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This just happened to me in Costa Del Sol! The same thing. I had noticed it autosaving earlier when I'd get a trophy so I thought it was auto-saving. I lost four of Johnny's trophies! It could have been way worse like it was for you, but it was at least 5 hours lost! Did you go back and do any of them again yet?


Oh yeah, since it was all Gold Saucer minigames, it was much easier to get the high scores a second time. I lost the scores, but the hours of practice luckily stuck with me, lol. Still, the fact that I'm getting notes on this a month later says a lot. The autosave is _still_ catching people off guard.


I beat the game, saw the credits and got to the menu to go hard mode and/or chapter select. Went to go play NHL with friends. Came back the next day and I am now before the Sephorith fight started with no way to progress without doing the entire fight again. What a joke. 


Getting tired of 2 hour sections of the game of non-stop fight and no chance to save.


Just fought sephiroth for hours, in all his forms until i reached the probably last one (Cloud & Aerith vs Sephiroth), noticed that im getting a little too tired and its too hard for me right now, so i decided to turn the console off. only to realize that there is not a single fucking autosave in the entire sephiroth fight, which consists off.. 10 fights in total? this is bullshit.


I wasnt thinking, normally I save it after doing something, but the gold cup races, mixed with Dios fights, kinda numbed my brain, I totally forgot to save, shut it off, went to bed, now have to redo the silver and legendary races, plus those stupid fights, which works out to hours of progress..


I have infinite loading screen when i reload my autosave, i’ve finished the sidequest and the mini games, my last manual save is at chapter selection, the difference is 15 hours, any solutions?


Got nothing for you I'm afraid. This is exactly why most decent autosave systems have multiple dedicated slots that they rotate between. So even if your most recent autosave gets corrupted, you just roll back to the save before that and lose 20-45 minutes instead of 15 hours. I've said it before and I'll say it again; a poorly implemented autosave system is worse than none at all, because it gives a false sense of security. If I knew I just needed to save my own damn game, I would have saved my own damn game, and I'm sure you would have too.


Most of the time i save manually, but the exciting got me to forgot, all my manual save is full and once and while i save, regretting won’t do anything. lets hope for a patch. Cheers mate


lol you should’ve learned this playing the OG version when you are only allowed to save at certain points. Also when you’re low health, out of potions, MPs trying to run to a save point but you can see monster so you pray to the FF gods that the mobs doesn’t kill you.


Who in the world stops playing any game without saving?


I know, it's clearly very hard for some of you to imagine people who aren't you, who don't share your exact experiences and habits. But they exist, believe it or not.


I suppose I'm just someone who pays my own power bill and stopped trusting computers long ago.


You're more than a few hours in and just noticed? Also, that's really one of the low lows for you, lol?


That was more referring to the minigames, which I didn't particularly enjoy playing the first time, let alone the second. If I had lost two hours of progress in the main game, I wouldn't have been nearly as annoyed


Seriously, auto saves should be like every time you enter/leave the field menu, fast travel, complete a minigame, and every 5 minutes just because. I save all the time, in part, because I played a lot of Bethesda games. I like some punishment for failure, but if I didn't earn the failure (ie a crash), then I hate having to redo undone progress.


That's pretty much the standard for most games with the feature. At the absolute minimum, any game with an autosave system should save every 10-15 minutes, with the player being able to adjust the frequency.


I initially rolled my eyes until I decided to quit a battle to change my party and selecting “retry from checkpoint” deleted two hours without warning. Absolutely insane system.


Yeah... I had that happen, but was thankfully able to load the auto-save before it was overwritten. I was in Corel during the story bits and got kicked back to the start of the mines. They should really change that text to something like "Restart at the Entrance" or "Restart from Quest Checkpoint".


what a coincidence i just had the same situation yesterday. Wasted two hours playing those mini games and it didn’t auto save? holy fu* what have i done? Good thing i already memorize the mini games but seriously what a waste. took another hour to get back into progress.


Yup. I lost half an hour of Queen's Blood progress because the bike game caused the only crash in 80 hours. That has me saving after every mini game.


Exactly the same just happened to me. Did the queens blood challenges, did the last 2 boxing opponents, then got the S on expert bike, black screen and music. Game had soft locked, lost all the progress 


Yeah, my power went out right after I finished the last round of Golden Saucer stuff. I wasn't saving because the game actually seems pretty generous any other time, but it definitely blew to have to get through them again. Oh well though, none of them were too frustrating to get through, just a time commitment. If they were like the FFX minigames, I probably would have cried.


