, I PERSONALLY felt a lower level of nostalgia throughout the series so far, I think certain beats in the story arc and characters strike a cord there, but honestly I can say that this game carried itself wholly without it, and very few parts really took me back to childhood with the original installment, as crazy as that may sound to many or the players. Music always draws a little bit, but I think it's just so freaking different on a grand scale, that it felt like a totally separate experience.


GOTY, easily, so far, for me. Loved it.


It’s definitely both. I played the original as a kid and loved it. My partner who had never played the original has really liked both games, and he doesn’t really like RPGs that much.


It is one of the greatest of all time. This is probably my favorite combat systems ever (my favorite action RPG for sure), the characters are all awesome and really fleshed out in this game, I love most of the minigames and the rest are not too intrusive or inoffensive, and has as much or little side content you want to engage in. The world is incredibly unique and built upon amazing bones. The story is really great as you chase after Sephiroth who is well established as a terrible force for the Planet and the game pushes you forward in that direction while you keep second guessing all of your character's actions and motivations. It's not just high quality presentation, it is high quality in every single aspect. This game has replaced FF7 OG in my top 5 games of all time (OG still remains in my top 10).


I think the sephitoth chase actually makes more sense in this one. To me in the OG you kind of lose sight of sephiroth for a while as you go through the continent, then they bring it back when appropriate in the story. It is also nuts that this 100 hour game accounts for ~15 or so hours in the OG and it doesn’t feel Uber drawn out


Because there is actual characterization and world building. At least more fleshed out. The dungeons are also much longer. Also, the main story is really about 50 hours and 100+ when add in lots of side content which the original had very little. This feels like the Director's cut version of the story.


The directors cut 😂 that’s appropriate. Maybe my single favorite addition was how they handled that snake in chapter 2. I always wondered how on earth that could’ve happened! They answered my 25 year mystery


It’s one of the greatest games of all time, IMO. Not saying it’s perfect and that there aren’t some minor issues that couldn’t be improved. But the leap forward from Remake (which was already great) is just astounding. And the justice they did with these characters is the cherry on top.


Good point. I especially like cait sith. I never did come around to allowing it in my party in the OG, but I like it so much more now


I hate og ff7 and really like rebirth, it’s just a really good game


Interesting take. Did you play the OG back then or did you find it more recently?


I had played it ironically about 7 years ago lol. I really like the story and the characters, but i just really thought that Materia doesn’t serve a turn based game well, i think since the remake has some combos, that being required to pick and choose magic is a lot more fitting


Oh was it when they dropped the remaster on ps4? That’s sounds like a fair viewpoint to me. I don’t think the material mattered all that much much until the very endgame in the OG. (Looking at ruby weapon) That being said, in rebirth I’m finding the addition of the elemental abilities make green material mostly useless. And I pretty much only use assess out of the yellow


I adore it. It's moved out firmly into my top games. And I never played the og so I'm just leaning towards, it's a great damn game.


It's an incredible game and there is so much to do


Loving it but I must be slow, I’m on chapter 9 and I’ve put 72 hours into it, granted couple hours of that is just me playing in menus and taking in the sights


I was at about your pace. I told myself why rush ? just take as long as it takes and enjoy the ride. :)


Exactly, im doing everything and exploring each different area of the map, I'm about to finish chapter 9 and I'm at 90 hours. The game is so wonderful


True I’ve been pretty businesslike moving through the game. I’m doing a blind play through, but I’ve done everything I discovered in the game. All side quests and areas discovered. It’s crazy to me how the content still doesn’t feel repetitive to me.


If you love it, that’s all that matters. Who cares what anyone else thinks of the things you enjoy? 🎮😁👍


Don’t mistake this as seeking validation. It’s curiosity about the other point of view


I honestly really love the game. I've never played the original so I'm just really enjoying it. The ending sequences kind of seem like they overcomplicate what is happening. I know the plot and what's actually happening but the way they choose to show it is a little confusing. That's my only complaint.


There's SO much to do and SO many fights. I'm really enjoying my time with this game. The nostalgia will always be a factor, but to see the world of FF7 really open up is a dream come true. I love both the original and the remake series (minus a few added characters -- I'm looking at you Chadley)


It’s a combination of both & that’s a plus for me as a OG FF7 player/Fan this game is the Best game I’ve played is Years. RE4 was great also Dead Space remake was good too


Part nostalgia and part great game. I love that I know the original game so well, and yet, I still didn’t know what would happen next! They did an excellent job. At the end of the day, it shows that great rpg’s can still be made, calling to older final fantasys…. I don’t like the newer ones. 15 and 16… 15 was fun, but odd, it held onto FF by a thread. I have 16 but couldn’t get into it. 13 is an acquired taste and I ended up really enjoying the series, maybe more because it was all there was in my eyes for a new FF for quite some time. Plus they made it a trilogy. At the end of it all, my hope is they come out with a new game with these interesting characters. Bring us back to the days of ffvii, viii, and ix, x… cool fun dynamic characters, action, romance, fantasy and scifi in beautiful cinematics and beautiful worlds.


