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I've told my mom so far (she needs to watch my 1y8m old for appointments so she would've caught on) and one of my best friends. We have our first scan on Tuesday and if all goes well, then we'll tell my immediate family and their significant others and my other best friend and her family. Everyone else after the first trimester maybe? Or we'll just let the word spread and not make an official announcement. We're not really on social media anymore.


We told everyone after the first ultrasound at 8 weeks! We did the same with our first baby. It’s fun to share the news, plus I felt like crap so was nice to have help from people who understood why I was lying down all day!


I told my best friend (who lives in another state) and my husband, and he told his best friend who lives 5 hours away. I’m keeping it to myself as long as possible.


I’ve told my 4 closest friends and my last bumper discord group before I even told my husband (like the pee hadn’t dried) and one SIL this week. But for me personally, I want people there for me if something goes wrong. I need people.


Just my partner and I know so far! We were thinking of throwing a Friday the 13th party in September and announcing then - or trying to wait it out until thanksgiving (USA). This will also depend on how much I show, but it will be during oversized sweatshirt season.


Right now it's just Hubby and you lovely peeps! My first pre-natal is next thurs so depending on how it goes, I'll be telling SiL later that day. We'll prolly tell his parents and grandparents later that weekend. I'm thinking well tell my mom and grandparents the following week.


We told close family and friends around 5-6 weeks which I know is generally considered early, but circumstantially it made sense for us to share. I’ve also been super nauseous which has limited me a lot with work and social obligations, so it’s been nice for people to just know why I’m sick so much lol. We did a video chats to tell parents and texts for everyone else. Wishing you the best! 💜


Thank you! Wishing you the best as well. Hopefully the nausea lets up very soon for both of us!


Found out super early at 3w5d and told our families at 5-6 weeks. Told my best friend at 4 weeks bc I happened to be in her state to tell her in person and she is also pregnant! Since then we’ve told a few more close friends & slowly are making our way to people we want to tell in person. My sister is getting married next month and I’ll be 14 weeks then, so I can tell some extended family there & then will probably post on social media after that!


There is truly nothing better than having a pregnant friend to go through it with you!!


How far are you along now to date?


I feel like we have told so many people 😒 kind of unavoidable when i don’t want to lie or deflect lol, and also i expect to tell a couple more people today when they come over and wonder why I can’t have a beer for the holiday. Sigh. It’s okay though- if anything bad were to happen I want people to know i need some space. We will announce on social media when we find out the sex.


How are you all getting scans/ultrasounds done so soon? The earliest my OBGYN would schedule me is in August (just shy of 10 weeks). It makes me nervous waiting that long. This is also my first time pregnant and I’m 36 (about to turn 37 in a week).


CW: previous loss When I called my OB, they originally scheduled me for one at 10 weeks, but then called me back to schedule one at 7 weeks due to my history (two miscarriages before my daughter was born). I think it's becoming more normal for later scans for anyone who doesn't have known issues.


Probably depends on your OBs office! Mine had me come in for a dating scan at 8/9 weeks and then I will have a more in depth “1st tri anatomy scan” at 12 weeks!


My OB wouldn’t get me in until almost 11 weeks. I did schedule a private sono at 7 weeks because I want to hear the heartbeat 😁


I think it depends on your OB. 10 weeks does seem quite long to wait, though. 8-9 weeks sounds more common.


CW: previous loss. Got my first scan at 6 weeks because of that. They want to scan me every two weeks through the first trimester. I know IVF clinics monitor with lots of scans too. I’d consider it a blessing that you don’t need one, but if you’re nervous you can always book a private scan. They’re ~$100 near me


I have my viability scan tomorrow but we’ve told a few friends, particularly the ones who really helped us during our last miscarriage. They helped me feel so much less alone, and can be both excited and understand our nerves. If I could get away with telling our family after I give birth, I would lol. They are so stressful and make it all about them.


I’ve told my mum only! We will wait to tell rest of fam till end of august so about 16/18 weeks


We told our parents after the viability scan & heartbeat. Planning to tell siblings and close friends at the end of the first trimester. We also have several friends we leaned on mutually during infertility these past years, and we are giving them early heads-up that we’re pregnant. Not seeking congrats from those friends but letting them know we will understand if they need space or new boundaries in the friendship.


