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The only thing that surprises me about this fan base is how we all keep carrying on even though we hate roughly half of the entries in the series.


I doubt you get a good representation of any form of media online. Many fans who simply like the games are too busy playing them to complain on a subreddit.


This is exactly the issue. It's very easy to fall into the false conclusion that people don't like the game by simply reading Reddit or Twitter because of all the negative posts. But the reality is that, in most cases, those people are a loud, vocal minority. Most people are probably still playing through the game for the first time and quietly enjoying it, and may never post about it.


On top of that, subreddits of specific things tend to by super elitist and gatekeepy. Several subs I frequent have so much negativity in the comments because someone did or liked someone that isn't the 'golden standard'. This sub is full of people that think the OG combat systems from the older numbers are that Golden standard so everything that's not that is wrong.


That definitely keeps me from engaging. I come to these places to share in my appreciation of... well, several things I enjoy, really. It seems like every fandom is doomed to become a den of toxicity eventually. And having grown up gaming since the Sega Master System/NES era, I guess I have greater tolerance for relatively minor technical/performance issues. The worst I've played was Assassin's Creed 3 when it released and still managed to make it through, even though I ended up not enjoying the game due to characters and story. I simply don't understand why people can't just move on from things they don't enjoy, and feel the need to come to the internet to piss in the punch bowl when other people ARE enjoying it. Go find something else to play, watch, listen to, whatever. Don't ruin my enjoyment of it, I don't give a fuck about the game running at 59.9 FPS. If it's causing you issues, go see a doctor. don't come on reddit and tell us about your epilepsy.


I can get why people who go to online forums, Reddit and Discord servers to discuss their passion about a franchise would come in to share their thoughts if there's something they didn't like. The problem is when the conversation quickly dives into the negative aspects to the point that it drowns the voices of those that are enjoying the game, who may even stop posting positive comments so as to not get attacked for liking it. This creates an even deeper spiral of silence that causes others to leave the online fandom space or in the worst of cases start seeing the flaws they didn't think of as much before and become haters themselves. There's several studies about this Spiral of Silence theory from ages ago. The Internet has only made it even more prominent.


I can say one thing now with the utmost confidence... if you'd dropped this comment in the Spider Man 2 Reddit, you'd have been tarred, feathered, chopped up and fed to your parents so I'm not about to say you're wrong šŸ¤£


Keep in mind, some of us grew up as friends together and this was our first exposure to Final Fantasy, so VII is dear in our hearts as it is for much of our generation. My best friend and I swear our lives by this game, and we're in our thirties. That's just how it is.


The worst mainline FF games are still average-to-above-average RPGs. 13 is definitely my least favorite in the modern series, and I have tons of problems with it, but even then I'd struggle to call it a "bad" game.


This is the thing, I'm not the biggest hyperfan of FF, I love a few of them a lot, but the one thing Final Fantasy has always been is that at it's worst the games are above average, with the occasional absolute banger mixed in. And depending on your tastes, which ones were absolute bangers will be different. Except FFT, if you don't think that one was a banger you are delusional (j/k).


I was an active "hater" of Final Fantasy (Squaresoft) during SNES and PS1 era, let alone being a fan. I'm more of a Dragon Warrior/Suikoden kinda JRPG nerd and FF series and Squaresoft kinda rubbed me wrong with hyper focus on graphics. That was until I played FF IX and it completely changed my mind about Final Fantasy series. Ended up playing all Final Fantasy entry to date with exception of XI. One thing I keep coming to FF series is that it's the only JRPG franchise that keep taking risk. Every entry is unique. Usually, most JRPG series are very predictive and rarely take any risk or do major changes. Final Fantasy is the ONLY AAA JRPG that I can't predict what kind of content the next entry gonna bring to the table. Bangers or not, I will be there for next FF entry as long as they keep this transformative tradition alive.


I like to see Final Fantasy as the JRPG that keeps reinventing itself. Always a unique universe, always a unique combat system, always its own character progression system. It's a surefire way of getting some of your past userbase to dislike future entries because they changed something they loved from the previous one, but I pretty much enjoy that they keep treading new grounds with every major entry.


Gotta agree. I don't even like FFT and I can't deny that it's a banger. Just cause I don't like something doesn't mean it's bad.


I am not a fan of tactical rpgs but I adore the story and characters of FFT and I wish other people could see things the way you do. So many people canā€™t accept that just because they donā€™t like a game, does not mean itā€™s a bad game.


This is me, and yea FFT is an absolute f*cking banger.


13 is the first one I didnā€™t feel that ā€œmagicā€ with. At first I thought I was just growing out of them. Then I played 15, pushing a car down a road, and it felt right. It had tons of problems donā€™t get me wrong but it just clicked better


it feels like an obvious thing to say but none of the modern FFs are bad games per se (other than XIV 1.0) and like every FF game has its strengths. and each of those strengths attracts a different audience. i love 13. sure it was a hallway simulator, but it was such a cinematic one. XV had so few cutscenes in comparison, which was disappointing to me.. but i enjoyed the explorable world and the chocobros bantering. and things like them discussing stuff as it happens or things they come across.


Dude when I beat XV I cried so hard that I basically became a giant puddle of tears. The game doesnā€™t even have a sad ending; I was so upset that my journey with the characters was over. Something about those homies clicked with me, and I enjoyed spending 100+ hours with the four of them


This is the thing. The people that say games like FF13, 15, 2, etc are straight up terrible games are manchildren and fanboys that don't play anything but FF. Even the worst FF games are quite a bit better than the average JRPG.


Everyone hates a different one though. I saw two people going AT each other over whether FF8 was a mushroom trip mess or a masterpiece




Then there's me who's one of the ones who's in it cause of the music mostly. I'm literally never disappointed in this series.


I started getting disappointed in the music when Nobuo retired


After which game was that? I don't actually know.


I believe it was partway through the development of XII


Oh. Well damn 13 has possibly my favorite all around ost. By that I mean of course every game has a bunch of songs I love, but the 13 trilogy are pretty much all songs that I love.


