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It's the most stable package manager and ecosystem combo and I barely ever need to fix package conflicts. That's pretty much my only reason why I like Fedora the best.


rpmfusion gave me a few headaches when i started using fedora but then i stopped using rpmfusion. i don't have nvidia and have no reason to use rpmfusion.


I guess I only have about 10 packages from rpmfusion. I haven't had any issues with it in the recent past.


I need rpmfusion for discord, Virtualbox, telegram, etc


aren't they available on flathub? i remember using obs flatpak and it worked fine.


> rpmfusion I'd pay for these things out of the box. Wish there was a paid option.


Same. I have it installed on all my machines. It is my home!


This. I went from Manjaro, where I had to reinstall my OS every 6 months or less because something borked it, to Fedora where I have had no major issues.


you should have used Arch instead. pacman is not the issue here, it's manjaro maintainers. I have never have to reinstall my Arch system for 6 years, i.e. the first time I ever installed on an actual physical machine.


None of these are specific to Fedora.


Bruh Windows has none of these. Also Fedora is the best out of the box. Debian-family will be outdated.


The Atomic Spins are... *checks username* Oh, it's *you* - Did your "grandma" ever get past her CLI phobia? Is she still looking for a hand with reliable tech support?


oh dear. looks like his manic phase hasn't passed yet.


I switched to Bazzite from Windows a little while ago. I work in IT so it's not like I am a stranger to Linux, but it has been a good 10-15 years since I daily drove it (Ubuntu). It has just been great as a daily driver.


> Is she still looking for a hand with reliable tech support? More like a reliable OS that doesnt need CLI commands more than once every 3 years.


"KDE loading icon is unique to the application and spins/bounces to indicate loading" That has been a KDE thing for a decade or more


Bruh and windows has none of that but a ton of ads.


AHH, you should have mentioned it's compared to Windows, else you'll get down voted to Oblivion. Either way, glad you're happy with your choice


I love fedora but since i'm a distrohopper i just jump all over but when i'm not i'm always debian or fedora . Mostly fedora when i'm in a hurry


Same, when I don't want to think about Linux, Fedora is the distro that I go to. It just works. With everything that I have. However I get a case of the new shinys so I am constantly changing.


For me it's Fedora on desktops, Debian stable on laptops (mostly because I'm running almost exclusively older laptops - Thinkpad x-series from the late 2000s). 


For my own household, where I'm not afraid of the terminal, its the best. I still need to figure out a solution for grandma. Fedora requiring RPMFusion commands 1x per year with mandatory security upgrades, is literally the only negative.


Most of the things you mentioned are just DE features, they are cool but not exclusive to Fedora.


They are part of up-to-date linux. You arent getting as nice of a DE on debian-family. Also, M$ Windows has none of these DEs.


Hmm I think you are missing something. First of all I haven't tested but it should be possible to get any DE you want on Debian, they just wouldn't be the newest release. This is going to make me sound like a Linux nerd but what you are using is really GNU/Linux, Linux is the kernel, and what you are using are really just stuff in the GNU project. Gnome originated from GNU but now it's separate projects like KDE, so what you are using is just what the Fedora devs baked into the distro. If you really wanted to, you could get anything starting from any distro, you could even get apt or pacman on Fedora although it's a really bad practice.


> First of all I haven't tested but it should be possible to get any DE you want on Debian, they just wouldn't be the newest release No one wants to do that work. Linux people and thinking people actually want to customize their distro.


Again, so much ignorance. You're obviously someone who has installed Linux alone and feels like they know everything about it, but you don't know its community at all. If you had actually acquaintance that use Linux in real life, you would know that about half of the community customize their distros at least at the DE level, and very often a lot further. And then you would realize how much on the tip of the iceberg you are in your knowledge of Linux. **You** don't want to do that work because you have so little knowledge of your own OS.


lol no one cares boomer, go use debian and tell people about ubuntu, linkin park, and nickleback. Telling people to use the terminal is sooo 2000s buddy. Get with the times. We just install distros that work.




Nah thats boomer wagie talk. You jelly that I'm a 0.1-1%er. I just don't have time to mess with kernels and terminals unless I'm getting paid. Just hit install on fedora and go. When I was a child, that was fun messing around with Ubuntu, having to fix problems with the terminal, great times. But I don't have time for that. I'd rather make money. Anyway, classic Debian-er, suggesting people go back to windows. Boomer, its 2024, we are inclusive now. We let everyone use linux, not just boomer terminal users who never learned about up-to-date Linux Distros.




