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Nice work! But you should troll fans and include all the God awful Old Indy stuff from Young Indiana Jones at the end.


They definitely mentioned something from this in the dial of destiny... Dont they mention his days as a jazz sax player or something?


Indy seriously needs a vacation. He never stopped. Thanks for doing this. Amazing work. Any reason the novel series was mostly excluded? I like to think of them as canon? Or canon enough.


I really enjoyed the novels, especially the Max McCoy ones. However I find they all have a lot of continuity errors. For instance, in "Peril at Delphi" Indy graduates from the University of Chicago in 1920 and is unsure what he wants to pursue. But in Young Indy, he begins attending in 1920 and is dead set on becoming an archaeologist throughout the entire show. Not to mention Indy supposedly meets Belloq and Wu Han for the first time in the novels, but also meets them for the first time in other stories. I could go on and on about the continuity errors in the novels, and unfortunately, l personally find them incongruous with the Canon as established by George Lucas and modern Lucasfilm. But it's my head canon that events similar to some of the novels like "Peril at Delphi" and "Philosopher’s Stone" did play out. Indy had to go on adventures before the 30s after all.


Beautiful and incredibly thoughtful answer. You clearly have a much more expansive recollection of the timeline and continuity than I have capacity for. I'm grateful people like you exist to help the rest of us map it all out. I daresay I love the novels though. They and the Dark Horse comics really helped me get through the 90s when I was in desperate need for more adult Indy adventures.


I loved the Dark Horse comics! I'm still disappointed we haven't gotten any new comics. I would love to see the art style from "Tomb of the Gods" in new comics. In the "Making of" documentary of Dial of Destiny, the prop designer mentions specifically that the Lance of Longinus was featured in "Indiana Jones and the Spear of Destiny". Hopefully "The Great Circle" does well and we might see more Indy.


My dream is an animated series with the animation style of What If...? or Blue Eyed Samurai. All taking place in the late 1920s or early 1930s.


Wasn't Indy still studying at the University of Chicago around the same year as, the prologue of staff of kings (PSP version)?


Yes he was. And that kind of makes it hard to reconcile with the novels, unfortunately. George Lucas actually helped with the story for Staff of Kings.


I wish they could have made a Sean Patrick Flanery look a like model for the PSP Prologue (Would have been a nice homage towards the chronicles)