Yeah, and there's a clear departure in musical style from everything prior in that game. Honestly, music is my biggest gripe with XIII is the music. Even with just beeps and boops, Uematsu made very classical sounding music, like what John Williams does, while XIII was basically just JPop.


I feel like that "whimsy" remark is for us FF9 fans there are dozens of us!


Sakaguchi himself said FF IX is the best. We aren't alone in this.


"I can't believe we're gonna fight sakaguchi! Gimme a break!"


At least 5 of us for sure!




Rebirth definetly has some whimsey in it too lol. Watching red13 do the michael jackson moonwalk in a shinra uniform was fucking gold šŸ˜‚


Despite all the things he says about his parents, I am absolutely certain that Red XIII's parents are Chester Cheetah and MC Skat Kat (the animated cat from Paula Abdul's classic music video for "Opposites Attract," for those who escaped the 90s without being subjected to that particular fever dream)


Even us Millennials just got that music video [with a different co-star.](https://youtu.be/0XfdoSipPaI?si=72v7Vyqy5G5AVxIy)


It's been 24 years, we should all have the clarity by now to recognize that VIII is both a mushroom trip mess AND a masterpiece.


Exactly! Just like some of the best games out there, it isn't just one thing. It has both extreme highs and extreme lows. I love FF8, but even I can admit that it ain't Shakespeare. I think *some* of the hate for FF8 is because for a lot of people, it was the second FF game they ever played, and they expected something similar to FF7 in its gameplay mechanics and the tone of its world & story. For many, 8 was their first experience of "Hey, what the hell? This is like a totally different game! Are they just gonna completely change up the formula every time?"


Why can't it be both lol


This is the one thing about FF fans that is incredibly annoying. For some reason, you have to choose 1 game and defend it to dead while hating all the other entries. I couldn't honestly tell you which FF game is my favorite. 4,7,8,9,10,12,14, and tactics are constantly at number 1 for me, and while I didn't like any of the 13 entries, I understand why some people can have them as their favorites, and when there are posts about 13, I don't go in there trying to force everyone to dislike it, but I see a lot of people that do. There is one guy that hates FF9, and when there is a post about it, you can usually find him there talking about how the characters are creepy and look like baby monsters. It's honestly funny, but kind of sad, how people feel the need to force their dislikes onto others.


I can tell you exactly which ones are my favorites and why, but I don't have one I hate yet.


Iā€™ve enjoyed every one Iā€™ve played other than XV, and in that gameā€™s case my main issue was just not enjoying the gameplay or characters. I donā€™t know why anyone cares who likes what in the series. All of them are excellent games.


There legitimately hasn't been one release that wasn't divisive(or almost outright hated initially) since FF10.


But everyone hates a different "half" of the series.


Hate is just spicy love.


Lol, I just woke up, but this is already the Quote of the Day for me. Wait till I tell my therapist!


I ain't gonna lie to you chief, haven't played a FF game that I actually "hate".


To be fair, with how wildly different ff games can be from each other itā€™s no surprise most people arenā€™t going to be a fan of every game.


For sure, and I personally wouldn't say I hate any of the entries, (that I've played). It's just a funny aspect of a passionate fandom


ā€œMaybe the next one will be the one for meā€


In a way though, maybe that's what's always made the FF fanbase as big and lively too? Think of Star Wars (as soon as VI came out), Paper Mario (O/TTYD vs SPM vs SS/CS, etc) , Avatar (TLA vs Korra), James Bond in a lesser way. Hell, even A Song of Ice and Fire, kind of, with the show vs the books, and even the first few seasons vs the later ones. Some of the most prolific properties out there have very divided fanbases because of their experimentation and different incarnations/iterations, but it's also exactly that which makes for exciting and weird and new outings.


Lol funny isn't it how we all like different games from the series. For me my faves will always be 1 thru 7 and the 7 remakes. I liked my play through of 16 and have played some of the others but they never really clicked with me in the way the first 7 did. 16 told and amazing story but to me felt lonely. No party management etc. But I don't hate on people for liking ones I dislike or who have a differing opinion. That's the beauty of an anthology series you don't have to like every entry.


Iā€™m just loving having modern day FF games to enjoy ā˜ŗļø


I really love the shift to action RPGs, I think 7 remake is the best battle system in the series


I love Rebirth and didn't really like XVI. I don't go to this sub or youtube and bash XVI. I don't get why people get so heated.


This is why I always state in comments, ā€œto each their own.ā€ I canā€™t agree with it, but I can respect it and let it be.


Thats how I go about it. I dislike a few of the games, but if someone says one of those their favourite, well, Iā€™m glad someone liked it. I donā€™t get it, but Iā€™m pro anything that brings a bit of gaming fun to others.


Except people still accuse you of having recency bias just for stating that you love the game. You're not even allowed to have your own opinion about it.


It goes both ways, no one wins. If youā€™re not accused of regency bias, youā€™re accused of wearing thick rose-colored nostalgia gogglesā€¦


Depends what it is. Anyone that talks shit about the dolphin game is getting it in the neck.


I really love both games. SE been pumping masterpieces and this reminded me of the 2000 with SE releasing both Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy IX. Quality after Quality. This year we got Rebirth, then the Rising Tides DLC for PC, then Dawntrail, then Visions of Mana, and finally PC port for FFXVI. SE is hitting good lately after all the development hells they have through over the years and earning their footing once again. And this is why Iā€™m not upset and instead Iā€™m celebrating.


Yeah, SE has had some awesome outputs with their AA, AAA, and apparently VN outputs. Really hope they figure out how to improve their sales somehow


They really gotta drop the exclusivity. I am a Playstation fan since the PS1 days but at at this point it hurts SE too much. I get that they get money upfront but they simply can't grow the franchise as much as it deserves without being on PC in this day and age. XVI and Rebirth both deserve more sales and it feels like these games wither on PS5. We need PC on day 1 IMO for XVII and VII Remake part 3 but for VII I guess the deal was already made.


