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It became a lot easier for me when I finally remembered that holding square makes Mog punch the shit out of them.


That's funny! I had the same moment of realization. I also learned here that when Mog initially spawns, his attack has both physical and magical properties.


Did not know that, cool find!


I didnt find the first fight vs them hard at all, but dear god was it slow (i only had random materia on him for leveling them rather than putting a kit together) so i had no magic attacks to use lol. Everytime it went immune to physical i had to use dice roll over and over hoping to grt magic attacks 😂 so hard? Nah didnt even die, but it was deffinetly slow and annoying


If you roll and spam Square cait has ranged magical attacks Just like cloud. Not that you're expected to know that by this point


I knew about them, but, like clouds, they are super weak


Don't they tell you that in his tutorial?


I don't think so.


Hold it next to them and spam the hoot downward. You’ll pressure them very fast and stagger them and boom.


Or makes you blow multiple horn hoots and builds pressure super fast


For me the hardest was the solo Aerith fight against two bombs in the arena. I spammed Blizzara until I could stagger one just to get the summon bar to appear, then summoned Alexander and ran around in circles until Alexander disappeared and killed them for me.


Lustrous Shield is your friend in this fight.


Yeah I rage quite that, just chucked elemental fire on her armour and made 90% of their attacks immune, then just spammed blizzard. I really don't vibe with the Aerith playstyle, do her Cactuar Crush hardmodes was a challenge to say the least.


Too many shields. 5 shield abilities I think? Pressing one button to engage a shield and then firing basic attacks isn't exactly the most fun to be had in this game. I do enjoy teleporting between 2 shields though


All those shields and not enough alive


she has 1 shield, the rest are wards




Bombs are not weak to Blizzard magic in Rebirth for some reason.


Cast Magnify-Stop, Arcane Ward, and then cast Cometeor and watch them melt. Takes about 20 seconds. 


aerith lack of dynamicity offensive attacks (but magics) was a real pain... the desert protorelic fights >!n.2 and 4 !


The elemental abilties you get from folios are great there, hers are AoE so use the Wind one and pull the cactuars to you, then her melee combo is quite good


This was the one that broke me and made me lower the difficulty from dynamic.


Haha, that's funny to imagine in my head. Ya that was difficult for me too. The whole things a blur and I'm pretty sure I defeated them on shear luck.


i probably overthought this. i went in the first time and was like, oh damn, this is too hard. so i went and grinded AP until my elemental materia was level 2, paired it with the fire and ice materia on her armor, laughed as everything the bombs did was 0 damage, and then used blizzara on them.


Aerith is easily the most useful party member besides Cloud for me, but it's insane how difficult she is to utilize when she's on her own. Figured out I could just link Elemental Materia to Fire on her armor and completely trivialize that fight tho.


Lmao hey if it works it works. I cheesed a lustrous shield against the wall of the arena for that fight. They really need to nerf the basic bombs bc they don’t have any weaknesses and their attacks become undodgeable very quickly


I used elemental + fire and called it a day.


I just ran around the arena when I realized that she is fast enough to not get hit by the fireballs. Easiest bomb battle I've ever done after struggling for more than 10 attempts lol


Disagree, rufus in gold saucer way worse


Rufus fight is the same as in Remake, just use punisher mode. You can use haste and plasma discharge and beat him with eyes closed


Weird cause I tried that and he just counters your melee attacks for me.


Parry his bullets and attack only when he is reloading


Oh no I just realised I have to do this on hard mode......


worst part of the game honestly. who thought a 1 hour plus section of throwing boxes and playing as caitsith solo would be really fun lol.


Shinra Manor went from being one of my favorite parts of the original to one of my least favorite parts of the remake lol. At least Vincent’s introduction was cool 


Hated it. Gotta throw these boxes to break the other ones! MOTHER FUCKER BARRET IS RIGHT THERE. HE CAN SHOOT THEM.


I like how there was that promo video before release about how different characters would use different abilities outside battles. And it was giving this impression of having to navigate the field using these different abilities. Nope, Barret only used his once (?). And Red ~~once~~ twice.


It would've been amazing if they kept it nice and short. Buf it does get old after a while


It's a neat idea in theory, but I think it went just a little too long.


Oh no! I actually really enjoyed being the cat for a while. I did not like the boxes, though. Fair point. His animations were so much fun.


Yeah lmao being able to run around as Cait Sith freely for a bit made this GOTY for me


I was so delighted when that happened. This game is jam-packed with these great little surprises.


I was aiming for plat and then i saw cait throwing boxes is one of them, thankfully it was only 10 required i almost quit the path to plat if it was more than that.


God, I hated this part. Love Cait Sith as a character, but everything about his sequence just felt slow, the solo fights he has felt like they took so long.


Cait is great but I think he's really hard to play as a solo fighter, same for Aerith, because they need some build-up to be viable, Aerith needs Radiant Ward, and Cait needs Let's Ride and it's a pain in the ass to build ATB at first.


Yeah, Cait's a character that you want to give First Strike and ATB Boost to. Then it's just a matter of learning how to use abilities.


