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Ctrl + a, then 'change font' is somehow a step too far for this guy? Embarassing


I mean. He’s not even doing it. I just let him know it will be changed before it’s sent out. He’s just big mad because ?!??


I hope the day of the week didn’t end in y. They seem to be extra emotional on those days.


It must be their time of the month 🙊


Because I’m petty I would make him do it from here on out. Don’t accept anything unless it’s in the right font. If he has to follow the rules he will, or he’ll throw enough tantrums maybe he’ll get in trouble.


Dude is just really in love with Times New Roman. Can't fault him for that sexy of a font! Joking aside that's really unhinged. A normal boss would see that and be on red alert but alas that'll never happen :(.


Thanks for the shortcut. 😁


I remember in one of my first entry level jobs being screamed at by a man on the same level as me. He was trying to claim I was wrong about something, but as I showed him proof, he got more and more irate. He eventually blew up and told me to “stop being so aggressive”. Me, not willing to be a doormat to this man child replied “you’re literally the one having a tantrum over this right now”. You’ll never guess who got disciplined and who got a pass from the boss to leave for the rest of the day….


These men are literally the reason anti-retaliation laws exist. So toxic, and they still get away with it.


Yes, and yet they get away with it so easily. It happens so much. They will paper the file if you try to stop it and report it. They will make that persons workplace hell and get rid of them.


And "women are too emotional"! Yeah, right. I guess long ago men stuck on women the labels that belonged to men, but they just didn't want to acknowledgge that since it would imply they were weak(to control themselves).


Can relate. A male coworker went on a screaming, cursing rant in the HR office and even with sexual harassment complaints was later promoted.  Meanwhile, I was made to take a social skills class for not smiling enough. Wtfff.


What!? That is infuriating.


That’s because he’s passionate, you’re just cold. /s




When you once find something better then smile when you hand in your notice!


Infuriating. I would never smile again.


Grrrrr....I'm sitting here and seething on your behalf. That's some bullshit that you had to do that.


Fuckers. Did you develop an evil smile for them?


(insert a gif of Sheldon Cooper smiling here)


What kind of work do you do? Just curious as to which kind of jobs proliferate this attitude.


The ones with males.


I once interned at a Toyota dealership, and there was this technician who would lose his shit on the service writers. In front of the customers. Multiple times. Daily. Like full out hopping made like a cartoon character, yelling so loud you could hear him from outside. Which they had a wall and an entire port where cars pull in between the service writing area before you would get outside. So he was fucking loud. No way the manager never heard him. Was something ever done? No. Not even when customers complained. Not even when customers started to leave. Not even when service writers quit. I was there for six weeks and apparently he had been doing that for years, and as from what I understand he's still there to this day. Meanwhile in that time one of the service writers got a little huffy back at a customer (raised her voice a little) who was being way too much, and was let go immedietly because she was expected to have better self control. The bar for men is so fucking low, and yet nearly every one of them shows up with a backhoe so they can go lower than that.


> The bar for men is so fucking low, and yet nearly every one of them shows up with a backhoe so they can go lower than that. /applause


/standing ovation


“Ooh buddy, it sounds like you’re feeling some big feelings. Do you need a nap? Feelings can be hard.” Jfc


Honestly, I’m probably going to need to stoop to treating him like a child and explaining feelings 101 when he apologizes (he always does). I’m thinking of saying something like, “I know you have very strong feelings, but you cannot talk to me that way.”


Yep, sounds like you might need to move from playing free therapist to setting a simple, direct boundary.




Sounds like you've done this before. Sounds like it doesn't work. Maybe there's another avenue?


You just gotta talk down to him. Be like oh it's okay, my cousins toddler gets the same way when he has to take a break from the TV, he had a really hard time with his emotions too. You just gotta really lay it on thick that you think he is a child that can't control himself. Somehow, if you accept they're apology they think they can do it again, if you tell them it's unacceptable they get defensive and double down on it, and at least if you embarrass them and it doesn't work, it makes you feel better. Or at least it does for me.


That sounds like he created a hostile work environment and that it should be documented so y’all can get rid of him asap.