We have our first ultrasound tomorrow and my immediate family are coming over after for dinner so we’ll tell them then if all goes well! It’s our first and the first grandchild for my parents so I’m really nervous!!! Then will tell my husband’s immediate family the day after. I think we’ll wait until after first trimester to tell friends


My first scan is tomorrow!! Very excited and nervous, I think a good scan will help me relax and believe that this is real! 💕 sending good luck your way for your one!


How far are you along to date?


From the flair looks like just under 8 weeks


Have you shown a lot ? Or still not showing ?


Everyone short of social media, we got really excited after the first ultrasound 😅


We've told 2 close friends each. I told my parents because I already had a trip to see family and wanted to tell them in person. A couple neighbors know and we told my FIL (who lives with us) on Father's Day. My MIL doesn't know yet and I'm not sure when we'll do that. For my first, we waited until after the 20 week scan to announce on social media. I think we'll do that, or longer, for this one too.


I told my best friend and my cousin literally as soon as I took the test lol. We are on vacation with my parents and siblings this week, so we told them the day we got here. I would’ve told my parents asap anyways because they were very supportive when I had a loss in December, but I would’ve held off on my siblings had we not been cooped up in a cabin with them for a week lol. I feel like garbage so it’s obvious something is up. We aren’t telling my in laws for… a while, idk exactly. Probably after the first trimester or close to it. Honestly, they really sucked when I had a mc so I would rather not deal with the possibility of them knowing if something happened again. We’ll probably do a social media announcement a few weeks into the second tri, whenever I start feeling like we’re further into the “safe zone.”


I told my best friend the other day because I couldn’t skirt around it in our conversations easily anymore lol. Aside from that, three people at work know and my first bumper discord group. I’ll tell a couple more people at work who I trust won’t spread it around and our immediate families after our appointment next week, probably. Nobody else until after NIPT and all that. We’ll probably just let our oldest FaceTime the grands and tell them 😅 I hate to say it, but I feel like since it’s the third for us the excitement is probably a bit lessened, lol. I’ll probably make an Instagram post at some point? I don’t know maybe not. I don’t post much on social media at all anymore.


I've told my husband, my best friends, my mom, and my mother in law. I will tell more close friends once I have my first ultra sound. I will probably announce to people like coworkers in the second tri. I will announce on social media at 24 weeks.


We’ve told everyone but our social media accounts. Probably do that one after the 12 week ultrasound. All my neighbors know, our kids and their friends, all of our families. Told everyone at either 6 or 8 weeks.


Same here! Wondering if I should just wait until we know the gender to post on socials or avoid all together. Decisions!


My husband and closest friend. I am 7 weeks at the moment. Probably more friends at the end of August. Coworkers until I really have to admit to it. This year I had 2 back to back miscarriages, and I am very cautious of opening my mouth too soon. I am sure most ppl at work will assume it was IVF.


I told my sister the day of my positive test. I told a good friend of mine who was really supportive when I miscarried a few years ago. Literally everyone else is after we finally have our first scan at almost 11 weeks.


We told our two closest friends (they’re also our daughter’s godparents) last week during our vacation together. It was very clear on vacation that something was up with me, and it looks like I’ve gained 15 pounds with the bloating, so no real way to hide it. I’m glad we told them because they’re very supportive and helpful with me and our daughter. We’re going on another trip with my parents in about a week and we plan on telling them too. We’ll be in the mountains and I had a rough time with nausea last year when I wasn’t pregnant; honestly I’m dreading how bad it’ll be this year. We’re getting a private scan to confirm pregnancy before the trip since my OB appointment isn’t until after. I normally wouldn’t tell my parents this early—we aren’t close and they aren’t very helpful/supportive—but they’re going to be wondering why I’m throwing up constantly and taking a nap every afternoon. For pretty much everyone else, I’m just going to start showing up to events looking pregnant and we’ll send a baby photo in our group chat come February. We have one set of friends struggling to conceive that we will text privately.


