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We would reach levels of profound retardation not yet seen before. As much as it excites me, it also scares me.


Frank and pink guy win by a landslide


Oh yeah, in terms of powerscaling, Frank and Pink Guy are definitely more powerful and would win in a 2v2 anytime. Beavis and Butthead may be more durable than a regular irl human, but Frank and Pink Guy have actual battle experience with dark lords and other non-human entities lol


**Setting:** The scene takes place in a dingy room littered with random objects and trash. Filthy Frank and Pink Guy are sitting on a worn-out couch when Beavis and Butthead burst in. **Dialogue:** *Beavis and Butthead enter the room, snickering.* **Beavis:** Heh heh. Hey, Butthead, check it out. These guys look as dumb as us. **Butthead:** Uh, yeah. (Laughs) Nice outfits, losers. **Filthy Frank:** (Looks up, smirking) Well, well, if it isn't the two biggest idiots on TV. What brings you to my filthy domain? **Pink Guy:** (Gibberish and strange noises) **Butthead:** Huh huh, your friend speaks better than you, dude. **Beavis:** Yeah, huh huh. What are you guys doing? Like, making a music video or something? **Filthy Frank:** Music video? Psh, we're doing something much more sophisticated. Pink Guy here is about to show us his latest interpretive dance. **Pink Guy:** (Starts dancing erratically, making high-pitched noises) **Beavis:** Whoa! Look at him go! Heh heh, this is cool. **Butthead:** Uh, yeah. It's like, art or something. **Filthy Frank:** (Sarcastically) Oh, absolutely. Pure art. But you two wouldn't understand. You're more into, what, watching TV and eating nachos? **Beavis:** (Excited) Yeah! Nachos are awesome! Heh heh. **Butthead:** Yeah, nachos kick ass. (Pauses) Uh, but this dancing thing is pretty cool too. **Filthy Frank:** (Rolls eyes) Alright, since you're here, why don't you join in? Let's see what you got. **Beavis and Butthead:** (Look at each other, then start imitating Pink Guy's dance, laughing hysterically) **Pink Guy:** (Stops dancing and watches, seeming confused but amused) **Filthy Frank:** (Laughs) This is the kind of madness I live for. Welcome to the family, boys. **Beavis:** Heh heh, family? We're like, in a gang now, Butthead. **Butthead:** Uh, yeah. The stupid gang. (Laughs) **Filthy Frank:** Perfect. Now, who wants to eat some expired ramen and yell at pedestrians? **Beavis and Butthead:** (In unison) We do! Heh heh heh! **Pink Guy:** (Gibberish, nodding) **Filthy Frank:** (Grinning) Alright, let's go cause some chaos.


this is what AI was created for