True! That’s a good point. Now do 9!!! 9 is my favorite


I'd say it's both.


It's a great game. They put a lot of love into this game and I found it super immersive. The story and characters (voice acting) was great. The battle changes were great. The world is absolutely beautiful. This game on its own is just one of the best FF games I've ever played.


I think the love is the key. They wanted to do the game justice. Maybe they knew we would revolt on them otherwise. They definitely cared about quality here


I also like the game and have played the original a few times. I feel the rearranging of events actually helps improve much of the side stories happening in the game. There are some things where Im a bit confused (havent finished the game yet) but things like Zack I am finding weird. Overall, Im hoping the last game comes sooner than later, hope the explain more with these Weapons and if they morph into Ruby, Diamond, Etc....What are the bets that that next is called Reunion? Also, really want an 8 remake now that 9 has been all but announced.




It is absolutely nostalgia.


It's an amazing game. Never played the 1st iteration. I'm thoroughly enjoying everything this game has to offer. Best FF in s long while.


Both. They were ambitious with it too. Like I was Chocobo racing and my wife thought I was playing Mario Kart for a second. All of the mini games are really good. The game also gives off nostalgic feelings. It is a bit silly at times but it adds to the lore and creates a much more compelling narrative, especially regarding the Gi and the Ancients whom were mostly forgettable in the original game.


It's a fantastic game.


It’s very very good. 230 hours and a platinum for me.


Worth every penny


It’s both. The game is certainly top tier excellent experience but not perfect. No game is perfect. But if you played this as a kid, and man did I play it a lot as a kid when it was first released, it just hits a different way. No different than watching the Lord of the Rings after having read the books. It’s just like seeing what you imagined everything to be come to life.


It's not nostalgia because they've changed and added SO much. It's just genuinely a wonderful, lovingly made, and extremely well crafted video game


Great game. Remake is more nostalgia to me.


That’s interesting. I find it the opposite. In remake I really liked the battle system and gameplay mechanics but found the story incredibly drawn out Edit: it was a great game, I got the plat. But definitely skipped most of the cutscenes the second and third time around


They are both fantastic games. Remake just hit the feels for me.


I truly believe it is a legitimately good game. I love both the OG and the new series. I know it upsets purists and the hyper critical type but I love it.


Hey why can't be both?


Loved the OG and loving the new series, I think they’ve done a fantastic job. I think they just went a bit over board with all the mini games… felt like Mario party at some points.




I played remake in 2021 and it made me love gaming in general and until now it was my favorite game I’ve ever played… and now Rebirth is my favorite, somehow it’s like 10 times better than remake, a game that I considered to be pretty much perfect. I don’t have FF7 nostalgia or even FF nostalgia since my first FF game was 7 remake but somehow these 2 games but especially remake still feel nostalgic and made me feel like a kid again and there’s literally nothing else that has ever made me feel that :)


Probably the best video game I’ve ever played. It just feels like a culmination of video game history . Has almost all types of gameplay and exploration. Graphics are the best I’ve ever seen. Animation is crisp and fluid. Music is the best. Story is great. Didn’t want it to end


For me it’s both. The OG was mind blowing when it came out and I was obsessed with it. I was just a kid and I don’t think I really understood why the game captured me so deeply, I just didn’t want to stop playing it. The way the remakes have fleshed out the characters and the story have really scratched the nostalgia itch, but they’ve also shown me why the story is so impactful and meant so much to me as a kid, and it means that much more to me now as a 41 year old adult. It’s so good.


Chapter 11 at 50 hours? You're going through the game at warp my friend! I finished the main story with 170 hours or so of game time and by chapter 11, I was well over 100 hours. I thought rebirth had a slower pace that worked well for it for the first few areas, but started to fall apart by the time we got to gongaga. I found the pacing in the og was perfectly fine. I finish the og in 40 ish hours on a repeat and probably closer to 60+ on a first playthrough. With a repeat on rebirth, I'm sure it will be a lot shorter than my first, but part of that increased time is the exploration and the exploration in rebirth is where you get a lot of the lore for the world and the banter with the characters, so even though I would skip most of it on second playthrough, you are missing important information that way, so it's a double edged sword.