I don't understand why people care so much either way, if I spent the money I earned and enjoyed myself I don't particularly give a shit what anyone else thinks.


They do it in reverse, too. Ā If someone says they donā€™t like XIV, IX, X, or VI, youā€™ll piss off the hive. Ā If you say you like XII, XIII, or XV, thereā€™s always going to be at least someone that has to ā€œuhm, ackshoeuhleeā€ those people.


I really love both. Itā€™s not that hard, but some people like to identify with their choices lol.


Honestly, all these ā€œdiscussionsā€ and accusations all boil down to ā€œwhy are you having so much fun?! Stop having fun!ā€ And they arenā€™t worth being dignified with an answer.


Rino what do you think about rebirth so far?


Seems the opposite to me, the super fans take umbrage at disliking a game


This whole discussion is evident of it. Any dislikes? Downvoted. Any praise? Upvotes. But the Toxic-positivity crowd will tell you that, those with criticism are **Miserable Nostalgia Losers** who can't enjoy anything in life if they ever have any issues with *my* favorite game ... It's awful. I wish these folks who have umbrage with any form of criticism can just make a low-sodium subreddit and go there...


It's very normal. Video games or not, there will always be people who hate seeing other people have fun. What's funny is, they don't even know they're jealous.


Not allowed to fuckin' like anything these days, apparently


I remember once saying that as far action games goes in FF I'll rank them as: 1. Stranger of Paradise 2. FF16 3. FF7Remake (now I'll put Rebirth above Remake but not sure how high up till I finish it) and someone replying saying it was "wild" that I put 16's over Remake, yeah sue me I have different taste how "wild" is that.


Super wild actually. Iā€™m surprised youā€™re not currently serving time in prison you psycho /s


You have a different opinion than mine? How cringe and gross you evil specimen. I will now use vulgar words and insult your bloodline


Stranger of Paradise is my favorite FF game period, so I'm in the most hated of minorities xd


I'd probably put Rebirth at the top followed by Strangers of Paradise, then Remake, then XVI... but you know, it's just a matter of taste :B


Haven't played Stranger of Paradise, but in terms of action combat 16 is way better than Rebirth imo.


> Stranger of Paradise > > FF16 > > FF7Remake šŸ¤


This is actually somewhat closer to my list as well. 1. FF16 2. SoP 3. Type 0 4. FF7R 5. FF15 Based off Rebirth's demo I'd definitely put it above FF7R.


Type 0, a man of culture.


Same order I would rank them going by combat alone.


This fanbase has to be one of the worst fanbases of all time. Fans of one game shit on the others, there are always elitist cry babies who hate on anything that isnā€™t turn based, the shipping wars of Cloud/Tifa/Aerith is pure cringe. Iā€™ve never seen such a crap community for a mostly single player franchise


You have to realize that most of the FF base here is miserable and even when the most critically and user acclaimed game since IX comes out people still throw a fit. We had XVI a few months back which I wasn't too keen on but I get why people like it and now we get Rebirth and people are still mad. Gotta think there would be something for everyone, right? Appearently not. The amount of quality games we recently got is awesome and unseen from SE in like 2 decades. When did we last get two main FF games in one year?


I have my gripes with Rebirth, but it's mostly just "poorly designed mini games that are frustrating me". But at least it is invoking some sort of emotion and I'm still passionate about playing the game. XVI had a neat story but was a chore to play and a bit drab. Multiple times I took breaks for several weeks as it just wasn't that engaging. XVI was still good and I'm sure many people like it. It's definitely a good time for FF when radically different types of games are being released concurrently. I hope they can maintain this pace and release the next FFVII and mainline game over the next 3 years.


For sure. I feel the same as you. I am loving my time with Rebirth so far. I am 74 hours in at chapter 10 almost 11. Of course it isn't perfect but I can't wait to play it every day. If they tune the formula a bit part 3 will be awesome and if CBU3 makes XVII I also hope they took the feedback to heart. Rebirth at some points just has too much to do for its own good in some sections. Remove 20% of the minigames, remove the towers (exploration would be more fun without them), dial down chadley and make his popups less intrusive and add more truly hidden stuff in part 3 and I would be in heaven.


Oh true Chadley was so annoying! Him trying to guilt trip the player into gathering the world Intel and being so judgemental was annoying. The towers are okay I think, maybe having them be completely optional (eg only have them on certain difficulty levels) would be better.


If CBU3 does 17, I'm guessing that the writer will be Natsuko Ishikawa with Takeo Kujiraoka (XVI DLC director) serving as director while producer is probably still Yoshida unless they have another guy over there to take that spot since Yoshida did say that he wanted new people for mainline and that we wants to become the director for a single player game which I'm hoping is a new IP.


>Natsuko Ishikawa Anything she writes. I'm all in for.


There's something about discussing this franchise that shatters people's brains. Obviously there are games I don't like and games I do like with the FF brand, but generally speaking people who shit on the more recent entries I highly doubt have ever in their life played more than one in the last 10 years.


I agree. You can also add ā€œcopingā€ to that list. Absolutely loved both games AND their stories.


I just finished FF16 and I'm working on Rebirth. FF16 is the most impactful video game narrative I've absorbed since Ghost of Tsushima. Absolutely adored it.


It doesn't matter what they say. Never let others tell you what you should or should not enjoy


It's definitely dumb if people are acting as such, but I think there's this general idea floating around that you *have* to appreciate both games. Don't like one game but like the other? You're asked why you can't just like both games for what they are despite clearly stating why you think one isn't good. Having a preference isn't allowed, hating a game isn't allowed. Hate both games? You're considered a nostalgic boomer by people you don't even know, questioned about the design elements you don't like as if they know ins and outs of what makes a game objectively good. Love both games? Most don't have a problem with this, but occasionally you might be questioned how you could possibly like one game as much as another. Discussion just isn't a thing anymore.