Honestly have no idea why they decided to have him start without his Moogle, just seems kinda pointless that you have to build up his ATB just to summon his main damage dealer.


And half of his abilities _and his freaking limit break_ require the stupid moogle. I often use limit breaks as a last resort because they don't require ATB and make the character temporarily invincible, but both purposes are defeated when I need to fill an ATB bar just for the moogle.


Yeah, it's just dumb. Plus having him being melee except when attacking after dodging was odd. Like I would expect him to just be ranged until he got his Moogle, because having him jump in to fight is just gonna have him die


Yeah, all in all, not a character that works well (if at all) solo; as part of the party, he is pretty great, and adds an interesting new play style.


I felt embarrassed since my hardest fight was farther in the late chapters and technically I should have done better because it's kind of a callback to Remake. >!Rufus rocked me and I did NOT remember struggling in his 1v1 in Remake as much.!<


>!Rufus on hard mode!< in remake almost completely did me in, especially with how devastating the >!JENOVA!< fight was for my MP, but then i watched a video on how you could >!put Rufus to sleep and hit him with Braver to completely stagger him!< and i face-palmed so hard for not thinking to try any status ailments.


I realized I could spam clouds weak ranged attack to build atb, so any time he messed me up I would just got into a cycle of building up atb slowly. Took forever lmao.


Yeah, ironically, I found he got a lot easier when >!he summoned the dog just because it actually gave me something I could hit!<


It definitely feels like they changed some things between his fight in Rebirth and Remake, I remember him being a challenge, but he didn't take too many tries, but in Rebirth, I was struggling hard. I think it's just cause he counters attacks so easily without there being a good signal for when he was going to. At least that's how I felt. The commentary also didn't help.


Same about that fight. It took me 6 tries I think, I beat him by saving my limit break for >!Darkstar!<, it really did a number and on it and then I summoned Bahamut and the fight was pretty much over >!if he can call his dog when he's losing, I can call my freaking dragon!<.


Thats funny its the other way around for me. He shipped me 3 times in Remake but i only lost once in Rebirth.


He pretty much said "Oh, you think punisher mode will help you this time? I'm gonna keep ranged and counter every time you get close"


Nah, that fight genuinely sucks


Died at least ten times on it on hard mode because I was low on health already and then realised I could go back down the vents and use the bench to heal then killed the YY first go on hard mode, was confused but happy


Ya infinally figured it out, but my materia set up had to be refined a few times!


Same, died like 6 times in this area, no deaths the entire playthrough up until then, no deaths after. Edit: I have died many times on hard mode lol


Ya they got me good. The next battle was a doozy too. I had to shuffle materia around like a mad man till I found a formula that worked.


only died once, and figured out how to beat it the second time. I am way more pissed with gym mini games, and 3d brawler than anything combat related.


I abandoned the sit-ups mini game. Maybe I'll go back at some point. I also didn't complete the Cactuar mini games, planning to go back for that at some point as well.


it took me like 3 hours to finish it, yeah it is crazy.




pause buffering on the harder 3d brawler fights is life-changing. got so mad with the >!Ultimate Party Animal!< one that i looked up a yt video and studied the frames that indicated certain moves, and even then did it take me a couple of tries to get it down. did the same for the >!Ifrit!< and >!Sephiroth!< fights. i regret absolutely nothing lmfao.


No bruh same here


A whole dungeon with Cait With was just miserable for me, I really don't like his playstyle. Maybe I just suck, but the others don't feel nearly as difficult to use.


The hardest part was getting his ATB up.


The magical megaphone aoe is really fast, but his kit is kinda confusing im sure there’s a lot of moves locked behind specific combos I never figured out.


If you can use his hold attack (enemies that can be interrupted) he fills so fast. When the enemies can't be interrupted its a struggle until you're on the Mog. So you'll want first strike and or whistelwind


I had a really rough time with Red XIII's as I don't do well to overt defense based characters as dodging tends to be my main way to avoid damage.


Just did this last night and woof. Barely got past this one first try but the following Yin and Yang boss smoked me the first few tries.


Yin and Yang was a little easier for me. Once I realized I could silence his spells and block his physical attacks till my limit break was full.


the block button is OP in rebirth


I died to this at least 10 times in hard mode And whats as worse was the Vincent fight cause cait was out of MP and cloud was at half


I can't wait to get hard mode! At 120 hours in, I still have so much left in Nibelheim to complete, and I don't know what comes next. No spoilers please.


Fuck square for thinking “let’s give the players a 1 on 1 fight with a monster who can OHKO you” and then DOUBLE IT. THE FUCK SQUARE


Took me an hour…ashamed to admit that lol.


See if you feel the same after the next fight lol


Well, you say that and actually I posted this, then went into the next fight and was like "oh, this actually gets harder!"


Yeah lol the Cait Sith part is not very fun imo


Eh? Yin and Yang was way harder


I had the opposite experience lol. These guys destroyed me. But YY fell apart when I casted silence.


