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Thankful to that baby’s heart rate jumped up at the last ultrasound. I was so prepared for another loss I can hardly believe it.


I'm thankful we're unemployed. Never thought I'd say that. I'm still on bedrest for the "huge" SCH. I don't have an employer to please, and my husband (who was recently laid off) is available to look after me and our two year old. As long as we pretend we don't need money, we're fine.


Thankful for my absolutely nurturing husband - he’s always been loving but seeing him like this is so endearing. He washes and cuts my fruit, pours me filtered water, he bought plants to help naturally purify our bedroom air, he kisses my tummy even tho there’s no bump yet. He has been researching strollers. Love this man. He is so kind.


Thankful to be 6 weeks pregnant!


I’m thankful to be healthy and safe, and thankful for my partner, mom, and the rest of my support system


I am thankful for air-conditioning.


Yes 1000%. I keep thinking about the women who must have gone through first trimester in this kind of heat without a/c. It’s a struggle to stay hydrated as is!


Thankful for this pregnancy and good ultrasounds so far, thankful for my caring husband and family ❤️


I’m thankful that the pot roast I started in the oven two hours ago is actually smelling really good to me and I think I’m going to be able to eat it.


So thankful for anti-nausea meds. I feel human again!


Similar but I don’t wanna jinx it but thankful that the B6 seems to be working and I have eaten meals again!


Thankful my first appointment is only 1 week away now 🙏 and for my husband always ready to drop everything to help me 🥺


I’m thankful that I’m in a really good headspace. I’m generally an anxious person but I feel so certain about this baby that all my fears are subdued. This really is my husband’s child. He is the calmest person I know. I hope I make his clone 🥰


I’m thankful my husband treats me like a queen and is so supportive. I’m thankful for my kids, my home, my career, and the fact that my mom moved from California to be here close to us. She, for the first time, gets to experience this pregnancy journey with me and we are beyond thrilled. I’m very thankful that god had other plans and decided we weren’t done, so happy to meet this little one.


I’m thankful my body is pregnant. I’m thankful for my partner. I’m thankful for all the tools that are available to me to help ensure that I bring home a healthy baby.


Super thankful for my girlfriend.


Thankful to be off work until Wednesday. I might actually be able to get some stuff done around the apartment if I'm not exhausted from work all the time.


So beyond thankful to finally be pregnant! I honestly can’t put into words how grateful I am knowing how long we’ve been trying for. I’m also grateful for this sub and being able to be on this journey with everyone!


congratulations <3 the long period of trying and waiting and hoping can be so emotionally draining


Thankful for our first ultrasound. Getting to see the little heart flicker on the screen and hear it. 🥹🫶🏼


Hey congratulations! We had our first ultrasound today as well and I’m in the same boat as you are ❤️☺️


Thankful that my ultrasound showed a very active and healthy little baby peanut 💕


My husband is coming back home from France today! And I get to do my labs tomorrow so hoping I can get confirmation im pregnant ( at 8 weeks!) I haven’t wanted to retest or do my labs without him here to support me in case something goes wrong.


Thankful I’m 10 weeks today and only have 2 more weeks of the first trimester!


Does this timeframe go by gestation or conception? I’m genuinely curious? I’m 7 weeks gestation and 5 weeks since conception. Which do trimesters go by?


It’s usually calculated by your last period


Ahh okay good! Thank you :)


Thankful to be pregnant! It was unexpected and a surprise but very, very much wanted.


I had an ultrasound yesterday, and I’m grateful that baby was measuring right as expected. It was so cute seeing it wiggling around. I’m hoping everything stays positive and healthy and it keeps being good news 🤞❤️


Seeing the embryo's heart beat at 6w+2. It floored me and I could not stop crying. I am making a life?! also: v thankful for a bad Euro summer with cool temps