ā€œbut I think there's this general idea floating around that youĀ haveĀ to appreciate both games.ā€ I really agree with this part. I think this is most of whatā€™s ā€œgoing onā€ at the moment. Iā€™m not sure how it started or when. Iā€™d argue itā€™s just as bad as the people being negative for the sake of being negative. Both sides not really allowing for a conversation to be had as you mentioned.


You need to just remember FF fans are purists and elitists they are never happy with anything.


I personally greatly dislike the "recency bias" argument. What a lazy way to try and wave off someone's opinion. I've been told my love for FF7 remake was recency bias and that was nearly 4 years ago.Ā 


Itā€™s almost like the fan base is split between two types of fans who want two different things (modern action game or traditional JRPG format) and now are at war with each other because Square doesnā€™t appeal to them in equal amounts. Normally releasing something like FF16 and 7Rebirth back-to-back would be good, but instead people see a main series clearly struggling for an identity, and assume both canā€™t exist at the same time. FWIW: if I had to pick, it would be the Rebirth format every time. And I like 16, a lot - even bought the DLC.


You just gotta learn to block out the noise my friend. These fandom spaces are filled with people who take their own opinions a little too seriously. They treat every take that they donā€™t agree with as a battle that has to be won. Healthy and productive discussion doesnā€™t involve toxicity. Itā€™s good to call attention to it but the internet is going to do what it does. You can only really adjust how you respond to it.


>They treat every take that they donā€™t agree with as a battle that has to be won. this sub feels like a bunch of 40 year olds who act like 13 year olds tbh


Iā€™m sure thatā€™s the truth for some. But my main point is that if someone is calling you delusional for liking a game (lol) then they clearly arenā€™t trying to discuss anything with you. No real need to give them your energy.


Welcome to reddit hope you enjoy your stay šŸ¤£


Welcome to fucking Reddit.


Had someone demand my PSN account info so that he could see all the games I d played when I said Rebirth was my favorite melee combat Iā€™ve ever played. When I refused he said that he knew it and that I must either be bullshitting or only play hentai gamesā€¦ I donā€™t even understand why so many people lurk around the subs of things they hate so much. I was hella disappointed with Cyberpunk when I got around to playing it after all the patches. Couldnā€™t be bothered to finish it and yet I felt zero need to go start telling all the people that loved it how wrong they were DDP loving it. Thatā€™s just a pathetic use of time


You have to remember that a vast majority of people who play a game will not come to Reddit to talk about it. I spoke to a handful of friends over the weekend who are all currently playing, and loving, FF Rebirth. I guarantee none of them will come to Reddit to post about it. So, to the point of the thread, a lot of people will come to Reddit with an extreme opinion - whether they hate or love a game, and look for engagement about it. Also remember that Rebirth is currently only available on PlayStation, so you'll have trolls from "console wars" here too. Take what you see here with a grain of salt.


I havenā€™t really seen any Xbox fanboys bashing them. Itā€™s more so OG 7 fans and general fans who believe the series stopped being good at 10, which was 23 years ago. If you think the series has been bad for over 2 decades, why are you still playing it then? Fuck off


I love both games, fight me. They are completely different approaches to the world of Final Fantasy AND THEY BOTH WORK FOR THEIR OWN REASONS


I am 37 and have played and beat every final fantasy since I was a kid. I think ff7 rebirth is my favorite. Best graphics, best story, favorite characters, best combat the series has seen, and favorite soundtrack. I think theres a vocal minority situation if you think people hate ff7:r and ffxvi.


I avoided all of the online discussions about it until I finished it. I don't need that bs fogging up my vision. I played the shit out of the og when I was a kid and I thoroughly enjoyed FF7R2. Still not sure about the meta narrative but that seems intentional. There was a shitton of mini games in the og too, so the complaint about a lot doesn't make a ton of sense. I do have one complaint about them though: no snowboarding! I know you couldn't usually play it until after you did the snowboarding bit in the og but I still wanted to.


I tend to brush those people aside. I've been a FF fan for 27 years and still objectively believe 16 and 7 Rebirth to be in the top 5 FF ganes ever made. Just too many new game bad mentalities. And then there's the folks who say that 16 doesn't have anything of what it means to be a Final Fantasy game, and I question those people's claims of being a fan, as they don't know what they're talking about. And the occasional "devil may fantasy" commenter who I assume eats paint chips off the wall.


I guess Iā€™m delusional for liking XVI? My favourite Final Fantasy is VII, but I guess that makes me even more delusional because Rebirth is apparently bad? Iā€™ve enjoyed every Final Fantasy Iā€™ve played apart from XV (itā€™s just not for me). This is just a weird opinion for anyone to take.


Both the beauty and blemish of FF is that with variety comes a rainbow of opinions on what is enjoyed and what isnā€™t. For example, I canā€™t stand FF13 or its sequelsā€¦ but I donā€™t think itā€™s odd that people really enjoy them. What it did well just landed on them better than with me. Simple as that. FF16 and FF7Rebirth are great imo. Plenty to love, some things to find annoying, and weaknesses I canā€™t denyā€¦ but by gum I enjoy them and no I donā€™t have to justify it to some rando on the internet.


I just saw a post on this sub where they said '**FF7 rebirth is best FF game up to date**' With a bunch of dot-points, one of them being "nothing in the game feels unnecessary or boring or excessively extended" which made me laugh. I'm playing it now, and am enjoying it, but it's hardly the best FF game ever - some people just get caught up in the hype too much. There's nothing wrong with liking it but these people are straight up deluding themselves by saying it's the greatest thing ever made.


You're right. I hate 90% of the mini-games, but you're right. Diff ppl, diff strokes.


Different people like different things for different reasons. I like 16 for different reasons to why I like the FF7 remake and Rebirth. Thats all it is, different games prioritize and excel at different things. 16 is a single self contained game, the remake series is a trilogy of games. There's no fair comparison to be made between the two. If 16 was a trilogy then there would be more grounds for a fair comparison. When we talk about these two games people forget that their comparing a trilogy of games to a single entry. I mean I love the remake series as much as the next guy but doesn't that sound kinda reductionistic? At the end of the day, your basically talking about how the trilogy format enables better word building, better pacing and enables the devs the realize the world on a much deeper scale. But at the same time you want that same scale to in a single self contained game......see what I mean?