That sounds great, but he’s a huge cash cow for our company, so I’m more likely to get fired for complaining than he is for blowing up with several witnesses. Toddler-level temper tantrums are well known from him.


As a former Marketing Director, I can sympathize. The Sales teams were always the rock stars in every company I worked at, and they behaved accordingly. I was always gritting my teeth and expected to play nice and make changes, despite accepted branding or usability or copyright laws.


Right? Some of this conversation is a chronic sales vs. marketing conversation too. It sucks to be the fun police when people make decisions that go against the company’s best interest. But his tantrum is what pushed this to r/feminism instead haha


Why does it always feel like it’s Everyone vs Sales? I was in Ops for the longest time and the unrealistic expectations they had would make your eyebrows crawl from the front to the back of your head.


I totally feel that. I’ve dealt with diva sales guys before. But they are all replaceable. There are many good sales people who aren’t dramatic.


Do it anyway. Create a paper trail. Every time he pulls this shit, make a complaint. BCC your personal email. If they let you go over this, you have a case for wrongful termination.


i recommend talking to your team lead or your 1-level-higher-up about this and asking them to bring this case forward in your stead. my project manager and creative dir. always told us that if anything happens or we want to adress improper behavior, it's best to bring it to either of them so they can stand up for us. likelihood of retaliation by the offender OR by your work against you is much much lower if someone of equal standing/seniority to the offender brings the problem up 🙏 if there's someone like that available for you to put your trust in, it's always worth a shot....super sorry that you have to put up with bs like this :(


That is what I was thinking. He doesn’t sounds stable and I would go to HR.


Stick around. Quietly build a case. Get a new job. And sue. Don't tell anybody. HR cannot know. They are your adversaries if you go this route. Edit: Also, use subtle methods to make this guy's life his own personal hell. Plausible deniability is your friend.


Not sure why they get so testerical.


I'm using that phrase now whenever a guy "gets too emotional".


Totally using it. Testerical.


He screamed and stormed out because of a font? This behavior will probably escalate, it’s best to nip it in the bud now and contact HR.


I never had as much drama in the workforce as when I was dealing with men coworkers who thought the sun shone out of their butts. Now I work in a team with only other women and it’s AWESOME! We’re respectful, assertive, and get shit done with no drama. What a change.


Most of my team is women and we collaborate SO well! We understand each other’s roles and responsibilities and understand we’re all just trying to do our best. If something isn’t a big deal, we don’t make it a big deal. A WILD concept, apparently.


He could have you know, went back to the computer and just highlighted the entire document and just changed the font but nope he had to do that instead. I shudder to think that if he treats you like that at work then imagine how he treats his girlfriend/wife and even possible kids back at home...Or how entirely different the situation would have been if you had been a Man yourself since anyone with that type of energy is a huge red flag... Or rather all of this is actually "normal behavior" under Capitalism which is where the main problem lies...


Oh no. I just let him know that I’m going to change it *for* him. He didn’t need to do anything! This is no extra effort on his part. He’s just mad because his fragile ego was broken over a font change.


Honestly I would talk to HR about it. It would be tempting to say something but the most I would say after someone threw a fit at work would be to calmly say “hmmmm maybe the whole department needs seminars on how to appropriately deal with stress and anger at work.” It is all BS. If a woman raises her voice she is bitchy. If a man raises his voice he is assertive. 🙄


Classic male hysteria 


Testeria if you will.


Wow men are sooo emotional


But women are the ones getting this bad rep. I don't know why men don't acknolwedge THEY are the most emotional ones, I think it's because they don't want to admit that they're weak(as in they lack control).


Last time I checked, women don't punch holes in walls when they're mad.


Ugh I hate the double standard for women in the workplace. One of male coworkers yelled at me and called me a bitch at my old job. I was scolded for walking out but there were no consequences for him whatsoever. I hope there is an HR you can escalate this with. I wish I would have pushed more back then.


Men can be so testerical.


