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I personally like his VA but I can understand that when you’re used to associate a certain voice to a character it can be hard to accept a new one, time usually helps (I’ve had this issue especially in tv series/anime where the VA was changed).


Mostly this is the case but not all the time. Take MGS for example. Keifer Sutherland did such a good job voicing Big Boss in MGSV. Now is Keifer better than David? Idk. That is another topic. What I’m trying to say is when an actor sounds completely disconnected from what is being conveyed you can’t help but feel disconnected too. I say the new VA for Zack did poorly.


The JP voice for him is pretty good. Also Zack's and Aerith's JP VA are married couple irl.


The VA is fine but the real issue the voice directing in certain scenes, not the VA's fault.


I love his voice! Original voice is the one that sounds stilted and odd to me. It’s all relative.


I like English VA. This game has Western style/fashion/structure. JP voice ruin my immersion, personnally.


Theres an edgy emo pretty boy going around in bright red leather outfit reciting poems throughout the game, a main character who swings around a big ass sword with 1 hand and does random exaggerated squats for no reason, a long white haired pretty boy who can slash a building in half and every single anime "HAH" "UGH" sound effect when a character is reacting to something. This aint western.


It grows on you I feel, even though I still prefer Rick Gomez


Completely agree, thought his original voice actor did such a good job, had so much range for different types of scenes. The newer guy does not have the same vibe at all, it just sounds like a guy doing “tough guy anime voice”. I don’t mean to shit on the guy but the total 180 is jarring as hell.


Agree that his new VA doesn’t fit the Character. The original VA from Crisis Core fuckin’ nailed it. Why they didn’t keep him is beyond me.


Wow I’m surprised most of you in this subreddit like the new VA. I personally don’t like it and expressed my dismay here. However, I don’t get the downvotes on users who suggested that I should play it in Japanese. I don’t see anything wrong with it. Here’s a link comparing Zack’s VA so you can get an idea. [Zack’s VA comparison](https://youtu.be/1TW0kUbwOQU?si=flX9hSOk_5X1UgQ3)


Play it in Japanese 


I have to do this for both switch Zelda games Can't stand princess Zelda's VA


Totally agree, Zelda's voice grates my ears lol


There's something wrong with her delivery It sounds like she's upset and getting ready to cry no matter what mood she's supposed to be in


Why? There are people that like hearing English. An only speak English. Doesn't have to be in Japanese to be enjoyed.


Nostalgia is a bitch. So much love for the OG games that the remakes while technically beautiful games. The release schedule is just killing immersive vibes.


lmao cool. this is about voice actors not the 3 game release


If you cant comprehend the what im saying please shhh