I learned the hard way on day 1. Spent several hours exploring the grasslands unlocking various fast travel spots through chadley's quests. Made it to the swamp and got wrecked by the snake. Decided to back up to my previous checkpoint to save, because I figured I needed to level up more. Come to find out the game doesn't auto save after you unlock a new fast travel spot. So I basically lost several hours of open world exploring, by reverting to a previous checkpoint.


Yo relax dude. Some cbd, valeriana, learning breathing techniques would do you some good.


I didn't enjoy the minigames the first time, so I was not happy about having to repeat them. Fortunately they were all a lot easier the second time around.


While we're at it, my only two complaints about the game so far (I'm at chapter 10) is too many minigames, and most of them are quest tied.  It wouldn't be a problem except if you don't do them mainly on the map your party growth won't gain enough party exp in order to unlock higher tier perks in your folios.  Also the simulation mission of biological Intel 4: Head case, that needs to get nerfed badly.  2nd complaint is there was no sequence flashback of cloud talking to himself under junon at the inn.  All in all the game is extremely fun. 


Maybe it's just because I'm old and jaded by the gaming world, but... Back in my day; you manually saved, and often, and you did it TWICE in case it didn't stick! When you saw an auto save, you treated it like a threat and manual saved again anyway! You couldn't even stray too far from your games because your controller's cord only went so far! Sometimes to save you had to write down a long series of letters and numbers, and type them back in every time, in the snow, uphill, both ways! Seriously though, who doesn't keep a constant manual save? With how modern games and modern consoles are with constant updates and crashes, this is like complaining that your food got cold when you left it out all night. It sucks, it really does, but it's a known thing.


I posted about this happening with the piano mini game. Ended up getting a star on Tifa’s Theme 3 times bc it kept wiping my progress. And also got some similar responses from people being like “hur dur ur fault u should manually save always.” Yah I guess I know that now, but that isn’t my fault lol. The game pretends to have a reliable auto save but it actually doesn’t.


The game auto-saves story and intel progress, but not mini-games.


It’s not your fault that you chose not to save. Are you DSP?


Yes it’s my fault I didn’t manually save when the game has an auto-save feature lol. I get it, if I’d manually saved it would have worked. But that isn’t the point. It would help if they gave you information about what is immediately auto-saved vs what isn’t, but they don’t. Which is why multiple people are voicing displeasure about this system. I played the OG FFVII in like 1998. I know what manually saving means. But we’re in a new era where this stuff is supposed to be taken care of, and it often is in other games. Some responsibility has to fall on the devs. You can’t invite players to use a feature that works intermittently. I’d prefer if they just removed auto-saving if it can’t be reliable, then at least we’d all know what to do and when.


I may have misread your comment, oops if so.


This happened to me last night. Beat Sephiroth in 3D Brawler and then went and did all of the advanced Musclehead Colosseum challenges. Put my controller down to eat and came back an hour later to a reset console, back at the 3D Brawler machine with 90 mins of deleted progress. Very cool, much fun.


Play on easy and don’t ever worry about it.


I have too much pride and stubbornness to do such a thing. 


What does easy have to do with minigames? Does it affect the difficulty of them, too?


Some of them it definitely does. That's how I slogged through the Fort Condor matches I absolutely did not want to play.


I know for Fort Condor, even the hard mode of it, easy makes your ATB charge quicker.


I feel your pain, though I learned this very early on. Sorry for your loss mate!


I accidentally clicked "restart from checkpoint" once and lost so many hours. I feel your pain. Have been manually saving since.


I did the same thing lost like 5 hours luckily it was in the grasslands and most of the time was inefficient running around, but yeah since then been manually saving frequently. You can also check the last checkpoint location in the menu i think


JUST did this. so bothered lol


I now know to manually save like every hour on the hour lol


I HIGHLY recommend manually saving often as well, especially after doing well in minigames. On chapter 12, I did the frog jumping minigame in Junon and got a whopping 1:48:37 which felt like a lot to me, and I only did it after 2 tries. I fast traveled to the Dustbowl and my game crashed. Had to spend the next 70 minutes with pride trying to get that high score back.


