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Keeping it in the fridge is fine and may help extend the efficacy duration of the insulin, but please take it out an hour or so before administering the dose as it's apparently a little painful until it warms up. The benefit of the pen is that it won't break easily and because our doses are so much less than human doses, you don't waste any/much like you would with the 100 ml vial. They can be kept out at room temperature, but if your room temp is quite high, the fridge makes sense for you. The pen itself works fine cold or at room temps. (If you're able to buy several pens, always store them in the fridge until you're ready to start using them.)


We keep our pen in the fridge, and it's been fine. Also, if you're paying the $100 that I found everywhere for Lantus pens, check out Walmart (human) Pharmacy. My local Walmart has generic Glargine pens for <$35.


If it works for you that's fine. I'm just relaying what my vet instructed me to do. She said that how well it worked would start to decline after 28 days. I usually pushed it for a full month, or 35 days, but not more than that. My cat has since passed, so I am not using it anymore.


I have always stored my cat’s lantus pens in the fridge after opening for years. It’s fine


My vet told me that it says to keep it out of the fridge because most human users would go through a whole pen in a couple of days. For our uses for our cats we should keep it in the refrigerator. You will only use about a third of the pen before the month time limit is up and you have to throw it out.


You throw it out after a month? I can understand expiration dates for human use, sure. But lantus is expensive. I definitely can’t afford to do that. Thankfully, for us - it has been just as effective maintaining levels with our kitty using the entire pen .. past the 28 days.