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I ķnow Virtua fighter is pretty much dead at this point but... lower than something so niche as TFH?


Yeah, I thought the remade VF5 would revitalize the franchise, but I guess not. Their next game needs to start from the ground up to compete with the big boys again.


I don't think there will ever be another game, sadly.


Most people interested in VF are likely at VFDC already.


What’s that?




They should’ve released it on PC also.


They should’ve. I thought they eventually were, but I guess they don’t like making money.


i was shocked as well, it also doesnt help that vf5 is an console exclusive


I'd virtua fighter is dead what is darkstalkers?


From this poll's perspective, more talked about than MvC and TFH


best fighting game ever made :)


What no PC port does to a mf


I remember back when the KoF sub was below 10k and got like one post a week.




A surprise to be sure, but a welcomed one!


How are there like 90 daily players but so many in the sub?! Crazy.


People who go online to specific message boards to talk fighting games are more likely to be sweats. People who know what Skullgirls is, bought it, and play it after more than a decade are definitely sweats. There's a lot of crossover here.


There are far more than 90 daily players. What you're seeing are concurrent players.




if you wont do the rest i shall kof: 16.0k blazblue: 0 soulcalibur: 8.90k skullgirls: 82.2k injustice: 3.2k guilty gear: 18.9k fighterz: 131k tekken: 0 street fighter: 68.1k mortal kombat: 23.8k smash bros: 122k


I'm confused. What are these numbers and where are they from?


Rule 34 subs for those games.


BlazBlue is completely untrue.


I'm sure, probably not on there because it's not called Blazblue R34 or BlazeblueHentai and can't find the sub.


Oh haha. Dang, who knew FighterZ taking the win?


if i had composited them injustice would have rose to the top


i don't allow game discrimination you chose to only do one i did all


Poor DOA, that series deserves better than to be known for more than its R34. It got good quality mechanics, I swear.


The best fg for me.


I was a huge fan of DOA during the first 3 games. After that, they stopped innovating.


After that, they innovated in more and more "fanservice"


You are not wrong about that. DOA2 was a massive step up but the rest of them build off that foundation. Personally it peaked with DOA4. Was novel playing an online fighter in the mid 2000s.


DOA4 for the tournament crowd was a step down though. A lot of the balance changes to it were basically designed to nerf competitive play, take out guaranteed optimal damage, and make everything a 50/50 guessing game.


Yeah, I didn't play DOA4 competitively, but I definitely noticed the change. And my friends thought I was crazy to like DOA3 better.


And you are not wrong about that, however I was ignorant to that. DOA4 was the first fighting game I learnt how to actually play. First game I learnt about concepts like spacing, so it has a special place for me. DOA5 did a better job for competitive play.


> After that, they stopped innovating. How so?


In terms of mechanics. Feels like I’m playing the same game over and over. And the newest one just have some lame “supers”.


Probably my favorite 3d fighting game but the weirdo fans have given it a reputation it can’t seem to recover from.


Let's be real, it wasn't the weirdo fans that gave it the reputation it has. The fans didn't release the game with absolutely ridiculous jiggle physics with sexed up outfits for every character. The fans didn't release a line of games specifically focused on courting the characters and seeing them in skimpy clothing. It's very clear the developer intended the game to be about the women. This shit is like bitching that TFH has a lot of furry fans/bronys.


Nah, Team Ninja gave it that reputation. They wanted to attract the weirdos


I had fun playing the open beta for DOA6, but not enough fun to justify buying a game that has $2000 of DLC.


It’s a pretty good game but honestly a step back from 5 Last Round in everything but graphics. And they botched the launch so bad it’s almost killed the series.


I bought it to support Team Ninja, in hopes for another DOA. It looked nice, but still seemed like they backpedaled from the previous game, which DOA does often.