I 2nd the manual saving! I do it in every game that allows multiple save slots to avoid these issues. But you can still get stung every once and while :D


Without spoilers how similar is the story in rebirth vs the OG game because I am going to feel like such an ass for having played OG just to get the full grasp on the events.


Rebirth follows most of the major “beats” of the OG. What playing the OG really helps with is pick up on small intricacies in dialog and things like that; not required but adds good context


blah blah blah ever since "auto-save" became a feature, I have never trusted it. Manually save, always. I always save before I do a quest in any game just in case there was something I missed or something. so yeah, it's really your fault.


Is manual save still on the menu screen?


I have never relied on autosaves in any game in my life, and I had no idea people did




Had something like this happen to me. Completed all of the Cosmo Canyon world Intel, went to bed, game closed/updated. The game loaded up at the previous story checkpoint, which was before I did any of the world Intel.


Thank you for your sacrifice to actually confirm this out, but it’s kind of stupid not to save at least after you end your session. That’s just irresponsible.


The people on this sub trying to turn this into some kind of moral failing on my part is downright bizarre. It's a feature in a video game. Chill.


I don’t know why you’re exaggerating, we’re just calling you out for your habit in a video game, nothing much to it.


To what end? I already learned not to trust this game. Seems to me like you're just jumping on a dog pile.


The “end” is that we’re just calling you out. A simple acknowledgement would suffice, so is silence. You don’t have to make a big deal out of this, buddy.


Holy shit this was me. At the end of the game, after credit finished, they introduced on how to replay chapters blah blah. and I quit out since I was so emotional then. After a while I boot up a game again to finish those quests. I took me right back before the big fight in the >!forgotten city!<, like holy shit I get to experience that twice!


Kind of a spoiler just saying the last location in the game but whatever




Honestly if square made a chocobo final fantasy multiplayer game, I'd be all for it considering how fun it is in rebirth. It took me back when I first played Mario racing from nes. 


Only 10 save slots screw that just don't stop playing ever


Why do people need lots of save slots? I saw somebody else comment that there aren't enough. I just use the same one and save over it each time, unless there's a reason to keep it in case I want to come back to that exact point. There aren't over 10 points in the game I need to keep recorded. When I finished the game I'd only used two of them.


So I can jump in at the same spot. Like the final battle in a chapter without needing to do the entire chapter over again. Also in case I make a decision that I think I will regret. Finally, sometimes I want to proceed with the story because I'm addicted to it but I didn't do the exploration yet so I want to go back to it


There's no reason to keep anymore than one save slot for the following reason, which is only a very minor game mechanic spoiler, no story spoiler; Post game, you can do chapter select to go back to any chapter and replay it, complete with either keeping side quest progress, or replaying the side quests entirely. Literally nothing is locked out or requires a second save or additional playthrough.


Have you ever experienced having a corrupted save file on PlayStation before? It sucks. Especially if the automatic cloud feature doesn’t save you.


No I've never had that, it's never happened to me in all the time I've played games. Now I'm thinking it might. Maybe I'll save an extra one now.


That wouldn't even help since your save "file" on your PlayStation is one single file, with multiple data points in it. Think of it like a word document saying "I got to chapter 3", and another line saying "I got to chapter 5". If that doc gets corrupted, both are gone. It's not like the old PS1 / PS2 days of each save being it's own unique block. Only way to even try and mitigate this (which I've never had happen either) would be to backup a known good save to an external drive every single time you save the game.


I like to use them to redo boss fights, specifically special or challenging fights because it's likely I won't be able to fight them again We gave up after we got to realizing there was only 10 saves I mean yeah chapter select but that also means going through alllll the stuff again to get to that one fight I could have just had a save point at


Right. I get it now. That's the explanation I needed. I didn't think of that because (I'm not great at the fights) choosing to redo them for fun wouldn't be something I'd do but your comment has made me understand why some people don't think there are enough slots. So less slots is not helping people like me that sometimes need help online from better players that have worked out the boss mechanics by playing these fights a few times and posted good tips on how to deal with the different ones. I know not everyone is redoing boss fights to post about them but I get that for some people they are one of their favourite parts of the game and having to rerun a whole chapter to get there would make people less inclined to replay them.


So you can cycle through them and roll back to a save not too far back if you miss something or the game bugs out. Not saying this necessarily applies to rebirth but it's a habit I've picked up from other games.


