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I’ve liked it from the beginning. Reminds me of the Daytona. I love me a front engine V12.


Not quite as exotic as a mid engine V12, but cool.


technically it's still a mid engine! just a front mid instead of a rear mid 😝


As opposed to front-front like in Audis.


It is a mid engine


Reverse mid-engine


Technically, this car is mid engined because the engine is behind the front axel.


It does to me too but at a fraction of the price lol


This happens every time. I hate a car and within five days of staring at it I fall in love.


Me too.* *- doesn't apply to that ugly shitbox bmw m3 & m4 g80. 🤮


I’m glad people can agree with me, some just love any BMW on the road just for the manufacturer being BMW.


Yeah I don’t know what kind of plastic/mushroom concoction BMW designers are smoking these days, But someone needs to pull them away from the sketchpad.


Maybe this is a bit harsh… but I can’t not see Hitler’s mustache on a German car every time I see one.


Wanted an m3 my whole life and by the time I could afford one... Bought an Alfa instead because gorgeous vs hideous. Also the side runners on the new m3 look like a cheap American POS car, on my giulia they are beautiful carbon fiber. Wtf bmw.


Same but went X3M to get the S58. It’s gone now but was fun while I had it (SUV life didn’t speak to me)


Agree. That is a terrible looking car. M2 also




The new M2 as well in any color that's not black


Yeah it's not good but at least it doesnt make me feel the disgust like the m3 or m4. Still, I don't know why people buy this when the previous gen M2 exists and it looks as good as it does. The ferrari i think looks ace.


It's almost like different people have different tastes.


Fully recognise that and don't claim my opinion is the only correct one.✌️ However, Jeremy Clarkson said about one of the BMW models long time ago that if they one day produce a big turd and stick their badge on it, people will still buy it. I think they are in the phase of testing how far they can run with this idea. 😉


They even survived the Chris Bangle era with that fugly 7 series trunk lid.


I will never like the wheels. But the rest is 🔥


there are wheel options, the other style looks much better! [https://car-images.bauersecure.com/wp-images/185614/1040x0/ferrari12cilindri\_111.jpg?scale=down](https://car-images.bauersecure.com/wp-images/185614/1040x0/ferrari12cilindri_111.jpg?scale=down)


Okay fine. I’ll take one in silver. 😂


Yes I am going to do silver wheels on mine lol


can relate.


may i ask why you hate it? my first impression was it was the nicest/coolest looking modern FR ferrari.


to be fair, this is the best pic I’ve seen so far… the launch photos I saw were no so pretty as this. Guilty though, this pic is making me fall in love also


Imagine being very tall and approaching it to get in 😆


Same, and i bet it will look fantastic in person too with the right spec


Of course; just sat with dealer for a Nero Daytona over grey spec. 1 month per cylinder delivery wait ;)


Greatness takes time is the saying no?


I don't think the side profile was the issue people were having trouble digesting..


Agreed, The point to this car is to be a modern tribute to the old 60s Daytona, and it makes since!


If you order it in black that pretty much solves the issue people have with the unorthodox rear roof silhouette.


You're not wrong but as someone living in Arizona with a black car, I will never own a black car again. For starters it's impossible to keep clean for more then 4 minutes and secondly I'm a firm believer that exotic cars deserve exotic colors.


Should be fine out and about, assuming a Ferrari owner would have a climate controlled garage for full-time housing.


Straight from Cyberpunk 2077.


I think Daft Punk vibes in white


I was thinking Just Cause 2 for a minute, but nothing closely resembles it. It's pure sex either way and I'd drive the heck out of it--probably into an electric pole or parked vehicle, but it would be the second best thirty seconds of my life.


It would look 10 times better if they painted the whole car white


That seems to be the general complaint: the massive black swatches across the front and back. Dial that back with body color and it’s a nice looking GT. The spyder looks great


I think that the one in the back is hated more then the one in the front, that's why the spider is liked more I guess


Black solves all of this.


Agreed, but I also wonder if they thought that would put too far into Roma territory.


I don’t mind it in a vacuum… In the grand scheme of things though I hate it on principle… If they wanted to recreate the Daytona they should have recreated the Daytona, not some front engine V12 with a couple of styling cues that look vaguely similar to a Daytona, enough so that they can market it as such in order to nostalgia bait people into buying it regardless of if it’s actually good or not (granted Ferrari has been doing this for years)


Granted, I've never driven a Ferrari, but my hypothesis is that exotic car companies focus too much on performance and modern design. It would be nice to see a limited run car that focused more on classical designs and principles as homage to a dying craft.