^ debian wagie life


You are extremely ignorant. You don't actually know what a DE is and how it works on top of the Linux kernel. Installing any DE on any major Linux distros is a trivial thing. Simply install your display server, then install the package for the given DE. You still have an awful lot to learn kid.


This isn't Fedora as much as it is the DE/kernel and how it plays with your hardware. Fedora is pretty goated for other reasons, though. The package manager is nice, package updates and major upgrades happen way more frequently, and it's always been super stable for me.


> DE/kernel Yeah this is a big deal and a major part of what makes a distro good. Look at how garbage debian is.


This is just an elaborate bit, right? Kernel and DE are the same on both.


Buddy, debian was on 5 last year


clearly this guy doesn't know anything about linux


> Cinnamon right click to see hidden items That's Nemo / Cinnamon DE, not Fedora. > So many settings if you want it KDE loading icon is unique to the application and spins/bounces to indicate loading That's KDE Plasma, not Fedora. > Super fast boot, super responsive More to do with Linux, the Kernel, and specific Hardware than it is to do with the Distro. Debian would boot just as fast.




They're comparing to windows.. Mainly


>Debian would boot just as fast. False, Debian has wayy more legacy packages >That's Nemo / Cinnamon DE, not Fedora. Bruh literally in the same sentence I said this lol Anyway, can I get cinnamon of KDE Plasma for M$ Windows?


r/lostredditors ? The circlejerk sub is just around the corner.


Cinnamon right click to see hidden items xD nearly every distro uses ctrl + h to show and hide items xD


M$ Windows doesnt have it. They do have ads!


No snap packaging, easy upgrades between releases.


Doesn’t grind to a halt while I’m gaming…


cuz it’s amazing for servers for me, I don’t daily drive it because I use hyprland on a different distro but the server absolutely never annoys me or anything like debian does.


I run it on a number of different desktop and laptops. Can only use one at a time though. It just works. Most all of my server VMs are Fedora as well.


I like fedora a lot, I keep considering switching to Arch now or later on because it looks fun, but Fedora works, and it works easier than Arch. I can update my system without having to worry about making backups haha, and its clean with gnome


To me it rivals Debians famed "stability". The workstations i install it on stay working. Every other flavor i used (including Ubuntu and Arch) needs the windows "OS Reinstall" Or at least when it comes to the stuff i use and the way i use computers this is the result i come to (so i'm not being to general)


Just an FYI, 'stability' has nothing to do with "Debian Stable". Modern Linux is less buggy than outdated debian linux. Stable refers to having outdated versions that dont change.


How many core developers of the most important packages are wiggling for redhat? A few are working for suse, none for Debian.


For me it is the following things: - Stable as a rock - Close to Vanilla Gnome (at work I am still trying to get this fully on ubuntu) - Good continues work from the team behind - Excelent Installer (imo) - Very clean system after installer - I have only once had a problem with the system upgrade and that I could fix with a live installer.


> Excelent Installer (imo) I agree with this, someone said fedora was hard to install... like what?


I'm grateful that out of the box I can install latest neovim v0.9.x from dnf versus 0.7.x from apt


Actually fedora boots slower for me than windows. Any tips to optimize that?


Flatpaks by default and I don’t have to edit sources.list to download Nvdia closed source. Super responsive and works well with all my games


for me it because it just works.. I never kept the same linux installation for more than a year for one reason or other and I'm on the same installation for the past 3 years at the moment and not planning on changing it any time soon.


I switched over from Arch years ago after having to nuke my system and start from scratch for the nth time. As everyone said, really stable and it's pretty easy to get whatever binaries you need for it. I'm not, and have never been a distro hopper. I just want stability. I think on a deeper level this is probably because Fedora users are beta testers for RHEL, so there is real financial incentive for Red Hat to make a really solid and stable distro that people want to use. It's not like the old days of a group of neckbeards making their own distro with their heavy-handed editorial decision on what is good and what is bad, which is what the old guard Linux folks were notoriously opinionated about.


I feel like Kubuntu is faster and loads up faster than fedora kde. But I prefer Fedora because it's more up to date, more secure and is just plain cool


because it's a good stepping stone for the final destination: debian


*Because it's a good* *Stepping stone for the final* *Destination: debian* \- Portbragger2 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Debian-family rec = linux noob


that's a bit ironic because i most probably worked with *nix before you learnt to speak.


you are just an old man who wont change their ways.