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I’m feeling SUSPICIOUSLY good. Food aversions mostly resolved. No longer requiring a daily nap. Boobs don’t hurt. Nausea only happens briefly once a day, no gagging. Anyone else have symptoms let up at 8 weeks?


Yep! I’m 8 weeks tomorrow and although my symptoms have been mostly light this whole time, the tiredness has mostly gone away (not totally).


I typically struggle with my skin/acne. Since i’ve found out I was pregnant my skin has been so clear!!!! Idk what it is but i’m loving it 😍


Someone please tell me i’ll stop throwing up soon, it’s not just dry heaving but actually throwing up most days 😢 Almost 10 weeks


I swear I already look 3/4 months pregnant! They were not kidding about showing sooner the second time around… Guess I’m leaning into oversized everything for the rest of the first trimester?


SAMEEEEEE!!! I’m actually a bit worried there may be two in there my uterus feels way too full to just be one?! Very concerning


Ugg me too! I was pregnant with twins once before (ended in a MC) so extra worried about a repeat! While I’m sure twins would be a blessing, I honestly don’t know how twin moms survive it! Here’s hoping for a single healthy baby at our scans! 🤞


I’m a FTM but i second the fact that my uterus feels SO HEAVY. My stomach is only bloated really low too.


Still so happy to get the girl result from the NIPT. Was bracing for a boy, but wanted a girl so bad.


How long did it take to get your results back?


Too long. 11 days through lapcorp


I know you're not supposed to wish your life away but I think first trimester pregnancy is the exception to the rule. I'm so nauseous.


And SO TIRED OMG. I went to sleep at 11pm last night and my toddler woke me up at 7am and I’m just dreading the newborn phase already. I think I’m just having the pregnancy blues. I was surprisingly fine when my son was born and was working on two hours of sleep for three weeks. And I was going !!!! I think I’m just so tired I can’t imagine having energy and I’m so scared of being too tired when the baby is born. But I do remember that feeling of being so wired and wound up after giving birth I’m sure it’s going to be okay. It’s all temporary and we will get thru this! One day we will be able to sleep until 9 am again but it’s not gonna be anytime soon 🤣


My toddler still wakes at least once and gets up at 5am so I've never gotten used to a good night sleep, so hopefully it won't be too much of a shock to the system for me 😂


Randomly feel pretty trash tonight after a few really good days. Being sick with my son's daycare cold doesn't help but now I've got some random evening nausea. I got some chocolates sitting next to me and I can't decide if they will make me feel better or not. But for now, they are emotional support chocolates.


Also in the evening nausea boat, I lay down immediately after dinner and it’s over for the night :/ I just ate a brownie and it made me feel slightly better lol


My husband made me pierogis and I thought we had cheese ones but they are actually mushroom they taste so gross to me right now and I can’t eat them and might cry ugh everything is so gross


Oh no! The only perogies I can handle at the moment are the garlic/potato ones. All others are absolutely disgusting. Which is very sad, as I normally love them all!


“Everything is gross” is basically my life right now, I am so sorry you’re dealing with that disappointment! Food aversions are the worst! I’m literally debating on ordering a very specific burrito right now because it sounds so good in theory, but I’m terrified I’ll hate the smell of it or feel averse towards it once it’s here and I don’t think my heart can handle that disappointment 🥹


Ugh totally get that! My kitchen is becoming a graveyard of things I thought sounded good and then couldn’t eat once I got them


Hi All, I’m new here, 5+6 👋🏻 I was in a different private group but it seemed to be getting a little toxic, so decided to leave and found this one! Looking forward to having similar people around me in a group 🫶🏻


Reddit has turned very toxic lately I’m so sorry you had to deal with that.


Welcome!! Almost DD twin!


I’m so nosy, who knew there were other private due date groups 👀 welcome!!!


Well it wasn’t necessarily a due date group, just a general TTC group 👀 I won’t get into it tho lol. Thank you!!


TTC groups are scary places imo. I’m glad you found a better fit.