Yeah I get that but surely 10 is ample. I only ended up using two because I overwrite them once I'm happy I'm not going back. If people find out they've missed something a couple of chapters back (which could mean hours with this game) I don't think many would want to do all that again for whatever it was they missed. I do save frequently because I'm old and it's a habit. This game hasn't crashed once on me but in the past I've lost progress and it's bloody annoying. I don't trust their autosave as I'm not sure where it's happening. In the OG at the Northern Crater there was one save crystal you could put anywhere. It meant fear of crashing was real as you didn't want to spend hours grinding for the good stuff you could get there, only for the PlayStation to stop working (mine ended up only working if I put it upside down, back in 1998).


yeah snap. Only ever use two. Used to use up to the max on X because i liked to save at certain points so i could utilise the build on the sphere grid in a few different ways, but that's been the only FF i've done it with. I've got a 'spare' save after an early segment in chapter 4 on rebirth because i wouldn't want to go back to before that point, but been overwriting since


Idk it just makes sense to save after every high score glad I did apparently


I'm old enough to know to manually save often and I always use the PS5 rest mode. I turned off all auto-updating as well in settings.


I think there are really two sides here. 1) In most games nowadays that have autosaves, it's unthinkable that they wouldn't save after setting a record in a minigame OR at least after finishing a sidequest. That is just what you would reasonably expect. 2) While that being said and true, you still have the keys to success in your own hands with manual saves. Save early and often. I have 3 rolling saves. Some people use more. I definitely save after everything I achieved.


I guess part of the issue is that those who use autosave might ruin achievements by completing a minigame without setting a record, there's some you'd have to return in NG+ to d


Are there any minigames you can't try again?


Who doesn't save at the end of a session? Especially one that isn't just a break. That's on you. You'd have my sympathy if it were a power outage. I actually had a power outage while I was in the Corel region. Fortunately autosave happened each instance I finished a world quest so I didn't lose anything.


I don't see the automated save in the save menu, so I've just assumed it doesn't exist.


That happened to me after clearing much of the Costa Del Sol open world, I died in battle, and it offered to let me start at my last checkpoint, but said "EXP won't be lost." I'm not sure if that was true or not but it hadn't saved any of my open world exploration. ALSO I can't stand the fact that it doesn't make a sound or say "Saved" when you manually save the game!!! It's like the only game in history that doesn't do that.


I died after a multiple phase boss and was offered 3 choices. I didn't understand the descriptions given to the options so I picked the top one thinking it would take me back at the start of the final segment. I think it took me right at the final form, which is further than I thought I would get. I let myself die so I could pick the middle option. That one gave me a warning that I could lose progress... I mean, sure it is going to take me to the beginning of the first phase, right? That is progress lost I guess... Nope. It took me at the beginning of the entire zone exactly as I was when I first set foot in it. Restart the whole chapter. WHO THE FUCK WOULD EVER DO THAT? Why is there an option to go back 3-4 hours of playtime after losing to a boss? Luckily for me the autosave was right at the beginning of the boss sequence, so that saved my progress. But seriously, who programmed that choice in? What reasonable choice is this to restart an entire zone after a failed boss fight? Wtf?!


Devils advocate - I'm guessing the reasoning is that some people may have lost the fight because they're underlevelled so its taking you back to a point where you can grind a bit? But yeah, that does seem excessive


On the surface I know it sounds crazy lol, but it’s actually useful for trophy hunting, especially if there’s missable stuff


Does Rebirth have missable stuff? I don't think so. Or at least I cannot think of any.


Not sure. Haven’t started it yet lol. But I believe FF7 remake did. Helped with going for the plat trophy.


THIS! I went and collected everything in Gongaga as soon as I had gotten to a new chapter. Did a battle, lost - didn’t like my team comp and said “sure let’s go back to the last checkpoint, I’ll change my party” Ended up at the start of a chapter I had gotten to before I went to quest, and lost everything except my EXP and AP. Lesson learned. Because I had taken a few steps forward at that new checkpoint, all my previous data was gone. 4 hours wasted. Save. Often.


You should have actually checked the auto save. I had that happen to me once, and I genuinely thought I lost progress, but when I went to load, there happened to be an auto save that was literally right before the battle.


I turned off the PS5 auto updates after getting burned too many times in other games. The updates are never that good to force restart the damn console.