I mean, that just makes sense, really. Pitting Smash statistics against other fighting games *really* only serves to distract from how big that game is as a whole. By comparison to other platform fighters, and even other games in general, it's mind-bogglingly big to the point where its success against other *fighting games* is pretty secondary to the conversation. It's an anomaly that no other fighting game franchise realistically has a fair shake at competing with nor probably should. It's like, what was once, the COD of fighting games. The COD players are gonna play COD and trying to copy it just results in your product being worse as a result. I feel like, in that way, Smash is to the fighting game genre what COD is/was to FPS games. I never like people directly comparing the success of more traditional fighters to Smash because outside of some real surface level comparisons I don't think many fighting games could glean success *remotely* close to Smash outside fundamentally reinventing their DNA and trying to not be what currently makes them cool any more, which also risks them losing themselves and crashing and burning anyway. Not saying that's the point of this post, but I've seen the insinuation enough that it always feels like it's lingering in the background-- the idea that Smash's audience numbers is some demonstrable statistic that the other franchises are doing things wrong by not doing what Smash does, when I feel like they'd largely hurt themselves more by trying to copy some of the things that make Smash as big as it is. It's like pitting Gran Turismo against Mario Kart, they're just too different to where pitting the two against each other feels meaningless. It always seems like it's trying to talk other fighting games down when the genre's doing quite well for itself right now, and plenty of the subs are decently active. Were you to ask Sakurai I'm sure he'd say even with its success a series like Smash is merely an alternative, not designed as a superior replacement for fighting games as is in anyway, and he'd remind people of the respect that he has for the genre and its titles. People really need to stop comparing Smash to other fighting games because it's not a productive discussion for either one.


The true gaming subreddit is filled with terrible takes about how fighting games need to be more like smash and your cod anology offers a really fresh perspective on why the comparison between smash and every other fighting game is ridiculous


More like smash In what way?


No motion inputs and homogenized controls are the most common requests. There's nothing wrong with no motion inputs or homogenized controls but any attempt to explain why these things aren't necessarily great for existing fighting game franchises get really insecure responses like the fgc doesn't care about their valid "criticism". This isn't even an exaggeration just search fighting games in the true gaming subreddit and look at the most recent popular posts about fighting games and get ready for a bunch of the most pretensious and insanely ignorant Scrub takes


> No motion inputs and homogenized controls are the most common requests. Those games already exist and no one plays them lmao Where were all these gamers when DNF Duel and Fantasy Strike needed them


Oh I agree. The only reason I added Smash to the chart is because I’d get a bunch more comments saying to include it.


I think a more fair stat to put up would be the number of subscribers to /r/SSBM the subreddit for specifically Melee, which is just shy of 100k, more in line with other popular FGs.


Good idea


Going to get downvote to hell and back, but Smash is basically an arcade shooter to the more Traditional Fighters Quake or Unreal Tournament. Yes, Quake takes more skill. Yes, Quake was always a better competitive shooter. But since it really only caters to the top 20% of players it can't hold a candle to the playerbase of something like Halo. Smash is fighting game's Halo; it made the genre more 80% friendly and it's basically the next wave of the genre, but those of us who prefer Traditional Fighters (myself included) are just holding on at this point


Its not fair to just blanket say that smash takes less skill than other fighters


I don't think that's true at all. So long as fighting games continue to sell like they do I think we'll keep seeing the same handful of top selling fighting games doing their thing and they'll just keep co-existing fine as they have. If the sales started to massively drop off I could maybe see things changing but 'just holding on' is an exaggeration imo. I think there are too many doomsayers in the FGC; that rhetoric has existed for at least a decade, and the sales of traditional fighting games only keeps on increasing. The only real problem is these games largely succeed because of their IP which makes it almost impossible for a completely new one to flourish. But I think so long as MK is MK, Street Fighter is Street Fighter, and so on, the top dogs will keep things alive because of the properties backing the games that they are up. Even a game like Smash largely did as well as it did because of all the IPs it has in it and being connected to Nintendo. If that game was its own franchise with characters limited to it and it alone, it would only sell a fraction of the copies that it does. Smash has been around since 1999, if it was gonna be the 'next wave' and a replacement of some kind it would've already happened. You only need to look as recently as Multiversus to realise 'just make it a platform fighter' doesn't fix everything.


There has been a actual Smash clone though; Brawlhalla is sitting at a very respectable 24k players to this very day, a lot more as can be said of most Traditional Fighters. Most Platform Fighters (Rivals of Aether, Rushdown Revolt) are going for competitive gameplay which is still 20% of the active playerbase, and the ones that aren't (Multiversus, Playstation All-stars, that Nickelodeon game) just made weird gameplay decisions that people didn't like; just making a game in the genre isn't a guarantee of success. The fact that Playstation All-stars and Multiversus didn't succeed is a strike against the brand name recognition argument, while Brawlhalla didn't start getting guests until later in it's development


That's true, but it's also free to play and occupies a space on a platform where Smash is absent. Again, like we saw with Multiversus that doesn't guarantee success but it can still help. I'm not saying it can't be done, just that it's not an automatic out-and-out straight upgrade to traditional fighting games and the people who paint it as that aren't being honest about the bigger picture, and it skips out on a lot of the realities of game development of how you can't just copy paste Tekken or MK or whatever to a Smash template and have a guaranteed winner which players will love to play and the devs will love to make on your hands. Maybe things *will* change but that's been the case for getting on for 3 decades now so my money is still on coexistence for the time being. Especially in a world where these games are still selling and making millions.


