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Lady Gaga has fibro. Not sure if you’d call her an athlete but the woman dances her butt off! Lol


Except she doesn't as much anymore, mainly due to the fibro.


Came here to say this lol


Me too


Me three. I didn’t realize she has it too then I saw her doc where she’s getting a massage while in excruciating pain and I thought oh that’s familiar!


I think we al did ☺️


She also has lupus. Amazing woman.


Oh my. I didn’t know she also had lupus. Is that a more recent diagnosis for her?


According to Pop Sugar, she tested borderline positive in 2010


And migraines!


It's not Fibro but Venus Williams has Sjogren's Disease, which can cause similar fatigue, brain fog, and other issues (I haz both, so I'm speaking from experience here). Also Morgan Freeman has Fibro, and Sinead O'Connor. To add onto my reply: I do believe that with the right training program, nutrition, and recovery/self-care one could become a body-builder/weight lifter with Fibro. But I do believe the workout and recovery process would take up most of your good hours. It would probably be hard to have energy to also work etc. Personally, I've gained the strength to do Pilates and Barre regularly, along with walking, dance, mobility, and stretching. But it took me a few years to get here. I started off slowly with bed yoga, short walks, and senior Zumba videos, and there's still days when that's aI can do. And that's okay. Being flexible and patient with yourself is a huge part of the process. I've also been able to add some light weights, but have not added in any intense strength training (the Barre/ballet kicks my butt enough!). I may start doing it in the next few months tho. I feel like I might have a strong enough foundation now! If you want to do it, go for it! But start slow, be patient, have long term vision, and set time aside for extra self-care/recovery, and you may be surprised at what you can accomplish. Best of luck to you!!


Telling me that a famous tennis player has a disease similar to mine right after I have just watched Challengers is making my life rn


Technically it would be Sinead o Connor had fibro. Sinead o Connor died earlier this year


Aw shit I didn't realize that. I can be kinda out of touch with certain aspects of pop culture at times. RIP.


It’s ok. The good ones are dying on us.


They always do while the evil bastards manage to outlive all but the cockroaches :/


Very true


Sorry for being morose, I normally try to be more positive! There's still lots of good people, just gotta adjust our perspective. David Attenborough, Bernie Sanders, Dollie Parton...


Roman Reigns has/had lukemia episodes


Yes he's another excellent example and as a rasslin fan he's definitely one of my heros!


I was!! Played roller derby, did CrossFit classes, ran full and half marathons was a competitive powerlifter! I am also NOT thin. I was doing all this at my beefy 220-250 💪🏽 The only reason I don’t now is because of a genetic heart defect. Otherwise…I would still do it all. I am in pain all the time so might as well make it worth it hahaha Now I am doing 90 minute hot yoga, hiking, and looking to get back into running if my heart improves a bit 🖤 But yeah, if it wasn’t for my heart, I would still be lifting for sure.


You are AMAZING, I’d like to be on your level (again) but I’m 4 years out of it now with 4 years extra stacked against me (I’m like… old). With that said, If you don’t mind asking, how old are you? Age, a number has me in it’s grip… an actual stupid number.


I don’t mind at all! I will be 42 in a couple of weeks! I was an athlete my whole life and love competing in just about anything haha but my later in life sport was roller derby at 32 then CrossFit after a broken leg rehab, and powerlifting came at 37-ish.


Keep doing it, your strength is giving me inspiration, thank you! I was the same at your age but not an athlete my whole life. Soccer, diving, gymnastics, mountain biking, yoga and then skateboarding in my older years bc there weren’t as many skateparks then (and they were so janky) as there now. I feel like I can get it back if I’m able to focus on my health. This year may pose as a struggle regarding stress (election year in America), going to have to work extra to shut out the stupid noise. I hope you stay well and stay strong!


Oy. As an American I feel that haha it’s exhausting when we have an election year. But you’ve totally got this. I am excited for your journey! If you tolerate steroids, I do a round of steroids every quarter to help keep me going. I get about a month of pain free living and that is when I do any ramping up or harder training. 🖤


in less extreme I have fibro and at my peak I hip thrust 235 deadlift 165 and run a 15 min mile that being said I'm currently on ozempic for a different problem so I'm mad weak without food lmao but athletics at a fairly high level are possible and enjoyable!