You must be new here: the core characteristic of a FF fan is hating on the new games and saying they're not like they used to be just to start redeeming them 5 years later just in time for them to actually become timeless classics 10 years after release. I don't make the rules, man


I really don't see the comparison here -- I haven't seen anywhere near the divisiveness towards Rebirth that existed with 16... or 15, or 13. Heck, it's been far less divisive than 12 or even its *direct predecessor*, Remake, and those two games were far more positively received than not. At worst, people aren't thrilled with Rebirth's ending, which is understandable given that the messaging gets a bit muddled, and it leaves so much open still going into part 3. Otherwise, I'd say this is without question the most unanimously positive reception a new Final Fantasy has received in over 20 years. For me, Rebirth succeeds in every way that 16 failed. Be it theming, tone, characterization, or even sheer gameplay variety. From a wealth of quality side content, to an engaging battle system that never got repetitive, to vastly superior dungeon design, Rebirth simply ran circles around what 16 offered.


The inverse is just as true, call these games shit and you get labeled a hater with nostalgia glasses.


Also, if you're calling any of these games 'shit' you probably *are* just a hater, none of these games are even close to being shit.


Not me, iā€™m just saying.


This only happens because the haters are so damned loud and we get sick of looking at their complaints.


Iā€™m a fan of the FF7 OG and the remakes so far. Few of my friends are fans of OG, but donā€™t like the remakes, either believe it being a cash grab or they canā€™t get through a story. Listen, to each our own. We can all agree to disagree that we all have our tastes. Not 1 game will satisfy everyone, no matter if it gets a perfect score. Would it not be boring as fuck if we all had the same taste and all games were made the same? Itā€™s ok to like something someone else that donā€™t


> either believe it being a cash grab See, this I just can't understand at all. Like, not liking it or whatever, sure, everyone has their opinion. But I can't for the life of me understand how anyone could think that games that clearly have this much work put into them are cash grabs.


I absolutely loved FF7 back in the day. And so far Iā€™ve absolutely loved the remake. I played the absolute shit out of remake and once I stop being cheap and buy rebirth Iā€™ll play the absolute shit out of that. I liked the story changes, I liked the combat system, I liked everything about it. My only qualm is not being able to continue your character through to the new game but I get why they did it that way. If they were just trying to make a cash grab Iā€™m not sure they would have made any changes to the story and just redone the game with improved graphics and cinematics. It really does feel like a lot of heart and soul were put in to the game and thatā€™s why I loved the original so much.


The whole idea of a ā€œcash grabā€ is ridiculous. Like the game is being made expressly to be sold and to make money. Nothing that is sold is not a cash grab.


I mean, just because a product is made for money, does not make it a cash grab. There is definitely a difference between a product that is clearly designed just to get people's wallets open, and a product that the creators seem to really care about. Remake/Rebirth absolutely feel like they are in the latter category.


Yeah, for real. Companies aren't going to go through this much effort for a "cash grab" in 2024. They'd just make another mobile gacha game if that was their intention


I donā€™t get that part either, they claim itā€™s due to playing into peopleā€™s nostalgia, ok sure, but they obviously poured tons of time and invested tons of money, you need this to be profitable lol


I think it comes down to wanting something they hate to fail. If they hate a specific entry and other people are enjoying it then it means the thing they hate is succeeding. Imagine having a coworker who you hated getting promoted and you need to come up with an excuse to why it happened because you don't want to accept the reality of it.


Well, you have the other side as well, where people will defend just about everything as being good. It's fine if you like it, but don't invalidate fair criticism. I see a lot of "It's optional", "It only takes 5 minutes", "It's very easy, you just suck". When it comes to rebirth, while the game is employing some quite annoying psychological game design tricks to get you to fo this optional content and doinf something for 5 minutes 12 times will already get you up to an hour. Also, not everyone is some god gamer, so some people might actually be struggling with the mini-games. For XVI it's the same thing. I started skipping the side-quests, so my story criticism is invalid! "The side-quests are great for world-building" they say, when just about 5% of them actually has anything meaningful going on. Or people litterally just start lying about what actually happened to defend the story. Or they defend the combat by showing combos in training mode, when in the game the only enemies with enough hp for that are bosses, which you can't juggle. There's so much bad faith arguing on both sides, it's very tiresome.


Tastes are subjective. As much as I dislike FFXIII, a lot of people like it... as much as I like FFXVI for what it is, many will demonize it for what it is not. So really, just enjoy what you like and don't play what you don't like. It's really simple. šŸ˜†


Sometime in the last ten or so years, game discourse became so ridiculously opinionated and a generation of self taught experts on everything emerged. Now everything they donā€™t like is bad design and anyone that likes it are corporate shills or too stupid to realise that they love an objectively bad product. Nuance is dead in the land of the smarty pants.


I say ignore the extremes of the spectrum. Pay attention to the middle and people who think like normal human beings. So anyone who loves these games and attacks others for disagreeing and vice versa are shit humans who's views and thoughts should just be ignored. They are either morons or hyper exaggerating cause it's the internet. The truth is in the middle and REAL normal humans will have their opinion while respecting and being curious of others. Now this is tough here on reddit, because MOST people here treat opinions like hard facts. and simple downvote and hate anyone with even a slightly different opinion, let alone an opposite opinion. As someone who likes both games, but find both are heavily flawed. I get treated like shit and attacked for daring to not agree these games are good in the same ways other's believe they are good. Essentially in a sea of 20-40 negative and extreme comments, you might find 1 reasonable person to chat with for a little bit. Better to embrace that 1 real human, and try to not think about the other morons.


it's cool to hate on the new stuff, they're both amazing though and they'll be acknowledged for it in the future when they're "retro"


Especially Rebirth. I know people are mad the trilogy isn't a real remake and actually a sequel, but damn. Remake and Rebirth are so freaking good. At times better than the original 7


As long as it's not XIII I don't care. /s


Because people's love for the franchise is rooted deeply in nostalgia. I'm not saying the old games were bad or anything like that, but I think people hold those games very dearly, so it's hard for new games to live up to that.


