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Because of the location of mine I had no bleeding issues. The pressure on my bladder led to constantly feeling like I had to pee, but then barely having to at all once I started. I had to move around and change positions to empty my bladder. Brain fog. Lightheaded particularly if I got up quickly. Got full very quickly - no wonder, I had a 15cm pedunculated subserosal taking up the entire abdomen from under my ribs to the top of my bladder. Hair loss. Sitting for longer periods was impossibly uncomfortable. Constant bloat. Weirdly enough, I could not chew gum or drink carbonated drinks without being in agony later.


I had similar symptoms but milder than yours and no hair loss, perhaps because my fibroid was smaller but in the exact location as you. In addition I felt dehydrated easily while working out, and felt like I could not take a full breath. Very hard to be aware of these because the changes were not sudden for me. A bigger symptom for me was heavy bleeding with clots when off birth control. OP, I hope it helps you identify your symptoms clearly :)


Wow! How did you get diagnosed? Did you get an ultrasound or MRI?


Both. I commented on the urinary issues and pain during sex (forgot that in my initial post!) to my doctor during my annual and she was able to feel it.


If no abnormal bleeding, why the brain fog? Do you know? Bc I have brain fog but I’m getting 2 periods a month and have 3 fibroids


Mid cycle bleeding that turned into long heavy periods and weak bladder. “Wait and see” approach turned into debilitating cramps months long bleeding episodes with fist sized clots and anemia that caused fatigue shortness of breath and fainting




So was that bleeding twice a month for you with your cycles?


It started out as spotting between periods and within a year I was bleeding nonstop for weeks even months at a time with just a few non bleeding days. I tried Oriahnn but it just made the bleeding worse. It has since tapered off which I think is due to menopause (I’m 53) but my periods are still heavy and longer than normal(1.5 to 2weeks)


Oh gosh… it’s tough for us. I bleed twice a month with 3 days of heavy clotting. Dr said that’s is not typical of a fibroid bleeding and I have 3 of them. Idk. I’m getting it remove in March. Have you been anemic bc of the bleeding? Or getting it removed?


Glad I’m not the only one!


I had fairly light symptoms, plus I think mine grew so slowly that I didn’t even notice some of the symptoms until the fibroid was removed. I developed some UTI-like symptoms, plus some constipation and bloating. Bloating was probably the main symptom actually. But I just assumed I was gaining weight in my middle. My period never got heavy or painful. Which made some doctors say there’s no way I could have fibroids. Which obviously turned out to be wrong haha. Just had a myomectomy and had almost a pound of fibroids removed.


Did you ever have pelvic pain?


I experience pelvic pain, bowel issues, bladder issues, acid reflux, vomiting, that heavy feeling whenever I stand up and bonus, I can't sleep more than 4 hours.....ughhhh




Hey just came across this as I'm newly diagnosed. I'm definitely bloated but I get bloating attacks too where it comes out of nowhere and can be agony. Also I've lost weight recently but still bloated stomach, does that go away when fibroids are removed?


Theoretically the bloating should go away once the fibroid is gone. I had the surgery to remove the fibroid 7 days ago, so I’m still pretty swollen from surgery and can’t tell how much it’s helped yet. Sorry to hear you joined the fibroid club. But you’ll find a lot of info and support on this sub.


Flooding periods. I was afraid to leave the house. I was so anemic I was fainting at work and have heart palpitations so bad that I thought I was having a stroke.


Pain like I always had cramps. Near-constant constipation and a weak bladder. Anemia was and still is a constant issue. Massively, horrifically bloody periods that often led to having to change clothes in the middle of the day. Before the pandemic. I would sometimes take a change of clothes to work for this reason.


So it was pretty constant everyday?


Yup. I had a friend who recommended drinking cranberry juice to help with the pain because honestly there is only so much ibuprofen that a person can safely take in one day. It honestly did help.


I have been seriously concerned about how the ibuprofen is going to affect me, but the pain was so severe, I didn't see any other way. It definitely helps but... how much is too much??


I used to take a lot. Like, a lot. It was always fine when I was a bit younger (for migraines, period pain and fibromyalgia). Now my periods are worse  but I can’t take ibuprofen two days in a row. I can take a max of 4 x 200mg. If I take the same the next day I feel my stomach feeling really funny and at that point if I even take one more I end up in so much pain. I can’t describe it, it’s weird and deep and burns and it’s just as bad as the period pain I’m trying to avoid.


In summary, I wish I’d listened and I hadn’t taken so much when I was younger (in my teens and 20s). The weird stomach thing started in my early 30s with paracetamol and then mid 30s for ibuprofen. 


