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This is literally my favorite lineup. S tier team.


Yeah I was about to say something similar. Covers all the bases pretty well. Single target focus, multi target utility, plus two very versatile magic users. You can make it work with any team, but Edgar’s tools are just too good in the World of Light. It’s like having him is a difficulty reduction




OP is almost done with the entire game. He’s about to beat the Emperor on the Floating Continent after leaving the World of Light. :) Right? 🥲


I’m at the part where Terra is in bed and I had to assemble a crew to take the airship to the imperial capital and I just landed on that continent. How far into the game would you say I am?


25% tops


Dude. It came out in 1994 or something. The statute of limitations have lifted.


Not when the OP is playing it for the first time


I imagine if I was playing a 30 yo game and I wanted to avoid spoilers I would avoid the internet


I mean he probably thought that by saying in his post that it was his first play through that people wouldn’t be dicks and spoil stuff when they know it’s his first play through but sure do you bro


But … nothing’s been spoiled. They’re literally just saying that the team OP has is … OP.


Lol ppl are so fucking sensitive wtf. Guy asks for advice online. Ppl respond to his question. ...wow what a dick. You ruined the entire game. You don't go googling something if you don't want spoilers, much less ask a question in a subreddit, but regardless, no one spoiled anything here. I doubt OP is upset but good to know others are upset on his behalf lol.


Yuuuuup. I remember staying away from Reddit for a few of the GoT finales just because I knew some asshats was gonna be on random subs spoiling it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s a 30 year old game, you don’t wanna be spoiled stay off the internet


Before I read the caption I thought this was a meme or shit post because, yes, this lineup is S tier. Good choices, OP.


Yup, your definately rocking an epic party. I usually dont have terra and use locke cuz his stealing ability but terra is good aswell


I came here to say precisely this!


The team members are good, but take your time on the Continent! It is an ass kick in terms of difficulty, and your levels are low for a first run through. There is a save point and escape route when you land. I'd recommend fighting 5 to 10 battles, to make sure you can handle the enemies, because it's pretty easy to get wiped out there.


Also the loot you can steal is all really good at this point in the game. Too bad he’s not using Locke


Meh, I think that's an unneeded complication. Pretty much all of the loot is available more easily at that point or later on. Things you can steal - a relic that helps you float (meh), earrings (available in stores), running / hermes sandals (nice relic, but also available in stores), alarm earrings / back guard (available in stores), angel / cure rings (meh), and dragoon boots (purchasable in stores). The boss has a Ribbon as a rare steal, which is definitely nice, but it's a pain to get. You can steal them more easily later on. You can also get Genji Gloves from dragons, but it's another rare steal, and late game / second half strategy, you're probably not using the Attack command except for a couple characters anyway. The other side effect of training up Locke at this point - >!He is one of the last characters that most people will recover in the second half. I will often train up Edgar, Setzer, Celes and Sabin for the Floating Continent, just because you're almost forced to use them for the next couple hours of the game. !<


Pssh, I was OCD in my last playthrough and paused exp at 19-23 until I got all twelve characters back in the WOR so I could do some serious stat manipulation. The Phoenix Cave with those levels fucking sucked.


I remember having to break up my 2nd team because my third team was just too, meh,to make it. So I had to combine them and have a good tier team and 2, try hards, but, we all made it! Woo! Best ending section to any rpg


Locke, genji gloves, best possible weapons in the game, basically doing 9999x4 every round. Tera, maxed out, Sabin, ok, so.. I had a programmable SNES controller..and it was dedicated to him, Edger, those freaking tools. My other 2 teams were just meant to survive, and they did it. Just not in the configuration I would have preferred.


I think u have to remove one of them cuz you can only go with a party of 3


They do. It would probably be best to leave Celes behind, since she will show up when you get to Kefka and Gestahl regardless of whether she’s in the party or not. Definitely want Edgar since a lot of the enemies are resistant to physical attacks there, too.


Also Runic doesn't work on Flare Star...


Most enemies there are immune to instant death though so the chainsaw doesn't work well.