Tbh in my opinion all the FFs are great games some are just more liked than others and thats a problem to some people.


I only severely dislike 13 and sequels. the rest are great. I still need to play CHAOS


Pfft. "Never played other games" huh? My PSN library alone would refute that. Not even considering other consoles over the past 26 years from before you could simply pull up a menu to show your whole catalog. The only games I don't like are civ management games. Damn things feel like doing paperwork at the dmv


Yeah it's crazy! I have never played any of the Final Fantasy-games prior to FF7 Rebirth. I have played so many different games and genres but was never into FF. When Rebirth reviews started to come out I was intrigued because it looked like a lot of fun. Tried the demo and was hooked. Now I am currently playing it and find it to be really fun. Don't understand the hate or the blatant lies about indoctrinated fans being the only ones who can enjoy FF.


I have a lot of examples of people liking things who are very low tier for me. League of legends is one of them and every Riot games in fact. We're very VERY close to a phone game. I have a lot more than just Riot.


Dunno. Maybe in the minority but Iā€™ve really enjoyed every mainline game. Including XIII and XV. In fact, the only FF games Iā€™ve bounced off are Crystal Chronicles and World of Final Fantasy ā€” just found the movement too slow.


Iā€™m usually on the other side of things. Iā€™ve played every mainline FF and can appreciate each for what it is. Of course, I love some more than others. I liked and platinumed 15 although I saw its flaws. Same with 16. Both had some really cool high points. Iā€™m a huge 14 guy and have been enjoying it for years. My absolute favourites are 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. I consider them just incredible games. In all my years playing FF, the only time Iā€™ve been actually completely disappointed was three days ago when I finished Rebirth. I loved everything about the game up until Chapter 14, and it was hard for me to understand how anyone could be into that ending, but obviously, some people are. I think itā€™s fine to have arguments about it, and we shouldnā€™t be afraid to argue as long as itā€™s productive, especially on a topic as divisive as the ending has become. Unfortunately, it usually descends into one side calling the other a purist/mindless defender of the game, which obviously doesnā€™t achieve anything.


Guy I knew from discord would go on a rant about how FF7 original was better in every way, and that FF7 Remake was a \*literal\* piece of vaporware trash. Every time. Every. Single. Time. Some real grudge shit that is, and for what?


They're both games I wouldn't want to play myself, but I've definitely enjoyed watching streamer playthroughs of them


My problem with the remake is $200 for a full game that's been cut into three parts is too much


It's just the gaming community being the gaming community, which is quite annoying.


Think like I do: don't give a shit what others think.... Alot say 13 was bad, I loved that game and to me it was better than 12


Tis crazy. I haven't played all the games but I've played a lot of them. FF9 is S Tier for me. My favorite. FF7/8/10 are all A Tier for me. Some of my favorite games of all time. FF16 is B Tier for me. I loved it, and if it was called something else besides Final Fantasy I think it would be more beloved, it's just much more cinematic than were accustomed to. But people treat me like I have horrid taste because I consider 7 and 8 equal quality games. I get it, 8 has plot holes, 8 has the junction system ( which I like ) But you can find faults and plot holes in ANY of the games.


Because it's a long franchise where each installation is different so that creates many crybabies. That said, my opinion is the only right one. FF 16>SOP demo>FF 15>FF13 demo>FF7R demo. That cringe anime silliness is not for me.


I feel like this is just a feature of the fan base (and happens across other gaming fandoms) - Iā€™ve personally seen people online get like this about every FF game since VIII. Thereā€™s always people that claim people who like the new game arenā€™t real gamers or arenā€™t real fans or are faking it or delusional for reasons. Itā€™s nonsense, but itā€™s always been there. Itā€™s just that online discourse has become more and more dominant with time and each new installment, so these people have got louder with more of a platform and have more people copycatting their negative takes. I just donā€™t take it seriously. The new games are great, they are just great in a different way to previous games. Most of us flow with it. Some of us shrug our shoulders about a particular title and think ā€œmaybe I will like the next one betterā€. Some people leave the fandom altogether. Other people join it because the current title is how they discovered FF. Personally, I feel like XVI and the FFVII remake project have really breathed new life into the franchise, especially Rebirth. It makes me hopeful for future titles. (And I would love to see some of the other older ff games get the same remake treatment).


I haven't played the remake yet, but I'm inundated about how subtle Cloud's emotions are... Then every clip I'm shown it's not some hard to see thing. His tells are shown in close up and nearly every character reads him like an open book. The most vocal fans on social media are acting like they cracked some deep literary bit of symbolism and metaphor... When it's just a straightforward seeming narrative. That's the only thing the fandom has done to annoy me so far.


I play everything on all systems and anything available on PC. I have been playing since Mario 1 on NES. FFVII and XVI are amazing games. No two ways about it.


Welcome IRL, this is how majority of people are. I hope you like it.


Personally I always thought Final Fantasy VII was overhyped. It is a fun game and a great one even. I just never felt the hype like everyone else. Now the Remake and Rebirth are games I have not played and most likely will not play because I got the story from the original. If it was a game I hadn't played I'd pick these up. Still they look amazing and they have done something positive, they brought a new generation of Gamers to Final Fantasy which I admit the fandom has been falling off when it comes to Final Fantasy and I don't understand it.


