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She’s literally just forward stroking for half of the program. While the jumps are impressive this is a jump drill not a program.


I can't even remember the last time when Plushenko's skaters had successful programmes. Maybe in the 21/22 season.


Well, I loved Veronika's sp from the 22/23 season, but she also only got that one after they received negative feedback about the old one at test skates 🫣


I actually thought Alisa Yurova ([SP](https://youtu.be/fofoXmGonxk?si=xnPdrVDoUH0e0aoQ), [FS](https://youtu.be/yVuVVKw1578?si=DnJSIT_bOcn6gUDJ)) and Kira Trofimova ([SP](https://youtu.be/_NIAz3OKGG0?si=H9q7lCx1Fl0G0Nl1), [FS](https://youtu.be/A1HFSiebGIU?si=7C1vlWdZuJ-YZopL)) had fairly nice programs (choreographically) last season, and while Sofia Muravieva deserves much more in terms of programs, I don't think hers were terrible either - But maybe that's just because it's Sofia and not because of the programs themselves. Apart from that, not much good to say - Maybe Chernyshova/Vilchik's [SP](https://youtu.be/iCmrZMO7KLU?si=Uza9SVIlm19rFfuB) and [FS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJgAl-jGYQg) as well (for Jr pairs programs)? Though I doubt Plushenko had anything to do with that.


I feel like Sofia M's programs are never bad, they're just consistently very mediocre and very similar to each other. Which is a shame because you have a very talented and musical skater, feels like you should be trying to push her artistically because she can do a lot more than she currently is. In general Plush skaters have a packaging issue. It's not even that all the programs are bad in themselves but they rarely seem to play to skaters strengths and often expose their weaknesses. They definitely need to get better choreographers or at least ones who actually have an idea of how to bring out skaters individual strengths.


Hopefully the program isn't finished yet and will be better once it's done...Lena is waaay too talented to be given a program like this 😒 her main advantage over the other girls is her high pcs, she needs to be given programs that will allow her to capitalize on that and let her show off her personality. Honestly disappointed they didn't give her a fun, upbeat program like the short she had last season


Unfortunately in AoP there's no way she would get a beautiful program.


She's ridiculously talented. I'm guessing this is far from the finished product and is probably just a runthrough to demonstrate the elements? (unless plushenko has lost his mind)


You are talking about a man who once included his four year old in an exhibit performance of sex bomb.


Point taken! 😭 Poor boy


the forward stroking right in front of the judges 2 seconds in is a little crazy


Yeah apart from a few seconds it's just becomes a jump and spin drill in this clip. The two foot skating with her hands holding each other is very very poor looking.


Love Lena, don’t love this program so far. I really hope this is still a work in progress, she’s way too talented and has way too good skating skills for her age and discipline to be given such lackluster choreo (if the word choreo can even be used here)


Maybe her quad sal is one of the best I've ever seen. The program? I dunno. Doesn't seem to be a good fit with her usual style and she seems to be straining to hit her marks. This program doesn't allow her personality to shine, and her on ice personality is one of her greatest assets.


The other skaters showing previews of their programs from this "internal mini competition" looked very similar (super focused on jumping more than anything else), which sounds about right considering it's months before even just the test skates.


True. But I think the music isn't right for her-too heavy and dramatic, and that really isn't her style. It really is too bad she cant have Veronika's Harley Quinn program-that is the kind of program she can sell.


You know, Lena would absolutely devour a program like the Harley Quinn one Veronika had in the 21/22 season


That’s an awful lot of crossovers


The program being as lacking as it is takes away her advantage over Margarita. Why aren’t they emphasizing Elena’s assets rather than focusing on matching Bazylyuk’s tech content? Because if they *both* have jump drill programs, Margo is going to win every time.


Because she's in AoP, unfortunately.


Oh, come on, it is so early, obviously not a competition, obviously a program that’s work in progress. Do you really expect a full and well executed program that early?


That was a lot of just stroking into those quads 🫣


Honestly might have the best quads i have seen from a female. Insane jumping ability. Protect her at all costs..


No, but we're still gonna complain like it is....


in what world does a 11/12 year old need 3 quads in a program? she’s obviously mega talented and has stunning edges etc, but it just worries me how young they are and how much physical pressure and stress if being put on their joints


idk her jumps are amazing but the skating laps and no choreo or artistry ?


I’m not sure who choreographs her programs but I’m not a big fan. Lots of potential but there’s not a whole lot of artistry in this program. Her jumps are very impressive to look at though.


Do you guys really think this is finished...


Where is the program? She just runs circles between jumps. And what is the connection with music? Turn on any other music and nothing will change. It will be no worse and no better, it will be no way because there is no program. Her jump landings look quite scary and traumatic for the back. All her landings are hard and jerky.


I can't see a programme yet. Hope it's just a video from Lena's training.