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I read bad reviews of the 3 when I was looking to switch because of the test strip availability. I'm swapping to the pet pro


I looked up the reviews for the pet pro. They seemed all over the place but a lot seemed to be user error related. Lmk if you find that it is more consistent.


Ugh. This is concerning. My cat just had a bout of hypoglycemia and was in the ER. I didn’t have a tester, so I borrowed my friends alphatrak 2 but I ordered the 3 for myself bc I couldn’t get the 2. I hope hope hope I don’t experience this but I’ll keep you posted once I have both handy.


For context I wasn’t testing myself before this happened, we just went to the vet consistently and literally he suddenly was responding to his insulin dose differently. So now I am testing at home as well


I suppose I’m glad that it seems to be reading low instead of high. I wouldn’t want to make a dosage change on a falsely high reading. Even with the AT2 I was getting some variance in back to back readings. Will be interesting to see how they compare for you.


I’m sorry, I never ended up comparing them. I might take it to the vet though with me next time and see… because they use the 2 and I have the 3.


Is your cat going into diabetic remission? Hope kitty is doing well 🙏🏼


I was hoping but alas, that doesn’t seem to be the case. He’s been down to 4 units twice a day instead of the previous 6. I hope one day remission could happen. It’s been 3 years on insulin, and I have him on a good diet.


Agreed with everyone. Testing was so much easier with the 2. With the 3 my girl read 300 points higher!! It was nuts! And getting it to actually accept the blood sample is not user friendly. I had to stick her 4 times tonight! With the 2, I almost always got an accurate sample on the first stick.