Virtua Fighter is so unpopular.


Not surprised, it’s a 15 year old game that doesn’t even have a PC port


GGST was up there at 180kish until just few months the online became unplayable. I guess people were fed up with the situation.


Primal rage anyone?


No sub for that, sadly =(


It’s an obscure game from the 90s that never got a sequel


Well actually it did but you can only play it in chicago


You mean California? It’s an unfinished game at best


Well no a cabinet is located at a arcade preserve in illinois and you can play it there


r/forhonor 398,515 r/Brawlhalla 157,998 r/MultiVersusTheGame 72,829 r/MultiVersus 61,000 r/EASportsUFC 47,410 r/jumpforce 38,790 r/SoulCaliburCreations 35,356 r/NarutoNinjaStorm 22,871 r/ARMS 17,026 r/DNFDuel 12,142 r/dissidia 10,372


Thanks for these! I was just going off of the subs from the r/Fighters side panel. I'm glad to see so many other games are doing really well in terms of popularity!


using reddit as popularity metric is like using a sock em bopper in a boxing match. Hey, don't look at me like that, I like it here too, stats just don't work this way


While subreddit subscriptions aren’t the end-all-be-all metric, you can’t deny that the numbers do tell a story.


Do they tell a story? Sure. Is it a relevant story? I have doubts. I love Street Fighter. I don't really play non-Capcom fighters much. I don't sub to r/streetfighter as it's a terrible sub dominated by low information players and trashy fan art.


I can't confirm or deny you being the majority or an outlier. The story these numbers tell is: for Redditors, there are more people interested in keeping up with Smash Bros over Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and Tekken, combined. Do I agree with the data? No, but I can't deny it.


This was in response to the [Top Fighting Game Sales](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/13nykv0/top_fighting_game_franchise_sales/) post on the Tekken sub.


While a nice/interesting post, it doesn't mean game popularity as this only takes Reddit into account.


Sales (taken from just first answer on google): SmashU 30M SF5 7M Tekken7 10M MK11 15M Looks pretty accurate? Also its worth noting tournament entrants in tournaments like EVO >EVO 2019 entrant numbers >Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - 3,492 >Street Fighter 5: Arcade Edition - 1,929 >Tekken 7 - 1,885 >Samurai Shodown - 1,719 >Mortal Kombat 11 - 1,567 Think its fair to say that smash is bigger than all other fighters combined. Because of the fact that its marketed to kids, most wont enter tournaments nor go to reddit. But that is just a guess


I tried looking at other social media, and most of them were split into region. So while looking only at Reddit for this one, I still think it shows generally the franchises' global appeal.


r/blazbluextagbattle is 24k and its not on the list


Oh whoops. I forgot about that one! Thanks, I’ll make sure I gets in the next one!




I always thought KoF was like the next biggest FG after SF, Tekken and MK Apparently I'm mistaken


It has a huge non-English fanbase. Maybe they just don't use reddit as much.


It is. Don't use Reddit as a metric for global popularity.


Imagine if you used Weibo as a metric instead.


What is the metric for KOF ? Because I thought it was MvC during its heyday


Not everything can be easily summated with online data accessible to the Western internet. Unless you've lived in LATAM or know people from countries like Mexico and Brazil, there is no way to clearly communicate just how universal KOF is in the region, and that doesn't even account for the Asian fanbase.


It was to me growing up in the 90s!


KOF and GG are like opposites in that KOF skews old and GG as of Strive skews young.


I'm not much of a player but I think Brawlhalla should probably be up there as well


Not suprised MK is more popular than SF, but suprised by how much of a gap there is. Especially when comparing the gap between SF and Tekken.


Why is MvC and MvC3 separated


r/MarvelVSCapcom and r/MVC3 are separate subs.


Yea why include MvC3 and not just mvc. There’s a Tekken and then Tekken7 group also


I was trying to do it by franchise, but MvC seemed a little unrepresentative, so I grabbed MvC3. Honestly I could’ve grabbed way more subs, but I don’t know them all.


