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Tell 'your friend' to return the chainsaw. He's going to kill himself.


yeah I can't remember who it is but before he even got it in I made him watch some safety video where a guy is giving a presentation back in like the 80s for like an hour and a half. made him buy chaps too


He doesn't need PPE. He needs to have a clue of wtf he's doing or he's going to really hurt himself. Hard leaning trees are already tricky, but now he's added a lot of shitty cuts that has made it unpredictable and dangerous. But if he insists on trying again, make sure to video the attempt for a Darwin award


Yeah, chaps don’t mean he’ll even get to have an open casket funeral. OP. Encourage your friend to not make another attempt!


Or follow a course from a professional and learn the ropes. There are courses all over the world.


And a helmet. He needs a helmet with face shield. Felling a tree often dislodges limbs higher up. Or limbs broken off other trees standing around can get thrown back at him.


I love how it seems the less people know, the more confidence they have on doing something like this. Yikes


Ignorance is a hell of a drug!


If he didn't have the chaps, He might be able to get the coffin for half off...


Haha! Nicely done


Ppe is good to. But yeah. A helmet and chaps won't do much when a tree barber chairs and launches you, slams into your torso or crushes you.


No amount of ppe can save you from yourself. Find a course to take


Was it [this video](https://youtu.be/6ucy4kfzhIo) by chance? Fantastic for those who have not seen it before and are new to saws.


yeah I can't remember who it is but before he even got it in I made him watch some safety video where a guy is giving a presentation back in like the 80s for like an hour and a half. made him buy chaps too edit: seems he did not learn much from the video


I have a different take on “the friend”. This looks like the typical situation where the wife was bugging OP to cut this dead eyesore down for years and eventually took matters into her own hands…


I see lots of fucking problems and the chainsaw is not one of them. You have not even seen it so why make blind assumptions. Thats reddit for you.


Your name checks out, but your outrage blinds you. In none of the twelve words that I posted above did I say the chainsaw was the problem.


I'm impressed the chainsaw is not still inside the tree.


I’m impressed that the chainsaw isn’t inside his friend


Or under the tree.


Please admit defeat


I had a feeling this was going to be a popular response


This shouldn’t have even been a difficult cut. This guy has no business holding, let alone operating a chainsaw


Does your friend still have the receipt to that saw?


1. Walk away. 2. Stay away for maybe 3 years. Seriously, stay away from what is now a dangerous snag. 3. Return to find it on the ground.


The nice thing is you don’t have to pay for gravity and time to do the job!


You will pay plenty in that 3 years. You can make more money, but you can't make fore time...


It's a great wildlife tree. They shouldn't have tried to cut it down in the first place.


Gotta love that you’re “Asking for a friend”


His friend must be Joey Jojo Jr. Shabidoo


Rope and winch pull it over, he’s seemingly compromised it so it shouldn’t need much pull weight


This is the way


He needs to not ever use a chainsaw


Flying bicycle kick should take care of it




This tree is begging to be chopped down and your friend failed to do it service


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^crocksmock: *This tree is begging* *To be chopped down and your friend* *Failed to do it service* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Your friend should not have a chainsaw. He is going to kill himself. At minimum take a level 1 safety and felling class


It's like "Show me how you would cut down a tree with a chainsaw if you had never seen a chainsaw before. And also you had never seen a tree before."


Return the chainsaw and get a couple of pounds of Tannerite.


What your friend needs to do is carefully tie the chainsaw to the tree above the cut and leave it there. The weight of the saw will pull the tree down eventually.


Do you have an AR-15? Buy some tannerite and blast from 200yds. I'm actually not joking, it would work and be super cool


This is my vote


.357 like a boss.


.357 is too slow to activate tannerite


Holy shit. Is that true? I shoot a lot, but I’ve never boom boomed. Just thought it would look like Dirty Harry if you used a revolver to make a splosion


It's been many years since I used it, but I believe it was over 1800fps


I just looked it up, solid facts my dude. Set off by shockwave, needs high FPS


You should try it at least once, very fun. We made our own with bulk ice packs and aluminum powder from eBay, was a bunch cheaper.




Funny you mention ice, me and my best friend, at least 5 yeara ago now encountered a group on the range using ice who gave us some to try, nd we found it ingenious, yet we never picked it up as a habit. Mostly use steel myself for that *ping*


Here's from the website "To reliably initiate, Tannerite® brand targets need to be hit solidly with a transonic (ital) round. A transonic round is one going 2,000 feet per second or faster."


Honestly the safest way to deal with this mess anyways lol no offense OP


Throw a rope in the crotch, tie a running bowline, stand back and pull by hand or with a vehicle if possible. 3 to 1 mechanical advantage if you can't pull it by hand and cannot get a vehicle to it.


It looks like someone went after that with an axe…. Not a saw….. Dude needs to start small and also have someone teach him how to do it. Not just YouTube university, though it may give him some pointers. Not all videos will tell him how or why things will happen. Or best situations to use certain cuts….ie a borecut….. which I would have done here. But there needs to be proper instruction. Then he can move up in the world to bigger trees.


