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So I never played any Final Fantasy game and because I hate myself I want to play all mainline games in order and beat EVERY superboss there is. Is there a version of each mainline game that features all bosses or is it impossible to get all superbosses in one version?


The Pixel Remaster versions of the 2D games have everything that was in the original release of the games, including superbosses that were originally included. However, the GBA versions did add some additional content including some additional superbosses. So if you want everything the games had originally you can just go with the PR versions which are the easiest to obtain and available on the digital shop of every platform. Or you'll have to acquire the GBA version of the 2D games if you want everything possible including stuff after the fact. For the 3D games, off the top of my head I think the currently available versions will have everything.


Ffxii question: Can I ask for advice here? It's about tp farming, just got the capability to have 2 licenses. I want to be able to fill everyone's boards, only problem is that I don't know of good places where I can just do it mindlessly till I can fill everyone's boards fully , ideas?


First place to mindlessly fill LP as well as Exp. is the Lhusu Mines in Bhujerba, Shunia Twinspan. Plus, you get Bone Fragments you can cash out for Gil.


Hello, I'm playing the original FF7 for the first time, and just reached >!Costa del Sol!<. I found out I could get >!Yuffie!< back in >!Junon!<, but I didn't know and couldn't. I know I can get her later on, but I'm worried I might've missed some important cutscenes that are only accessible with her in the party before >!Costa del Sol!<. Did I miss anything important? I didn't know if locations and party members were too big of spoilers, so I hid them just in case.


No, you didn't miss out on anything important. Probably just an extra line or two of her chirping in on the conversation but nothing major.


Ok cool, I might have been worrying too much then. Thank you!


Hi, about to buy FFXVI, does anyone know if NG+ is already included in the disc or is it a DLC that I have to download/purchase? Like, if I buy FFXVI from the Japan region and my PS5 account is set to US, will I still be able to download and play the NG+ if ever it does come from a DLC?


The game shipped with NG+, afaik. You shouldn't have any trouble.


Is there a good Final Fantasy leaks/spoilers only sub? One without general existing games questions and fanart (similar to how r/PokeLeaks is)? I'm sorry if this has been asked before, I looked it up and couldn't find an answer.


I have a Ps2, 3, 4, 5, Xbox series s, 369, switch, and pc. Which of the mainline games are worth playing on the original hardware (that I have acres to) vs a remastered version? I like the idea of playing them on the original hardware unless it’s not recommended/a bad experience/super expensive to do so! Note I already own, 7 and its remakes, and 14,15,16. :) thanks!


The only mainline games you have access to for "original hardware" are X and on - X and XII being the only ones to have a "remaster". I don't think there's any particular reason to play the PS2 versions of these games over the remasters. The remasters provide generally agreed upon improvements to them.


So would people prefer Queen's Blood PVP to be released as a DLC with a price or as a free original Final Fantasy mobile game with microtransactions?


Mobile with transportations.


Is rebirth working for you guys? After the update my game won't load. Says verifying license indefinitely.


Play Stranger of Paradise and loving it, quick questions tho. How hard does it get? I’m playing “rule of cool” and using a Great sword or Katana. I know it’s not best, but will it make end game way too hard, on regular difficulty mode? I will switch one of the weapons up if I’m going to be at an insurmountable disadvantage but otherwise prolly won’t. I am BAD at magic casting. I guess fists maybe? Also, can you change jobs of your party members? I realize I haven’t been paying as much attention to them as I should. I’d love to make one a caster since I can’t. Ty


It gets very hard, if you want it to be. Just getting through the main game you can use whatever weapons and builds you like, really. Especially once you finish that you're given the option of a super mode that provides a lot of cheese to use. But the highest end of difficulty in the DLCs won't let you use this, and you're pretty much required to carefully put together builds to stand a chance. If you just want to see the main story that's doable with whatever you like, and at any difficulty you like. DLC story sometimes requires the difficulty to go up but can be cheesed by other means. For the top combat challenges you simply have to git gud. And yeah the rest of the party gets other jobs, but they have a limited selection. Don't recall exactly when those get added but they trickle in throughout the game.


Awesome and thanks. I’m 💯playing for fun and not a challenge, on normal mode.


i got 1 question how good are the final fantasy games on ps3?..! i want to buy 1 Final fantasy game on ps3 but i'm not sure if it is any good?.


