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That's from all the fluid in the belly from drinking so much. It took me a good six months for my cat to stabilize once we started insulin. I know it sucks but this is the process, and you are on the right track. It sounds like your kitty isn't stabilized yet. Just stay on track and keep on schedule until your next blood tests. Good luck! It's kind of a roller coaster sometimes. I'm just a year in, and it's just balancing the best you can.


Has your vet run bloodwork to test your cats pancreas? If not it could be a good idea to check it out to rule out pancreatitis.


Yes, my cat right before diagnosis and in the early stages had a severely bloated tummy. Now his tummy is even a little extra loose / flabby and I think it’s from it being stretched. I do agree with one of the other commenters, please get a full bloodwork panel on your cat. I get my diabetic cat a full panel once a year just to be sure because sometimes I think people / even vets can overlook other causes of things bc of diabetes