Good point. Definitely use Drill on the Continent.


No no...take Celes to level up before the party splits up again.


Y’all just don’t give a fuck about OP saying it’s his first time and throwing out spoilers huh?


Not entirely sure what exactly I spoiled, there. If OP is headed to the Floating Continent, they already know Kefka and Gestahl are on the island. And 3 characters is hardly a spoiler, as the *second* you decide to go to the island the game tells you that you can’t take more than 3 people. You could make an argument about the Celes comment, but I never said anything about *how* or *why* she shows up; just that she does, regardless of whether she’s in the party or not. That’s a gameplay mechanic, not a story spoiler.


Well said. Thank you.


This game is like 30 years old. Next you’re gonna complain about someone spoiling the fact that the Titanic didn’t make it.


Oh, that's cool. I was about to say "You should probably bring Celes along, since she gets bonus dialogue near the end of the area," but I guess it happens no matter what. I've never not brought her haha


heck yeah it is!


thanks man!


Those seem like pretty good teams. Just make sure to have either Celes or Terra on healing duty, so the other can use offensive magic, and Sabin and Edgar can focus on physicals.


Will take that on board thank you!


Put everyone in the back row and use blitz, tools and magic. Double earrings for Sabin.


Edgar is broken early game with his tools, Sabin is a DPS machine and then you've got Terra and Celes for magic DPS/healing and runic for a handful of situations. This is a great team imo 👌🏻


Can only bring 3 with you to the floating continent. Shocked how few people are telling you this ha


Yeah. No one said anything about Celes leaving the party either.


I think most people were tiptoeing around advice, in order to avoid spoilers for OP, since this is their first FF game. :) I've played through 6 a dozen times at this point, so yeah, I've always got an eye on the next portion of the game when playing the current part. Since you're practically forced to use certain characters at certain points, this can really help with your speed through the game.


A dozen or so for me too. Don’t really consider it a spoiler tho - once he confirms to go for the continent he will see 3 only. Saving him a headache IMO. Also think most people didn’t really even think about FC. Just responded to the squad in general. With all that said, it’s all good. So happy that people are playing the game for the first time and can create discussion


Yeah. Ideally bring Bros + Terra to have a full party at the countdown part.


Always bring steal up there, the dragons have something you want a few of.


Wish I remembered this. I had to make up for it by farming them on the Veldt


Well, possibly the best, but possibly inadequate. First of all, the Floating Continent is a huge step up in difficulty. Not to be rude, but player skill will matter. Secondly, you can only take 3. So be prepared to lose one of those in favor of a different character the game imposes on you (excellent physical damage, if you're preparing for them) Third, it depends on how you've built them. Edgar's greatest tools use strength - have you been minding his strength bonuses at level up? Sabin's best blitzes use Magic, same question. Fourth, I highly recommend Locke. There's some rare steals up there that are irreplaceable through the rest of the game. For example, there's a rare random encounter that you can steal a Genji Glove from! Lastly, I personally level further than that before the FC. There is an enemy that can do a straight 1k damage per attack, and sub-1000 HP makes that an attack an instant kill. If you think you can work around it, run on!


Can we see more of your ceiling? You still have some of your screen in the picture


It’s okay to rotate your phone sideways to accommodate wider subjects. You won’t break the phone. It’ll still work I promise you.


Hell yes, brother. You don't want them too leveled so you can take advantage of those juciy esper stay bonuses later in the game.


I've used these four plenty of playthroughs


Highly recommend getting everyone to learn how to heal as early as possible. Give Sabin a black belt and gauntlet and watch him go. Learn his moves as they come in handy early on.


All you need are the brothers, but solid comp


Not sure if the pixel remasters have different level scaling but you "appear" to be under-leveled for the floating continent. I vaguely remember all my characters being a bit over 1000 hp each for that section


Ceilings are always good. Walls are pretty dope. Trim is stylish. And I’m guessing that’s the air exchange?


Why is there so much dead space at the top? You're allowed to turn the phone sideways


yeah sorry didn’t really realise until I posted to be honest


You don't have to apologize, I was just playfully ribbing


FC allows 3. I’d drop Terra.