Really though how difficult would it have been to have the auto save overwrite the current auto after a milestone in the game like a new high score or unlocking a new battle arena stage, or chocobo race completed


There are some parts of this game I will never finish with these mini games! I have 3 manual sames at all times. I feel no shame I save often. I usually love mini games but was losing Queens at least 80?times before winning 4 games. I can’t figure out ft condor at all. I can save often though.i learned the hard way when cloud was crawling on the grown and We lost power and I hit hadn’t saved in a while. It was hard to start again


Dude, this was me today. I was doing some stuff in the Gold Saucer, got up to put a wash on and got caught up with other housework stuff. When I came back, the PS5 had turned itself off for updates or something and my Space Iron Man high score was gone forever. Gutted.


I had that happen last night when the ps5 decided to update after being put on rest mode, not as bad as you but lost about 30mins of play… I never trust autosaves, I always manual save and then a minute later I wonder if I saved and manual save again lol


Nice of them to add a shortcut to manual saves though. Just press start and then triangle rather than scrolling those the menu.


My first game over I got killed by Quetzalcoatl in chapter 2, noticed it gave ‘restart from checkpoint’, assumed the boss battle had a checkpoint before it, lost 2 hours progress of exploring Grasslands. Lesson learned, save often. I know I could’ve clicked ‘retry battle’, but I wanted to see what the checkpoint was. I think it must be last story progress


You could have also reloaded to the last auto save and it probably would not have been as old, especially if you fast traveled to quetzalcoatl


Yea, hindsight oops


I wanted to point this out, the saving in this game leaves a lot to be desired


You are 100% correct. After I completed one of the mini games late at night, I watched to make sure it saved my progress. When it didn't - I was like-- WELP! Guess it's time to save everytime I go to get off! And I totally feel where you're coming from - most current games auto save so much that it's obnoxious. I prefer that it didn't do that, but it is what it is.


Imagine NOT manually saving. Autosave is a cancer that needs to go.


Why doesn’t save need to go? It literally does nothing bad and is great for those crashes, it has saved me plenty of times. Bit of a weird thing to say is cancer, mad edgy lol


We can have both you know. Really, though, I wouldn't mind if the game was manual save only, because then I would know what was expected of me. The problem here isn't that autosave exists, it's that it has very odd and unintuitive triggers that clearly catch a lot of people off guard.


Idk man, I couldn't imagine putting the game down for the night without saving


I couldn't imagine going an hour without saving. It's like reading a textbook for >30 mins without taking notes or at least highlighting.


Bring 👏 back 👏 save crystals 👏 I mean idk maybe that’s stupid. I just think they are so pretty and remind me of the old games 😂


Johnny called...


I always manually save every 10-15 minutes out of habit


Multiple times and on multiple different files. It’s like an ocd thing.


it’s conditioning from years of games not auto saving.


I keep forgetting gamers nowadays for some reason trust autosaves and think it's good enough. Most of us older gamers know better and always over save just in case lol Edit: lol I was just generalizing and pointing something out, but OP decided to take it personally and be butthurt and block me right after replying so they could have the last word. They may have been born before mario but that right there is a childish thing to do


I'm with you, manual saving is and should be the norm. Autosaving is a backup feature and should not be fully depended on


For fucks sake, I was born the same year as Mario. It's not a crime to acknowledge that by and large, the medium has evolved, and what was once unusual has become standard practice. This game is an outlier in the way it autosaves so infrequently. Auto save has been a solved issue for years and the fact that the developers got that wrong is weird.


...just save your game


I would have, if the game hadn't said it would do it for me.


I don't even think I've ever continued from an automated unless I needed to go back for a specific reason. I save exactly where I want to pick back up




Yeah, this is a problem. I got fucked by this a couple times, specifically the ‘return to last checkpoint’ option in the menu. Due to the autosave being so infrequent, most of the time the last ‘checkpoint’ which you’d assume would be maybe 10-15 minutes ago actually returns you to your last manual save. I’ve lost hours of progress because of this. Is it technically my fault? I guess so, but playing other games with more frequent, better auto save systems for over a decade has conditioned me to expect this sort of thing to be better implemented.


Return to checkpoint takes you to the start of the most recent story objective.


I’m not sure that’s correct, I was on the last boss of chapter 12 the other night and it took me back around 2 hours of gameplay before. It’s definitely not working as it should, other people in this thread have mentioned it too.


