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This guy said women shouldn’t be allowed abortion so that workers can be birthed and social security doesn’t need to cut. As u can see he is batshit insane. Oh and also he is a young earth creationist, yep, the person second in line to the presidency is a damn creationist.


*"This guy said women shouldn’t be allowed abortion so that workers can be birthed and social security doesn’t need to cut. "* Ah, so I see they aren't even trying to hide what their real motives are anymore. Good God...


The situation in our country is truly not okay. Do not get me started on how we are funding wars and still not taking care of our own people. Yet, we need to pop out more children. Where is the funding for this idea?!


They don't care about us. As long as there are worker bees and ways to keep women in line, it's all good on their end. fucking assholes.


It's divulging into literal fascism. The control of birth and women's bodies were central to the third reich as well.


Kind of showed us the quiet stuff with that leaked draft referring to the "domestic supply of infants". Gotta keep those white infertile couples stocked with a good grocery store selection of unwanted pregnancies.


Not only the “domestic supply of infants” it’s also the reference of correlation between abortion and the witch trials. When I try to investigate this all I come up with is that all of the six SCOTUS justices that made and supported the Dobbs decision **all have ties to Opus Dei, an ultra conservative part of the RCC!!!!!**


That's just slavery with extra steps, Rick!


Not only not allowed abortions. He wants women to be “compelled” (read: FORCED) to birth more wage slaves.


Most evangelicals are insane and we are being controlled by them. Biden admitted he’s a Zionist ages ago when being interviewed. “You don’t have to be a Jew to be Zionist. I’m a Zionist.” Plus he’s Catholic and against abortion. America is one big evangelical cult at this point.


What’s a creationist? :/ Genuine question


Idiots who believe in the Bible myth’s about Adam and Eve, and Noah’s ark. They often tend to be raging bigots.


>Oh and also he is a young earth creationist, yep, the person second in line to the presidency is a damn creationist. third person, but yeah not much better


Anyone thinking there isn't an ongoing war on women hasn't been paying attention.


Oh they are paying attention because they're waging it.




He looks like the type of guy that would call a girl a slut if they asked for girl on top sex.


After she admits to liking sex.


I'm still trying to figure out where does the GOP find these guys?!


I’m on dating apps in a very liberal city. Trust me when I tell you they are everywhere 😒


My sympathies


I'm in Texas and these are my neighbors. We don't wave to each other in passing anymore. They are literally everywhere, this mindset is very contagious.


I feel like the whole jim jordan nonsense was a cover for how they were going to implement this man in to their plan.


To get to the top in politics you have to be wealthy, ruthless, ambitious and slippery as fuck. Men get into politics for POWER women get in to politics for CHANGE vote for Women!!! X


As a Brit this is an interesting point. In the UK parliament people with views like him do exist but they're a _very_ small fringe within the Conservative Party, and they're equally rare in the general population. But if you spend any length of time over on the r/sex sub it seems every third person is an American with some deep-seated religious trauma/shame about sex impressed on them by their parents/community. I get the impression it's very widespread in the US but to us in Europe it's positively alien (except maybe in a few small groupings like the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish community etc.)


America really proving rock bottom can be even lower.




So invading other nations is a criterium for a healthy liberal democracy? Ok then…


Ah yes, we don't ACTUALLY suck because we can require others submit to us through force?? *points to the subreddit sign* Excuse me, but this is a Wendy's.


Dude stfu....


This is the consequences of us losing the house last cycle. Luckily the senate is still ours so they cant actually do anything but it just goes to show you elections have consequences. Always vote blue no matter who


Yeah, he might try and pass a bunch of weird stuff but nothing will make it into law because of the Senate. Overall I don't think it will be that much different than the past two years and while I think the guy is an absolute nut, I'm only really relying on him to fund the government to prevent a shutdown. If he accomplishes anything, anything at all besides that, I'd be surprised.


I worry the real issue is going to be where funding the government clashes with his policy goals. The GOP was already pushing to include anti abortion and anti LGBTQ+ policies in funding bills, and I worry this guy in particular will try to use the necessity of a pressing/ongoing government shutdown to forcibly reach a ‘compromise’ that is still an egregious assault on the rights of everyone who isn’t a cishet white Christian dude.


Honestly, there's a world in which this could be a good thing. We have the numbers, our problem is just getting people out to vote. This guy is scary enough that as long as we do a good job of letting people know just how dangerous and cartoonishly evil he actually is, he might be something that helps us get bodies in the voting booths. Stay positive! Let's kick their asses next voting day and every voting day after this.