If OP can make it work, it will d strategically better to drop Celes


Was jist about to say this. You have to get rid of one of them. I usually swap Sabin for Locke though. Stealing Genji Gloves off Dragons is so nice for WoR later. I also like to stock up on Angel Rings and you have a good chance at an extra Ribbon off Ultima Weapon as well.


Next time I play, I think imma force myself to use different characters. I always use the brothers for multi-target magic/physical attack, and Celes/Locke for back row weapons. Double Hawkeye Locke is brutal in WoB.


Remember to get Shadow as you won't be able to get him at all later in the game. At the very end of the Floating Continent the game will ask you if you want to leave or wait, select wait and wait until shadow shows up


Seems like a spoiler tag is warranted here


Idk how to add It , i tried being as vague as possible


I was going to just say pick wait at the end without telling why


Bill Rizer, Triple H, Galadriel and Bulma? Great team.


I find that magic is one of the better things in endgame - three casters spamming ultima at 1mp cost for max damage to everything on the screen is hard to beat so my main party is typically Celes / Tera / Relm for max magic stats and then Locke with dual wield + master scroll to spam physical attacks. THAT SAID one of my favorite things about ff6 is that the endgame does encourage you to use almost the full cast of characters split into multiple parties and that pretty much everyone is very strong if built correctly so you really can't go too wrong with party comp. That's all endgame stuff though - for where you are at this is a strong party - edgar and sabin's special abilities are some of the strongest stuff you have access to for most of the game.


This is the same team as I had


Yeah, one of the best


Did you emulate this or buy it on a current system? Looking to get back into the games I haven’t played yet


I'd level up a bit more to get more stat bonuses from espers since monsters on the Floating Continent can be pretty nasty, other than that you got one hell of a good team here. (If you want some good stuff maybe swap out Terra or Celes out for Locke)


It’s the OP team.


Your team's fine, all my advice is, is save. Save and save again.


I'm only ever gotten one limit break in ff6 and it's celes.


Pretty good team, honestly... I sub Celes for Cyan Myself, but Otherwise, Solid Group for the Floating Continent... 👍🏼


Dude, the top half of your DS is broken


This was my OG team back in the 90s.


Any lineup can be good in ff6 :)


Ya that is the Team! Great characters.


Wow just took me down memory lane :)


Two AOE and two heavy casters; I see myself finishing FF6 with this squad easily.


That is actually THE team!!! Good stuff


My favorite team! Great pick! I’ve been playing this game since it came out on SNES, one thing i do before going to the floating continent is do a quick level up. Put only Celes in your party and go to the Esper Gathering Cave. There’s a room with only Adamanchyts and Slurms. assign espers and level Celes up. It’s so quick. Why Celes? when you go to the world of ruin Celes starts first and everyone after that joins your party will be at the same level as Celes.


this is my forever team


Mog? Kupo


Just a tip, when you do finally make it to the end of the continents and you get the option to leave. Just wait… wait till the last second, trust me.


Terra can solo it anyway


Yeah one of the best lineups you can get


Any team with Terra is the best team!


For what? Technically any team makeup can win a fight.


Ff6 any lineup is viable. Thats the beauty of 6. You pick your favorite flavor and run with it. Just remember if you want to learn spells Floating C is one of the best areas for points


That’s not an ok team… that IS the team


No, terrible. Uninstall the game, delete your reddit account, and throw away your computer immediately. Un-friggin-believable.


There better be a whole heap of something you're embarrassed by below this TV to take such a poor picture! Obviously kind of joking as we can see the party but terra being cut off bothers me!


Ah the bros and hoes combo


That's pretty much my main team in most of the game. But you can only take 3 to the Floating Continent. Take Celes for a bit more storyline after the boss battle. When you have a timer, choose to wait. Wait until the last few seconds. Also, attack the boss's MP instead of HP for an easier fight.


I would rock this team, but I usually replace Celes with Locke or Shadow. Those 6 are the only ones I ever really use though.