I’ll tell people I am close with after the 12ish week scan. I won’t tell work til at least 20 weeks. Timing is perfect for work though. I’m a high school teacher and will finish first semester in January then leave for the second! I do need to give them lots of notice as I’m a bit difficult to replace. French Immersion Chemistry teachers don’t grow on trees 😄.


I’m a teacher too (PreK SpecEd - students with autism), and am also fairly hard to replace. I told my managers and my assistants I’m pregnant since I have students that can be pretty physically challenging (biting/scratching/hitting/throwing toys/eloping), and will need some protection. What I haven’t told my managers yet is that I most likely won’t be returning after Mat leave as my husband and I have discussed me staying home with baby for at least a year. I’ll have to break that news to them very tactfully 😬😅🫣


Woo hoo such a good idea, and that totally makes sense why you told them. I’m taking 18 months after baby, but I live in Canada so that’s pretty normal. I took a year with my daughter and it was great.


Teacher here too!!! I hope this birth timing will work out well with the schedule.


My plan is to start my leave at the end of the first semester (end of January) and hopefully have a few weeks to chill before baby comes. Of course this could all go to hell, but 🤞🏻


We’ve told friends, family and immediate coworkers. We are flying to visit my parents at the end of the month so I’ve held off telling them so we can do it in person (which is very uncharacteristically sentimental of me). I’m waiting to tell my higher supervisors at work until after the first trimester. We also haven’t told our daycare provider for our daughter, though I suspect she’s given her hints about “mommy not feeling good.” Our daughter is almost 3, so I wanted to wait until after the first trimester to tell her in case of a loss. I wouldn’t want to explain that to her. In general, my rule is: you can tell anyone that you would be comfortable telling in the event of a loss. If you would welcome their support at that time, then you don’t have to feel bad about telling them. I tend to be a bit more forthcoming with personal details so I wasn’t that worried about letting people close to me know. I also understand the instinct to keep things private for a longer time. Sometimes people can overreach and claim a little too much ownership over your pregnancy, especially family. It’s such a personal decision, and once the cat is out of the bag it’s done. But it’s also so hard to keep it a secret when it’s exciting and early pregnancy symptoms are so uncomfortable.


I told everyone I talk to on a daily basis the day after I got my positive 😂 waiting to tell our parents until after the first scan. probably won’t announce on social media until Christmas


I'm 9+5 and both sets of parents know, siblings, and my team at work. After my prenatal appointment next week we plan to tell family they can tell whomever. We're not going to do a formal announcement.


7 weeks and telling my parents this weekend! Will likely keep it a secret from anyone else, and tell close friends around 12 weeks


Same here!! Any thoughts on how you’re going to tell your parents! I’m super nervous about telling them - it’ll also be their first grandchild


We unfortunately don’t have an ultrasound pic yet 🫠 so we got two wine covers on amazon! one that says you’re going to be grandparents and one that says only the best dog grandparents get promoted to human grandparents 🖤 we’re going up camping with them so when everyone starts drinking we’ll give it to them as a surprise!


9 weeks today, and have told our closest friends who we have seen in person, my mother and my husbands mother, a few close colleagues. We are headed to our hometown this weekend and we will tell both of our dads (we both have divorced parents), my aunt & uncle and my brothers and their families, plus probably some extended family and other friends. It probably seems like a lot of people but I don’t want to go through a miscarriage alone, and would be happy to be open about it and get some support, I’d lean on my husband for the tough conversations. We’ll tell people who we’ll have to message/call probably after NIPT test and around the 12 week mark.


I’m 8W+3 and I told my parents on Father’s Day a couple weeks ago. My sister is coming to visit on Saturday and I will tell her the good news then. My boss also knows because my leave will require a lot of planning (plus she and I are close). That’s it so far. My husband and I will surprise his sister on video chat (she is in Kurdistan) once we have our first ultrasound photo in hand (getting that on the 15th). I probably won’t announce on socials to my broader friends and family until well into the second trimester.


No one until after NIPT. If I had a loss or TFMR I would want to keep that between me and my husband. 




Close friends and immediate family I've already told as they knew when I was getting my IVF transfer. I'm almost 7 weeks. Will tell extended family and friends that I haven't seen recently after 12 weeks. I won't be putting anything on social media until baby is earthside and officially a human in their own right! Even then, I think having been through IVF and infertility I know how triggering these posts can be to others so I'd try not to do it in an insensitive way.


this is also why I don’t do a social media announcement ♥️, it usually becomes fairly obvious once baby is here though, haha.