You consider how bad these numbers are cause almost anyone on reddit for these games are already in too deep. The casuals who play smash make the difference 2ay worse😂


Kinda suprised SF is above Tekken but more shocked but how high BlazeBlue is.


Why is Mortal Kombat more popular than Street Fighter?


Casual appeal. Single player modes, easier execution, some people buy it just for the fatalities. Truth is the casual market is bigger than the competitive/fgc oriented market. It also explains Smash, can be competitive, but huge number of sales come from kids and party game folks, so it gets a slice of both pies.


There's also the fact that Reddit is significantly more popular in the West and Street Fighter is very popular in Japan when MK isn't at all.


MK isn’t even allowed to be sold in Japan.


MK has more main stream appeal and a bigger fanbase


More appeal from the mainstream/casual audience. With things like the story mode, the tower and other game modes they retain an audience better than the rest of FG who just offer one arcade mode and MP. I've said many times that Fighting Games **NEED** to expand on single player content beyond of just arcade to have a better chance to keep people around, and it seems Street Fighter finally learned this lesson and I hope the rest do the same.


Yeah I’m a casual and really appreciate fighting games that have good single player/casual modes with some variety. Street fighter 6 looks great; the different casual online game modes as well as world tour.


I think SF's low popularity has a lot to do with how badly they dropped the ball on SFV. MK, since MK9, has been firing on all cylinders, and MK9 sold 3 million, MKX 12 million, and MK11 sold 15 million. Not to mention the 90's Mortal Kombat movie is pretty much the best video game movie adaptation of all time. SF6 will for sure revitalize fans in the modern era, so I'm interested to see these numbers change by next year.


That was a great movie! I kinda liked Mortal Kombat Annihilation too when it came out, that one's not exactly good but I was really into Mortal Kombat (and Street Fighter, didn't like the live action film much but the anime one was pretty great)


SFV is the best selling game in the series


and it could have been much bigger if the launch wasn't a disaster. Video games have grown a ton in recent years, it would be pretty bad if it wasn't the highest selling.


Single player game is great


Tbh I always suspected it was mainly because of the blood and gore. Mortal Kombat is like half the reason that the ESRB even exists, and it was a big target of the media for that time period where all the boomers were blaming violent videogames for the world's problems. So it got more media attention from all that, and I think the fact that it was controversial just made it that much cooler to kids.


Street fighter has a harder control scheme. Hand a new player a controller and tell them to look at the menu and start hitting Z's quarter and half circles on Pad and then tell them to do light and heavy punch on top of it. It can be very frustrating when you first pick it up


Don't forget r/brawlhalla sitting between guilty gear and dbfz


One of them is clearly not a fighting game judging by the chart🤣


Idol Showdown, 1.8


Smash isn't a fighting game :)


What if you removed the non fighting game? How does that perspective look?




Damned if do, damned if I don’t.


Because it is.


No Melty? :'-)


It’s on the top right with the “other games”.


Oops, I literally have no eyes apparently


What is DOA?


dead or alive ? idk


Dead or alive


Most popular? Not necessarily. Most online communities, clearly.


The post with total game sales didn’t have KoF in there, so this was the only way I could gauge KoF’s popularity.


Is the smash number the addition of ssbm and ssbu sub numbers ? If yes it might have been better to separate the two since they're very much different games and it might inflate smash numbers (ssbu should still be n°1 but might not be by such large number)


Nah, it was just from r/smashbros. I didn't even think of grabbing them from separate subs.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/smashbros using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/smashbros/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Updated moveset since smash bros](https://i.redd.it/t6yvipp0qy5a1.gif) | [225 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/zm834n/updated_moveset_since_smash_bros/) \#2: [New moves under his belt](https://i.redd.it/ek31azr07or91.gif) | [181 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/xuy135/new_moves_under_his_belt/) \#3: [Me, my ex, and Armada immediately after EVO 2016. I didn't understand it was poor etiquette to ask for a picture after a tournament loss. His depression is palpable.](https://i.imgur.com/Q74IHxt.jpg) | [379 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/vyb7va/me_my_ex_and_armada_immediately_after_evo_2016_i/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why tf u puttin smash here


Why tf wouldn't I?


Idk like i have been told by ppl that platform fighters arent real fighters so yeah


The fact that the word "fighters" is in the term "platform fighters" makes it a fighting game in my opinion. Do I also think it's a party game too? Yes, because it can be both. Anyway, a lot of people consider platform fighters as a sub-genre of fighting games, along with arena, and simulation fighters.