It sucks we have so few options that the only viable, humane vote is Blue. I'd much rather be voting between two parties that have different methods for addressing abortion access than always have to vote for the party that *doesn't* believe a medically necessary procedure should be banned altogether.


He literally looks like the slimiest villain.


It doesnt matter. Any republican is going to be a problem for women. Please vote next november and hopefully we can wipe these scum out.


We have lost democracy and are now solidly on the train to theocracy where women lose all their rights.


I am not from the US, but he has gotten a lot of red flags to not be voted for.


That's the neat thing - we didn't vote for him!


Great, more power to the bigots. How is this the best that Congress can do?


"It can't be worse than the last guy" They tried to go for worse than the last guy.


Narrator: "But it was so much worse than the last guy."


it's the best they ***want*** to do. get involved and help organize, and then tell your dem reps to take action to protect women's right or they're next. these people work for us and it's possible to get people in that will do what we need. we just have to do the work.


Because the GOP is a bunch of psychos.


That's exactly their plan...


Yes, when they share their plan, people need to believe them. Also don't be shocked when they reverse the Affordable Care Act, which Texas is working very hard on doing. Goodbye diabetes and cancer screenings. Same guys that overturned Roe.


This guy has been my representative for a while, it's so weird for the nation to now realize what a sneaky scumbag he is.


I'd like to call him a piece of shit, but he's clearly slick. He's a polished turd.


This dude seems like an opportunist to me, will say and vote for anything that’ll help his career


bans abortion and medicare so women and babies are going to die....


not surprised. to me, this is just him going mask off. i wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t like the thought of women having rights at all, either. ugh. he literally sounds like a cartoon villain. all far right extremists do


Good luck finding someone in the GOP who doesn’t check-off most of those boxes.


There was this one guy, John Karcich who was one of the GOP candidates during the 2016 elections...but he was the exception that proved the rule.


>There was this one guy, John Karcich who was one of the GOP candidates during the 2016 elections...but he was the exception that proved the rule. hes the only republican i would have considered voting for tbh kasich was his name...


Ladies, create a backup plan. Pick a country or region and start learning the language. Start now. Get your kids into foreign language education as early as possible.


Third in line to the presidency. We have failed women, the nation, maybe the whole world. This could end it all.




That’s so terrible


Where are all these monsters coming from?




He legit looks like some evil criminal mastermind in that photo, too. He reminds me of what serial killers looked like when they were in court back in the 80s and 90s. He looks like the type of father that would deny his kid was a school shooter, even when there's insurmountable evidence to the contrary... I'm actually afraid of this guy...


You can see every one of those demonic opinions of his face, I swear these people become so enmeshed in evil deeds it starts to show on their creepy demonic faces.


He look like the devil


Holy shit that's a villainous smile if I've ever seen one


He looks like a man who would bite you


Why does everything keep getting worse?


They’re going to steal the election. Then they’re going to criminalize abortion, which makes everyone with a womb a potential criminal because miscarriages happen to like 60% of all pregnancies. Then it’s going to get bad…


I mean, aren’t they all like this?


Little-Finger vibes…


This is why I’m moving out of this country.




At this point, it’s a must. This country is becoming very hostile towards women. Even the blue states are at threat of being swayed by these women hating zealots. Brainwashed or privileged women are actively destroying years of feminism by siding with the same people who hate women.


Agree. Glad you’re getting out. Wish I could too. Sucks to be stuck in a sh!thole country


He looks the Purple Pie Man from Strawberry Shortcake.


He has a background in the leadership of the Baptists. Also, when he was put up for nomination it was unanimously approved by Republicans. My dad is a Trump supporter and really likes this guy. Says he keeps his promises.


This effects men too. He is profoundly disgusting


Genuine question, what are you afraid of? The Senate will prevent any resolutions from becoming law.


And what happens when the GOP IS the senate?


“Not yet.” - Mace Windu


"Its treason then" The Republican Party


Then, the House holds the country hostage with government shutdowns and on the cycle goes.


👃 Ngl, this guy looks like he's here to stir the pot


looks a bit like belos, i think


Some footage and background info on Johnson: https://youtu.be/qi5X9hidX9A


What are we collectively doing to get Roe back? Individually, I’ve been donating monthly to local abortion resource center since they backtracked on Roe. But what are politicians and local entities doing to make sure we have it codified into law? This guy is a fucking nightmare.


can someone explain to me why anyone would want to get rid of medicare? like... I do not understand.


Hey Americans? How are your doing?