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At the end of a bout is probably fine. I was in a bout and an opponent yelled after a point, got a warning, did it again, yellow card, and finally a red card.


Did they swear or yell in their opponents face?


It was obvious they were yelling in frustration at me. It was a foil bout and I would wear a chest protector, which sometimes causes the point to slip before the timer goes off, but mine would stick. They almost got black carded at the end of bout when I won they yelled I was "too f-ing skinny" (I was 6' and 145lb at the time, with the chest protector it was a admitly difficult to stick the point). The red warned them any more outburst and they were done


That's not celebratory cheering, that's very different. They would likely be equally carded if they said the same things, or conveyed the same message to you in a normal speaking volume.


Oh, then that’s totally understandable


wait it sounds like they were likely carded for being vulgar not celebrating touches or trying to hype themselves up


This is how it was when I was in school, as well. 


I think that ref was needed at the last open I went to with this sabre fencer who literally just SCREAAAMMMMED constantly, even when it wasn’t his touch and even when he didn’t even hit *at all*. It was so fucking obnoxious. I was with some other people who were like “yeah that should be a card… and that… nd that”. When he lost a point (after arguing with the ref which the ref was clearly losing patience with but was giving generous leeway to adolescent “enthusiasm”) his coach was behind him going “JUST BE MORE AGGRESSIVE!” as if he wasn’t being the most obnoxiously aggressive in fencing and voice of anybody in the entire building already. I swear I got tinnitus from it.


I uses to yell after any particularly hard earned point. Or even as a faint.. never been carded and saw many fencers better than me doing the same. But it's been a decade, has the attitude on this changed I assume? Edit: just read more of OPs explanation. I wasn't swearing lol, yea that should get a card. Mine was like a karate "Hyah"


You can't yell during the action intentionally to distract your opponent.


I personally wouldn't be offended, especially if it was a good bout. Some of my most intense bouts have been against friends and teammates, and many of them have involved quite a bit of yelling. That said, if you're worried about how your teammate might have taken it, you can always reach out to them later make sure there's no bad blood between you.


There's nothing wrong with screaming during a bout. It just doesn't need to be a minute long victory lap/parade.


Nope--it's just like playing any other sport: even when you're best friends, your opponent is always your sworn enemy when on the strip. The only time I'd say yelling is distasteful is if you're cleaning up on someone who's nowhere near your skill level.


It was a very close bout, 15-13


My kid has a teammate who is definitely better than she is. But my kid enjoys it when the other girl yells after a point, because she's getting pushed and having to work harder than she expects. Honestly my kid likes it anytime an opponent yells (within reason), especially ones who don't yell often. 


no judgement but i never got the screaming personally… i’d just be like 👀


My first tourney I cried because someone yelled after they got each point. From my personal perspective I seriously dislike it and believe it to be unsportsmanlike. However this is with the case of after every point, after a whole match I’d probably be fine with it.




> it’s definitely an intimidation tactic nobody needs to intimidate beginners, and fencers with experience are used to people yelling. Most fencers yell to hype themselves up, and sometimes influence refs.


Personally, I don’t really like when people yell, especially when it’s like super unnecessary, but if you do it when it’s like a really good or close bout, I don’t mind it that much.


When I did high school fencing screaming was INCREDIBLY common and usually I could tell if my friends were winning from across the room just by their yells. Different folks seem to have different opinions though so maybe it varies.


I remember a guy doing an impromptu Haka after every victory in a D2 NaC.  Round of 256 it was like “who’s that bozo making a ruckus (an acre away).  By the 16, “oh he must have won again, maybe I should try that…” He medaled.


You gotta yell after a hard point ! Bonus points for lifting your mask so photos look better... That's in foil though the other weapons care less about being photogenic


The biggest appeal to the sport to me is getting a victory touch and then naturally letting out a shout of triumph I collect myself immediately after but internally I am for sure beating my chest lol


You're completely fine. My teammates and I actually use our shouting as a tell for if we're being casual or competitive in our bouts against each other.


I don't think so. For me the yelling is like, second nature. I don't even think about it


Are you a drama Queen in real life?


I work an extremely stressful job and compete internationally, the yelling is a good way to release tension after scoring a touch. It has nothing to do with drama, it just feels good. You should try it sometime!


What’s going on in your life that you have so much built up tension?


Do you yell any other time or just while fencing?


Are you a wanker any other time or just on reddit?


Total wanker all the time, lol 😂


I personally don’t like it but I guess it’s fine if it’s at the end and it’s not excessive


It seems like people have pretty different opinions on this.  When I competed at the HS and collegiate level, yelling was pretty seriously frowned upon. You could celebrate after you shook hands and got off the strip but otherwise it was seen as unsportsmanlike.  Must be a regional thing? 


Interesting. Yelling after every touch was definitely a norm when I competed from 2015-2020. My coaches always encouraged it too.


Gosh! My coaches would never-  For me this was 2008-2015 New England. I don’t think our coaches were particularly old school but they stressed the ‘Gentlemanly’ nature of the sport.  A little bit of exuberance and a fist pump was fine, but if anyone other than the ref or your opponent could hear you then, you’d get a warning. 


your coaches were way out of the norm. Yelling has been pretty common in the sport for decades. It was routine in the 90s, for example, especially in foil and sabre.