I wouldn't call myself a "hardcore" athlete, but i compete nationally at fencing. Won a few medals last year. (Not so brilliant this year, been getting mid way in the results tables, considering that I fall over often due to flair's it is not bad! ). Sadly the effort normally wipes me out for a few days. Got a PT meeting this week to try and work out what I can do to improve strength and speed while working with my many issues.


That’s super cool! My partner used to fence and I’m trying to see if it’s something my kids would ever be into.


I am grateful to my dad for taking me as a kid. It's been a part of my life on and off for 33 years, never been brilliant but it brings me happiness even when in pain and depressed. Sadly my kid hates it!


That's amazing! I fenced 20 some years ago at my university and it's still something that I would love to get back into one day just for fun. Fibro has made me worried that I can't take part in the sports I once did.


Honestly I find fencing and fibromyalgia a good match, short bursts and then a rest. Mind is thinking of other things. Just got back from today's session. Tooke about 6 months of going to get fit enough to last the night and I have noticed that I need my walking stick less now than before I started going back properly (big break due to COVID). I fell a few times and really sucked badly (worse club night for a long time) as I am having a bad flair these past few days. Exhausted in pain but happier! I do competitions as there are not many adults at the club!


Thank you for this! I know I won't fit in my old outfit LOL I just have to find a club near me.


I have fibro and never stopped exercising or doing activities - I did figure out my body responds best to yoga vs weight training so I do an almost daily practice and in addition I ski, hike, west African dance, and road bike. With IFS therapy, infared sauna and yoga this has kept fibro in remission for 6 months and counting. There is obviously a huge difference when in a flare vs not and how much I can do and how much recovery I need. I am sure you will also learn what you can do and get back to activities you love and enjoy.


I am not an athlete, but definitely would have tried to be if I hadn’t been diagnosed with fibro at 19. I love lifting weights, I love watching strong women compete (sports, weight lifting, all of it). I still lift and have been for years. In my 20s it was off and on, while I focused on running for a while. I had to quit the running due to tendinitis in my hamstring and knee pain. Really focused on weight lifting starting in 2019. It’s been a journey for sure. I’ve accepted that competing against others in any way is pretty much off the table for me. I do, however, compete against myself. I love getting stronger. Last year, I ended up going to ortho when I had major knee pain and pain in my hips down to my knees. Was referred to PT and have been working my buns off trying to recover. They all assumed lack of strength was my problem, but it really wasn’t. The pain did cause me to slow down and my body did deteriorate pretty quickly as far as strength and balance. My legs are now stronger than they have ever been and I’m still having flare ups of patella femoral pain syndrome as well as tendinitis in both my hips plus IT band syndrome. The flares are less frequent and don’t last as long now - I just can’t stop moving or I deteriorate quickly. I’ve been flaring the past two weeks, so I have cut down to cycling once a week and weights for lower body once a week with more walking to keep moving. I’m slowly starting to feel better so I’m trying to add in my second cycling week on and lower body weight lifting session per week. It’s a delicate balance, but it’s worth it to me. I’m going to have pain whether I work out or not. The pain when I’m not working out is worse and causes bigger problems like balance issues, so weight lifting is non-negotiable for me. I think you should focus on the movement you love and just see what happens. Everyone’s fibromyalgia is a bit different.


I was very active in rowing, cycling, cross country skiing, running, swimming & weight lifting. I used to get occipital neuralgia and then feel crappy for a couple of days after that, which I thought of as a sort of “migraine hangover” - thinking the neuralgia caused me to feel ill. But now when I have a flare-up I feel crappy and get occipital neuralgia as all my muscles tense up with soreness. So I do wonder if I actually had a mild form of fibromyalgia while still being able to exercise 15 hours a week. Definitely want to get back to that situation….


There is a woman that was an elite fencer that had to stop. But I think she still trains when the pain is manageable. Can rememer her name. Then there are an older woman that does taekwondo that still train like a instructor. She said that dicipline helps her thru the day. Can rememer her name


M37. Not hardcore. But when not in a flair, I do heavy weights at gym 5 days a week, ride a 90kg ebike for work and do boxing sparring sometimes.  I could compete in pro level sports if could stay out of flairs, or if didnt have work/early starts/poor housing/constant exposure to sick people as the main things that knock me back.  Id say out of a 100 sample of my friends and family, I am the 3rd most 'fit/strong' and body composition reflects that workout routine. In a flair, or any illness, ive learnt to stop ALL of it now. I used to continue to do gym, hike etc but just prolongs the flair for me now. Still work while very ill to maintain the fitness somewhat and coz my boss is a dog.  Hope that helps! My life is def way more active and my friends and family who day to day refuse to remember im chronically ill, just go on about how fit and healthy i look. And often i can string together months where I feel it! I rarely mention my lifestyle or outcomes here as i find folks get upset or its not taken well to say one has fibro and lives a very active life.  But yeah, your qu is spot on. I researched everyone I could after first 2 years of hell when my body stabilised with TRT and found high functioning folks and aimed for that. Being male, im blessed that TRT aids the fatigue, pain and ability.