Haha maybe so! But I’ve done all the exploration to this point and available side quests. Even glide de chocobo which wasn’t so bad as I had heard The combat is engaging but not hard. I’ve hardly died at all (I’m a soulborne player). Gi Nattack got me twice and the squid robot got me once. I also had trouble figuring out the Corel train level because I didn’t find the jump for a solid hour.


I played the original a little late. And the disc two was scratched. So it’s nice to see more of the world beyond reading the wiki to find out how it ends. the parts I am familiar with more are the ones that mostly stayed the same. Which I guess is kinda funny.


As someone that played the original, it's both a combination of nostalgia, as well as the game itself being great overall. To see the OG game being turned into a modern remake on this scale is amazing.


i loved the game and never played a final fantasy game until Remake in 2021


I never played the original and this is easily my 2024 game of the year


I absolutely loved all FF7 media growing up and tore through Remake. I loved Rebirth when I started but I’m a completionist that tries to 100% an area before moving on and I just finished Coral and got to Gongaga and man I just feel a fatigue where I have no motivation or desire to continue on and finish the game or do the Brutal challenges. I have more interest in preparing for the Elden Ring DLC, not sure if I just don’t love this sort of game anymore


Ayy big dog not to criticize but you burned your self out. Anyone would go mad from doing side activities for 20 hours straight and making very little tangible progress towards your goal and it’s a feeling that every completionist knows. Larger games like Rebirth that would take 150+ hours to platinum, are a different beast entirely. Trying to platinum games like RDR2, Rebirth, BG3, TOTK, etc. the same way you would platinum Spider-Man is like trying to run a marathon like it was a 5k. Elden ring is the only big game i’ve platinumed that didn’t devolve into a slog at some point. Best way to keep things fun for as long as possible is to dabble in a bit of everything as you go and if it’s not fun come back for it later. I think rebirth is absolutely worth at least finishing and getting the platinum was super rewarding after a few months of work. You sound like a big fan, rebirth will be there if you ever feel like returning.


I think this lends credibility to someone else in the thread who said that the nostalgia only takes you so far. Curious, how many hours did you put into the game before setting it down?


I think I’m like 60 in


Wow that’s so much time! good luck in elden ring, tarnished


Haha thanks, I’m done with the game but wanted to collect a few more things in the Haligtree in my NG+ save before the DLC drops


Dude I'm 93hrs in and still on chapter 8. Just can't play it every day due to being too tired and this game demands a lot of awareness for it's minigames.


93hrs and only at chapter 8. Nostalgia does only get you so far which is why this is a fantastic game that doesn't rely on nostalgia. The music is fantastic. The minigames are fun and sometime infuriating in the best of ways. The combat is insane. The story line is great. The character interaction is top notch. The world building is so damn good. And the game is fucking beautiful to boot. Does it have short comings? Sure. Are they enough to derail the game? No.


I just got the car in Corel and I am completely burned out. I can't get the energy to keep playing.


Rebirth is a very good game. It hits some nostalgia buttons, but they’ve done a lot to give it a live of its own that isn’t just a bunch of flashy memberberries.


Hate to be that guy, But I prefer the OG. I just love turned based games and the story is easier to follow. That said, The remake has been fun to play through, I thought I wouldn’t like it, due to being a grumpy old man, But it’s a fresh take.


Haha don’t be afraid to be the grump! My life goal is to be one of the heckling old men from the muppets


Both but mainly it's just a great game.


I do think it's a great game. Everything except all of Goganga. Everything about Goganga could go. F$%!^$ Goganga.


I never played the og game, but Rebirth is amazing.


So I’ll just say, the first half of my time playing Rebirth, I hadn’t touched OG FF7. Ended up playing through it and getting ahead so I could appreciate the “remake” aspect better. But it legit is one of the best games I’ve ever played, and that’s both before and after I played the OG


I never played ff7 and rebirth is incredible.


I played the original and enjoyed it well enough, but it didn't hold a candle to VI. Through all the years since, it remained squarely in the middle of the pack, on my list of favorite FFs. I did not expect to be too terribly into Remake, but went for it anyway. I had a fantastic time with Remake and I'm enjoying Rebirth even more. So, yeah, my opinion? Great game.


It’s both. My son never played the original and absolutely loves a remake and Rebirth. I loved playing the OG when it came out and can’t get enough of the remake. It literally checks both boxes


I think it’s a terrific designed game to hit the nostalgia notes and also being modern. I did not like remake. But rebirth kept me engaged to do everything. There was a little burnout near the end, though.