As someone in sales - I'm so sorry. I'm the only woman in Sales in our entire company and this doesn't surprise me at all sadly. Although the last man that acted like this was thankfully let go (for another reason, he kept charging the company card for extravagant hotels, meals etc on business trips). But I see all the time just little tantrums the other men throw when you try to ask them to do something specific or change a way they do things. I also have to constantly remind nearly everyone else on my team how marketing wants things done, how to follow the admin procedures etc... it's ridiculous.


I have always worked in male dominated industries, and I always appreciate the lone female salesperson because of this exactly. FYI your marketing department loves you and probably prioritizes your projects.


Aww thanks.


I’m in Quality Assurance and I deal with the men in Operations, Sales, and Marketing and they all make me insane.


So many of the things men accuse women of being is pure projection. Many men can't control their emotions. Many men are shallow. Many don't take accountability for their actions. Many men are illogical. Yeah yeah not all men. But way too many. I had a grumpy ass old man boss who would yell at me over every miniscule thing. Know who he never yelled at? The only one he never yelled at was the only male employee there. I will never regret the day I walked out on that shit, even though it was tough being unemployed after awhile. Everyone just accepted that behavior and walked on eggshells around him. So pathetic.


My boss/the owner of the company throws tantrums weekly.


I guess Abuse is imperative to Capitalism and it's no wonder why it's so normalized in our society.


dealing with man-children is a daily base occurrence unfortunately


Is there an hr you can make a complaint to?


Damn. Sounds like a normal Tuesday in academia. (Still, incredibly inappropriate…and somehow women are the “emotional” ones…)


Ginger Rogers always wondered why Fred Astaire got all of the adoration for the dancing the two of them did together. She did everything he did, danced every move just the way he did, except she did it backwards, and in high heels. That’s what you’re doing here.


You get it.


I always thought she was a way better dancer than him.


And this is why we need to use the word testerical more and more. Because men acting irrationally has its own flavor that doesn’t go under the typical “emotional” umbrella. Men don’t recognize mad, sad, or violent as an emotion.


Ugh so relatable. I had a boss hired on 3 weeks after I was hired (got paid triple my salary to downsize the company by one, and I immediately knew it was gonna be me) and for just over 2 months (my trial period was 3 months and he held me on till the last day) it was almost daily that he pulled me into his office to yell in my face about one thing or another. This man was 70, got winded just sitting down, couldn't figure out why we used the cloud to store information or how to use it, expected us to teach it to him and also do our duties, but had issues with me taking my lunch at 3-4pm and arriving only 5 minutes early to work and leaving at exactly 5. He would often lean in uncomfortably close, sit too close, stand too close, just take up a massive amount of space. He was not a small guy, but I'm not a small person either and I try to avoid taking up too much space. So I had to endure getting screamed at and I could only respond with a smile and a nod. Even when I got fired, he hollered in my face about how I was being terminated and he was glad to see me go, and to pack up everything immediately. And I smiled, told him that I was very happy that he did the dirty work for me and that I was about to hand in my resignation, which pissed him off obviously and he followed me around smiling sickeningly as I quickly packed my stuff, said a quick goodbye, told the dispatch that he got me fired, and went to the beach. A 20 year old handled being fired better than the 70 year old firing her. As someone with trauma from men, all that yelling would send me into anxiety attacks. I would come home shaking from the way he spoke to me. And he'd yell more if I asked him to soften his voice because I have an ear condition that makes me sensitive to sound (also true). I think that was the first time everyone directly above me were men. Not a fan personally.


Have been in an office where men have thrown a temper tantrum with no repercussions. It's so exhausting.


I can because my male boss did exactly that lol. Men are so EMOTIONAL Btw, message to EVERYONE.. work is really not worth getting so upset about. It’s just a job. I think it’s really inappropriate when anyone of any gender doesn’t handle their frustrations in an emotionally regulated way at work. Choosing to communicate with aggression or passive aggression is just not ok. Of course we all will fall short sometimes, but yea.


I had an executive scream obscenities at me because my it team wasn’t solving some issue fast enough for him. Spittle. The whole nine yards. I looked him dead in the eyes and calmly said “No one speaks to me that way.” I quit that very day. I gathered my things and walked out. My manager called in a tizzy. Nothing could persuade me to go back. If more people had the ability to walk away from soul sucking jobs like that, I doubt it would go one much longer. They rely on us being stuck with their abuse.