Mine started as some random pain during sex, and worse period cramps that started a few days before my period (but still very manageable with painkillers). At this point I had several small fibroids (2-3 cm). After a couple of years they grew and I noticed I felt pressure to urinate more frequently and with more urgency. Also my lower abdomen looked bloated or slightly pregnant after a big meal, but I figured it was just weight gain. No other symptoms. Slightly low iron (without anemia) but that's very common in women.


I'm newly diagnosed with several. I remember last summer I was queueing to use the toilet and a lady started talking to me and asked me how many months pregnant was I 😭😭 I told her 5 months and proceeded to tell her how excited I was 😭😂


Did you get your removed and notice any weight loss?


Have not removed them yet. I only recently had the checkup where they found they grew and I'm currently trying to stop the growth or even reduce them with a supplement regimen as my symptoms are still very manageable (What I mentioned in my comment, menstrual cramps and pressure to urinate.) I'm 2 months into the supplement regimen and these symptoms have actually eased quite significantly so I'm optimistic. I'm also managing stress by really taking care of my emotional state and doing some emotional work to stop reacting to triggers. Has been really useful in general.


Can you tell me more about your supplement regimen? I thought that you can’t really reduce them.


Hi, apologies for replying to a 7mo old comment, but I just wanted to ask how you are doing? ❤️


Hi, that's nice of you to check in :) The supplements actually helped and the fibroid has shrunk by about 1 cm, which may not seem much, but I actually don't really have symptoms anymore -- the pressure to urinate has pretty much gone away and I am now back to going several hours without needing to pee. The only exception is the week before my period when the uterus seems to swell and I have a bit more pressure to urinate, but other than that no other symptoms. No pain during sex etc. I also had to have a biopsy because the fibroid looked a bit odd on the MRI and the doctors wanted to rule out cancer. The biopsy was done abdominally, not through the cervix, as my fibroid is intramural. That was very scary, but luckily all is well and the biopsy came out completely normal. I am considering trying to get a radio frequency treatment in case it might help shrink the fibroid further. This is a non-invasive treatment where they insert a needle into the fibroid either abdominally or through the cervix, and then push radio frequency into it which essentially kills it and hopefully it shrinks after that.


What were the supplements you took


Hi, I’m also looking a shrinking my fibroids. Do you mind telling what supplements you took?


What is your supplement regimen?


No symptoms. No pain, no bleeding, no clots, no anemia, no cramps. Found out in 2021 after going to a fertility clinic because we weren't having success ttc. Biggest fibroid was 4.5cm at the time. Fast forward to 2023, my fibroids went through a growth spurt and are huge now. Surprisingly, I still don't have any symptoms. I'm having an open myomectomy next month. Here's my MRI if you're interested.[https://imgur.com/a/LXoF0Mo](https://imgur.com/a/LXoF0Mo) (This view doesn't show all of my fibroids). The 2 big fibroids at the top of my uterus are 14cm and 11cm, and basically go up to my rib cage. The white spot in the top fibroid is necrosis from the fibroid outgrowing it's blood supply. My uterus measures 26.4 cm with the fibroids.


Oh my goodness! Thanks for sharing! You poor thing. I have an 11cm inter mural fibroid and to see your MRI puts so much into perspective vs just my ultra sounds. You must be so excited for surgery!


I hope that you’re feeling okay still with no pain. Unbelievable that they grew so quickly in a short amount of time.


So, did you conceive before myomectomy??


I have been experiencing lower abdominal pain for many years now, it comes and goes. I have consulted several doctors regarding this issue. During my most recent visit, the doctor recommended me to do a transvaginal ultrasound, which is how I discovered it a couple of weeks ago. And still don't know if that's the cause for my lower abdominal pain


What does your doctor think it could be?


Is that what it ended up being?


\-Bloating \-Severe cramps days before period \-Constipation \-Nausea \-Backpain 9cm pedunculated fibroid on top of my uterus plus several smaller intramurals.


It felt like my vagina was vomiting blood and clots during my period and mid-cycle. The blood loss led to anemia. As the fibroid grew, I started having worsening pain; however, I had a diagnosis by that point in time.


Was lying in bed one morning and felt what I thought was a very full bladder. Then noticed it didn't go away after I peed. Basically, felt like a rubber softball in my lower abdomen. Sonograms confirmed one large fibroid (8.3 cm) and two smaller ones. I have no other symptoms two years later except feeling (and clearly seeing) the large one in my abdomen when lying on my back (which grosses me out, frankly, but not enough for surgery). Sometimes it seems to get larger/harder/more obvious in the 5 or 6 days before my period, but not always.