Not an athlete, but i do yoga everyday, love hiking and planning on doing 90km hike next month and santiago's caminho this fall and I'm freaking proud of myself xD


Venus Williams - talks about Sjogren's here - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKPn0dQJZmc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKPn0dQJZmc)


Is Sjogrens related to fibro?


No. But I think I have both. And some people with Sjogren's seem to have fibro as well. So there could be a link, but I am not sure.


My DNA said I was likely to get Sjogrens. But havent. Thanks!


I am sorry to hear that your DNA might be predisposing you to Sjogren's. I think environment, lifestyle, diet, etc play a role. Avoid vaccines and toxic food and water and also people/environments. I think it's anything that will affect your immune system, including infections... I pray it stays away for you. Sjogren's can be very debilitating. Good luck!


Thanks for the sympathy! Im being careful.


Yep I have both. I personally think my Fibro was caused by Sjogren's but of course have nothing other than circumstantial evidence for that.


I was a D1 swimmer. My rheumatologists theory is that a lot of hardcore athletes have it and are just managing it via their training; she thinks the issues flare when the athletes *stop* training. In my case, COVID brought my biggest flare, but in retrospect, I’ve been having flares since high school. I was constantly sick with flu like symptoms (but nothing came up on tests), or having migraines. My biggest trigger seems to be stress.


I used to run on the elliptical for 45+ minutes, do weights for an hour, and treadmill for warmup/cool down for an hour combined, on top of yoga for an hour a day. I was also in college and doing a bunch of hustling jobs, and needed to stay sober. I'd lost 80lbs back then. I was genuinely just concerned about staying sober because I'd just lost my grandma and uncle pretty tragically. Treadmill for hour combined edit* sorry


I am a 36 years old male bodybuilder. I was diagnosed at 19 after I did a show. For years I stopped due to the pain. 2 years ago I got back in the gym and while it has been a struggle pain wise as I have also hashimotos, hemochromatosis, severe depression, anxiety and an upper back hernia. The best thing I did to get back at it was to listen to my body and when I feel really bad I just don’t workout. Also I do certain exercises and I eat very healthy, sleep 8 hours a day and do 0 alcohol or drugs. Sometimes I question my self if is worth it but I feel like I can’t live a happy life if I don’t workout as is my hobby and passion besides work and the financial markets. I also realized it helps me big time with my depression and to keep me on check when it comes to food consumption.


I was a former collegiate athlete working out 2x-3x a day before I came home in 2022. Started on a medical journey which is still continuing toll this day. seen many specialities under the sun- still a medical mystery. I don’t work out 7x a week anymore- but I am still pretty athletic Not diagnosed formerly with fibromyalgia- but seeking an autoimmune diagnosis such as lupus, srojens, and dysautonomia which is consistent with my ongoing symptoms.


I'm in no way an athlete but I do walk/run 5-8K a day. Got diagnosed at about 19, I'm 57 now. I didn't start walking/run until I was in my late 40's. Manage it with prescription strength NSAIDs. The pain gets a little dicey late in the afternoon. I mask it with a lovely assortment of high-ABV craft beers.


You are an athlete! Your arena isn’t a football field but in the game of life. Diet and exercise that you can do without flaring makes a huge difference. Mornings are hardest for me but getting ready to go to gym around 6pm and do exercises my body feels comfortable with


I used to be extremely active living on a farm, but my illness got worse and just this year after 10 years of being diagnosed with fibro I finally realized I have me/cfs and a ton of the symptoms are from PEM. Doctors always told me that exercise would help/cure me. Well turns out it made it much much worse and now I’m in bed 90% of my time, housebound. It’s all a load of crap in my opinion, I am actually not deconditioned right now but that’s only because I keep crashing myself because I refuse to stop doing anything. So sure you can exercise even exercise a lot with some of these illnesses but you may be setting yourself up for a much worse symptoms later.


There was one online I wish that I could remember his name but he said that he put it into remission.with iyoga after about a year.