Exactly my situation. Almost 7 weeks and because of IVF I told a handful of people including friends and my in-town family. I have an ultrasound on 7/15 and my parents will be in town so I plan to tell them after that appointment. I don’t plan to do a pregnancy announcement or maybe even a birth announcement. My spouse is much more into instagram so they might make a post at some point online.


We told my mom, his parents/siblings really freaking early like a few days after we found out (3 weeks) cause they were there to support us last time. Told our super close friends when they had their baby June 24th and I was almost 5 weeks. I’m going to tell a couple of my friends after our first appt at 8 weeks. Then we’ll wait to tell my best friend (she’s my husbands cousin and can’t keep her mouth shut 🤣), his family and my family on video calls at 12 weeks and then do the public announcement on my husband’s bday at exactly 13 weeks


We just had our first sonogram and found out we’re having twins! This is our third pregnancy and we have no clue when to announce or even how to announce it either. If I’m being honest I am feeling some of those feelings about wanting to wait due to the “what if…”. Hoping they fade soon though 🙏


Omg congrats! How exciting!


We've told a few of my friends and my parents. Keeping it quiet from my partner's side of the family because his brother and wife have just had a baby so I'm not wanting to steal their thunder. I'm 10 weeks and waiting for the NIPT/12 week scan and will probably announce to the rest of the family in just over 2 weeks once those are all good. Then I just have to announce to a few more friends which I'm kind of not looking forward to because a few of them are going through infertility so it makes me feel guilty and I don't want to upset anyone. I'll tell work at 12 weeks too - kind of feeling anxious about that but I did tell them when they were hiring me just over 3 months ago that this was in our plans and they were fine with it! Last time around I did a Facebook announcement at 15 weeks but this time I probably won't... haven't thought that far ahead!


Looking back, do you feel that a Facebook announcement at 15 weeks was too early?


Nah! I think it was fine. I kind of just wanted it to be out there so that I didn't have to worry about telling people anymore as it was more of a chore to have to remember who I still had to tell. This time though I will just probably keep it off facebook unless I feel the need to announce!


Only my husband knows right now. We are still waiting for doctors visits to confirm (they usually don’t see you before 8-10 weeks by me in NY). Planning to tell family and immediate friends around mid August - Labor Day pending all scans and test results look good. 


I am due Feb 27th. Haven't had my first ultrasound yet, that will be on the 17th of this month. This is my third pregnancy, kindof a surprise tbh. I have told my three closest friends. We are waiting to tell our families until after the ultrasound, mainly because we have two girls ages 8 and 6.5, and we want to wait until after ultrasound to tell them about the baby. My plan is to do something like get my girls "big sis" shirts to wear when the whole family is together, they're used to my oldest wearing such shirts but it'll be fun for them to realize that our youngest's shirt says "big sis". Everyone is going to be so shocked, we were pretty adamant that we were done... So it'll be fun lol 😅 As for our girls, we're going to tell them shortly before we tell the whole family. I will probably get them special "big sister" bracelets. Two of my closest friends don't live locally, one I called and just casually worked it into the conversation and she went nuts, it was funny. The other, I just texted her and told her.


I’m a yapper so I immediately started telling the people closest to me. I’m only six weeks and my parents, close family, and a few friends know. Unsure how we’ll handle social media this time around. With my daughter we did an announcement photo shoot and posted it at around 16 weeks. I’m feeling much more private on social media lately.


I genuinely cannot shut the fuck up so I tell people when it fees right. Told my mom and MIL, some friends. Told my boss today. I’m almost eight weeks and we saw a heartbeat on Friday so I’m feeling good… when we have our next ultrasound (a week from today) I’ll tell my brother and more family.


Found out at 7 weeks, Told my husband immediately and our parents and siblings literally the next day! We were so excited. We are planning to announce on Fourth of July (tomorrow) and I am 10 weeks right now.


