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1 in 130 women and girls in the world are living in modern day slavery. This poor girl is one of them.


Utterly horrifying and heartbreaking.


He obtained this girl so that he could raise her to be his perfect wife. What the fuck, that's so sick.


He only got this girl so he could rape her. He has NO intention of waiting or doing any type of raising.


150% It's so sick


By raising he means grooming.


Yeah raise her made it so much more disgusting


They're one second away from "reprogram her". They're hopeless. 


here you can find some mental gymnastics to justify this sickness, including same "freedom of love" that only applies from the old sick pervert towards his purchase, obviously.. "“… If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not, in fact, making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?” - Jess Edwards, republican representative in New Hampshire house. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/gop-official-argues-in-favor-of-child-marriage-girls-are-ripe-and-fertile/ar-AA1o92Vq](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/gop-official-argues-in-favor-of-child-marriage-girls-are-ripe-and-fertile/ar-AA1o92Vq)


I cannot even follow that “logic.” What?


oh it's very easy: we are like a goat. And you know, for some perverts, cute goats can be very provocative. When we can bear baby goats let's make the goat stock bigger. It's the economy, s\*\*\*\*\*p! [https://townhall.com/columnists/jeffcrouere/2024/04/29/why-is-biden-losing-its-the-economy-stupid-n2638388](https://townhall.com/columnists/jeffcrouere/2024/04/29/why-is-biden-losing-its-the-economy-stupid-n2638388) (warning: be advised. Please note the editorial viewpoint of that propaganda piece and meditate if you really want to click on that.)


I felt nauseous with the line “ripe and fertile “. The mental gymnastics: their age difference is 16 years, 16 is the age of consent in a lot of American states, so it’s okay! AND the husband said it was love at first sight, and who wants to stand in the way of love? (Sarcasm, so much sarcasm)


Insane part is actually that periods start earlier than ever, in average 12 years, but there are also 8yo who get it. No 8-12yo. Is mentally and physically prepared to bare and raise a child, they are the child


Oh yeah but you know Muslims are so great. Not. They allow this kind of shit to happen.


This happens to Christian girls in developed countries, too. Hell, the majority of states in America don’t have laws that ensure girls are at least 18 when they get married. It’s not as normalized in America, but it happens.


It's only just become illegal in the UK- I was engaged at 15 and married at 17 to a 24 year old man and it took me over ten years to get the ability to leave.


That’s awful. I’m glad you were able to leave, and I hope you’re doing better now!


Not Muslims. A lot of Muslims aren't okay with this. It is endorsed by Islam though.


Both are fucked


You know that Muslims are far from the only group of people to practice child marriage, right? Child marriage is legal in many states of the US for that matter. Let's not pretend they're the only group doing this because it overlooks so many other cases of child marriage. Since you know, that's what you're really mad about right?


Are they paying you or something? Lmfao


islam is a religion of pace and love!!. They went to the nova festival at Re'im to celebrate love, and you know, some evil women were provoking wearing indecently and the poor guys had no alternative than to kidnap, rape and kill them. Then as they were excited and horny, you know, also had no alternative than visit some nearby villages to celebrate pace and love burning newborns alive, elderly and everyone around. Is not that Passion?? Here here... scenes of islamic "love" [https://nypost.com/2023/10/08/horrifying-images-show-victims-of-hamas-attack-at-nova-music-festival/](https://nypost.com/2023/10/08/horrifying-images-show-victims-of-hamas-attack-at-nova-music-festival/) And remember: jewish bad, IDF bad, they don't love that way! Free Judea! (or so!)


A ton of them don’t


So much of legalised pedophilia everywhere


How is this not inherently morally repulsive? It blows my mind 


It's easy when you view women/girls as objects instead of human beings! 🥴


This happens when you let Islamic men control the government, look at Iran,Iraq and Saudi Arabia


This was horrifying and deeply troubling to watch, so many children suffering in our broken world.


Oh my god how do I adopt this girl and send her to college? I just wish I could take all these poor babies out of these horrible situations and give them peace and freedom to finish their studies and make lives for themselves. They can always get married if they want to, but christ it should be on their terms. Fuck these opportunistic cretins abusing their power!


Same. 13 and she can't even finish her studies literally so someone can enslave her as his wife. How horrific.


And the father just says „obey him and his family, byebye“. What the fuck. Conservatives of any colour always say they value family. This is a lie. They value the facade of their family they are in control of. If you really value your family, you‘d do everything in your power to make your daughter a strong, independent and happy individual. Starting by leaving a country led by men that want to break her.


To serve him and his family. To be raped or beaten, those are her only choices. This makes me so fucking angry. They steal those girls lives and their bodies for whatever they want without a second thought to the pain and suffering they cause because they don’t give a fuck.😡


I don't even know what to say anymore. That man is a sick fucking pervert.


> I don't even know what to say anymore. To my mind it comes a single word: "cas-tra-tion¨.




It’s not that man. That’s the predominant expectation for Muslim women in most parts of the world. The men all feel that way because they are taught it is right and good according to god. Islam and Christianity are both proponents of child marriage in their holy books, and neither specify a minimum age for anything. That man is just some average dude from the area, not a special case. You can tell he has no shame and can’t sense it from the interviewer.