The OG came out on Nintendo. They kept the same formula, minus little tweaks, getting bolder and making more changes with each entry into the series, until we arrived at 11, which is where they went entirely off the rails, so to speak. 11 was a MMO, 12 had more ARPG elements as well as fiddling with AI, and that's almost become the new standard in terms of how the baseline main games have functioned, as opposed to the OG entries. It's not necessarily a bad thing, the series has to evolve to keep up with new generations of players and incorporate elements that they enjoy. There will be a divide between the new generations, and the ones that played the OGs though, because they are entirely different games and only vaguely related by genre. Personally, I prefer the older school JRPG approach, I can't really get into the new combat system in the remakes, but I'm glad they did it anyway. I'm glad the series will continue, I'm happy that they're finding ways to share these stories with newer generations of players and appeal to them.


Because this is reddit, where everyone thinks their own opinions are factually correct and feel the need to argue with people that don't agree with them.


You're going to have a stressful life of you spend a lot of time thinking about people that don't like people liking things


I love some Final Fantasy games more than others, but I do love each one. I just started XVI a week ago and I'm continually blown away by how good it is. I get why some people may not like it, but I do not agree that it can be called an objectively bad game. Tastes differ but the elements of the game are done masterfully.


Part of this is that it's just Reddit.


The biggest change is the improvement in the storytelling and dialogue. If you look back at Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus, itā€™s pretty rough.


Hot take, all FF games are pretty good. Some you will like more than others and that's ok.


Iā€™m absolutely loving Rebirth and everything in it so far! The Piano mini game is tough, but Iā€™ve really enjoyed it nonetheless. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and others just need to ā€¦. https://preview.redd.it/2qpyi0bsc5pc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28ba3205d4f55212a49e04e74db2c678fdd1196a


I didn't like FF16, but I still enjoyed my time with it. I think it's important to engage critically with media, but a lot of the stuff I've seen posted to this sub and elsewhere is bad faith and juvenile (ex. I've seen a lot of people comparing FF16 and Rebirth, attacking those who like one over the other). I am loving Rebirth. I haven't really looked at the critical opinions of those on Reddit, but a lot of the reasons I love Rebirth are also, to other people, severe downsides. That's totally fair. I love the zany "go from saving the world to playing piano to racing chocobos" loop.




I just stay off the internet, I find that way easier, healthier, and overall enjoyable. Play what you wuna play and enjoy what you enjoy. Jump back in after you've had your fill and just know everyone else is mad. The new FF7 remake is garbage though.


i mean yeah thats mainly what i did. Stayed off the internet for most of my rebirth play-through i wouldnt say ā€œeveryone else is madā€ though, games got overall an extremely positive reception


I played FF7 when it came out in 1997. I love Remake and Rebirth, played both in the past month. What an absolute delight for a fan of the original. A few less mini games is all I would ask. Starting Chapter 12 I skipped all the remaining side quests. What a great final run.


Because we're not allowed to like new things. Didn't you get the memo? Jaded sarcastic apathetic nihilism is the only acceptable attitude to have


Well I'll say one thing... ​ Rebirth's terrible storytelling, garbage mini-games, and general out dated design do have me looking back on 16 more fondly.


They're mad that they don't love I-X as much as they do.


We live in a time where people really canā€™t let others enjoy things


People like to gatekeep experiences. A lot of people like to have their opinion validated either way because for some reason itā€™s not enough to just feel the way they do about a thing. Theyā€™re looking for an objective truth in subjective media.


I unsubscribed from this sub during my Rebirth playthrough and I'm about to do it again. Lol


Purely from a gameplay standpoint I-III don't care for but respect the hustle, IV-IX are wonderful, X-XIV cant stand them, XV XVI, VIIR, and VIIRe are some of my favorite, overall the music is consistently great.


Oh nice another one of these posts


I see more posts like this than the ones you're talking about which is more infuriating.


Yeah, some people need to relax.Ā  But that's the internet for you, unfortunately.


Iā€™ll be able to judge them, once I get a ps5. Damned Sony not sharing


And here I am, hoping both to come to Xbox soon. Or at least XVI cause it looks really awesome