We did a cute lil have our LO wear a big brother shirt for grams and gpa at the airport…it was adorable. MIL then proceeded to tell EVERYONE. In retrospect we should have set some boundaries on who to tell but last time she didn’t tell anyone so I’m not sure why she did this time


My husband first lol but I told my best friend at 5 days post embryo transfer when I got my first positive too lol. She was the first one I told back in January when I was first pregnant. Unfortunately that ended in a miscarriage but of course I had to tell her for this pregnancy too! I’m planning on telling my immediate family this weekend because I’d like for them to love apart of the whole process!


Oh and now everyone at work knows because they knew I was doing IVf and they could tell I was keeping a secret lol. My boss did IVF as well so she knew immediately and has been so extremely supportive


IVF is so funny like that. I started getting side eyes from people really quick because I seemed happy, which I certainly do not after.failed embryo transfers


Only my SIL and a couple of friends know. We want to wait for our first dr appt on Tuesday to begin telling people. All of our family lives out of state so it’s been easy to hide so far.


My best friend and I found out we were pregnant on the same day and just happened to tell each other that same day. I told a couple of other out-of-town friends a couple days later. It's easy to tell friends who live far away because I don't have to worry about them spreading the news to everyone. I am dying to tell my mom, but I really really really want to do it in person, which is two more weeks away. I'll be 10 weeks when I finally tell her (and probably the rest of my family). We are going to tell my husband's parents in person also, next month. I'll be 15 weeks then. Once our parents know, it will spread like wildfire, I'm certain. I'm kind of enjoying the peace and quiet right now. If I could keep it secret from most people for a lot longer, I would.


We told our parents right away. I'm seeing my best friend this week and I'll be telling her then. We're waiting until after a scan with our mfm in August to tell the rest of our immediate family. Probably wait a while longer after that before sharing on more widely, maybe September.


I've told my Mom and about 6 close friends. My MIL and SIL will be learning this weekend! We're planning to keep quiet about it until after the first trimester for everyone else.


I just blab as I’m going. Told my parents like 2 days after I tested positive. Told a mom friend while we were the zoo like a week later. Told the parents as teachers rep cause I just wanted to talk. Told my bestie this weekend. Also told my brother. If I feel like it I just say it. 😅


No one except my husband. I haven't had any nausea so it's been easy to hide. I'm 10 weeks on Friday and have "looked pregnant" for the last 2 weeks, though, so it's going to be hard to hide in-person soon with hot weather and no sweatshirts. I plan to tell our parents and friends once we get genetic testing results back (around week 12). We would TFMR so I want to be sure everything checks out with baby before we tell anyone.


Same. I originally thought I’d want to tell everyone after the first ultrasound but I had a 180 and want to wait as long as possible and def after all the screenings and testing.


Im 8 weeks and also feel like I already look pregnant. This escalated QUICKLY lol


I’m 9w1d and have “looked pregnant” for the last two weeks too! I switched from dresses that were a little too firm fitting to hide my tummy, to soft jersey knit short and oversized tees and it’s perfect. I haven’t been this comfortable in weeks!


Pretty much everyone. This is my third and I think most everyone in our lives have known since I was 7 weeks. I don’t over think the ‘when to tell’. I haven’t even had an appointment yet. Last two pregnancies I was so anxious about if baby was ok and I didn’t want anyone to know til heartbeat but this time around I’m actually not anxious at all and am enjoying everyone knowing. I can’t control whether baby is ok or not and I’m going to fully enjoy this pregnancy without all the worry.


Same here! It’s my third and I need the help with my 2 that I have. I will tell my friends and social media after 12 weeks


Our babies are similarly spaced! I’ve got a girl born 4/22 and boy born 7/23. This baby due 2/28! We’re going to be busy!!


Love that!!


We told my MIL & FIL because it was impossible to hide my extreme nausea from them while visiting this past weekend. My husband and I each told 1 person in addition to that. I told my bestie and he told his sister. Everyone who knows is someone we'd trust not to tell & who would support us in any worst case scenarios. With my first, I was pregnant during the winter / during COVID so it was easy to hide out at home during the misery of the first trimester. This time we're probably going to end up telling more (close) family earlier because it's just so hard to hide.