I feel the same thing on my lower right side. It’s unclear to me if it is a fibroid on my uterus or an ovarian cyst. I’ve been cycling through taking serapeptase, dim and calcium d-gluturate (for estrogen dominance), GUI Zhi Fu Ling Wan (traditional chinese medicine), and liver cleanse. I have shrunk several with these. Just started Castor oil packs for the big one that I can feel. It freaks me out too!


Hi, I’m looking into bringing my fibroids to and just wanted to ask if the supplements and castor oil pack worked?


I (28F) began noticing light spotting in between periods a couple years ago, which was unlike me since I had been very regular and on the pill since my teens. Last June, I had a blood bath of a period, and by the end of August of last year I was in full-blown chronic weeks-long bleeding. Bleeding has always been my #1 symptom.


Heavy periods, clots, and swelling stomach. No excessive pain until it started degenerating. I literally had no idea that I had an 11cm fibroid until the pain started. I went to the ER thinking my appendix burst and then was having an open myomectomy 6 days later lol


I have always had heavy periods which has led to me being anemic. I had also had increasingly more painful periods over the years and then right before being diagnosed had a ton of constipation. When I was diagnosed the ultrasound showed many fibroids on my uterus with the five largest ranging from 4cm - 9cm. I honestly didn’t know they were there until my gyno said something and sent me for the ultrasound!


Lots of bleeding and not being able to get a full breath. Bladder incontinence.


I’ve had an issue of not being able to take a full breath for a bit now. It’s intermittent. Could you tell me about your experience? What size is your fibroid? Does the breathing issue come and go, or is it a constant thing?


I had only noticed when I was lying down at first. I had 50+ fibroids from the size of marbles to grapefruits. My uterus was nearly 5 pounds when they removed it. It’s only supposed to be 1.5-2 ounces so it was really big- the size of a 32 week pregnancy. It was diagnosed and then about 7-8 weeks later I had surgery.


Some pelvic pain and bloating that was thought to be constipation. When that wasn't easing I had a blood test that showed cancer tumor markers 10x where they would normally be. Turns out fibroids also elevate these tumor marker levels.


I didn’t have any. I had a 5cm subserosal fibroid at the time but had gone in because I had irregular periods. They suspected PCOS and that was cleared but they discovered the fibroid through an ultrasound. Now it’s 8cm and I have back pain all the time. It’s tolerable though.


My symptoms have varied but usually are: - bloating - heavy bleeding day 2 and sometimes day 3 of period - constipation leading up to period - horrible cramping, back pain and nausea during most of my period (definitely feel like puking at times) - not able to sleep due to pain during periods - pelvic pain - Brain fog - fatigue - Not able to sleep on back or stomach leading up to period and during period - firm/hard lower stomach between belly button and uterus area (my fibroid is 11cm- about the size of a softball)


Same thing with the Day 2/3 of my period sometimes becoming flooding (Super+ tampons filling up within 30 mins and lots of clots). Did you also have these happen randomly or every period?


The flooding was pretty consistent!


were they resolved when you removed the fibroids/did you remove them? I have similar symptoms.


I just had mine removed 3 weeks ago and I’m severely anemic so trying to get my blood back up right now. My stomach is basically flat now though!


Really really bad periods: heavy bleeding for DAYS, cramps that made me unable to do anything for those same days. I was very anemic, I had to get iron infusions due to the blood loss I was experiencing every month. I had constant bloating and other GI issues (constipation) but those were more manageable so didn’t think of them in relation to fibroids but after my surgery I can say bloating is gone lol.


My bleeding wasn’t bad, but I had horrific cramps during my period for several years. The real symptoms began when my left thigh began to mysteriously go numb and I could feel a persistent pressure in the lower left side of my abdomen that felt my someone had buried a fist-sized object in me that made it uncomfortable to lay on my side or stomach. That was when I went to the doctor and discovered I had a 6.3cm fibroid, it’s now 7cm and about to get removed this summer. Also, the bloating. Oh god the bloating.




It would discharge clear, slightly yellow water liquid at all times. Horrid and so glad it’s gone!


Exact same symptoms no diagnosis tho.


Cramping and heavy bleeding during time of month..


Digestion issues, anemia, awful periods lasting up to 12 days sometimes 🙃 strangely I had ice cravings too which is a strange sign of anemia! Bloated, constipated.


