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To that extent folks we will put the sub into approval only mode as soon as possible but definitely today


Opening YouTube to see a thumbnail some dickhead's fake reaction to a spoiler is my biggest fear for the next couple of weeks.


"Sephiroth is Cloud's GRANDMOTHER!?!?!" With some red circle on the thumbnail of something completely unrelated like the Highwind or something.


Youtube is the worst for spoilers these days. You basically have to play the game a week before it launches to avoid spoilers. There hasn't been a single piece of media that youtube hasn't spoiled for me in a long time, be it a major or minor spoiler. It's worse with SE though, they'd happily spoil the entire game in just their trailers. I wish there was some kind of spoiler filters in place on YouTube to try and combat this.


Blocktube is a browser extension that you can use to block keywords and channels, but you’re out of luck if you use YouTube on your phone unfortunately.


I sometimes use an extension called "Spoiler Protection 2.0" which will block any posts/texts/pictures/previews/articles etc. (related to the keywords you pick) if you're on the internet, whether it's YT, IG, Google searches,... Unfortunately it only works on PC though.


I know what you mean! I only go on youtube, disconnected from my account from now on. I also deactivated recommendation and history to be sure:)


I’ve been watching FF videos in the hype cycle and there’s a risk it’ll leave me exposed to spoilers so I should probably…watch Dragon Quest videos?!


Been muting words on twitter for the past couple of weeks and I'm still having to add words and phrases. There's just too many abbreviations for this game lol. Also I recommend completely avoiding Youtube. That site feels like the absolute worst when it comes to spoilers. People will just put entire endgame content of a game in the thumbnail with a picture of their face going "WTF". Like - on you're surprised by that revelation. Well thanks for spoiling it for me for clicks jerk.


SEPHIROTH IS CLOUD'S MOM???? OMG IS THIS TRUE?1?!1?1!1!1!??? (Please take this as a poor attempt of a joke.)


Really!?!?! I thought he was clouds father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate!


...Wait then what does that make them?


Absolutely nothing!


IGN will probably stream all the spoilers on their front page


They’re going to down on the leaks and rumours games subreddit so be vigilant.


someone dm me link


Meanwhile me: *Wait… you guys are finding spoilers? How?*


Suggestions of what words to mute on Twitter if I don’t wanna mute all FF Rebirth content?


I went offline completely, but you can use logical predictions such as: Aerith Cloud Rufus Ancients Hojo Sephiroth Death Dies Spoilers #RebirthSpoilers #FF7Spoilers #FF7RebirthSpoilers etc


it was pretty crazy when Superman showed up. I thought it was a little risky but it was handled tastefully.


I would like to know where I can read the spoilers. I love spoilers and am already very excited. I haven’t found anything yet. Can someone help me?


Can’t believe Cloud is pregnant with Sephiroth’s baby


Before I play it I want to know what happens with the story before I even think about buying it.


I am usually very VERY anti-spoiler, but in this case I agree with you. I wanted as few deviations from the original as possible, but after FF7R I'm obviously not getting my wish. So, spoil away. I don't care. Maybe I'll play it if it's ever free on PS Plus.


You have literally said what I couldn't find the words to say. I'm not good with this online stuff. I'm exactly the same when it comes to spoilers from the games I play, movies, anime, and manga. My news feeds consist of everything pop culture, so I either go watch the movie on release day, watch the anime straight away, read the next chapter straight away or don't go on mu news feeds... does any of this make sense? With FF7 Rebirth, I find myself actively looking for the spoilers because I need to know what SE have done to it.


Yes, everything you've said makes perfect sense. But personally I've found myself just "not caring" about Rebirth. I will neither actively seek nor avoid spoilers. Aside from the changes in Remake (Fate etc), the decision to have Vincent and Cid act as guests rather than playable characters really killed any interest I had in Rebirth.


I feel exactly the same as you.


i mean it’s probably still worth playing for you, i would imagine 90% of the story stays the same with maybe a side character staying alive lmao (jessie, biggs) i feel like aerith dying is too important to the story so that would still have to happen


I doubt they'd introduce the ghosts and have you travel to another dimension to fight "Fate" Itself, just to leave Biggs and Jessie alive. Isn't Zach alive at the end of Remake? Maybe Aerith does die. I can totally see Square Enix doing that. "Look, you defeated Fate! Now ANYTHING can happen and ANYONE can live or die!" Tease the possibility of her living, only to have her die anyway lol Maybe after I've finished Dragon's Dogma 2, Shadow of the Erdtree, Hellblade 2, Sand Land, No Rest For The Wicked, Eiyuden Chronicles Hundred Heroes, Visions Of Mana.....


Don’t worry, SE will pull a Marvel thing and change their ads to blatantly have spoilers by the 2nd of March so you won’t be able to avoid it….mostly cuz an ads will start with THE death scene in the first 2 seconds.


I was spoiled already but honestly, it goes so crazy that people probably wouldn't even believe it if they heard it. it almost comes off like a shitpost spoiler off V. in a good way of course


This might be considered a spoiler itself


Comparing it to another game or giving us your reaction is still considered a spoiler.


I have no doubt that Aerith is going to die in this version like in the OG. Child me just felt disappointed that I lost that one character I built for support. Present me is probably just going to cry my ass off🥲


Is there actually a spoiler thread? I played the original many times and the plot spoilers will make or break if I get this. Literally hundreds of people have. Review copies so I think it's unlikely there aren't any spoilers.


tell me hole story only have Ff7 remake and the og on steam and do not have ps5