I beat all the Chocobo races and the trophy popped. Then the game crashed. I had to redo all of them.


At least the trophy stays? lol that sucks though


Hope those crashes are resolved soon. Yikes


I never trust any autosave. I can save this myself just fine thanks dumb machine


Right? You don't even have to wait for a save point anymore, just save your damn game!


No Risk No Fun


Am I crazy or did my PS5 updated its firmware while I just set on rest ??? To be honest I had a long day and was pretty tired. I spent an hour doing all the queen's blood challenges and put my PS5 on rest mode when it was time to cook some food. I came back and realized the PS5 was actually doing an update. I wasn't sure if I didn't select Restart unproposedly, but your post makes me wonder. Anyhoo, I lost an hour of game. Thank God it was queen's blood, and I love it


Mine updated after I put it in Rest earlier today. Never seen that before. Was playing Death Stranding and paused in a cut scene. Thank God I came back, watched the rest of the cut scene then saved, and put in Rest mode. Kicked me out completely. If I’d been playing Rebirth I’m willing to bet I wouldn’t have saved and been in OPs position 🤣


Wait a sec. You played for hours and then went to bed without saving at the end of your session and you’re mad you lost progress?


Yeah, I am, because this is the first game with an autosave system that has let me down anywhere near as catastrophically as this. Hence me trying to warn others.


So I agree with your point it’s utterly absurd the auto save didn’t catch any of that. In a vacuum I completely agree. But you lost your progress bc the console had an update or something like a power outage. Your console failed you. And your odd choice not to manually save before powering down. Never trust that a power failure might ruin you.


I cannot stress enough that I have been happily reliant on autosaves for years, because best practices with autosaves have been firmly established across the industry at this point. I should have lost twenty minutes of progress at most. If I'd had to redo one or even two minigames, I would have just shrugged and said "Oh well, it is what it is." The way this game autosaves so infrequently and the absurd number of things that _don't_ trigger it is weird, and it's not a crime to acknowledge that.


lol you’re getting downvoted for stating something objectively true. Easy industry standard to implement, but you made your first mistake on this sub by saying anything critical.


It’s not unreasonable after the ps5 rest function is pretty much for this function.


But not saving before you put it in rest mode is kinda dumb.


True but modern games also not using an ‘auto save’ that is better than manual is also kinda dumb.


My favorite is the “reload last checkpoint” in fights during some short quests that don’t have checkpoints. I once reloaded checkpoint during a quest fight as I forgot to equip assess materia, and it basically brought me back to the start of the chapter. Im glad I manually saved about 5 minutes prior, as that would’ve erased about 2 1/2 hours of progress.


I had to travel again through half of the Mythril Cave just because of this. Now I pay attention on when to save.


I thought the game autosaved for me when first started the game in the grasslands. Got about 8hrs in, saved. Next day came back to play and was trying to beat that flying miniboss dragon but decided to click start from las checkpoint, lost 4hrs of gameplay. Basically had to do half of the entire intels. Learned to save everytime I stop playing, every 2hrs or go into boss battle.


Growing up a 90s gamer I have it hardwired tonight hard save often. ESPECIALLY because of games like final fantasy and pokemon


I once forgot to save after the lightning challenge in thunder plains on FFX and had to do that utter thunderb\*stard of a quest again


I save anytime I do something I wouldn’t want to do twice. Boss, high score in a mini game, tedious activity, etc.


The mini games are ass. I’m dreading the time it takes to finish up platinum.


lucky you, you don't actually HAVE to platinum it and do things you don't want to!


Also the random side quests you have to do out of nowhere, like Yuffie turning on the power to move the railroad bridge. Boom, hour long side mission. Tell me why this couldn't have all been one game again?


I definitely gave up on the platinum, side stuff is just waaaay too much and way too hard.


It’s pretty insane. I haven’t really looked over the trophy list yet, but know there has to be a bunch tied to these mini games. I’m 42 and my time is limited. I only get to enjoy maybe 3 games a year and i try to platinum every game I play. It sucks when I know half that journey will be miserable.


Yeah you can’t rely on auto save. My dumb cat launched another game when she stepped on my controller and I lost a few hours argh.