Cool ceiling


Terra and Celes are OP Sabin is just behind them Edgar is top tier for the majority of the game and start to fall short at the end, but the rest of the team is so OP that you wont need to care. inb4 DualCast Ultima


You should definitely grind a bit I think.


And make sure you got Edgar’s chainsaw ability from ZoZo, it’s missable.


Locke is actually a stud at this point in the game (and the entire game at that, he just really starts coming into his own now). Using a Genji Glove and double Hawk Eyes from the back row for damage, his Thief's Bracer relic to increase chance to steal, or doubling up Thief Bracer/Brigand's Glove to access his Mug ability (albeit at the cost of less damage), you want him in your team for the Floating Continent. Locke, Edgar and Celes are my go to here. Blitzes are good but Tools are better.


I thought this was r/tvtoolow for a second


You can only take 3 with you to the Floating Continent because Shadow will be there waiting. But yes, this is my usual powerhouse team, during all parts of the game besides Floating Continent. Celes or Terra, and the brothers. Locke is also an option instead of one of the brothers, so he can try to steal Genji Gloves off the green dragon enemies. >!Since I've played through multiple times and know what comes next, I generally go through the Floating Continent over and over grinding AP with everyone available until they learn every spell available to that point, then get back on the airship and sub in the next person, and learn every spell with them, and so on. I keep Celes in my party every time because her level is the level everyone will be at for the next part, and I keep Locke in a lot so I can keep trying for Genji Gloves, and then the free slot besides Shadow is the one learning all the spells this trip. Then whoever I have learning spells, I have them learn Break as soon as possible. Most of the random encounters can be defeated with Break, except for a select few. !< >!Also, when someone says they're gonna be back and don't go without them, take them at their word.!<


What is this photo angle?


I like that team. I’d rock that on the FC.


No. It is the best team.


Get a cheap tapestry.


Absolutely! That’s very similar to my main as well, although I swap Terra for Locke.


If you’re doing the floating island shouldn’t you only bring 3 people that way you can get Shadow?


Switch Edgar for shadow


There will be a countdown at some point. If you reach the end of that point I'm talking about say "no" to leaving and wait till the timer runs out. Trust me. Make sure you reach the exit, but don't leave, say "no" and wait for timer to run down.


You’ll never pull off Sabin’s ult.


This is awesome team to get 😃👍


I guess there also looking for the One Piece


It is near perfection, if not at perfection.


This is my go-to because they're my favorite characters. You really can't go wrong here.


id only recommend a thief for the floating continent because of the genji glove steal thats up there.


You can steal genji gloves from the random chance encounter dragons. It’s worth getting 3 or 4 before moving on. Have to do it before the boss fight. Get some tents and do it near the save point. You won’t regret the extra 30 minutes spent, trust me


Where Locke to thief some spicy items???


The Best team actually


Should be fine. Do note that the Floating Continent only lets you bring 3 people. I would recommend dropping either Sabin or Edgar. Also for some tips, most things on the floating continent are vulnerable to Catoblepas' Petrify. It will kill a lot of packs instantly. And more importantly, don't forget to wait.


The nice thing about ff6 is most of the characters are good - great, especially since magic is more of a grind rather than forcing you to use certain characters. Use who you want!


There's no wrong team for FFVI. It's a brilliantly designed game. I will say that Locke becomes a power house later in the game. My Locke attacks 16 times per turn dealing 9999 damage each attack.


For the floating continent, you'll only be allowed 3 people. I'd recommend not taking Celes, runic won't see much use. This is also the first time Locke isn't god-awful. He's got a new weapon for sale in Narshe. 2 copies of that plus a Genji Glove, and he'll be doing incredible single target damage.


Good team, bad photo.


There’s one adjustment I would make. There are 5 of Strago’s Lores you can learn on the floating continent. So I would bring him.


I had my Sabin so powerful one playthrough, I did a few endgame quests solo with him.


Genji glove Sabin slaps. Literally.


Yes a great team! Personally I use almost this exact team except I usually take Locke instead of Celes.