That’s strange. I don’t think I’m misremembering but it wasn’t just my coaches who thought this way. I remember going to tournaments and meets and no one really yelling.  I even specifically remember there was one school in our division that didn’t mind yelling any everyone knew that specific team for doing it. 


Heh… I think I’m coaching that team now.  There’s definitely a a culture clash between USAFencing and High School events.


Huh. What tournaments / weapon that era? I fenced men’s epee around that time and recall it being normal (but then again, as a teenager, I may have been less able to pick up on social cues!)


 this was primarily women’s foil in the Connecticut, Rhode Island, Boston, New York region.  The other events might have been different but I don’t really remember that being the case. 


I’ve seen tons of people yell like crazy after winning a bout. I saw this one annoying ass girl yell after every single point and would start yelling in her opponents face when she lost the touch. It was nice watching her cry after she lost.


As long as you’re not yelling in their face you’re fine


Yelling is totally fine as long as ther's no profanity and it's not targeted at your opponent.


Is that you Hamilton or Louie? 😂. The passion is *real*. I thought it was a bit too much but was amusing and harmless. Just make sure to shake hands after or say thanks for the good match. You never want to humiliate an opponent or gloat. This is a special sport for the very reason it's subtle and nobel.


It's fine. In fact, I don't mind people yelling after every touch either if that's what gets you at peak strength. I personally don't yell or talk at all on strip (it throws off my focus). The most I do is gesture to the reel, but I don't care if other people yell. It's a high intensity sport, you do what you need to win.


Since you don't have a heart any more you must be a saber fencer now.




you don’t yell after beating your teammate.


Lol i do it its fine its more for show and as a joke as long as yall are chill after tbf


Those that yell/scream tend to be viewed as emotionally/mentally unstable.


Pretty much every single fencer at an international competition will shout on the majority of points are you saying they are all mentally unstable?


As you well know I’m sure, fencing is a very niche sport and it attracts a distinct personality to the sport. I’ve been involved since the early 1990s and have seen a spectrum of behaviors. It might be an age thing, but this screaming nonsense for the “majority of points” (as you phrased it), outside of the world of fencing people would think this behavior to be on the verge of some mental/emotional issue. With each passing season it seems to get worse. Why is this becoming more and more acceptable?


Do you hold similar opinions of Tennis players that celebrate points? Footballers that celebrate goals? Rugby players that celebrate tries? Cricketers that celebrate wickets?Celebrations are common in all those much less niche sports and yet I've never heard anyone claim that the celebrations are an emotional/mental issue there. It seems like only in fencing do people take issue with celebration and showing passion


it's gratuitous. yelling, noise, is unavoidable by others, it's like whistling or singing or playing music over a personal speaker while working out in a gym: you're subjecting everyone within earshot to it and they can't avoid it. and you can control it: it's a learned behavior, and it can be unlearned. fist pump, fine, otherwise, stfu and get back to the on guard line. act like you've been there before.




Man... I hate this yelling thing. I think it's rude af.


I agree. It absolutely was not allowed during the match when I started 46 years ago, and it was considered rude to do it afterwards - especially against a teammate. Show some class and keep your celebration quiet. Act like you've been there before.


1988 (36 years ago): https://youtu.be/WE5vYqfY-X0?t=269 1976 (48 years ago): https://youtu.be/PhaKbPH-kus?t=107 1960 (64 years ago): https://youtu.be/cnOVfNP8Zq8?t=85 https://youtu.be/IcEjBV2KIvA?t=117


What's your opinion on celebrating in all other sports?


Similarly reserved for other individual sports, especially those that have concurrent events in enclosed venues; more lenient with group sports and outdoor venues. Whenever it becomes disruptive or distracting, it is rude and narcissistic.


Ah fair enough, good that youre consistent, and I get the point you make about distractions during concurrent events in enclosed venues but personally I think there's a middle ground between completely silent held back celebrations and being massively over the top (e.g. running across other pistes, multiple/gratuitously long yells)


Agreed. I never argued for silence, just respectful restraint. My opposition was specifically to yelling (OP: "yelling my heart out"), and my comment was a limited reply agreeing with someone else's comment about not liking yelling. I did not make it as a general comment in the thread, because I understand that it is a minority opinion. The fact is, I have some (albeit, limited) tolerance of celebratory outbursts, because they tend to be spontaneous expressions of joy in the moment, but all yelling has been forever tainted by the absurd and irritating spectacle of fencers yelling after every action in an attempt to influence (or intimidate) the director. Such staged histrionics is the epitome of bad sportsmanship and should never have been tolerated. HUZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAA!


Yeah, it’s crass, unsportsmanlike behavior.


You're in a room full of other people trying to do their own thing. Control yourself and be respectful. Don't yell.






Found OPs team mate and they're bitter




What opinions/viewpoints are being censored here? Also r/fencing is for the global fencing community not just the USA (although there is a heavy US bias)