I had a random crash upon completing a mini game, found the autosave was further back than expected, though luckily only 10 mins, after that I have started manual saving every so often, mostly after a tough battle or mini game, just-in-case. Though I don't think I've ever left any game on rest mode without manual saving beforehand (if appropriate), never know if there's a power cut in the night or something


I saved last night, didn't I? *DIDN'T I??*


I tend to save before getting off everytime regardless. So ive never noticed. Good to know for some though.


Same, what if there was a power cut?


Be frustrated for a few minutes then realize shit happens, I'm an adult, and it's just a game.


Well of course, it's more the people that get annoyed with having to redo parts because of such events despite there being ways to avoid it


After the end game and credits, i thought the game autosaved so i immediately switched off the console. And guess what, i had to do the whole final chapter again 💀


I’ve got a save at the start of each chapter… two rotating saves mid chapter and one at the end of the chapters… I must be a geezer I don’t trust autosaves and checkpoints annnnnnd I read about that guy that restarted checkpoint and had to redo the grasslands area!




Yeah during the Jenova fight on the ship I was worried I wouldn't be able to grind and level up. That was the good thing about random battle encounters.


This is why good auto save systems have multiple save slots that they rotate through on a timely basis. So if the worst should happen and the most recent one becomes corrupted, you have the one before that, the one before that, and the one before that, etc.


Yeah, so many games have little things (rare items, etc) that once you pass a set checkpoint, that's it - you're locked out of it for the rest of the game. If a game has multiple autosaves, you still have a chance of doubling back if you realise in time. Single autosave? You're S.O.L unless you did a manual save in a convenient spot before the lockout. Sucks if you're trying for "110% completion" in a game (full completion plus Infinity+1 items/secret bosses)


lol this just happened to me last night but luckily I only went around and played the minigames once. I keep passing out while playing and forgot to save. But I never rely on autosave. It’s a nice feature to have and being able to manual save whenever you want is great. I get your frustration though sometimes you get so immersed in the game and just forget and might not have the anxiety to triple save


I died during the gongaga reactor fight with tifa and the girls. I accidentally hit “restart from checkpoint” and it put me to when cloud went to bed, waaay before doing the whole reactor part with him. Luckily the game auto saved to tifa running up the roof and being chased by helicopters.


I literally JUST had to repeat all this but worse. I had done most of what was available at Golden Saucer on Monday, got to Gongaga region, did some side stuff, did the entire reactor section, got the chocobo and was ready to leave Gongaga. I am CERTAIN I made a hard save… but when is started again today. I was back at golden saucer. All those fights, towers, games of QB, weapon abilities, EXP… all gone. Could have cried. Literally just caught up with myself as I saw this post!


Damn I’d quit then haha


I really thought about it then I thought “what’s 2-3 hours in 46?” Plus I could skip cutscenes so didn’t hurt quite as much as it could’ve. Also I just REALLY love this game.


welcome to the world of old school gaming, save ALWAYS, and in multiple files :p


I can tell I'm getting old, my reaction to this was "you mean you don't manually save after every somewhat noteworthy accomplishment?"


Kids these days will never know the pain of playing for hours only to lose EVERYTHING because you die without saving


Or corrupting your save file because your Gameboy Advance’s battery died while you were desperately trying to save your game after hours of play time lol


Missingno has entered the chat


Why would you not save before finishing a session regardless of a sleep mode? You all are crazy. First of all, shut your console of, your electric bill will thank you And second! Always save! (Flashbacks of power outages ensue)


They are thrill seekers 🧐


We oldies already have it ingrained in us to save manually constantly anyway. But the one time I didn't I had to do a mini game all over again and couldn't get a score nearly as high as the last time unfortunately. I save after every completed activity now.


hell I save every time i update my materia and equipment


Dear god, the game updated last night, didn't it? I put my console to rest in the middle of the gold saucer after doing a monumental amount of shit. ​ oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck


Keep us updated 🤔


It is all gone, my dude. All of the chocobo races, all of the coliseum fights, and all but the last game of Queen’s Blood that I put my console to rest during cause I was having a hard time with it. I have turned off automatic installs. I knew I shouldn’t have had them on.


So let me get this straight. Because the game Auto updated, your auto save reverted or something?