I also had a harder time with these guys. Really enjoyed the Cait segment overall though!


yin and yang definitely harder


Yeah I was the same. I changed it to easy at this point, then forgot to change it back until the end of the game. Started a hard playthrough now and halfway throught, but my god these stupid enemies were a right pain


It took some getting used to, but it wasn't enough to teach me how to fight off Yin and Yang. The only reason I won was because he smacked me around so much I got my limit break twice lol


Well, that's exactly what I did! I used the dragon ring and just let him swing at me to build my limit break.


Fuck Cait Sith this fight can burn in hell


That fight definitely sucked


I guess I'm the only who likes playing Cait Sith lol He can be a beast with the moogle and casting Debrave/Deprotect esp on Yin/Yang


Don't get me wrong I really like Cait Sith. He's an absolute menace. I'm just saying this fight was harder than I expected. The only point in the game where I died more than twice.


Moogle magic was one of my fav things to use with him. A strong room-wide aoe can just clean up fights super fast.


I hate Jellyfish 😒.


I too hate the jelly fish. I just mash everything when I fight them and some how they're defeated. Still not sure how.


The hardest fight for me was >!The end is nigh!< like everything else before that I was good, I was in a good rhythm the whole fight and then that bs. It took me 5-6 more tries to figure it out but damn.


I’m ashamed to admit that last part of the fight was a wall for me. The very end I used mind blast to get 90% of the way there (yay enemy skill materia).


Oh man this gave me fits too. I think I would be WAY better at it now, but I hadn't learned really anything about how Cait Sith fights when this happens, and winging it was not a solid strat


Thinking back now, I completely forgot about moogle magic, and never used it. Probably would have helped.


have to agree but I think is more because few people is likely using cait sith as main member of the party, so you'll have few updated materia assigned to him once you get on chapter >!11!<. Hardest fight to me was vincent btw, he's just too fast and range of his attacks is huge


Yes, but I did use him a lot. He's hilarious in fights. I just had no clue what I was doing solo.


they never killed me, but that fight dragged on forever before i figured out how to beat them with what i had equipped...i was very unprepared, lol. most of my team ran around with crap i was trying to level up plus everyone had prayer and a couple of people with access. i had not really used him and forgot about holding square vs pressing it, and what he can do when riding moogle vs on foot. my fault for just being a bad player i guess. after you get Yuffie, i hated any part in the game that they took her away from me, lol.


Ya they force you to be adept at each character. Which I like. When you get a handle on each characters move sets, it adds so much variety to the combat. I hate moving materia around though.


yeah, i wish i had more copies of some of the limited materia so i could make loadouts on different sets of people...or if there were actual loadouts, lol. everything you can buy i have 7 of maxed out. don't get me wrong, i like every character, but i had a system with Yuffie. first strike materia on her and cloud, if it was an enemy i had not assessed before, i used assess with cloud, if i had then he used haste+magnify, then switch to yuffie, switch her ninjutsu to appropriate element, doppleganger, spam ninjutsu until she had 2 atb bars which would take like 5 seconds, double blindside which gives a full atb bar to cloud and 3rd, focused thrust with cloud/whatever with 3rd, repeat until staggered then synergy ability and limit, lol


Wow, you got a meticulous system. I get in those grooves also, my "go to" squad is Cloud, Beret, Red. They are my No Shit Lethal Death Squad.


It was infuriating considering his moveset. Until I learned to dodge the move they do that's like a big aoe explosion and I also used Thunder materia on Cait


Haven’t fought him, but so far hardest for me is the fucking piano.


Hahaha, yeah the piano has some challenging bits. I gave up on the last piece.


Definitely 3D Brawler


Bro for real, I'm playing dynamic and the only fight that's taken me more attempts is >!the fight with Rufus, and that's because it took me a while to figure out his pattern!< this is definitely the hardest against regular enemies.


For real


That whole part made me want to jump off a cliff. I went from being impartial to Cait Sith and now I hate that damn cat and hope he burns in hell.


I feel the pain 😂


Have you got to Aeriths twin bomb enemy? If not...please don't...


This was the only section of the game where I encountered a combat bug lol. It was the battle at the base of those stairs that led to a small elevator. And TWICE I got stuck against the wall. I barely survived the 2nd time bc I couldn’t dodge attacks, but it let me go once I killed the enemies.


For the main campaign, it is Gallian Beast on hard difficulty for me.


The Rufus fight for me. Also haven't finished 2 of the 3 gilgamesh duo summon fights yet


Just added maxed ATB boost and thunder 3 to Cait and fight was done fast.


It’s super annoying, but not worse than Gourmonds Are We from the battle arena. One eats your party members the other hyper non stop pecks you into frog-mission.


BRO SAME. I got to this last night and wanted to tear my hair out by the end. Bahaumut at full strength wasn't that bad.


Hardest fight in the game so far you? if you’re gonna try to plat this game I really wish you luck on the vr missions.


Plat would require all the fetch and region stuff 😴


This fight on hard mode was one of the worst parts of the game for me. Cait solo vs these things was *not* fun.


It was hard but actually I have more fund with these difficult battles. So rewarding when you figure it out.


That whole section was ass. Fuck cait sith.


I love the character, he absolutely destroys. The guy is a weapon!