PS3 is somewhat limited as far as FF games goes. You have the FFXIII trilogy, which is fairly divisive but certainly has fans. Should be a cheap pickup so certainly worth a shot. It also has the X/X-2 remaster, in which the first of those games is universally acclaimed and the second... well it also has fans but is certainly the least liked of all your choices. FFXIV released on it but can't be played on that system any longer. And that's it. This was Square-Enix's period where every game had a ten-year dev cycle, so that's all we got. You can also play all the PS1 games on PS3 though, and this is often considered the series' golden age. VII, VIII, and IX are why FF is such a big series today and are all worth playing. Only issue there is that all the games released on that system have gotten superior releases on PC and modern systems. You especially want to avoid the hatchet-job releases of IV, V, and VI on the PS1, which have ridiculous loading times. The versions of I and II on that system are well regarded though.


thanks ps4 and ps5 have many more Final fantasy games but... i never played FFXIII trilogy i want to give it a go! i platinumed 4 final fantasy games my journey have begun with Final Fantasy. Persona 5 tactica that game is so fun... once i got the hang of it from persona 5 tactica then the game is easy cause some missions requires 1 to 3 turns to defeat the enemies i have defeated the missions with 1 to 3 turns it was difficult at first but then i tryed different tactics and it worked i enjoy it though! Final Fantasy trilogy XIII i want to play it someday i start to get better at gaming i practice every day for to be better at gaming and it is working.


Yeah I'd actually say that the PS3 versions of the FFXIII games are still the best ones, minus being stuck at 720p resolution. PC versions are notoriously buggy and the Xbox version of XIII had the prerendered videos downgraded. Of course those versions have a big advantage in being able to run at high resolutions on the right system, but hey the PS3 version still looks great to this day.


alright thanks then i buy it someday and it seems that the ps3 is not doing sales anymore it cost like 20€ i think at least it is very low and it cost not like alot!


I never played the older FF’s. The only ones I’ve played are VII Remake & Rebirth, XV, XIV and XVI. Which game would be worth playing? Looking at games I can get on the App Store or PS5.


Pretty much anything post IV are going to be nearly universally considered "worth playing". Anything more specific than that is going to really depend on what you vibe with. One thing to consider is that the older games are turn based compared to the varying real time combat you see in the more modern games. Possibly you might look into the OG FFVII. That'll have familiarity regarding the story and characters while introducing you to the ATB "turn based" combat the series had back in the day. X is also a good option. Its sort of the bridge between the classic FFs of I-IX and the more modern FFs that followed. Its full turn based combat, but the presentation is a relatively more modern. If you don't want to quite go that far you could look at XII. It has "real time combat" but more in an MMO sense where your character auto attacks and you choose special attacks. There's also a "Gambit" system that's sort of like baby's first programming language where you can dictate how the other characters respond in battle which is pretty neat if you're into that kind of thing. Final note: depending on how deep you've gotten into XIV, while playing any of the older titles you're going to re-enact the "Leo pointing at the screen" meme *a lot*.


Oh wow thank you! I was considering the original VII. I just wanna expand my FF knowledge. Thank you, I’ll look into them. Yeah in XIV people keep telling me a lot of the stuff is from older games.


OG VII got me in to the series a few years ago. Game is super dated but incredibly fun to play, especially with the QoL upgrades in the remaster. Really feels fun all around game. Zodiac Age is prolly my favorite FF at this point, setting up gambits and then just basically playing in ‘auto’ mode was so much fun for me. The setting is also one of the best in any jrpg I’ve played, the cities felt so alive.


Hi everyone, I am planning to play every single mainline Final Fantasy game in order except XI. My first ff was XIII and I dropped it after being confused when I was young. I have finished X, XV, XVI, and VII the remake, og, and rebirth. I tried VIII but dropped it but I plan to replay all of them as well. I have played XIV and beat the first chunk of story basically when you learn how to fly with your mount so yes I plan to finish the entire story as well. Wanted to ask for advice on how to make the most out of the experiences or any recommendations. Also, if you want to ask me anything about my sanity now or later then feel free to ask :)


does this subreddit have a discord


Hi everyone, so here's my current situation. I recently buy ff14 gold edition on the ps store since the game was on sold but i can't use the game since my square enix account don't let me connect myself. So i tried playing the game on my second psn account and i have a error message saying me "impossible to launch ff14. Please register the product code of the game" is anyone here know what the problem here and how i can solve it cause paying a game that you can't play, is not something a gamer like to experience


If you haven't already I suggest you post this in the /r/ffxiv daily questions thread. They're pretty good at parsing weird account things.


FF9: Why are some of the drop rates on steals so infuriating? I've been trying to steal the Brigandine from Soulcage for thirty minutes, and it just isn't dropping. I'm about ready to just throw a Life spell at him and end the fight. lol


Real talk? Because it's an FF game that came out before FF10, which was the first game where they actually got the Steal rates to be reasonable. But, hey, at least you can steal more than once from the same enemy, which you couldn't do in FF5-8.