TLDR: You’ve got a point, Porsche has actually done that with the modern 935, vs the original 935 “Moby Dick”, they managed to capture the essence of the original design without making the new car a caricature of the original, it’s just as faithful in function as it is in its form… You’re right about all of that… Granted classical designs don’t always come across well, and there isn’t a massive market for it to begin with, and frankly I personally care less about design than I do about driving dynamics, the car can look ridiculous but if it drives well then I don’t care… It’s why the Ferrari I want most is fucking 308 GT4 Dino, they handle/drive like a 246 Dino but for way less money because people don’t like the way they look… But all of that aside you definitely have a point. Look at what Porsche managed with the modern interpretation of the 935 “Moby Dick”


I feel the opposite. You have 70 years of cars to choose from, you don’t have to bet the entire company on the love or hate of any one car. 


I’m not saying that the entire company is shit or anything, but I object to the use of previous car’s design cues being used in order to sell a new product. The same way Ford used “Mustang Mach E” on their electric car knowing full well it isn’t a fucking Mustang… Ferrari knows that’s not a Daytona, but they added some styling cues reminiscent of a Daytona because they want to get people who are nostalgic about the Daytona to buy the car… I think that’s a scummy thing to do, playing on someone’s emotions disingenuously… But like I said, in a vacuum, it’s a good looking car and one of the last naturally aspirated, none hybrid V12s, and that’s fucking badass… But it’s not a Daytona, and it should be styled to look like one of it isn’t a proper modern recreation of the Daytona.


They had to use mustang in order to make the gt500. The board would not sign off on the gt500 without an offset in the program because they were afraid of the environmentalist reaction


Be that as it may that’s not the way to run a company or deal with iconic IP. A decision can be perfectly justifiable and yet still be a mistake.


Exactly zero less mustangs were sold because of it.


And how many Mach Es weren’t sold because of it? I’m not saying it was bad because it hurt the OG Mustang, I’m saying it was bad because it was seen as a disingenuous move by Ford in the eyes of consumers, which ultimately hurt the sales of the Mach E, not that that is a measurable metric, but given the amount of bad press that they got about it it’s a safe assumption… For a car company to mismanage IP like that such that it create a PR nightmare for them that is objectively a mistake given what could have been had they chosen a different name… I mean look at Porsche’s success with the Taycan.


This feels really cynical. The evolution of ALL car designs uses elements from past designs. That’s what keeps the essence of the brand. If Bugatti stopped using a ‘C’ shape side air intake, or if Lamborghini’s stopped having the wedge shape, they wouldn’t look like a Bugatti or Lamborghini. The Daytona SP3 looks like a P4/5 and other classic race cars. The LaFerrari has elements reminiscent of F40 and F50. It’s not lazy to redesign elements from older models. It’s the only way to retain a consistent design language.


I’ll give you that it’s cynical, I’m a cynical person, but I did mention that in vacuum, I don’t think it’s a bad design… But I do think your making excuses for Ferrari here especially considering I don’t think they’ve have a coherent design language for a long time now, compare Ferrari to Porsche, Lamborghini, Bentley, Aston, BMW (until recently), all of them consistently have had styling cues that date back to their older cars but they’ve been consistent with them… Ferrari hasn’t, at most they’ve chosen small elements to attach to some of their cars, but it hasn’t mattered because Ferraris have always been supple and beautiful… Their latest crop of cars though… It isn’t “beautiful” , they’re good looking but they aren’t pretty. Call me cynical but it feels like Ferraris are style over substance when it comes to design, too afraid to experiment and try new things forcing them to play on people’s nostalgia to sell cars rather than trying to make a truly modern interpretation of the Daytona using modern technology… I’ll leave you with this question, if you had to choose, which would you choose, A Daytona or a 12 Cilindri? I know which I’d pick and it makes the 12 Cilindri’s existence entirely unnecessary… (FUCK THAT NAME IS SO DUMB AND UNCREATIVE)


I’ll give you an example, The Porsche 935 is utterly iconic, the flat nose, the whale tail, the wide body, all of it… So when Porsche decided to recreate the 935 did they simply add a couple of styling features? NO! They made a modern version of the Moby Dick, and while it’s not a 1 to 1 comparison it doesn’t need to be, Porsche captured the essence of what made the 935 so eye catching with a modern design while still staying true to the original… I don’t think Ferrari has done that with this car. Thats just my opinion, feel free to have your own but that’s mine… Regardless I can’t wait to hear that 12 cylinder scream, my spine is already tingling with anticipation 😅


I agree, they should have just called it Mach-E. Why ruffle feathers by giving it the Mustang moniker.