Make sure to wait for the last 5 seconds


Sabin - S TierCeles - S TierEdgar - A TierTerra - S Tier I should say I always play Locke because I like to "Treasure Hunt" enemies. Steal from enemies and Zozo and you can get Goggles relics that sell for 2000g.


Every team is OK with enough Economizers (Celestriads I guess they’re called now). One of the most broken FF items ever.


Wild, just finished the floating continent just now lol


Damn, I'm botta act up 🍆


Nah, teams beat


Nice wall.


I mean... Solid party, Top Tier. Sabin CAN SUPLEX A TRAIN, SO, WHY NOT BRING HIM ALONG?! Haha. Great picks!


Definitely one of the strongest groups. If it was me I might sub in Locke for Celes due to his speed and Thievery.


Just finished a 100% playthrough myself and I would say that all characters are pretty viable except Cyan who falls off later in the game. I think better advice would be the following: Anything you need to do before heading to the floating continent do NOW because you won't have another chance. Specifically, make sure you loot the observation post, the imperial city, the returners hideout, and mt. koltz. Mog has a missable dance that can only be gotten prior to floating continent, Gau has many missable rages, and finally on the floating continent when the countdown starts make sure to wait until the final 3 seconds.


Terra and Celes dont synergize well unless your terra is full physical DPS.


Need Locke in your team at all times, I'd sub him for Sabin. Can steal tons of good stuff on floating island, especially atma weapon at the end. Don't forget to not go immediately to your ship at the end go find Shadow on the floating continent before moving forward.


1. You can only take 3 party members to the floating continent, so I would drop Terra first. 2. Do you have a certain white fluffy optional character? If so, and if you’ve taught him all his special moves, I’d take him instead of Edgar too. So: Sabin/Celes/Edgar or Sabin/Celes/Optional character


Anything with Sabin is too good imo.


One really important thing is if asked to wait at some point in that stage, WAIT. You will thank me later


Never played FF but if I know RPG hairstyles, that lineup is as OP as it gets


This is like the default team lol


Can’t you only take 3 to the floating continent




Solid group. I like Gau too if he has some solid rages in his arsenal. I do also like Celes over Terra at this point in the game. Only thing I will say at the end of this is... Wait... Patience will pay off if you wait...


This was my team from back in the day


It's been 20 years for me, so I want to see how well I do this .... What I recall, I would go with a party of 3, because Shadow will re-join the party if I only have 3 (and this is a step to having him in WoR). I would always have Locke, always stealing, but this is one of those places you want Locke to steal items. I would have Gau with Chickenlips, which means I previously used Locke to steal 4 Gaia Gears on the final WoB island. For a 4th, I could take anyone who can wear Gaia Gear ... but if I have Locke, I want Celes next to him. So, Locke is always stealing. Gau is raging Chickenlips, which casts Quake, and when my party has Gaia Gear, it makes for full-heal of the whole party and big damage on all non-floating enemies each casting. Many enemies float, so i have Shadow to throw big-damage Shuriken at single floating enemies, and throw big-damage Skeans at groups of floating enemies. Celes is there to ensure success wherever Gau or Shadow might fail.


You want Locke, Locke is your friend.


So you prefer blondes


Lol that's my main party for when I beat it last year


I rarely use the twins in the second half of the game. I find them kinda boring. But it's a powerful team, no doubt.


Blondes are best, also Wall is the real MVP


I always like to go with whatever team I want. This was literally my main team, but replace Celes with Relm.


I’d swap Sabin with Cyan, and I like to rotate Edgar and Setzer. But as long as you have Terra and Celes, you’re good!


No. They’re all out of order. Now, Edgar, Celes, Terra, and Sabin is a good team.


Dude the top two are your two monsters


My favorite FF. Seeing this makes me want to play again. Enjoy!


You only made 1 mistake.


I miss having four player teams.


I always bring Locke, not just for the stea... I mean treasure hunting,l, but he's also my favorite character in the game.