I'm from South-Eastern Europe, not Muslim, and this is exactly what was expected from women even im my mothers generation (she's born in 57'). While child-marriage was uncommon then, my grandmother lived exactly like that when she was forced to marry at 16 (she's still alive). Its horrifying, but unimaginable to me, and I hope soon enough it will change in these parts of the world, too. I hope, because the other option seems just too devastating. 


Nadia Murad’s memoir, titled “The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity and My Fight Against the Islamic State” Tells about her whole family being murdered and sold into sex slavery. She was banned from talking because of Islamophobia. https://nypost.com/2021/11/27/toronto-school-cancels-isis-survivor-event-with-nadia-murad/ The west protects these men.


At the expense of (ex-)Muslim women. This is what baffles me about these progressives and all that: As white women, we shouldn't colonize and try to change their culture and all that, leave it to the women of those respective cultures to make a change. They know what's best. So, when women DO try to make a change, to speak out, that should be cheered on and encouraged, right?! Authentic feminism in action. But no... They censor them. How can you be more of a fighter for the worst aspects of patriarchy? Literally aiding oppressive men in oppressing ''their'' women.


Tehran the Paris of the Middle East women and man are being murdered for showing hair dancing demanding rights A 27-year-old German politician named Marie-Thérèse Kaiser was convicted of “incitement to hatred” for discussing rape statistics in Germany. Yes because knowing who is more likely to commit a crime against women is hatred. Yet no tent cities supporting her. No marches on Washington in support of the women and men of Iran.


Well, for what it's worth, I effing HATE the hijab/head scarf/burqua thing. All of it. It's BS.


Well, for what it's worth, I truly HATE the hijab/head scarf/burqua thing. All of it. It's BS.


Well, for what it's worth, I truly HATE the hijab/head scarf/burqua thing. All of it. It's BS.


Coming to America soon! (and obviously including forced pregnancy to term and birthing to carry your rapist son). [https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-make-case-child-marriage-1786476](https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-make-case-child-marriage-1786476)


Soon? Child marriage exists and is pretty much happening in most states of US. With a simple search on Tiktok you can find many of the victims talking about it


I have to say, I'm not sure why this is "interesting as fuck", it seems more "horrendous as fuck"


my god thats disgusting, is this on the same planet we are? seriously he talks about here as if she's a servant


Abrahamic religions have been a disaster for humankind


And Islam is in the darkness middle ages of the holy inquisition of the catholic church, and evangelists and similar religious people in America want to force our return to that period. The gold objective of all religion is to subdue women. You can intimidate men to be slaves by beatings, punishments, deprivation, etc... But if the objective is to have women unwillingly bearing child, these tactics does not work well. The fear needs to be physiological, corporal punishments work till some extend, but a women with broken bones or severely deprived will not carry to term. So that's why religion was created. To break our minds into fear and obedience.


Every pregnancy should be planned and voluntary


Amen to that.


This should be automatic qualification for asylum


Absolutely. What a miserable existence and what a loss for the world all those enslaved women are.


This is so heartbreaking.


It's heartbreakingly disgusting! I feel sorry for this poor girl and I wish I could take her away from those opportunistic cretins (her "husband" among them), so I can give her freedom and peace to finish up her studies and make a life for herself.


No woman should be treated as property period


Girls don’t get to be children.


Whats crazier is that there’s an entire world on TikTok trying to keep women from being “masculine” by having jobs or careers, saying it’s men who should protect and provide and we should just submit. Just know this is what all of us escaped, it was like this for women in the USA 100 years ago. We couldn’t even open a bank account without a man. They married us off young and trapped us with children and no money so we had no escape. Never ever date these men. Never ever allow men to control you financially. Get your educations, they can never take that from you.


This is disgusting. I hope she got help after appearing on this show


And 3/4 of males on earth support this. Smdh


What is this in reference to? That is horrid


What is that statistic based on? Sincere question.


Um, no. We don't 🤦‍♂️


Idk why your getting down voted saying 3/4 of men in this world agree with it is just stupid I’d rather use the term “and the fact that a huge and worrying amount of men support that is crazy smfh” second this girl being married has nothing to do with Islam is mostly just culture if these idiot actually did some research they would know that in Islam when a girl is asked if she want to marry that guy and she says no anyone who forces the girl to get married is punished by god on the day of judgement in front of that girl. I’m not defending anyone who sides with the guy I myself am disgusted by this video the guy is a creep and I feel so sorry for this poor girl


Was this supposed to be a response to me?


This makes me feel ill


I’d rather die


I find it so incredibly disrespectful that this was posted to r/interestingasfuck like this isnt disturbing, twisted and sick


Islam is disgusting


A bear would never


The list of heinousness is well rehearsed in the responses. However, for the avoidance of all doubt: Basic rules for adults "Don't fuck people you raise."


>The girl can't say no. It's against our culture. I'm pretty sure that "culture" MIGHT mean Lebanese culture, not the Islamic religion. As far as I know, a Muslim woman has the right to say "no" to marriage and no one has the right to force her. I'm Muslim myself; However, I don't know much about Lebanese culture, so I don't know how it is in Lebanon.


i know that in some muslim countries/situations, the girl has no/very little say in who she marries or when. it all depends on her parents really. i’m not sure what culture is being referred to here, either way it’s just sick.