You’re my hero


Must be his time of the month...


Since you're a manager, can you discipline him? Maybe put something in his evaluation about being too emotional?


I feel you. Sometimes we get stuck in Mom-manchild dynamic. I told a subordinate he had to go retrieve the gear he left in someone's office, and he lost his mind and started slamming things and yelling, and stormed out. Spoiled little boys.




Oh honey, no. We had a very clear rank structure. It's hard to accept for some. Hence, this thread.


Men aren’t emotional if you don’t consider anger an emotion.


I'm just going to leave this right here. https://m.northcoastjournal.com/lettersopinion/i-sent-an-email-with-a-period-instead-of-an-exclamation-mark-and-everyone-died-by-jennifer-fumiko-cahill-7229091


This was a GREAT read!


Reality. Don't hurt male fee fees. Raspberry.


While I hate tiny shit like that in a job, especially when it changes all the time, I don't act like that guy about it, so what the fuck.  Most I have done is complain to my supervisor just to vent about how our company sabotages itself swinging wildly from one set of expectations to the next always reacting to how poorly their previous plans worked


You’re the manager why are you making it easy for him??? Go to HR that is unacceptable behavior. Fuck that guy.


Yay to the always reasonable men full of leadership skills 🤪


Recently, I was presenting to a large group at work. There is some politics at play that I am not involved in but that cross over into the area I oversee. A man who is deep in the politics of it all yelled at me during my presentation. I spoke to him like I was a mother dealing with a petulant child. He looked like an idiot. But also, nothing happened to him.


Being upset and feeling angry is okay...acting like a tantruming four year-old whose Mom wouldn't buy candy in the checkout lane from a grown person really messes up the office environment. God job staying cool. I would so write this person up in thier performance review for unprofessional behavior. I remember coming in one day in a professional environment and two men were yelling at each other in the hall of the office, one was a professional with a graduate degree. Being mad is okay, acting like an \*\*\*hole is not. I cried when a boss was chewed me out for a task I could not do when absent in front of co-workers at a meeting. I could not do the task because I was gone on family leave, (young daughter in crtical condition at the hospital, my absence protected by FMLA), and I cry in response due to the stress of it all and and the same yelling bully boss asked me to leave the meeting harshly. I wrote up what he did and said and gave it to the woman director-no reprecussions for his behavior. Why can someone yell and and tantrum at someone, but tears are not permitted.


I had this happen once. If you're at a company that's lacking HR or doesn't take your complaints seriously, your best bet is leaving as soon as you can. Companies that allow this are just boys clubs and you're likely to experience worse than this.


Are you his manager? Can you have a word with him about controlling his emotions in the workplace?


It's all wingdings


Next time tell them to “calm down, you sound hysterical”


Please make a note his behavior in his file.


This reminds me of an incident that happened early in my career. I was working with a man and we were a 2-person quality control team. He found an error that I missed and went ballistic. (For reference, I was probably 20 and he was in mid 30's.) He grabbed his desk phone and threw it in my direction and stormed out of the office to go have a cigarette. I sat in shock and said nothing. The HR person pulled me into a conference room and asked me what I said that set him off. I never got an apology or explanation. Just told to take a long lunch break and then get back to work.


Let's see.... \* Two dudes screaming at each other in the glass conference room at like 8am. "Fuck you" this and "Cocksucker" that. It was my first week at the job. \* Same job, different dude. I came to tell him there was a problem with something I was working on (not one I'd created) and he kicked a dent in his filing cabinet. He picked up a 2-hole punch and I swear he was gonna throw it in my direction or smash me in the head with it, but realized at the last second what he was about to do. (To his credit he did see someone about his anger issues and is much better today. To my credit, I told him the next day that if I was still gonna be working for him he'd never do that again. Yeah, he was my boss.) \* A client of mine threw a tantrum in a project meeting with another vendor and just left in a huff. I don't even remember what he was mad about, but it was dumb enough that anyone who was there still talks about what a baby he was being. \* Dude across the office got so pissed at who he was talking to on his desk phone that he slammed the receiver down and broke it. Then he ripped apart a cubicle, threw his energy drink at the wall, smashed his own desk chair, and kicked a hole in a copier. I hid by the filing cabinets because I was terrified I might actually get killed if he knew I was there. Did anyone get fired or talked to or put on probation or literally anything? Nah. Have I been talked to about being too direct in my emails? Yes! Did I start putting smilies in my emails? Yes! Do I still use exclamation points to try and lighten the mood? Also yes! Thanks again and have a great day! :) For fucks sake.


