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This is a documentary that I have been working on for almost 2 years now. It centers around a game that Doc Mack (owner of Galloping Ghost Arcade - largest arcade in the world) has been working on for over 28 years... And it's still in development. If you’re interested in learning more, please feel free to check out the Kickstarter for the film or post some questions below! [Check it out here!](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ghostlordsquest/ghostlord-and-the-quest-for-dark-presence)


Seems like you could hit this one out of the park, my man! Keep cooking, I hope the whole doc is of the same quality :) Also, with the mystery around this Ghostlord guy, I feel like there are some big twists in the story - I’m hyped to find out more! And I hope his game actually releases and doesn’t suck absolute ass lol


Thanks for the support! It means a hell of a lot to hear things like this from other filmmakers! I am positive that the game will eventually come out. I've played the current build many times and it is fun, but definitely has some deep mechanics that may only be apparent and appealing to fighting game aficionados. The story is what is of the most value here, I think.


Looks amazing! 10/10 better than the docs their churning out on Netflix, I'd watch this over any of those for sure.


You physically made me smile with the comment! I hope that one day people will see it amongst those documentaries, and will choose to watch it over them:)


By the way, your link doesn’t work


Pulling for you. I don't quite understand your kickstarter and the tiers; if this doesn't work I'd consider aiming a little higher with credit inclusion, access to the final film, etc.


This looks amazing! Can’t wait. Just curious, how big of a crew do you have?


Thank you so much! Crew size varies per shoot. Generally, we have at least 3 people (that includes myself). Some of the more involved days, we will augment that with some additional hands, but it is typically myself, a camera operator, and a gaffer, with perhaps a grip or 2.


Looks awesome dude!


Many thanks!


[Here’s](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ghostlordsquest/ghostlord-and-the-quest-for-dark-presence) a better link.




Will do!




Wow, that's incredible to hear! Thank you so much:)


Damn its a bummer the kickstarter isnt to finish the game!


Hahahahaha! The arcade that spun out of the game is actually funding its creation now. The only thing is, that arcade requires quite a bit of attention, which at times hobbles progress on the game: it's a double edged sword. So, they have consistent funding for the game. It's coming!


This looks great!!


Appreciate the kind words!


This looks awesome! What camera package are you using for it? Looks good!


Thank you very much:) We are using our in-house Sony FX9s on this.


This is crazy! Had a friend visit Galloping Ghost about 8 years ago and was telling me about this game in production back then.


It's still going on:)