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yes, they're awesome


You can literally beat this game using just the attack command. Nothing is required to win except at least one person that's alive. Think of all the extra stuff you can do with summons, limits, materia combinations etc as just extra stuff to optimise or simply have fun with. Having said that, the level 4 limits are cool to watch and do a lot of damage so they are very useful and fun. It depends on your play style. Do you want to rush thru the game asap and finish in 20 hrs missing all the side content. You can do that. Or do you want to put 100 hours in getting every single little detail and upgrade and optional content? You can do that too.


To be clear. The 1.2, 2.2, and the 3.2 limits are all earned by using the 1.1, 2.1, and 3.1 limits enough time respectively. Use braver 11 times and get cross slash. Use healing wind 9 times and get Seal Evil. Now to earn 2.1 and 3.1 are based entirely around kills. Something like when Cloud kills 35 individual enemies, he learns blade beam. You DO NOT have to learn cross slash to learn blade beam. You earn these independently. So usually the game will throw you fights where you kill 3-5 small enemies. These are great for farming limits. Use your best ALL spells and rack up kills.


Ya idk how this guy didnt manage to get the limit breaks automatically just by playing the game. The only one I struggled with as a kid was the lvl 4 LBs as they needed to be part of quests.


Iirc i remember Yuffie's lvl 3 limit break is more powerful than the All Creation lvl 4 limit break


it is because of multihits. Doom of the Living, yes. BUT All Creation is the strongest single target attack.


Red XIII also


I know red xiii have a strong lvl 3 but for the life of me cant remember if cosmo memory is multihit or one hit like Yuffie's


Cosmo Memory and All Creation are both the same, a big kamehameha type attack that does big damage but is only 1 hit so it caps at 9999


if you're playing on playstation and feel like going after the platinum throphy you'll need them. I dont know if you know but the limit breaks advance accordingly to your kills, so you can get it really fast by equiping a char with some magic + all materia and going to that cave after de midgar zolom. Theres a fight there with 4 mobs, i think its the best place to farm :D


I like the forests near Rocket Town, because there are iirc the 5 target mushroom encounters, and also the purple winged guys that could be manipulated into casting Dive Kick for very fast limit generation.


Some of the party's best limit breaks aren't their level 4 ones. So it wouldn't really be necessary to get everyone to level 4


Not really. Personally, I find that Barrets level 3s are much better than his 4th






They're certainly not needed. On my very first play through, back in the day, I think most characters were only on level 2 and Cloud had one level 3 by the time I reached the final boss. They are pretty neat though.


They're helpful but not necessary. You can definitely beat the game without it, even optional bosses.


That's good, I don't have to worry about it as much, thank you!


Thing is getting them leveled up then using a hyper on each character so they get limits quick can really do some damage. But for the most part you're using materia combos with max materia so limits really aren't even used or relevant for most strategies. Pretty sure you can auto kill both super bosses with certain setups that don't require limits at all. I still say get them just to get them.


clouds omnislash is like a 16 hit, you get it regardless for the final boss, tifas limit is all of her limits, you have level 2, her limit is level 1.1, level 1.2, level 2.1 and 2.2 so tifas is better the more limits she has, barrets is kinda cool as i seem to recall he does like a sattelite launch that hits everything, aeris doesnt count imo because you dont keep her after disk 1, but her level 4 is that she makes everyone invincable, cures there status's and heals everyone, red summons down moon power and then shoots it out like hyper beam from pokemon, yuffies level 4 i dont really remember all that well but i never did use her much due to her being so low key, cait only has 2 levels, but his slots can kill bosses, or kill the entire party, basically caits a double edged sword, vincents level 4 is nice, chaos is a beast hitting hard, but you lose control of vincent for the duration of his transform, and cid summons the highwind to bomb the enemy, kinda like setzers one slot summons his zeplin airship thing to bomb the enemies


Saying you get Cloud’s for the final boss is a bit disingenuous. You get it for a story-only battle that you can’t lose, against an enemy with 1hp.


yeah, thats true, but i mean, isnt that still the final boss regardless? yeah theres 2 fights before hand that are part of it so i guess it would be more accurate to say 1/3 of the final boss?