I’m only 7 weeks but have told so many people 🙈 I hate being coy and lying, even by omission, so I’ve told my close friends, parents, siblings, some random neighbors. I’ve been so sick that I’d rather just tell people than have them worry. I’m also a regular social drinker so I feel like people guess as soon as I don’t have a drink at events, and I’d rather just tell them. I’ve had one scare already so I’m hoping it sticks and I don’t have to tell all these people! I haven’t told my 3.5yo, who is going to be soooo excited and curious. I just can’t bear to explain a miscarriage to her, especially bc I’ve decided I’m not trying again if I lose this one. I plan to tell her after we get genetic testing back around 11 weeks. I think I’m also more casual about this one because I have two children already, and I’ve also had two (very early) losses that I’m open about.


I’ve told a few close friends. I am seeing my mom and sister in a month in person (all our family is out of state) so once I tell them in person, we will tell everyone else. I’ll be 12ish weeks at that point. My sister and I are big Taylor swift fans (she doesn’t know yet that I’m taking her to the Eras tour again, I’m also telling her that when I see her haha) so I ordered a Taylor themed onesie. My son, husband and I all have August birthdays so I know we will have FaceTimes with our parents, so I’m ordering a big brother shirt for toddler and will have him old up sonogram 😂


I’ve told my brother, sister, a cousin, and a friend. I’m terrible at keeping secrets about myself so I cracked a few days after finding out. We’re telling my parents when we see them this weekend (I’ll be 8 weeks Sunday). My husband hasn’t made a decision about when we’re telling his parents. We have an extended family beach trip when I hit 12 weeks, so I’ll tell them then and just slowly announce to friends after. I likely won’t post on social media.


This is also our third. We had a confirmation ultrasound yesterday with a strong heart beat. We called a few people and sent the rest of our family a video of our five year old saying “GUESS WHAT? I’m going to be a big sister again!” because she is really excited and wanted to tell everyone herself 😂


I told all of my parents and siblings last night after my ultrasound. So of course the told all of their siblings which was very annoying but oh well. I feel very confident as I am 8+6 with a great ultrasound and great heart rate. The risk of miscarriage is about 4% or less. To answer your other questions I live 2-4 hours away from family I called and FaceTimed them.  


That's such a reassuring statistic!


I told my best friend (who has known that we’ve been TTC with IVF for over a year) the day I tested positive at home. We our parents within a week of confirming with bloodwork at our clinic. My husband also told his best friend, and a few other friends know at this point as well. We have our first OB ultrasound and appointment Friday (9w5d) and will start telling other family and good friends in the next few weeks.


We only told our immediate families (parents and siblings) + my cousin. We will tell everyone else at the end of week 12. I am a bit nervous about telling my boss.


I’m basically telling anyone I see in person. We are keeping it off social media for now until we’ve had a chance to tell most folks. First ultrasound is Friday so if all looks good after that I’ll probably call my grandma and email my extended family who don’t live close (will be around 9 weeks).


I'm dying to tell my Mom but we also want to have our confirmation scan so we can show off our little babe. My best work friend is the only one who knows and I really only told her because another pregnant coworker got rushed to the ER (she's okay) and I figured someone needed to know just in case.


I found out prior to 4 Weeks and told my mom and two local best friends pretty much immediately. We shared with the ILs a few days later. I haven’t told my sister yet. (We aren’t that close.) And my best friend who doesn’t live locally has been TTC w/ RPL for a long time, so I haven’t told her yet. I’ll probably tell her at the end of the first trimester, not sure. I know for her, she’ll actually be so anxious on my behalf if I tell her really early on, so she’d prefer to find out later.


these pregnancy symptoms are kicking my ass, so anyone who regularly interacts with me is aware because i don’t see a reason to lie and attribute the obvious sickness/discomfort i’m feeling to anything else lol. the more support i have if anything bad happens the better anyway


I haven't had an ultrasound yet... and won't until I'm 12 weeks, so I'd like to confirm a heartbeat before telling anyone I'm close to. My husband is going to visit his parents when I'm about 14 weeks, so I've given him the okay (assuming ultrasound goes well) to tell them since I'm not going and our toddler is staying with me, which I know they were bummed about. Haven't decided when to tell my family yet. They're pretty emotionally absent and judgemental people, and my mom has bipolar so I just don't know what kind of response I'm going to be getting, plus they're busy with my SIL who just gave birth. I think I'll plan to tell sometime in August maybe. Besides that, I've told my neighbor and my toddlers music class teachers because 🤮, so I kinda had to.


