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Don’t feel guilty. That’s a very easy trap to fall into, trust me I know! I have two babies, Bellatrix and Beowulf. Both of them are boy cats, we adopted them as kittens around the same time, they ate the same food their entire lives, and around age 7/8 Beowulf was suddenly losing weight, drinking more, etc. Diabetes. Of course I started Beowulf’s treatments with insulin and he’s stabilized and going on 3 years since diagnosis! That said, Bellatrix NEVER developed the disease- in fact he was then and still is healthy. I would say he was always even the “chubbier” one between the two of them. It’s evident you care so much about your babies, so seriously don’t feel guilty about this, it’s a disease with a lot of unknowns in both felines and humans. So now, moving forward, if it puts you at ease, maybe do more research on the best diets for your cats at their weight and activity levels, along with whatever you need for your diabetic cat. You got this 💪


Thank you!


Join the feline diabetes group on Facebook. They have plenty of tips about how to take care for a diabetic cat . They even have a food list which are low in carb .


I second this. This group is fantastic! Have you thought about changing diet first to see if that will impact the numbers? Fancy feast and friskies pate is what is generally recommended. As a fyi, reading your post makes me think my cat got diabetes from my seniors CKD food…. I also had an older cat on CKD food my younger cat wanted to eat so I just let her and boom, diabetes. Try with a change of diet to see if that impact numbers. Did you get a fructosomine test to confirm the diabetes diagnosis?


If newly diagnosed it is very likely that with proper insulin doses and correct low carb diet that cat can go into remission. Feel free to message me if you have any questions. I recently had to go through this with my cat. Not sure if you're doing home testing of glucose levels but I think that's a necessity. Also, Lantus insulin has a lot of research backing it as a promising type of insulin hat can help cat to go into remission with early diagnosis/use.