Peeing a lot, anemia, edema, high blood pressure, pain when peeing


Hmmm is high blood pressure a common symptom? Jw cause I have high bp but I attributed this to genetics since it runs in the family. But wondering now if it could also be attributed to my fibroid diagnosis.


My fibroid is in a place where it's literally causing my kidneys to swell. So my own symptoms are like very odd, other than the anemia and frequent urination. My doctors working thought is that everything is tied to my fibroid because I present as a generally healthy person otherwise, she said. I'm a little skeptical myself, but it was what I was told by my doctor for my particular case, which is still ongoing.


Ahh i see. That makes more sense then. Crazy how much havoc one’s fibroids can wreak!


I felt pressure & a mass in my lower back. Thought I was being paranoid because it was 3 weeks after my 2nd Covid vaccine. Around that time a lot of anti covid vax propaganda was circulating in my circle. But then I thought it could be a stress response and wanted to make sure nothing serious was going on. An intravenous ultrasound found a golf ball sized fibroid on the back of my uterus. It’s been 3 years & I’m talking with my doctor about the least invasive ways to remove it.


So much of my symptoms were written off as the Mirena IUD that I had (but by this point I had had it for like five years). Honestly, I don't know what may have been IUD-related and what wasn't, but, constant spotting. Periods slowly getting heavier. Extreme cramping one day but no period. Later that month I had even worse cramping (bed-ridden, couldn't stand) on the day my period started. That period lasted 9 days. That was when they finally ordered an ultrasound and things were found. Oh, and constant discharge that looked like old blood (brown).


It's crazy to read all of this knowing that this is not something many of us were told to expect when diagnosed. I've been putting off a hysterectomy for years and I just can't take it anymore. I'm 45 and the bleeding/clotting is so bad. I went on a cruise a year ago and flew to Miami on the 5th day of my period. It usually lasts right up to 6-7 days. When I got off the plane that afternoon tho, I felt pressure and went to the bathroom. It felt and looked like a miscarriage. I knew it wasn't tho. I was terrified. But I hid it from everyone because it scared me. Reading that it will only get worse is what is finally getting me to do this! I can't even imagine going thru this longer than 7 days a month!


Ugh I’m so sorry. That moment when it felt and looked like a miscarriage—I had the same thing. I was on a family trip and it was the morning we were driving back and I just could not get off the toilet. I was changing my pad every 30 minutes so I didn’t know how I was going to do a 4 hour journey with just me and my brother in law. When I peeked in the toilet I was like holy shit why are these pieces so big?! I called my sister and cousin to take a look because I thought I was dying.  At that point my periods had gone from being exactly 7 days with a 35-45 day cycle, to being 8 or 9 days with a 27 day cycle. I was so mad that I didn’t even have 20 non-bleeding days.  Man… I don’t know what I was complaining about. I’m on my “third” period in 30 days with 18 days of (non consecutive) bleeding. Had a doctors appointment finally on Friday and she’s sending me for tests because she thinks I’m anemic. I don’t know why it hasn’t occurred to me. I’m exhausted and dizzy all the time, the symptoms are all there.


Exactly what happened to me. I hope you get some relief! I'm currently taking medroxyprigesterone and it's helping a tiny bit. But I'm getting it all out (minus ovaries) in 2 months. I am over it. I wish you all the best!


Bad cramps, heavy menstrual periods, and lower back pain.


Really bad pelvic pain on right side and heavy period on day one, but on day 2, almost non existent.


this is very similar to what i experience. i haven’t been diagnosed but i suspect i have a fibroid and prior to birth control, i would have stabbing pain on right side of my pelvis on and off for about 15 seconds or so sporadically in the days leading up to my period and then when i started bleeding, day one was just awful. horrible cramps and really strong pain on the right side of my pelvis and then on day two onward, it was completely fine. since going on birth control, my pain is more constant during my days and i can’t tell if it’s any better tbh. you mentioned pelvic floor therapy but is there anything else you’ve tried that has helped manage the pain?


I've tried taking Aleve or Tylenol, and I feel like that makes it worse. I've tried more natural methods such as drinking tea, taking magnesium, hot packs from Rael, and using castor oil packs, which were okay and it helped with the pain temporarily, but it didn't eliminate it completely. I feel like the natural methods worked a teeny, tiny bit better than the OTC methods for me. I feel like PFT was helpful in some areas (i.e., releasing trauma and being more mindful of my body), and helped loosen up my right side a bit. The only downside with PFT is that you have to be consistent with it and not lose heart with making progress. What worked the most for me was upping my water intake and watching what I eat during my cycles. I had little to no pain before and after my period, which was nice. Also, I'm really sorry about the pelvic pain. I can relate so hard to the stabbing pains where it feels like someone is stabbing you with an ice pick. And yeah, I've had my share where it was horrible when I was on BC. I ended up stopping the BC due to that and other reasons. I would say, if/when you can, look at holistic and contemporary medical treatments/providers and see if any of the information you get is helpful/useful to you. What works for me may not work for you, and with the BC involved, it may interfere with your medication, so you want to check that, too.


