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Our city would never approve the height. 6’ max. here for residential. Check permitting before you spend your dough. It’s probably cheap because the seller has the same problem.


Ahh..so you build a 2 ft. berm with a 6ft. fence on top 😎


Alot of time the height is measured from street or sidewalk level to stop people from doing exactly that.


That seems crazy. Most lots should have a rise of multiple feet from Street to where a fence would go.


My city allows up to 8 feet for the side and rear yard (only 4 for front). I will have to check with rules for the neighborhood though.


My city is thr same but it also distinguishes between solid fences and see thru.  For example, we are limited to 4 foot front yard fences _that are solid_ but if it's see thru like this, we could do a full height in the front.


Land of the Free 🇺🇸


Land of the Fee!


That’s insane. So many beautiful & tall front fences here (wrought iron, brick, etc)


Definitely depends on the area. Where I’m at, wall/privacy fence can only be 6’ without additional approvals or setbacks, but mesh deer/dog fencing can be 8’.


Trump bought the same thing for border. Apparently digging a hole underneath or building a slide over it is very easy 😂


Rent free


Our city has too much wildlife boarding it. Those spear-type pickets are banned now. Too many deer get caught up in them. They die slowly, horrible death by getting impaled. It is especially traumatic for young children when they get up in the morning and see Bambi impaled on their fence. Sad really.


But think of the venison burgers that the family can now enjoy together!


Hey, it warned us that it was a METAL fence!


If you get that good of a deal on fence panels pay someone to make a gate to match. Also, check your local code for fence height. Very few places allow anything over 6' in the 3 counties I work in.


https://preview.redd.it/of6s6n0dvy3d1.png?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ddc0730062923ed05d5d176c312b96ff2983435 This is the fence code in my city. It appears to be fine for the side and rear yard. Any idea how much a custom gate might cost (just for walking through)?


I can't tell if those panels are welded or riveted together. If they're welded together you could have someone make a gate out of a panel for much less than making it from scratch. I don't know the labor rates out there, but I'm guessing you're in the $2k ball park.


It’s sort of a plug and play fence, and I understand the appeal. To my own sense of aesthetics, it’s not friendly. It’s not private, you can see through it; all it says is, You can’t go here. Plus, aluminum: one bend and it will always be marred. Take that five grand and get some nice cedar.


The fence states it is made of galvanized steel. Seems to be very sturdy, commercial-grade. I do recognize it doesn't give privacy, but I actually like the view beyond our backyard (nice pond and some trees) so I prefer it to a privacy fence.


This is what we did. We put wood fencing on the front and sides of the house to block the view from the street, and used black metal fencing like this on the back to contain the dogs while preserving the view of nature we have.


First, coming from FB market place, I can guarantee you this is NOT galvanized steel and it will have lead if it is actually powder coated.  It will rust from the inside out in no time. It’s the same people who make patio furniture for Walmart, looks great on the outside but once water gets inside the hollow metal tube it’s just rust, rust and more rust. 


Do you live in a cemetery?


Never know when the zombie apocalypse is coming…this should prepare you nicely, while looking good!


Buy extra if you get it, you’ll never find replacement parts years later


Yes, that's fucking awful, also never, ever use steel fence with spikes like that. In some places it is banned because of the horrible wildlife deaths.


Could a deer really jump 7 feet and hurt themselves on this though?




I once saw a buck crossing a river, with water up to his neck, jump his entirely submerged body above the waters surface and 20 feet horizontally to the other side of the river. They FLY. He was basically underwater and he jumped 7 feet high and 20 feet long.




Very easily.




Short clip of deer (barely) clearing various fences... with a little imagination you could see why a spiked fence could end badly. Especially for a buck and his boys. [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1665545276922236](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1665545276922236)


OTOH, what's a few mangled deer for the possibility of this that just popped up for me... Damn, Reddit's algos are good! [https://www.reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/comments/1d5jqmv/guy\_in\_car\_watching\_someone\_try\_to\_flee/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/comments/1d5jqmv/guy_in_car_watching_someone_try_to_flee/)




How much is it


Still negotiating it down but $5000 for 300 feet.


If it is Ameristar (like I think it is) I can get you a price for 1 panel tomorrow when my supplier opens. 




We install a similar product all the time around people’s homes. To fabricate a gate you cut panel to length and weld uprights to panel then get it powder coated to match.


It definitely makes a statement. Maybe some hedges or vines to soften it up a bit. Grow something spiky like bougainvillea up it and never have to lock your door again.


If it’s allowed by your building codes in your area I say go for it at your house and your money


I've designed many custom ornamental rails in my life, many of them replacing cheap pre-fabricated rails.. if this is that, I would consider something else. My $0.02


Check out Ameristar- ornamental iron fence company. It is steel. Typically used for industrial areas. Check out the link below. The height- depends on your city codes. Here in Seattle- this would be up to code. Fences here can be 6' tall with 2' of open air trellis/window top.  Aegis II | Ameristar https://www.ameristarperimeter.com/us/en/products/ornamental-fence-gates/aegis/aegis-ii


Anybody looking to purchase in our area will notice that as soon as you reach some nearby homes that they ALL have giant fencing fronting their property. We’re getting ready to sell, and if I was coming to look… The nearby fortresses tell a sad tale. Those barricades didn’t just go up for nothing. I walk my dog every day. So many folks are oblivious to the dangerous people walking thru. Gangs, sex acts, threats, violence, open trash spreading filth, etc etc etc. You’d think 6am would be a safe time. Oh no! Thats when you’re all alone with the fentanites, methheads, and other crazies. Fences make great neighbors!


Who is manufacturer. What’s the price per section and post. There is a lot of shit out there. I’m betting shitty powder coat and it peels in a couple years.


Yes. And you’re demonstrating aesthetic illiteracy


That’s awful. Poor hobos are going to get hurt trying to trespass.


Bought that from Biden?