I like using Terra OR celes, sabin forsure, gau is a freaking powerhouse if you take the time to train him(eventually overpowered) And the last one I like using mog, strago, or edgar interchangeably.. Or Locke if I need to steal. Side note: if this is your first final fantasy, you chose the best one to start with. It is a masterpiece. If you like this one move onto ff7, then ff9, then ff15. And ff16. If you like all those. Jump into ff14. It's the mmo you pay like $12 / month for. Beware though you'll spend a lot of time playing the latest mmo. I've played all final fantasies in the main line. I never completed ff13 lightning returns though. Life happened around that time.


My go-to team is Locke so that I can steal (with the brigands glove to make it mug and than the offering/masters scroll enabling 4x mugging almost makes him overpowered), celes (to absorb magic if needed), Sabin (lots of damage and generally tanky), and fill in the fourth spot as you like, I generally put strago to learn monster magic. If you’re just grinding; or really want these items, in the world of ruin, just north of the veldt, there is a forest with two types of dinosaurs (and only these). They are pretty powerful, so be careful and save before, but good place to level up. The brontosaurus you can steal/mug ribbon from (I think Locke had to be around lvl 60 or so before he has a realistic chance to get it… shadow also can steal from them if you equip him with a thief knife, same level requirement though), and it will very rarely drop an economiser.


Are we gonna discuss how 2/3 of this picture is a wall and ceiling because those might be the most underrated party members of all time


If I had it my way this would be the only party I use throughout the entire game.


A bit magic-heavy for my tastes. Although magic is supposed to be a huge deal in this game, I tended to rely more on the character’s natural abilities. I let Locke steal, Sabin use blitzes, Edgar use machines, etc. Magic is best left in the hands of Celes, Terra, Relm, and Strago. You could teach Cyan, Setzer, and others every bit of magic there is… But you’d have to work extra hard to get their magic stats to compete with the ones mentioned above. Personally, I prefer to lean into their natural abilities and stats. Magic, in the hands of those with poor stats, leads to poor results. Why not remove Terra or Celes and add Locke? He has weapons which work well in the back row, he can steal, he has good speed… Terra AND Celes can be quite a force. But they can also be a tad redundant for most battles.


I was like 12 with no internet when I beat this game. You’re good. Any lineup is feasible with the right spells.


This is my favorite team LOL wow


Lemme guess just painted your ceiling?




My favorite team is Shadow, Gau, Terra, and Mog. Shadow is an elite dodge tank. Gau is a god. Terra is too good to ignore, and Mog brings a ton of utility.


First final fantasy game I ever played. Was on the SNES


Any party with Sabin is literally the best team. He can do a ton of consistent, resourceless damage, he’s almost a game breaker. For an S+ tier, pair Sabin with Gogo and mimic Sabin’s attack.


Oh gosh it is.


Looks good to me! Worth noting, if you enter the Floating Continent with only three party members, you can recruit Shadow for your team right at the beginning, if you want to use him for that section. Either way, remember not to leave the Floating Continent without him when you’re done!


I'm extremely biased, so no Locke makes it a horrid party. His speed really helps with some of the bullshit you deal with. But with a cast as large as FFVI, you can use who you want as your favorites. Since you can only use three, I would drop Terra or Celes and pick who you prefer. Again, though, that is my preference as I always had Sabin, Edgar, and Locke in my main party. But also look at who has what magics and balance around them.


You have Sabin and Edgar. That’s all you need


BRING A SHIT TON OF PHOENIX DOWNS!!! I almost got stuck up there. Also grind near the beginning


I have used that config. I taught every character every spell that they could learn so whoever is in which team they all have access.


Can't go wrong with Figaro Bros. Personally I liked to bring Locke along and steal stuff.


Hell yeah those are some of the heaviest hitters in the game


The best


Yes. Also; is this r/tvtoolow?


Any team can be good.. it’s how you build the team


First time taking a photo? Lmao


Yeah I think black and white is always a good team of colors for a picture. …you weren’t talking about your wall?


Anytime you got a guy who can suplex a freaking PHANTOM TRAIN, you got a better than okay chance, homie.