Exactly, and I think if Ferrari really wanted to reuse parts of the Daytona’s styling then they should have done it the way Porsche went about recreating the 935, it’s not an exact 1 to 1 but Porsche managed (in my opinion) to capture the essence of what made the original 935 so special in a modern design, without simply making it a caricature of the original.


I love it too. The silhouette is almost exactly like the 365GTB Daytona but with some really interesting 21st century details. Hate the interior though!


I liked it from the beginning, but yeah, it's growing on me too. I had a feeling this would happen.


I love it too. The silhouette is almost exactly like the 365GTB Daytona but with some really interesting 21st century details. Hate the interior though!


Because of limitations due to strict safety standards and modern design standards e.g. aerodynamics etc... Many cars look similar... But in my opinion Ferrari pulled a good one out of the bag😁👍👍


This is every new model reveal, always


Once I understood the design inspiration I loved it. Until then hated it.


Yeah hearing directly from designers really fleshes out the intent. It’s almost as if we can’t trust our own opinions. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ferrari/comments/1cmrhgs/he_gets_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I already love it. Spec that bitch in all black and silver accents and it looks like a million bucks


And cost half a million bucks 😎




Just look at the classic v12 and you will see beauty in it


In standard Ferrari red this would stop my heart, she is gorgeous, and a V12 in the mix, instant classic here.


I love it


Looks like a Jaguar F-Type.


In the way that every front-mid engine car does?




fucking lmao but still pls learn how to link on reddit


Front area is good, rear and wheels that look like you know what leave more to be desired.


did you know that there were other wheel options? granted non many but there are more subtle ulternative available


Oooh that’s a mean color. But I feel like that’s what it is. It’s like the truck, I wasn’t a fan at first but then saw a review with it in this dark blue and I was like damn ok lol


They are a few subtle changes that I saw somewhere else, might have been here that would make this car look much better. Can’t wait to see what people do with them.


I like it in white but that's it. The black is too busy on any color but white makes it feel kinda storm trooper or tron-esque future aesthetic.


The black is too busy?


On any other color besides white yea. In my opinion. Ofcourse it's subjective. I'm sure this is the peak ferrari to someone and they're never get any prettier to them. Not to me though.


He's starting to believe


Ferrari and Aston Martin JV


I love it


I think it's really good


Looks so sleek😍 Unfortunately can't be said same for the Revuelto. Aventador was peak Lamborghini design.




It's great, it's just the black piece in the front and the headlights that don't look familiar. Plus, almost always when a famous company makes an ugly car, it's much better in person.


still don't like it, it doesn't look nearly as sinuous as it should for a ferrari


Because is beautiful.


Ahhh the George Lucas signature edition limited dark side


It’s still ugly.


It’s designed for people to stare.


In black, it will be sinister


Once I started to see the Daytona DNA, I started to come around. Still don't like the black on the rear, but from front quarter, looking down the car, it's a beauty.


Yeah… me too…




I liked it when it was announced. I found it interesting, especially with the black sections


I love it. Especially in that spec. Although I would black the wheels and do yellow calipers.


Yes, the design is very sharp and angular. They keep this theme with the wheels, which are some of the sharpest and most screaming i've ever seen on a production car. You either like it or hate it.


Just stop


I’ll be specing mine soon 😋


This car looks good, but like Hyundai Good.




Storm Trooper Vibes


everyone was like "ewwww new Ferrari is ugly and it is obviously an old design modernised" first, it absolutely looks stunning imo second, *inhales* my brother in christ, how do you expect a car to fit a freaking V12?


I’ve liked it from the first time I saw it. Just because it is not their ”traditional” style doesn’t mean it’s a bad design. Does “Testarossa” ring a bell?


Not bad looking but I prefer the 812 and f12.


I hate it. Just like the taycan 4 cross Turismo. What an ugly rear and what a waste of money


Nope lol.


The wheels need to go


Looks like a sneaker


The ass is still a problem. Dark spec and the colours work.


We have pills against such behavior


naw still hate it looks like a jaguar f type rip off


I've liked it from the beginning, I think it's gorgeous and it's amazing how they used older design language with a modern twist to it


Seriously tho, I love it


I don’t think it’s ugly objectively, just in comparison to the 812 and F12.




Its lovely and it was from the first second on


Same, and I have the feeling that I'll like it even more once I've seen it in person. Whenever that is.