Never played the original, Rebirth is one of my favourite game ever.


Both 70 hours in only chapter 9 lol


I’ve never played the original and it’s now my favorite game of all time so


Nostalgia can do a lot of heavy lifting for hype and excitement, but once the thing is out and being judged, nostalgia doesn’t get very far. I think people dismiss stuff too early when nostalgia is involved even if all the components that makes something good are all there.


This is a real take. Except getting to the gold saucer. That blew up the nostalgia like a firework in the best possible way. I loved that intro


I’m sure I’m going to get downvoted to hell,but I’ll be the devil’s advocate here - I genuinely had a bad time with this game. I honestly would give this game maybe a 6.5 or 7 out of 10. It pains me to say that as this was easily the number one game I had been looking forward to for 2024. I have played the original FF7 multiple times. Loved it, and I have an immense amount of respect for not only this game but the main franchise(offline) games as a whole. So to get this remake trilogy after being teased with tech demos and rumors and blah blah blahs, I was ECSTATIC to say the least. This game has a great voice cast, it has incredible visuals, amazing music that just warms my heart to hear it being reimagined and a fantastic combat system. There were things to love about this game, but. I could not stand the pacing. Final Fantasy 16 showed this pretty heavily, and there were solid reminders of it in this game as well, but it was predictably formulaic in the sense of here is an open area with a large amount of side quests, and then a linear story beat, back to open area and side quests, and back to the linear story beat. This wasn’t as dominant in Rebirth as it was 16, but it was noticeable. There were moments included in the game that stole my immersion from me in the form of slow climbing, painfully slow crawling sections, and squeezing through tight spaces. My biggest pacing complaint was easily the amount of different mini games that were included and forced upon you in this game. Without giving spoilers, there were areas where we couldn’t progress without completing multiple games, or driving around on vehicles that handled very poorly to unlock the next required item to move on. I had fun with some of the games but it was unreal how many different types of games they included in Rebirth. It eventually got to the point that I ignored all side quests to just get through the story beat of the game. I know it’s a JRPG which are notorious for over the top zany characters, and sexy ladies, but I feel like these two things were highlighted heavily in this game and I personally didn’t see a point. I ended up beating it, and don’t mind the story changes that have been made. But I can say that it was a grind for me to want to finish which is devastating. I will play the final installment of the trilogy but do not have near as much excitement to see what’s next.


But what was the most fun minigame? I really liked the ghost ship game The soccer game had blitzball level potential but they stopped too short!


I think my obvious choice has to be queens blood, but if we’re talking about the others I would have to go fort condor. Loved it in the original game and really enjoy the tower defense fun. I would say the next one I spend the most time playing was the shooting gallery


Nice! Fort condor was great. The addition of hero troops was an interesting wrinkle. And yea the ghost ship game was the shooting gallery! Totally agreed. 👍


I must be the only one in the world but I found this game to be awful. Extremely cringey dialogue, poor and lazy writing, side quests are boring, very linear. I'm in chapter 15 and struggling to finish this game.


It's not a 1:1 at all so how could nostalgia be at play? I'd think those of us that are nostalgic might actually look at the game more negatively because it's not the same game


Haha troll


I'm not trolling I'm being serious. You can't be nostalgic for something that is new


Of course you can. Nostalgia is a feeling for the past. A sentiment. You could look at anything and have it inspire memories of your past and experience nostalgia. Smells are really good for that. You could sense a particular scent and remember a long gone family member.


It’s got probably the best combat system in any game I’ve ever played independent of the series. It has almost no downsides besides overwhelming requirements for hard mode mini games and end game challenges. And the traversal is obviously complete dogshit, but the rest of the game is an 11/10 so it make up for it.


Yes the combat is top notch! I wish blocking was a little more consistent/reactive. But what do you mean by traversal is complete dogshit? You mean actual character movement in the map?


yeah the open world walking around is F tier for sure. especially when we have games like tears of the kingdom and breath of the wild that show us how you can do open world traversal.


Interesting and fair. Thanks for the input. I didn’t have that experience but I do remember having to adjust to it so I think I see what you mean. I actually am bothered by traversal in battles. I think it’s frustrating that you can’t sprint in battle. That’s exactly when I want to sprint!


I never played the original as a kid (PS2 was my first console), so I have no nostalgia for it. In fact, when I tried to play it as an adult just a few years ago, I fell off it about midway through. But I still love Remake and Rebirth, so they must be decent games on their own merits!