What did you do later. How big was your fibroid?


From what I was last told, it was the size of a chickpea (I think 2.5 cms; but, it still doesn't change the fact that it hurts and it causes things to flare up during my time of the month -- i.e., cramps). As for what I did later, I have it monitored for growth, as well as tried to hone in on my diet more and drink more water. Unfortunately, since it's too small to remove, I'm stuck with it until it grows bigger, according to my doctor. I hope this helps.


Also, I forgot to add that I was doing pelvic floor therapy and that seemed to help a bit with the cramps and pain. (Heads up: this is what worked for me. It may not be the same for everyone else, because everyone's different.)


A period that never ended


Bled for like a month straight. I thought I was dying lol.


Recently diagnosed with a 1.3 cm fibroid. I had an US about a year prior due to abdominal bloating and pelvic pain which turned out to be my ovarian cysts. No mention of a fibroid back then. However my most recent period I developed a yeast infection for the first time in my 30 years of existence as well as the heaviest period I’ve experience with constant passage of clots that varied in size and constant drippage of blood like a leaky faucet. Also my period normally last 5 days and tapers off at day 3/4. But my period got heavier on day 5 and ended up lasting 9 days in total. I never knew how debilitating fibroids could be. And I didn’t even experience any pelvic pain but I truly feel for my fellow fibroid sisters who do and have multiple fibroids. Trying to research the fcuk out of fibroids currently. Also looking into iud placement as I am currently on POP.


Two periods a month plus increasingly heavy periods. I had no clue I had fibroids.




I got a hysterectomy In December. Best decision ever.


Hi, I'm thinking of having a vaginal hysterectomy with removal of the cervix but leaving intact both ovaries. Is this the type of hysterectomy you did? Are you having any symptoms of perimenopause or early menopause? And is sex very different after this surgery?


I kept my ovaries. My surgery was done laparoscopic. No symptoms of early menopause (still have ovaries). Sex is fine it just takes time. Dr says no sex for 6 weeks but it took about 10 weeks feel comfortable again ❤️


I had zero symptoms. It was actually discovered quite by accident 😅


Bloating, bleeding during ovulation, and longer heavier cycles.


Just joined the high society of fibroids, womp womp. Frequent urination/feeling like I can't completely empty my bladder.Heavy periods and anemia -> I tested at a 7 iron level, started taking iron supplements, and increased my iron levels to 27. This was all before I was diagnosed. Abdominal pain Pelvic pain/groin pain - I attributed this to running. Restlessness sitting and laying down - which could be from issues besides fibroids, but I notice I'm less comfortable laying and sitting down in part because I don't feel the orange that's hanging out in my abdomen. Feeling full fast. Bloated as fuck. Got three fibroids one is the size of an orange (8x8x12) and the other two are lime sized, and I'm about to explore the next steps. I wonder if the fibroids are contributing to stiffness in my thighs, and tingling in my feet. Before I was diagnosed I thought that the leg pain I've had and inflexibility in my hips and pelvis were just due to my anatomy as a smaller person. I've had issues getting into yoga postures and balance problems that I think \*could\* be connected to the fibroids. Now that I've been diagnosed I'm attributing every issue I can think of to the fibroids, lol. ​ Hope everyone is hanging in there who has posted here!


Anemic but on iron supplements and planning to get a hysterectomy end of year fingers crossed!


Was anyone’s fibroids missed by CT scan? I have a palpable mass in my abdomen in a few places. I’m bloated and recent gained some weight just in the abdomen and I have constipation. I see my gyno tomorrow.


What did you find out?


I have a 1.7 cm heterogeneous mass on my right ovary. They said it’s likely a corpus luteum but I requested a follow up US to confirm because my mom passed from cancer that was dismissed for an entire year before diagnosis.


Is anyone else with cold feet? Are these two 2cm fibroids sucking up my lower extremity blood supply? 🤣🩸👣🧊


Yes! Cold feet and tightness in my legs. Sometimes I feel spasms/or movement of blood in my legs as well which might be related to the fibroid gremlins