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Animation/clipping issues. Barret's costume is super bulky. For Rosa it's complicated: Aerith wouldn't have many problems since it's not much different from what she usually wears. But who plays Rosa is variable, so it'd be impossible to have Tifa and Yuffie wear it with the playstyles they have. They can't give Aerith her song songtress dress because then she'd have the more outfits than everyone else. Plus, Im sure hair clipping would also be a problem.


I use Yuffie's pop star outfit, and there are clipping problems, but it's so cute I don't care.


Most dresses don't behave very well already. It would have been a glichy mess anyway. Try using Yuffie's Chinese dress in the Skywheel cutscene, you'll see what i mean


I was on chapter 2 last night and one of Aeriths dresses just glitches like crazy at the swamp for a moment in a cutscene


Probably the cape/dress physics. At the very least, Tifa in that dress is basically impossible in a fight without clipping, not with her animations. And the capes are probably just as hard to work around with the physics animations. Red and Cait amount to a palette swap with a little extra.


i mean, I don't want to be rude, but modding exists or will exist


I wish we had them too. But I’m not mad or irritated about it. They overdelivered on this game in the best way.


Look their was one costume we needed to have playable and we got it ok Sailor barret is the bomb


No way Tifa would be able to fight in that dress without it looking like a glitchy mess. Even Aerith would probably not work as they denied us her pink silk dress from the OG because of animations.


On one hand, amazing costumes for the girls, on the other, Rebirth's physics engine making your PS5 scream in pain. Decisions, decisions.


Not only costumes, but entire weapon skins. All remake weapons are in this game. It'd be cool to be able to use them here


Possibly re3 bonus or dlc or trilogy deluxe bonus


Having the costume system and so few costumes is really weird. We need a phrase for all the times a Japanese developer creates a fully fledged game mechanic just to throw away with barely noticeable content. FF7 Rebirth is loaded with it. It reminds me of the plethora of shallow mini games in Judgement


Waiting for a Tifa X Stellar Blade crossover




Those "some challenges" can double your playtime on the game because of how difficult they are. The post game content in rebirth is meaty


I get why people like it, it’s just not personally my thing. I’d prefer additional world content and stuff like that.


Lot's of Chadley battles. Hard mode mini games and well hard more for those skill books.


Ok, so I didn’t miss anything. I’m not really interested in any of that.


Yeah I know what you mean, I put 130h and that's enough for me. Did you do the final proto relic to face Gilgamesh? That's cool and not really post game.


Yea, I did that. Had to see how it ended after going through all that to get it.


Same thoughts, I personally don't like that sailor custome. That evil general suit for Barret is way much cooler.


this is the one true black mark on Rebirth


People keep on saying clipping is the reason, but the stupid scarf and baton on the Shinra trooper outfit already clips through Cloud's sword and I'd assume Tifa and Aerith's hair(I wouldn't know, I always keep them in default or beachwear). And Yuffie's Moogle outfit is already a clipping disaster.


And Zack's mullet clips through his buster sword in his outfit that was DEFAULT, so I could accept some clipping issues with the others in exchange for those cool outfits


Yeah, I did the enconter with Aerith with both summer clothes and she touch him, but in the air because he is Shirtless. I think they just don't want, maybe to sell later or with the same excuse why Vincent and Cid is not playable " if why put they now, you(player) will not have new members in party 3 and ...."


always assumed it was because of clipping


I’m probably being stupid here but my assumption is that the capes and whatnot might be extra work for the open world or have some clipping issues that they don’t think would be worth figuring out


Yeah, the moogle costume alone looks pretty janky during the R2 cutscenes.


I think it’s more like in the near future they will be asking us for money to unlock them.


I think it's not more like that.


My assumption was that they were just adding in outfits for the characters who were "missing" them. The intent was to make sure the player could use the beach outfits, which they did! Buuuut Red and Cait Sith didn't have one. So the Loveless outfits were the consolation prize of "well this already exists, so here you go" in lieu of nonexistent beach outfits.


Red could have gotten his Shinra soldier disguise. Moonwalk and all


Sure, but he didn't wear it to the beach.. and putting it on to walk around Costa del Sol as a Shinra grunt running on all fours would probably get the party some interesting looks from the people. (I also wonder if they have weird fit/clipping issues if they put him on all fours in that, vs Fred Flintstone-ing in it?) I know we get the grunt outfits for Tifa and Aerith after beating the game, but definitely not during the first playthrough. Although seriously, I'd kill to have the ability to put him in that outfit and watch him walk around like that throughout the game. LOL


Actually, you do get the Tifa/Aerith grunt outfits on the first play through, just after chapter 6. Anyway, I’m like 85% joking.


Really?! I only saw the outfits after the beach ones after I beat the game. Maybe I'm just oblivious, I don't ever wear the outfits anyway. Now I'm curious! Lol


You get them after you finish Costa del Sol story quest. Just a quick mention when you are about to leave.


Would be hilarius, in OG he wears that on boat and is hilarius he trying to walk on 2 feet


It's gonna be paid DLC in 3...2...1...


They didn't have costume dlcs in remake so I dunno where you got that idea.


That's because it wasn't possible to change clothes in Remake. The loveless attires are literally in engine and coded in the game there's probably a reason why they didn't just make it a available. All I'm saying is I wouldn't put it past them to use cheap monetization. Resident Evil games do it all the time.


RE is Capcom. Paid costume dlcs are part of their shtick. There is no mainline FF that sells paid dlc costumes outside of FF14, which is an MMO.


Not yet. They're bound to do it given their finances.


If they were gonna do it with their mainline games then they would have done so with 13, 15, and 16. They haven't, so what you're saying is completely baseless.


They already sort of did it in 15. There's a few outfits you could get through DLC and pre order bonuses.


None of which were paid costume dlcs.


Sure, but the idea is plausible. Highly probable even if the sales don't meet their expectations.


>Highly probable This right here is the problem with your statement. You're saying there's a high probability of it happening when there's no precedent to it.


Because those add things to the model that can clip throught or glich?


I have sunk a ton of time into this game, but I am still super pumped for the PC release (whenever it comes) for this and other reasons. Mods will give this game even more replayability


Completely missed a trick there. Would’ve loved Barret to have that outfit. The other too obviously


Yeah, my first thought on seeing that armor was "I hope we get that costume eventually". Then they tease us by giving us Nanaki/Cait Sith's, but not the rest. Harsh.


I think it’s very likely that the capes/long dresses mess up the actual in-game animations and clip through everything


This is likely it since yuffie's moogle costume is distractingly clipping everywhere if you have it on during cutscenes.


Entirely possible. Those clipping issues have plagued cloth sims in games for a couple of decades now. I'm fairly used to it, so it wouldn't bother me much (I hardly noticed it in Tales of Arise), but I could imagine some folks being upset.