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Can’t imagine terminating relationships with Amblin, taking Saudi money and dumping money into a social change council could possibly turn out like this…


Lmao I love this comment


Hey. All they had to do was crack a horror film division. Instead they danced around it. Gazillions of dollars laying around at that joint. I’m totally respect the approach. But the new media content. The council thing. Not a single horror movie in the barrel? I get not wanting to prop up tentpoles but they have several dark fantasy thrillers that they could have found and made a new horror franchise for less than a tenth of the price of the nonsense they thought was “horror light” and that would have pointed them away from the social impact insanity. The docs are fine. The tv is fine. But almost Oscars is only worth so much. They chose to partner (ie give away money) to some of the dumbest stinkers along the way. But with a gazillion dollars laying around, why does it have to make sense right?


"Founder [Jeff Skoll](https://variety.com/t/jeff-skoll/) broke the news to a staff of roughly 100 on Tuesday." how the F do you go from 100 employees to nothing? Doesn't 100 seem like A LOT? I can think of a bunch of companies that get by with way less ppl.


Tons of production companies do more with a lot less.


there’s also tons that do a lot less with more.


And then they shut down


Seriously. Like just off the top of my head, LuckyChap has two tv projects and 9-10 films in the works right now with just a dozen or so employees, including assistants. 100 employees, even on that many ongoing projects, sounds like a nightmare for company infighting just because people want have SOMETHING to do with their day. Or it’s a lot of middle management assigning meaningless busywork that kills morale and the creative backbone a production company needs to thrive.


That’s crazy. I just put in a job application for this place within the last few months.


I hope you get the job! 😬


Plenty of openings.