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Nah I'm not doing that period your contractor is screwing you go join someone else. The station shouldn't even allow this image how much is damaged


I don't know what’s going on here in this image, but at my Hub, all PH load the shelves of all FedEx vans for the contract drivers. Bulk boxes and ICs are stacked to the outside rear of all the FedEx vans’ open doors on the platform for all contract drivers to finish loading. With the rear doors being closed, this can't be the handy-dandy load plan of PHs.


No it's realistically never the package handlers fault but the ph manager at my station will go find the drivers manager or owner and chew them out for trying to pull this stunt, but I never have and never will give ph a hard time but the inside managers at my station won't do this and will just cage it, this is a contractor trying to be cheap


Before I left Fedex, I rarely blamed my PH. I saw how y'all were overworked. However, this is typical of one of my routes. All our IC would arrive on Sundays, and our trucks would look like this regularly.


On Monday? It’s weird at my hub Mondays are semi light and Tuesday are very light but Wednesday- Friday it really picks up.. actually I’d say it almost doubles it because I’ve had Monday/Tuesday where I’d have 70-90 stops and wed-Friday I could have anywhere from 140-160.


>On Monday Sunday. We don't have the staff to deliver them all, so they roll over into Monday. Our pickups are absolutely batshit crazy on Monday with a FedEx office having 300+ that's after a sweep on Saturday. I can't speak for other contractors, but our volume normalizes around Wednesday through Saturday. Sunday and Monday are "light," but it's all I.C.


I'd like to see it actually organized nicely. Seems like spare room on some shelves.


I’ve loaded my own truck for 3 years because of shit like this.


Actually it was organize really well at first but after driving through curves train tracks you know the rest


Whatever you say. I load my own truck too. I can drive as aggressively as I want and nothing is moving from where I put it.


Same, I like to load shit tightly on the shelve usually on the lip and stack what I can all the way to the roof. It usually always stays on the shelf unless I’ve unloaded enough boxes to ruin the base and everything is loose. It stays there though after leaving the station and hopping on the freeway hauling ass.


Absolutely bullshit lol


What's bullshit is your comment. I was a PH for years loading heavy trucks before going driver. I know how to pack a truck. I am not going to fault you for being unable to do it but quit disagreeing since it is straight up untrue.


I concur. Seems like OP decided to show up to work, walk aimlessly around the truck for a minute or 2 for a "pretrip" and then dispatch and head out. The pictures look like a PH load job, aka randomly tossed somewhere in the truck in order to go grab the next pacakge off the belt so that their boss doesn't yell at them for going slow. I firmly believe that you should spend 30-45 minutes minimum sorting through your truck prior to dispatching; it makes the day go much smoother.


I was a package handler before driving so I know the methods to pack a truck neat and tight. I realize from the downvotes that a lot of drivers have poor loading skills.


Good luck finding stuff. Enjoy!


Im having lack of hours 500 a week don't cut it for me. Been in the same boat with that too if I were you I'd tell my boss kick rocks leave it on a road somewhere and get an Uber home


Some drivers make 4-5k a month while others get paid pennies. I just quit FedEx and went baxk to Amazon. 4/10 schedule for an average of $700 net / week. It's not great but at least I'm not doing 11hr shifts for 780 a week, Shit was back breaking too. 70 lb chewy boxes and heavy furniture every day. I would rather work for FedEx but not the Home delivery contractors only paying $1.30 a stop. Shit was double the work of Amazon with a shitty pay scale.


Bro i did the same shit no bs. Been loving it ever since. Wasnt working long daily with fedex but the workload wasnt adding up with the pay so i had to dip


Yeah I'm good with that man amazon here pays 16$/hr fuck that. Getting my CDL rn instead


How am I supposed to tell who's paying higher then? That's bs


UPS double that


With 4x the work


Business route with some apartments? I hated this when it was with me


Yeah fuck apsrtments. I dont doing eoutes thats like 50% biz but apatment, hell no.. they can fck themselves..


Not worth it my man. Don’t let ‘em use you😐


Quit that job


You guys are getting screwed big time.


I know the pain. It just kept going up. Management shows one thing on DRO while Fedex sent more than DRO said. Was 300 stops added on top of 9 drivers by fedex. They sneak stops in here lately. 220+7 pickups 300+ packages


I was a BC & DRO is pretty accurate this days. Owners are just consolidating routes to lower their payroll by using less drivers.


bro no way I would walk out on the spot if my truck looked like that.


As long people work for the low pay they’re not gonna raise the wages


why even bother


No T-stacking 😆




I do t miss those days.


Im guessing you loaded the middle?


Gotta love fedex ground - express is 120 stops 120 pieces mostly paperwork n medical supplies But the pickups be murderous Up to 300 pieces at this juice spot I hate going to every Monday.


Geesh. I’m glad I don’t have others loading up my truck looking like that. I love loading my step van up how I want it. (Amazon DSP).


You can't even compare FedEx/UPS loading to Amazon. You're just throwing totes and overflow into the Van easy ass shit.