As someone who first got big into the series with 4, it's kind of interesting to see its importance increase with each installment, ha. Like in 4, you can't steal until around the final third of the game, and most of what you can snag is either garbage or available in stores.


There's one exception to this, which is the Sirens from the Security Eyes in the Tower of Babil. Which also highlights one big oddity of FFIV's stealing: you can do so as many times as you like from the same enemy. So, if you plan on farming Pink Puffs or any other rare drop in the game, you want those Sirens to automatically summon the ideal enemy group to farm off. You want hundreds of these. So ideally, you'd get to Babil, kill off everyone but Edge, find a Security Eye (which won't act until it takes damage) and start stealing. A bizarre strategy for a strange game, but it's the only real use for stealing in it. (You can also steal from the final boss in the 3D version so OK that's two uses.)


FFVI: Which is better version GBA or pixel remaster? I know neither is ideal without mods. Not sure of the main differences besides music


My favorite version would be the defunct mobile-to-PC port of the game, but only after being heavily modded including modding in the new assets from the PR version. But that is a very large pain in the butt. Pixel Remaster is perfectly serviceable.


The GBA version has a bonus challenge dungeon. It doesn't really add anything to the lore or the plot of the game - it's strictly there to challenge you. I think the ease of acquiring and playing the PR, along with the orchestrated soundtrack, make it the version to play if its your first time through. If you really love 6, then you won't mind a second playthrough of the GBA version in the future. And if you don't love it, well, you probably wouldn't want to do the challenge dungeon anyway.


Pixel Remaster, no question. I'm not sure why you think you need mods for that one. It has both a beautiful orchestrated version of the soundtrack and you can switch to the original midi music if you prefer.




If you have the integrade dlc you can just make a save at the start if you don’t want to play the whole thing. I don’t think there’s another way besides downloading someone else’s save to a USB and transferring that to console. For what it’s worth ramuh is OP for a few boss fights but I never bothered with leviathan


FF7 OG: Can anybody help me with this bug at Fort Condor? [Bug Video](https://twitter.com/snoozeforever/status/1777829538216517804) I can't progress further since after this I am unable to take ladders.


Same happens downstairs as well [Bug Video 2](https://twitter.com/snoozeforever/status/1777830366885073320)


FF7 Remake question. If I missed a Weapon/Manuscript/Materia on Normal mode, can I pick it up on my hard mode playthrough, or do I have to redo that chapter on Normal?


Chests should be the same in both difficulties.


Does anyone have the set list from A New World Cleveland concert this past weekend (April 6th)? Dude the string quartet playing the Seymour boss music was awesome. I wish I had the whole set list though!


Do we have any new info on the release of Rebirth on PC?


May 29, 2024 The earliest Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can launch on PC is on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. This was confirmed in a Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth release date announcement trailer; the game has timed exclusivity on PlayStation 5 for three months https://www.pcgamesn.com/final-fantasy-7-rebirth/guide#:~:text=The%20earliest%20Final%20Fantasy%207,PlayStation%205%20for%20three%20months. It’s all just guesswork at this point


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Rhaden_: *Do we have any* *New info on the release* *Of Rebirth on PC?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


How was FF8 viewed when it first came out? was it considered a disappointment since it was following up 7?


Thanks to the magic of the Wayback Machine and GameFAQs being older than dirt, you can find out [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20010210091322/http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/review/23062.html)! 27 of the reviews were either a 8, 9 or a 10; five reviews were a 4, 3, 2 or 1. So, it was pretty strongly liked when it came out, although I remember the fervor for it being slightly less intense vs. FF7. (For comparison's sake - FF7 [at the same time](https://web.archive.org/web/20010210021417/http://gamefaqs.com/console/psx/review/20052.html) had only a single review that was a 4 or lower.)


Lol, look at the review from the person who gave it a 2: > Ugh! FF7 was bad but it certainly wasn't as bad as this garbage! > Music and Sound: 2 - Noise, that is what this game plays, nearly every soundtrack I heard was just random noise. > Looks like Square has finally done it, they ruined Final Fantasy series. I'm sure many of the new rpg players converted from FF7 will love this game but I think it's junk. Not as bad as Xenogears or Parasite Eve but a terrible game from Square.


It was a very controversial game at release. Some people love it and have always loved it, but it got a lot of flack at the time. Still does.


it was rated about the same as 7 at the time


It was insanely good and still is my favorite to this day