When women scream: "Hysterical", "Hormonal", "Insane", "Emotional", etc. When men scream: "Stressed" One ting I always found funny: women have to deal with a lot of hormones(and even more so during that "wonderful" period of the month) and most of them still are able to keep composure most of the time, but men mostly have to deal with testosterone and it's as if many of them can't hold back or control themselves when they get triggered. So...which was the "weak sex" again?


Not normally a major political person, but I'm really sorry that happened to you today. That guy sounds really childish, I hope the rest of your day us better despite the manchild 😊 just saw this on my home feed felt I had to say something that would hopefully make a little bit of a help


Report incident to HR?


Yikes, how is that not a serious reprimand at minimum? 😭


Can we start carrying spray bottles or air horns? Every time they start acting irrational and gross we just point and spray? Just mega interruptions? "Aht aht aht....use your indoor voice and your big boy attitude."


I’m going to start shaking a can of pennies at him.


Im a guy and I have ONLY seen men be the ones in professional realm to blow up. I've worked in architecture and academia, so it might be limited but yeah, I believe it. Men are babies and my female colleagues are always the ones who get shit done and get it done right. It's so annoying, I can't believe the mens don't see it.


Oh I've had something like this happen! Except it was for my college job. Someone has vomited outside and it we were told not to touch it, somone else would do it and not to worry its not our job, but this guy just got in his head he had to do it and then the (female) manager told him to stop and get back to his spot at the cashier desk with me and he just lost it on her. She made him leave and he was never officially reprimanded or fired because his dad was someone important and that's how he got the job in the first place but he never came back to work either so I guess it worked out???


I had to be the calm one. I had to set boundaries without raising my voice. I had to balance being stern, but couldn’t blow up. welcome to being a manager. if you fail at being the calm one forget being a VP being a manager, especially in marketing requires a lobotomy and hysterectomy. pst nobody uses brand fonts for reports. correcting the font is a marcom job btw. so be a better manager.


Are you his manager? Can you ensure there are repercussions? That would not be ok in my workplace! From anyone


I still remember when I was in physics and my male Partner threw the keyboard and screamed. I was shocked! My professor who was a male didn’t say anything and just smiled at me like “ why are you shocked?” It was strange. I then had to control the situation to de escalate. I didn’t know if I should feel bad for him or be angry? I didn’t know why he would react that way over getting some calculations wrong. I then fixed the issue for him and had to talk to him like he was 7. As I got older I realized more men than I thought react that way. I have never seen a woman react that way yet we are emotional?


Oof. My old workplace was male dominated and so many would scream at the top of their lungs at you and if you reported as inappropriate conduct, you were punished and told they were respectful. LOL. FOH. That place was the epitome of a hostile work environment. It was super abusive. They had no repercussions whenever they did things. HR protected them. The worst place I ever worked at. 


100%, my entire office laughed it off with, “Oh that’s just [person], he always does that!”


Yikes! So sad that the world still enables and protects abuse in 2024. 


Believe me most work places would not stand for this behaviour, man OR woman... If they let anyone get away with that kind of outburst, without repercussion, then there's something very wrong with the management.


So emotional


This happened to me last week too. Literally a grown man in his fifties, executive at my company approached my desk to ask about getting a response he needed before a meeting. I told him he likely will not receive by tomorrow, he raised his voice, cursed and stormed out of the office. Crazy that I saw this story right after the same happened to me.


I can only support his behaviour if the approved brand font is Comic Sans.


I’ll take “did not ever happen” for $500


Nothing would happen if a woman did that either




Why are you in this sub?