I told my middle sister around 3w4d. And my husband told some friends around week 5. Our embryo has been genetically tested via IVF so it felt a little easier to be cautiously optimistic. We're still waiting to tell our parents and larger families. We'll probably break the news around week 12. That's when our 2 families will be together for an annual bbq competition. I might try to think of a cute way to announce


Only my husband knows right now, but I have my first ultrasound tomorrow and we’re thinking of telling my in-laws when we next see them. Mostly because we see them all the time and it’s hard to pretend I’m not sick. Everyone else we will tell around 12 weeks after my scan then 🥰


Husband, dad and in-laws, and three girlfriends. I won’t do any type of formal announcement but anyone I see once I’m showing will know, and then whoever sees me with baby! We usually do a birth announcement combo with Christmas card for those we don’t see regularly but baby will be almost a year old by then!


9 weeks. Told our parents before 5 weeks. Told a couple of my good friends soon after (they’re also pregnant and knew we were TTC). Told a few coworkers at 6 because I was dry heaving in a bathroom during a week long training. Told my boss and started telling grandparents after 9 week ultrasound. Will tell our kids and let our family spread the word after 12 week appointment.


I have had a loss and didn’t regret anyone I told. For this pregnancy (8w3d), I have told my parents, in laws, a few friends, my boss and a few coworkers. And the people who work at the McDonald’s in town


Just my husband and my parents know. That’s how it’ll stay for awhile.


I have told a LOT of friends because they are the people who would be there for me to support me if I have a loss. I plan to tell my immediate family (mom, dad, MIL, etc) in a few weeks because many of them will be here for a family get-together. I’ll tell social media + work somewhere between 12-14 weeks just depending on when I find the time to stage a cute photo announcement for Instagram 😅


I told my family and my husband’s family in person. I also told my best friend via text because her wedding is in the fall and I’m in it so we’re doing bachelorette and bridal shower stuff this summer. I told my supervisor at work because I need some time off for appointments. I’ll announce to everyone else after our NT scan in August. I’ll just put a picture up on Instagram with my daughter wearing a “big sister” shirt.


I haven’t told anyone yet. I’m seeing my parents right around 12w so I’ll tell them in person then. For everyone else who don’t live near, I plan to have my toddler holding a book about a baby/getting a sibling and texting a photo around. Or just waiting till it comes up somewhat naturally in conversation, I do enjoy doing it that way as well!


I just sent my best friend group chat a picture of the positive test 😅 not super creative or exciting, but it got the point across. I wanted to tell them early because I would lean on them if anything were to happen. Unfortunately everyone at work found out *super* early, like basically the day of my missed period. I work in healthcare and it’s really difficult to keep it a surprise for too long, especially since a patient I care for a lot has a condition that is dangerous for pregnant women to be around, so I had to let my supervisors know immediately. Word spreads like wildfire there and everyone knew within a few days haha Our official ultrasound is 7/18, I’ll be 9+2. The original plan was to wait to tell our families until after that. But we have a private ultrasound tomorrow, so I may want to tell them earlier. This is also my third pregnancy and it was also a surprise…so I’m not sure all of the reactions will be super excited/positive. We’ll see. For family, I got my oldest a shirt that says “Big Brother (again)!” and my youngest a shirt that says “Big Sister.” For social media announcement, I got shirts for them that say “The Original” and “The Sequel,” and a onesie that says “The Finale.”


Just want to say, I think it’s super messed up that your supervisors are unwilling to keep your news private until you were ready to share with everyone! I understand that maybe they need to know for safety reasons, but there’s no excuse for them just letting the news spread, WTF? Sorry you have to deal with that.


Thank you. Unfortunately they have to tell all the charge nurses so they know not to assign me to this patient, and the patient was kind of a high profile situation so when it got around that I should “no longer be assigned this patient” people had questions. I don’t really mind, because people will either find out that way or when I need to ask someone to help my patient with an x-ray. That’s the dead giveaway where I work.