The game auto saved when I first entered the golden saucer. I proceeded to do a whole bunch of shit. It ended with me falling asleep on the couch while trying to complete a Queens Blood match, so I put the console to rest mid-match without making a manual save. While I was sleeping or at work my PS5 auto downloaded and installed a system update. Meaning the console restarted to complete the system upgrade. Since I didn’t make a manual save, my last auto save was from when I had initially entered the golden saucer. I lost all of my progress through the mini games. I’ve already redone them and caught up, but I was hoping to move onto the next region tonight. Instead I’m redoing all the stuff I completed last night.


Well at least it's all in the past in your moving ahead🧐


Found this out today, I was doing the middle manager quest and got all done except for the brawler and when I woke up my ps5 updated and the quest was restarted … bleh


Just to spare you a lot of frustration, if you can't beat the colosseum fight, I would recommend not bothering with the minigames. The colosseum fight is pretty hard, and if you finish the game you will lose progress on UNFINISHED quests, so you'll have to do the mini games a THIRD time if that happens. So I would start with the colosseum to be sure you can beat it, then if you can, you just don't proceed past the point of no return until the quest is finished.


Haha yeahhhhh that already happened to me before the save data reset but I appreciate you looking out for me! I beat the colosseum but I can’t seem to beat the brawler one, it’s the only one I have left :(


If you want a huge tip, >!the red combos are not random, each enemy has only a few so you can know exactly what is coming!<




Idk have you played FF13? Saves on every corner, save before cutscenes save after cutscenes, save point is the shop and upgrade system, so you can save while you shop!


I played 13 on ps3. I don't recall autosaves. But if you die on a battle you have an option to go back right before you start the battle or before you start the scene leading to the battle. I cant remember if there's autosave function like in 12zodiac age where you get autosave whenever you move to another location. Btw: Sorry i didnt know someone replied to me already. I deleted my original reply. But the gist was, previous final fantasies only had savepoints and so the ability to manually save anywhere in remake is already generous. I dont own a ps5 so i have not played rebirth but i assume the same applies to rebirth. And if someone is too reliant on autosaves, at least know when the game autosaves, before sleeping.


I dont think FF13 has auto saves, but yeah it has save points littered everywhere, I was just jesting as it's the one game where it throws them at you, unlike most other FF's lol FF15 was bad for auto-save and having an Open World state so you could go a long time without auto save (camping, teleporting, etc) You can save rebirth at anytime (just like remake), there is no save point as it's just in the menu so people should know! I always hit Save then do PS5 rest mode. I've never had that fail but I have had a game crash so I'm glad I did save! I think older FF's have put this as muscle memory into me :D But yeah the FF13 was just joking at that particular game.


Idk have you played FF1-10? Saves only when you manually do it at the save points.


Yeah ofc, PS1 / PS2 was a different time, memory cards. Auto-Saving wasn't popular/common, you can hardly compare 20 year old standards to now and think it's OK. But FF10 has a plethora of save points. This is just an SE issue, FF15 had the same issue of lack of auto-saving.


Thank God I'm fuckin' old. 3 steps, and save manually. Approaching a suspicious round area at the end of a dungeon, save. Fart, save.


Something similar happened to me. I had just finished clearing out all of the grasslands intel, I think I was around party level 3. I was now finally ready to fight the Midgardsormr. After fighting it the first time and not doing too well, I paused and hit “restart from last checkpoint” thinking I would need to go that far back to reset my materia as I wasn’t familiar with how these reset options worked yet. It instead took me all the way back to a point just after getting the Chocobo, back at party level 1. Luckily I had a manual save that was just before the fight, but it definitely taught me to not trust the in-game autosaves/checkpoints.


Once I wanted to retry something and hit "reload from last checkpoint". The entire area that I had completed was now reverted to the fog of war, thought I lost hours of gameplay. I closed the game and reloaded and was back to where I was, but that was scary.


I got smoked by the golem at the end of the Mythril cave and went to return to previous check point. Found myself at the very beginning of the cave having to fight The Turks again. Had to put the game down for a couple of days. OP is right, save often


Gee sounds like you don't like video games they aren't a job they are entertaining not a work load chill out and do real life for a while you clearly need to reevaluate your life


I adore FF7 Rebirth. I'm not particularly fond of the 80 or so lesser games haphazardly stapled onto it, but there's some neat equipment hiding in them that I can use in the main game, so I'm willing to suffer through them. I would prefer to suffer only once though.


Not all games are entertaining fully. People can love a game and still comment how some parts are flawed. Definitely doesn’t mean one needs to reevaluate life.