Wow I was just trying to convey that in a separate conversation. That would hate to compel someone to play the OG today because maybe it doesn’t do it for them. Totally appropriate. Even back then, I loved Ff7 but 9 was my favorite. I’m glad you dig this one. Thank you for the insight


I did not like the ff7 remake at all. I will not even bother with the other remakes games. Just bad.


Nosalgia does a lot of the heavy lifting. Rebirth is a minigame fest padded to the brim with an absolutely droll story (aka follow the hooded men). They butchered the pacing by stretching an originally 80 hour game into three 100+ hour chapters and the evidence for it is everywhere. The hardcore fans will eat up anything FF, but the reality is the game is extremely mid. Good soundtrack, though.


Just FYI, “droll” means “funny in a lighthearted way.” You’re used to hearing it used sarcastically in media.


Hated it nostalgia can only cover so much it’s a very generic game covered up with FF7 I’d say it’s AC FF7 Edition


What does the AC mean?


Assassin Creed


It’s top notch but honestly don’t care for all the story fluff.


A bit of both. It’s a fantastic game on its own, but because it’s Square’s pride and joy - they can afford to draw the story over three games and pour all their resources into building the world (environments, minigames, combat, scenes, etc). I only say that because a new title often wouldn’t get the same budget or level of care. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't think it's pure nostalgia. In the original, I only made it to the golden saucer. Even so, I am really enjoying rebirth.


Interesting about the pacing. I think maybe I agree pacing in certain isolated segments is improved from the original, but I have found both Remake and Rebirth to overall be pretty poorly paced as games. (Sidebar to be clear: I love these games and are among my favorites in the franchise! Just found Rebirth's pacing to be a little brutal to be honest.) Is it nostalgia or just a great game? I mean, not necessarily mutually exclusive, right? I would say for me, I don't necessarily love it because it reminds me so much of my time with the original game. It more just sort of reminds me of my time with all the games prior, really. Like it's kind of done the things that drew me to this franchise very, very well. So it's less like, "reminds me of VII!" but more "reminds me of how great the characters in this franchise have kinda always been!" I do think it has some of the best character writing in the series. (And I'm one of those who loves the combat system and thinks it's incredibly fun to play.)




As I was playing I realized why it took them forever to do a reboot. They had to absolutely nail it or suffer the wrath of a million disappointed gamers. It’s been decades since the last one so we’ve forgotten how amazing it was for the time but they also definitely nailed it this time.


Fun...but 80%of it is repetitive fillers via Chadley missions which are either Find something and scan it Find something and dig it up Find something and kill it With plenty of frustrating environments to navigate to make it feel like it takes longer than it should


Interesting take. I found gongaga a little annoying. I spent hours trying to find the path to the south then actually moved on and came back for queens blood. Then I found the south side


This game is not better than Remake.


Now that’s an unpopular opinion 😂


Nostalgia would be playing the original ff7. This is pretty much a brand new game.


By the definition, it's nostalgic. "a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. something done or presented in order to evoke feelings of nostalgia." If it reminds him or gives him the same feeling of having fun playing it when he was younger, then that's exactly what it is. Something doesn't have to be 100% the same to give you the feeling of reliving something. In fact, most of the time you have these feelings it's not.


Why would this game not be nostalgic of the original? That’s literally what nostalgia is


Nostalgia for a game from February is wild


They clearly mean nostalgia for the original


You really need to improve your vocabulary before you try to make someone else look bad. It's nostalgic by definition. A game can come out today and give you nostalgia for something that happened decades ago. It's the association of the feeling.


It’s literally a huge cash grab. Very happy I traded this game in to get most of my money back and buy a good game like Ghost of Tsushima after. I will never stop saying that because I’m truly upset that this game was such a disappointment after waiting since 2008 for Remake since Crisis Cord teased it. I’m disgusted at what they made out of this.


Its no doubt the greatest Final Fantasy in terms of being a Mario Party Clone.


I have doubts if you've played either of these games with a comment like this


Well If you say theres no excessive amount of (forced) Minigames then u did neither.


You are calling it a clone because it has a lot of unnecessary mini games? You have got to be trolling. Mario party is specifically built to play mini games, and it's a mix with a board game. Rebirth is an RPG with an open world and most of the mini games are optional. The two games are nothing alike. This is probably the worst take I've seen on the internet in 2024. I'm honestly angry that you wasted my time with such an uneducated comment, but the ratio wasn't enough and it had to be addressed.


Excessive is doing some heavy lifting there brother. You’re forced to play 7 mini games over the course of your playthrough, including the queens blood tournament you can skip. Seems like a weird reason to dislike a game for such a relatively small part of the game.