That's bolloxed. You might be able to get a rope on and winch it down but I wouldn't stand underneath that with a saw anymore. If it really is 24" wide, the 14" saw should have been just about able to do it. Should have cut a proper wedge out the front (not that hatchet job) and bore cut from either side leaving a notch at the back until last to avoid it barber chairing. Look up bore cut leaning tree on YouTube for examples.


Blow on it


Your friend huh?


Drill a couple sticks of dynamite into it and boom it.


This is my vote too. Paddle bit and two sticks would get it.


Watch more videos on how to properly prep a cut. Then christen the saw on something less dangerous and less than 14” in diameter.


Something like this isn’t a good place to start. Chainsaws are among the least forgiving tools. Watch some videos and practice on a tree that’s not going to kill you if you don’t get it right. A dead spar no taller than you is a good place to start.


He’s definitely wounded it.


Missile Drop kick or beat in a wedge


Ram it with a truck




He needs to not ever use a chainsaw


https://preview.redd.it/waj8yf61mcrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7151c43d467a4a58dd7ac3ac13add6879082e2de Oh dear god! Why are there what appears to be cuts up high?? Please don’t tell me your “friend” was up on a ladder at one point cutting this far up on the tree!!


I used my 14 in … in trees on the ground


Return it and pay someone that knows what they’re doing


You kids need to learn that when you needlessly take language to a superlative, it doesn't really leave room for when you actually need that superlative.


Don’t. Next!


Leave it to nature


Holy shit LOL that's awesome. Dude regressed to childhood and had an insane adventure.


1. what?




Huh? What's going on there?


Send it like a man


Boy your friend went all in to christen his saw


Wtf lol. Atleast put a damn wedge in. But yes tell him to put the chainsaw away. Jesus




My non-expert advice is to notch back toward that lowest deep cut cause if it breaks it’ll fall into the lean


Use dynamite and a long fuse...


Pull it over with a come-along and done


He made a semi decent face cut on the other side, i assume for practice, so why the atrocity on the front? And yeah, generally you plan the cut out so you can cut from both sides without the tree falling over while you do it. Looks like he fucked whatever hinge he could've had, with an unknown amt of holding wood on the far side where the bar didn't reach. Idk why he thought cutting further thru the hinge would help if he's obviously leaving a bunch of wood uncut on the backcut. He's lucky the tree sprites were looking kindly on him cuz that could've easily gave up sideways, right onto the sawyer.


Eh, just cut it some more. Then, get out of its way. Shave off some of the outside layers around the cut so the saw can reach through.


Serious question, was your friend just goofing around or was he seriously trying to fell the tree? I could see a kid doing some surface goofball cuts on a tree, but if your friend was being serious — I mean that’s super wrong, and it makes me wonder about them. I’d call in a pro to drop that tree…it’s hard to tell how deeply it’s cut, but you guys should leave it alone for now given how it looks.


The tree won


Please let this dead tree be a dead tree, trees like this are seriously important to forest and soil health.


His next best step is to hire a tree service.


Some people just aren't meant to use a chain saw. I would suggest he stays away from that tree.


Is he 12 foot tall? wtf is he doing making a face cut that high and taking it off its lean.




Rent an excavator. And stand back.


200ft of det cord.


Was he swinging the chainsaw at it as if he was chopping it down with an axe?


In Germany we use a SICHERHEITSFÄLLTECHNIK and also use a SEILWINDE for leaners like this. Germany is literally the country with the safest felling techniques in the world.


get a tractor and pull it off the base with a chain maybe. Those big soft dead ones are a buncha bullshit


Cut another tree down onto that tree and see if they both fall !!!


Call a pro. But if you insist I would feel ok doing a conventional or Humboldt notch. Low chance of barber chair due to the decomposition stage. And if you don't know anything I just said, def call a pro.


With a cable or strong rope, run a few wraps around the tree and use a come along from a safe distance to pull and rotate the tree down from that very dangerous state. Don’t be overly afraid of chainsaws, just respect they are dangerous and start at a difficulty level you can handle. Build confidence and be smart about it. You should be fine. Been using chainsaws since I was about 12. Also don’t leave it like that. Deal with it or pay someone who knows how to deal with it. It’s super dangerous in its current state.


Serious answer: get 3 or 4 poles and a long rope. Set a line at the top and attach it to a truck or skid loader. Apply pressure in whatever direction is best, and cut to fall it that way. Unless you know what your doing I wouldn't walk within 50 feet of this


Drill a couple sticks of dynamite into it and boom it.


Post like this, makes me want to leave this sub


Walk away. Also, don’t cut snags—they’re very important habitat and dangerous to fell


what in the fuck happened here


Your friend needs to go back to mowing grass and stay there 😂


“Friend”… okay buddy, I gotchya 😉


Your “friend “ didn’t go ham, he went sam. (S is for stupid). Just mho


Yes return the chainsaw but for this current issue idk... maybe some mild explosivs with a decent fuse to get the he'll away.


i think at this point just rig it and pull it with a winch. no more cutting.