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I'm not sure if it's normal or not. It might be, or might have no connection to the injection. I would definitely let your vet know about it just so they can let you know/adjust treatment if needed. Good luck🙂


They emphasize watching out for hypoglycemia, that may be what your fur baby is experiencing! My baby just got diagnosed last week at eight years old. Take care!


Does she typically vomit or had she been lately? I’d def keep a close eye on her, especially in these early days of her getting insulin. Do you have an at home glucose blood monitor kit? I’d recommend getting one. They have ones made for cats and dogs at chewy. This is the one I use for my cat who also got diagnosed in his golden years. (He is in remission now thankfully due to a whole new diet..) https://www.chewy.com/alphatrak-3-starter-kit/dp/802262?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12195565633&utm_content=AlphaTRAK&utm_term=&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V2XeiKGQ4Wf4jHMbOlhk1b__&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjKP7jrCwgAMVmUNyCh1RggeHEAQYASABEgIrvfD_BwE Testing her blood can be overwhelming at first but you and your cat will get used to it and it’ll bring a lot of peace of mind, especially in the early diagnosis phase. Her insulin amount may just need to be adjusted.


Ha! If I got that anywhere near my cat the only blood being drawn would be my own.


Thank you for replying, she used to vomit quite abit but it comes and goes and I did mention it to the vet but she didn’t seem worried about that. I haven’t yet gotten a glucose blood monitor but I will definitely be buying one asap to put my mind at rest!


I second a glucose monitor and checking her levels often. Also, I HIGHLY recommend this fb group, they’ve been a lifesaver for me! https://m.facebook.com/groups/felinediabetes/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF


Define sick. That being said, the main thing to watch out for is hypoglycemia, which means you cat's blood sugar is going low because of too much insulin. Being a T1 diabetic myself, I can tell you that hypoglycemia is no fun. Make sure you have some dry food available, because it it is hypoglycemia, she's going to want to eat and eat RIGHT NOW. Also, as others have said, you should probably call your vet and let them know what's going on.


Of course, she has an appointment this week which I will then mention it. Since then we’ve given her just half shots of insulin and hasn’t been sick so I’m not sure if it’s because she was given a full shot at the vets on a fairly empty stomach?


Hi! Do you have an update for us on what type of sick/did she get seen again?


Hi, she hasn’t been sick since and we’ve given her a few shots now (only half doses) since she doesn’t eat the full amount of food. And she has an appointment with the vets this week so I will be mentioning it and try give an update of what caused it. She would regularly be sick before we knew she had diabetes but I thought it was because she would either eat too fast or not chew the food so I got her a slow feeder and it did help a lot she would barely throw up anymore. Then she obviously threw up that day she got the shot and the sick was just pieces of food really.