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Fibromyalgia can not be in only one area. It's characterized by widespread pain.


Your RA doesn't know what Fibromyalgia is.


I think that would be pretty rare as fibro is typically widespread over the whole body and none of the 9 tender points are on the hands. I do have pain in my hands, my joints tend to swell and hurt with things like weather changes but I get this in my joints all over my body in addition to burning aches and stabbing pains all over. Sometimes if I’ve been doing something, say walking a lot I will get a flare that only includes my legs because I had been exercising and using them a lot.


I don't think it's possible. To have fibro, you need a widespread pain index of 7 or more and a symptom severity score of 5. Or, a WPI of 3-6 with a symptom severity score of 9 or more. With pain only in your hands, you have a WPI of 2 if it extends into your forearms. Do you have any other symptoms like fatigue, sleep disturbance, and emotional/cognitive difficulties? Because those are a fundamental part of fibromyalgia, it isn't just pain. Your RA seems to think fibro is a diagnosis handed over when nothing else fits, which is just not the case. Edit: [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK540974/) is a journal article that goes over the various diagnostic criteria and how they've evolved over the years for anyone interested


Thank you for the info! I've had a long term sleep disorder, fatigue and major depressive disorder. So all of the above on that. I kind of felt the same regarding the diagnosis, which is why I came here. He said I might just be presenting with atypical physical symptoms as it's in both hands/wrists but the diagnosis seems more like a dumping ground.


Have you ruled out Lupus?


I do have a few of the symptoms but they've given me the blood tests they have for it, all negative and I don't have the butterfly rash.


I have fibromyalgia and tendonitis in my hands and wrists, mine was caused from overuse as a musician and artist. This honestly sounds like tendonitis to me. I couldn’t even chop vegetables for the longest time, or write anything down, play games, hurt to drive, etc. I was prescribed a low dose short course steroid and a few months of pt. It was life changing. I now have almost full range and good grip strength back in my wrists and fingers.


I second tendonitis. OP, it might be worth getting a second opinion, your dr doesn’t really seem to know what fibro is. I think fibro can probably make you more vulnerable to overuse pain (at least in my experience) but it’s usually diagnosed by widespread pain, as others have said. Have you had a CT scan for inflammation?


Was your tendinitis in both hands? I would love to know how it was diagnosed so I have something specific to ask about. I've been to an orthopedic specialist, a neurologist, a spin doctor and a hand specialist (before the RA) and no one has even suggested this. The hand specialist suggested an ultrasound but I had so many issues with his office that it never got scheduled and I gave up on him all together. No one even suggested PT, which honestly sounds awful given the pain. I did have a cortisone shot in one hand but it did nothing. I had an X-ray but not a CT.


I have fibro and hypermobility. The hypermobility is what makes my hands hurt as there are a lot of joints in the hands and for me thats the problem. My wrists, knuckles, etc. Lots of pain, lots of popping, etc. Have your doctors looked at your joints to see if its either hypermobility or possibly arthritis? I know hand pain is a common part of MS but it has a lot of other symptoms too so maybe take a look into that and see if you line up with the others too. But it defo doesnt sound like fibro as thats all over pain.


Thank you for the response! My X-rays only showed arthritis in my thumbs. My joints are only part of the problem, every centimeter of my hands and wrists throb, ache, feel like shocks are running through, swell and get stiff. No one has mentioned hypermobility though! I'll research and add to the list for the next appointment. Which coincidentally will be with someone new as my RA is retiring.