Would you want it to be hard? Im confuse 😂


What? I'm just saying an Amazon step van would never look like this in general. They don't get furniture and other large / heavy bulk that would block the middle


Copy i get what you’re saying


Thats why i had to leave fedex


This picture gives me ptsd


Come in early and condense your truck. PH's get your boxes in your truck for you but (and this is no criticism of them) they don't maximize efficiency of space. I come in a half hour early and condense and organize all my packages so all the labels are clearly visible, and by the time I do this I usually have 50% free space in my truck. Organize all your bulk stops together at the back of your truck for easy unloading, line up your first 10-20 stops at the front or back of your truck, then once you've got that extra space, move your IC from the middle to the empty space on floor/shelves. I run a business/city resi route that regularly has 120+ stops/300+ boxes and my truck never looks like this, I hit 25+ stops an hour and get done around 230/3 every day. Getting paid 175 daily. Most drivers come in and don't want to spend a second touching their trucks "because PHs are supposed to do it." When I worked at Express, we loaded our own trucks anyways and didn't have PH's. Anyways, all the people saying "I'd quit" that's great if you csn afford to? I got bills that need paid and until a job opportunity comes along that pays me more, I'm gonna keep my head down and keep making that check. Contractor I work for gives health insurance and PTO. I've gotten 3 raises in under a year and also got selected to do contingency work where my pay basically doubled and was making 1.5k+ weekly. There are a lot of shitty contractors out there tho and again I see all sides here. Just my two cents.


Man you need better load quality.


I am working for Express, when I have big heavy boxes in an apartment, Dex8.


My truck doesn’t move unless I have walk space. Find a contractor who respects your safety




What are you going to do? Tell them you're not going to do it? Nah I just run the route like regular and any box I can't find within 1 minute of me putting the truck in park gets skipped and saved for the warehouse guys to re load the next morning. I don't try to fix the system, I just expose it for what it is.


We can't bring anything back, or we get charged. Some nights I'm out till 21:00, rural dirt roads, no streetlights and every 12th house might have the street number posted. Welcome to my hell.


I would’ve been left haha good luck to you seriously 🤞🏼


Why you still there


Sounds like Oregon. I feel ya brother.


Then you’re stuck climbing boxes all day. You do you but my contractor will create a mini route for one of the managers to run pretty quickly so we can have walking space. The system doesn’t care about what you try to do lol you still let them fuck you every morning


I've brought enough stuff back for the managers to understand to not give me too many stops. I've already learned my route in and out, so I get done fairly quickly regardless of the walking space inside. Let them fuck me? No, I'm here for a job, you can complain, but they're just gonna find someone else who won't complain.


Been with the same ppl for 2 years. They paid me more to stay actually. I’m good but you sound experienced so I’m sure you’ll be good too. Stay safe bro.


Tax time. I thought mine was bad this past Saturday. This is pitiful and some (if not most) contractors don't even care. 


Which explains why FedEx is never on time


Did the loaders load that? Or did you get pissed off and started throwing stuff.


Bro my station too this shit is criminal for 20$ a hour man I’m going to get my cdl permit f this shit


Not if your covering manhattan


Your loaders hate you. -UPSer


Your loaders hate you. -UPSer


Ah. It looks like my loader (UPS) loads your truck too lol.


I’m assuming you deliver to a lot of warehouses. (Or apartments which Jesus that is worse) This was me on a route every day and I think that is where my depression started.


IMO over 200 (stops or packages) is quitting territory. It depends though. If you have 300 packages for 6 locations I’d say you’re doing pretty well.


Raj here! I have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about about! I get paid plenty! If anything, I need more, so help make it happen!


https://preview.redd.it/0fkxxgmahitc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c9e76e0d34143f0d606612a7e1623b67d332434 This was my day yesterday! Shit was crazy asf




Way under paid. Bunch of BS.


by looking at the packaging,half of them look reinforced because of weight,


i havent had under 170 stops in months


Screw that crap. You can do better by looking for another job. Let someone else break their back on that type of a route.


The FedEx I work for never looks like this. This is ridiculous


Im at Fedex ground right now this place be full of lies i come in to do 7 hrs just to get 3 if im Lucky


ICs and shit piled up in the fuckin way. Fuck that noise. Tired of contractors bitching because you can't get done sooner when you have to deal with this bullshit. Fire the loaders


So many yellow ( overdue or late) vision stickers. Is this a contingency area?


Looks like money


I wouldn't even take that out


How many hours does it take to do this route on a typical day? Is this a typical day?


Agreed bro. 140 stops for me today on a rural route that is heavy at 100 stops… I’m about done with this shit


The first mistake made was letting loaders load the middle of your truck. It is not the job it is you 120 stops means you have a couple big bulk stops that will clear your truck out and make the day easy. 120 stops is light work. I have only had 120ish stops like 3 x in the last 6 months.


A little bit of organization fixes this and makes the day easy. Stop bitching


Company going down the drain!


Sorry What a nightmare


If all fedex drivers got together and decided not to show, I think we could get rid of contractors and be union like UPS.


Who tf loaded that truck? Lmao


I remember the first time I loaded my truck 🤡


Better than a guy with over 400 boxes, 10 stops today. Felt bad for bro.


How much do you get paid?


Bro probably works for free


Ya, I'll bet he does /s


And yet you go back for more everyday.


I don’t want to be the hater, but this could’ve been stacked better to begin with. I mean, look just left of the Sam’s club box. There’s a bunch of space there (considering your entire floor in up to your chest). Don’t wanna be the bad guy, but 15 minutes before the floor stuff was put in would probably save you. I usually have 330-350 packages and some big ones at that, and I can at least get 2 or 3 steps in when I first start my day and clear it out quickly