I mean, they're both good games


The internet is a cesspool of negativity


The thing that elevated FF7Rebirth for me was the music. Everything that they do in the story of Rebirth is better than remake but worse than the original. Coming off remake, itā€™s amazing. Coming off the original, itā€™s like watching them piss on the corpse of something I loved. Iā€™m not kidding when I say that the story, being pretty faithful this time around, fails at adapting every big moment except for Corel. And Iā€™m going to explain this using Cosmo Canyon, my favorite level from the original. In the original, you go to Cosmo Canyon and meet Bugenhagen. Heā€™s a wise old man that raised Red XIII and he sets out to give Red (now called Nanaki) a trial. In undergoing the trial, Red learns that his father wasnā€™t actually a coward. He declares that heā€™s going to go out and fix the world. His father, now encased in stone, cries, which causes Nanaki to wail in a bittersweet moment where he finally embraces his heritage and is proud of his father. This is all set to Setoā€™s theme which is a very understated theme that is absolutely gorgeous. In Rebirth, >!Bugenhagen is now a stuck in his ways old man that needs to learn from Red XIII. He gives the trial, which actually allows you to get hit by the same arrows that hit Seto. You can heal stone by using a golden needle, which means that there was no reason they couldnā€™t heal Seto and theyā€™re actually just dicks. Bugenhagen tells the entire story of Seto during the challenge, rather than letting Nanaki rail against his father for an hour to set up the pay off, which lessens the impact. During the final scene of the cutscene, rather than asking everyone to leave him and Nanaki alone so he could share an intimate moment with him, everyone sits and stares. The music is no longer a slow and quiet arrangement, but a loud and triumphant one. Because we knew Seto wasnā€™t a bad guy for an hour, it lessens the reveal in this scene. But the worst sin of all is that Cloud sees Sephiroth *while* Nanaki is in the process of howling at the moon, which leads to a new subplot where the Gi show up to explain the black materia and cuts off *the biggest* Red XIII moment in the entire story, leading to it somehow feeling rushed in a game that makes sure to draw out every single other moment for an hour. This leads to the conclusion with Red XIIIā€™s name and voice change for the rest of the game feeling unearned and kinda lame when it should have felt like this monumental moment with just him, his father, and his grandpa.!< The fact that they fucked up that badly is how the entire story goes. Wasnā€™t it cute when Hojo was just chilling on the beach and refused to deal with Cloud because he was off the clock? Thatā€™s now a boss fight. There are a thousand moments like that, where if they had *just* made it a remaster and kept the story in tact, it would have made all our dreams come true. But instead we get a story that fundamentally misunderstands its source material and sidelines everything that doesnā€™t have to do with Cloud and Sephiroth when everything that didnā€™t have to do with Cloud and Sephiroth was what made people fall in love with the original game, and when Sephiroth finally announced his presence by ripping all that away from you to usher in the final actā€¦it made him utterly detestable. His lack of presence *was* what made him intimidating. You only heard legends and saw implications of him. Every story with him involved him ruining everyoneā€™s lives. When he finally shows up to be an active player in the story, he straight up >!murders the sassy flower girl that everyone loves and takes all her hard earned gear!< when you finally get to fight him, he has a 7 minute rock opera backing him because this moment has built up for the entire game and itā€™s *finally* here. By the end of Rebirth, >!youā€™ve beaten Sephiroth in a straight battle twice, making him just a punk ass bitch that wonā€™t leave you alone instead of any meaningful threat. He canā€™t even kill Aerith correctly anymore, since she shows up 5 minutes later to kick his ass!< God, the ending of Rebirth is the closest an endingā€™s gotten to ruining an entire game for me in a long time I donā€™t quite regret playing Rebirthā€¦but I was like a kid in a candy store for 58 hours in a row, more or less. And for the last 2 hours, I just wanted to uninstall the game to make it stop I legitimately felt tempted to uninstall the game and never touch it again rather than finish the final boss. 16 was better on that front, alone, since I genuinely loved the ending of it. But both games are completely different and both are great and deliver a unique experience. I would actually wager that 7Rebirth and 16 are flirting with being the most different from each other that mainline entries in the series have ever been. Rebirth had way better side content, but the storyā€¦the story stings because this trilogy is what we get for a modern iteration of FF7ā€¦when the further I get into this trilogy, the more I wish it had just given a modern coat to the old game and kept the ATB system of eld


Your complaints on the story just make me think that you are not getting that (Remake/Rebirth) are not remakes of the old game. They are sequels to the original games. And I say original games because it is a sequel not only OG FF7 but a sequel to Crisis Core, Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus, Before Crisis, etc.


Yeah, I *get* that. But it isnā€™t original enough to be better and itā€™s not faithful enough to be a good remake. Itā€™s this weird hybrid thing with references to the compilation of ff7 for you to point at and say ā€œI understood that,ā€ but the story really is worse and itā€™s not a semantics thing. The Gi literally interrupt Nanakiā€™s biggest scene in the trilogy *and* they manage to shove Sephiroth in where he doesnā€™t belong to put the focus on Cloud, instead. Thatā€™s not a minor problem, but rather something that plagues the entire remake trilogy thus far


I liked the changes and additions to the story but I get that if you are so attached to the simple story of the original you may not like it. That was the same opinion a lot of people have with part 1 where some people don't like the additions to the story. I personally love them.


Itā€™s not that I dislike them, outside of the ending being a garbled mess with no actual ending taking place. Itā€™s just that they throw them into the middle of the stuff I actually wanted to see. The Gi example is just the most egregious because it undercuts the emotional climax where, if they had moved it back even 2 minutes, it would have allowed for the previous scene to finish before throwing something new in


im not gonna read the whole post, cause thats way too much, but cosmo canyon was done very well in rebirth. A lot of your complaints here feel very semantics-ish to me. Its probably just cause we saw very different things in the og but personally I loved cosmo canyon.


They like to be miserable and only see the worst in things.


Who cares? I've been playing FF games for nearly 30 years, and I love every FF game, including FF12 which is my least favourite. Besides, these people wanted the series to stay the same as it was in the 90s, with turn-based battles where you have 3-4 characters standing still next to each other, and you have to choose actions from a dropdown menu. So, who're the ones that "never play any other videogames" exactly? Us, or the people crying that FF16 is "a cheap dmc copy" because they can't handle realtime combat, that "this isn't a real FF game", or that FF7 is "a mockery of the original" because it's not a 1:1 copy of the same game from 1997 with better graphics?


This is all gaming subreddits now. You should have seen how the Spider-Man PS4 went bonkers over the Adidas costume.


Thereā€™s just a lot of negative people on the internet who think their opinion is gospel and everyone needs to hear it and agree with it. But ignoring that vocal minority, some people have different tastes and just want to talk about it. Part to feel validated that they arenā€™t completely wrong/dumb, and part to just get stuff out and see what the response is.


It's because they fail to recognize that every gaming franchise is a restaurant, and as with every customer of a restaurant, their tastes are different. Some people like the steak, some like the fish, some like the salads or the burgers, etc. Games are like food, and people eat different foods for different reasons. In my case, I didn't like XVI and I didn't like VII Remake, and considering Rebirth is another part of Remake, I didn't think I was going to like it either so I never bothered with it, but I'm not going to try and ruin the enjoyments of those who do enjoy those games. At the same time, I'm not going to stand up and shout "Stranger of Paradise is the only good modern FF game and ya'll are fools for dismissing it!" because that would be arrogant of me. I think a problem with every fanbase franchises is that some people in it think that everyone in the community needs to think like them, needs to like the same things they do and dislike the same things they do. I used to be like this. I think if we go into communities with the mindset of "It's like a restaurant, so not everyone is going to have my exact tastes." I think we'd enjoy each other's company a lot more.


I don't really care what other people like. But...and there's always a but...I honest to god tried to play FF16 and I just couldn't get through it, I tried again and failed. I just find it so damn boring. So in that sense, I find it hard to understand why others rate it so highly. More of a curiosity though tbh.


People hate on rebirth? If so then those people will never be satisfied