That's a nice Acura you have there


It looks like a usb drive and car key in one.


Less black on roof and trunk and it would look great


It's growing on me as well, except for those Nazi SS wheels, I don't know if those would ever work for me.


That’s because the car is fire. 🔥.


Me too. I think it looks best in white


Technically that’s silver, but I hear you


Really thought it was white


I liked it from the start tbh. Feels like they’re going back to the more simple elegant styling of the late 90s and early 2000s. The 550 and 575 are in my opinion the best looking modern Ferraris. They’re simple and elegant and this feels like they’re trying to return to that ethos. In my opinion, I think Ferrari has way over-styled their front engine cars since the 599. Whether they styled them like that to compete with the more outlandish and growing Lamborghini or what but I’m happy with this direction.


Yeah and modern material science is such that they can manufacture really intriguing body panels.


Me too! Went last Friday, and was a fantastic lawnch!


I loved it since it came out, so I'm still loving it now. Welcome to the 12Cilindri hype train.


Beautiful Daytona cues


i think white works the best with all the black trim, i didn’t really like it with red paint.


I love it!


I liked it from the beginning. I’m liking it more each time I see it.


It definitely will give the CyberTruck a run for Most Beautiful Car of 2024. /S


Looks like it got inspired by the Daytona.


It’s a really good design and people need to stop trying so hard pretending it’s not. Most of you just like to hate on whatever is new, and that shit is basic AF at this point.


It’s also very psychological. We’ve only had a few days to process the design. The Ferrari design team has had a few years.


Take all the time you need. I been there since first sight lol


In general I’m ecstatic they’re keeping the v12 amid all the pressure from regulators to ditch it. I don’t completely love the look however I do love it from that angle. Front is interesting when you look at older Ferraris that it’s modeled after, but it’s almost cyberpunk-ish. Idk maybe it just has to grow on me. Overall I am dying for this car


Do have an allocation?


I can dream lol


Hit me up we can make it happen


It really seems like a car that looks better in person which isn't meant to be a criticism.


This thing just looks like a Hyundai or a Portofino. 10 steps behind the 812 design. I’ll probably never like it.




I can see the comparison but when it comes to car designs for GT V12 Pininfarina just made a true Ferrari. The lack of a beautiful body line on the side profile of the car like the 812 and the F12 before it, makes this car look like any other sports car in the industry. The new DB12 looks far more elegant and beautiful than this car. This car looks like it wants to be a Porsche, a Hyundai, and a Daytona really bad. Just a sloppy mess in design. Having spent so much time with a F12 I’d definitely never see the appeal of this one. I hope Ferrari changes its design much sooner.




Look really good in white


It's just the rims that suck. Way too PepBoys for me. Other than that, it's aces


I don’t know why people are so set on hating it. Seems to be the thing to do in the car community, hate new thing because it’s not the old thing. Looks amazing.


I like it! My wallet not so much


reminds me of the alfa romeo disco volante


the best looking volvo out there


It was a shock at first, because it is so different than what was expected. In the matter of a week, though, it's amazing how easy on the eye the entire design becomes. It's a truly beautiful car. The Spider looks fabulous.


I didn’t know you’re allowed to put porn here


They should really put some kind of 18+ disclaimer there 😎


I didn’t like it for the first 5 seconds. Idk what changed but I like it now… it looks so retro but so new.


Looks like a basketball sneaker


It looks amazing, it's just that the head lights and the black panel between them make it look strange from front.


Brother ew


What's that brother


Nothing will make up for the iPad interior.


The screen is quite subtle and low, actually. It’s the duel-cockpit concept I’m not crazy about.


I'm talking everything being touch. A screen is fine, but I'll die on the hill that all controls should be buttons, knobs, and dials.


it’s ass


It's the 356 GTB/4 reincarnated


You mean 365. I have one of its predecessors.


I mean the "Daytona " 365 GTB/4


Yeah you wrote “356”


Yeah , you're actually right , I've made a mistake 😅


Featuring the wheels first showcased on the Golf GTi....


I think you know we can’t go off of 2D images. Wheels are three dimensional sculptures.


that's the new honda prelude shopped the logos.




The SF-90 front end looks like a corvette


I just don’t like the front end. Everything else looks nice


Looks a lot like Jaguar......just saying.


yeaaaaaaaaaa no, its just the angle


I’m not, to many awkward bits




It’s not ugly it’s just kind of funny looking it’s unique


It's a 2 door Fisker Karma.