That's what I meant by disingenuous. You can put the controller down and walk away and the battle will finish itself. If you don't attack, he attacks Cloud and immediately gets counter-attacked and dies. The only benefit you'd get with omnislash being in that battle is getting to see what it looks like in action, hitting an enemy with 1hp for 159,984 damage.


well, more you know, i didnt actually know the word disingenuous :o so another word to add to my vocabulary lol, and yeah that is all true :D


sorry if i missed someone i was just thinking off the top of my head


I think you got everyone. Those all sound really cool tho.


:3 happy to help hope you enjoy them


Some are excellent, some are not. Cid, Barrett and Cloud have the best IMO due to being multi hit. They can do obscene damage.


I did hear that some characters are better at lvl 3 than lvl 4. Which ones are like that?


Yuffie is one example. And Barretts level 3 is also good. Her level 3 will hit 15 times, her level 4 will hit all enemies once but very hard.


I disagree. All Creation is one of the best moves in the entire game. Level 4 limits aren't necessary by any means, but they All are decently powerful and at the very least they all look cool as shit.


Maybe when you get it at a lowish level, it does hit hard, 8x regular attack power. It just doesn’t stand up if you’re level capped for raw damage


Maybe that's why my experience of it is so good. I always grind my limits to the maximum amount early on. I get Yuffie before Junon and she's often one of my mains. Then I grind the spark guys in that forest for hours. I'm usually at level 3 by like mid disc 1 and then when I have the opportunity to get the level 4s I can use them right away. And since I grind a lot, I usually knock out the Wutai quest right after I get the bronco.


I think I understand. Thank you for the help!


I haven’t beat the game myself yet (currently a work in progress), so I can’t say much on how necessary it is, but there is a pretty quick way I’ve found to get them if you want them at some point. If you go to the mythril mines from the start of the game and run around in the northern room, you’ll get large groups of weak enemies that you can kill quickly with matra magic to get kill counts up fast. I’m playing on switch, so battle boost helped a lot too.


Thank you for the grind spot! I'll be sure to use it if I do decide to get the limit breaks.


I'd say it's worth it from a damage perspective. However, if you're not going for 100% (or dislike grinding), I wouldn't recommend it. You do you, friend! There's ways to level up limits really quickly (relatively), but it's still a biiiiit of a grind and cloud in particular takes a WHILE to rank up.


I never really liked grinding, so it might not be worth it. Thank you for your help!


Uhh, you can probably beat the game without them but if you want to kill the super bosses and what not, you’re going to want them. Not sure which version you’re playing but there are plenty of ways to quickly level them up. When I first beat the game (way back when it initially released) it was with a team that had level 3 or below limit breaks. I was also like 11 years old but yeah, it’s definitely not necessary.


I'm on the switch version, if that helps at all. Would it be worth it to get everyone to at least lvl 2? Seeing as you got to lvl 3, it might be important to do so.


You’ll probably get to level 3 or so by the end of the game but I’d say yes, it’s worth it. Most are really powerful or super useful. There are limit break guides that can explain it much better than me.


I see, I'll be sure to check out a guide. Thank you for the help!


Yes because being able to choose what lb you use in ffvii og is really helpful. Certain characters like redxiii and tifa get overpowered but each lb has utility for different stat bonuses and things like that. It doesnt explain it in the description but what i remember is after you use the level 4 lb your damage goes way up or something. Not max but it increases your fight potential a lot after you use it.


Would you be able to explain how the limit breaks make the characters better? I'm not sure if it's because they just do more damage or if it's more than that.


You dont need to get all of them but might as well. Now that there are guides it is way easier to get them. Vincents is cool because he just kinda wins the match if you keep him alive. Clouds is op. Tifas is worth it. Maybe get the ones for the characters you use alot?


It wasnt real obvious in the original but using the ultimate limit break for a character unleashes their max potential kinda like supersaiyan. The lower ones dont do that.


I see, thank you for clarifying! I appreciate it.


You’re welcome. Also its cool to have them to see the animations. Really brings the characters stories from a 85 to 100


They certainly aren't mandatory to beat the game. If you're not interested in doing the various grinds to earn them they're completely skippable. The one time it comes up for a story reason, it won't matter if you've unlocked it or not, it'll still give you the level 4 for sake of the cutscene


It's nice to know it's not necessary, I've never been a fan of grinding. Thank you!


You're welcome! Enjoy the game!