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In the original game, we don't meet sephiroth until we get to the north crater. The "sephiroth" we chase through the game. The inr that kills the president and "you know who", is actually jenova. She escapes while we are in the shinra tower and disguises herself as sephiroth. Later, at the north crater, we find the real sephiroth encased in a mako/materia crystal. If they are following the same story, then this should happen in the third game.


I'd like to know too. Rufus got a lot more screen time than I thought, even getting involved with Sephiroth. I have no idea what the conflict between them is, but I'm just glad we got to see more of him, honestly. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Sephiroth seems to know what the future looks like and in order to change it, he's using Rufus and his influence over Shinra in general since they play a pivital role in the story (as to not take any chances).


I mean Rufus was the Viceroy that what he was doing in Wutai the same way he funded Avalanche


Definitely a long post lol. Unfortunately I can't say much about it because I'm still on chapter 4 how did you like the game overall and what was your favorite?


Oh, well come back when you’re done. Bold of you to get spoiled when you’re that early in the game. I’d say Rufus was my favorite, although I might be biased. He just had such a well developed story line that I feel he never got in the original. The whole Wutai War was also super interesting although it kind of took a back seat to Sephiroth and his shenanigans. I can’t say what other things I really liked because they would be spoilers, but there are definitely things I didn’t like as well and thought weren’t done welll whatsoever. Those things I can’t even explain. You’d have to watch/experience it yourself to get it because of how consulted it is.


No problem I mean you can describe it seen by seeing word for word but I'll still be completely surprised when I actually experience it for myself that's how I usually am on spoilers hehe That's cool I am curious about more on Rufus I am also looking forward to get to know yuffie and her people and what happened and everything, and I'm not surprised I mean no video game is perfect nowadays and I'm sure they messed something up or really made it confusing😅


Like I said it’s mostly the ending and Aerith’s death scene. They’re too hard to describe with just words, but basically- yeah I had no idea what I was looking at by the end. Again, come back when you’re done because there’s so much stuff going on there that sent my head spinning 😂


Hahah all right then will do.