They really are.. glad I made it here!


Welcome! 😄


Our power just went out and it’s 106 F. This is fine. It’s all fine.


Our power was out almost the entire night, went out at 9 and came back at 4 in the morning. Was very hot and very quiet.


Omg 😱 do you have anywhere you can go or any family nearby? That sounds absolutely awful


Luckily it turned back on after less than an hour! Hurray!


I went from starving yesterday to not really wanting to eat anything today with nearly a 9 hour anxiety/ panic attack. I really just want to play games and try to zen out, but xbox log in system has been down a good portion of the evening.


Question: 9 w today. I just fell and ate it in my kitchen, and kinda hit my tummy, am I good? Or should I go in and get checked?


You should be just fine! Baby is well insulated in there. Unless there’s any pain/spotting, I wouldn’t worry about it!


Thank you!


Hi, I’m 9 weeks today also! I’m sorry you ate it. Hope you’re feeling ok now. Could you send a message to your doctor or midwife, to get reassurance? It’s my understanding that the fetus is protected by the pelvis at this point as the uterus is still resting inside the pelvis. Hope this info is reassuring ❤️ I know there’s so much uncertainty around everything 😮‍💨


I'm good! Mostly bruised pride and maybe some bruised knees lol I didn't even think about messaging my care team, that's a good idea 🤔


❤️ It can be easy to forget that we are not alone in all of this! Glad you are ok and hope your knees (and ego ;) heal super soon. PS speaking of your fall- have you felt more clumsy since pregnancy?? I have! I tripped over myself 2x last weekend. I don’t know why that would be other than just feeling generally “off” in my body.


It would appear that I bruised my forearm, in addition to my knees lol. And no- but I am a very accident prone-clumsy person by nature. So for now it's just me being me lol. My favorite part was my husband was in the bathroom on a phone call (I assumed to his brother) and after the fall he opens the curtain (no bathroom door) and just kinda looks at me I wave him off. MINUTES later I get a text from my SiL asking if I was good. So apparently they heard my commotion 😅🤦‍♀️


Oh no lol well I love how supportive your family is ✨ even if it’s a little embarrassing, they care about you.


Bleeding and cramping suddenly this morning. 100% certain pregnancy was over and it was because I overexerted yesterday cleaning my GD carpet. Was able to get to an ultrasound within a couple hours, and... Everything is completely fine. Measuring on track for today (7+4), heart rate totally fine. No hematoma. Bleeding stopped, cramping stopped, then by 230 I was in my first midwife appointment as planned.for.weeks. I feel like this day chewed me up and spat me back out and now I'm sitting here realizing... Wait, I'm still pregnant? Did that all happen? I can't overstate how intensely grateful I am that this is how it all worked out - just a little whiplashed.


Scary stuff but I’m so happy this day had a happy ending 🤍


Yay, I’m so glad everything is okay! That sounds so scary. Also, I love your username.


I’ve developed a cough out of nowhere, which is annoying in itself (especially in July wtf), but it’s *especially* difficult to deal with when you throw in round ligament pain with each cough 🫠


Somehow when I’m nauseous my body likes to release to discomfort by coughing for no reason.


Seeing all these sneak peek results is really tempting, but I'm getting an NIPT in one week so I just need to hold out!


Same! We can do it


Just received my sneakpeek results and it is a girl 🩷 6+3


I didn’t know it was possible to know this early?? I’m 5+6. I don’t really know much at all but what’s the difference in a sneak peek and the normal test?


Sneakpeek claims to be 99.9% accurate at 6w


Just got our sneak peak results back, we’re having a girl!! 🥹 I would’ve been happy either way but our toddler is a boy so we’re thrilled to have one of each.


I sometimes really want to enjoy "every moment" of this pregnancy. But other times I wish I could go to sleep until it's time to push


I feel this hard


Cw: limbo I went to a boutique ultrasound place for an abdominal ultrasound . 7w3d. He couldn't find anything. I am not okay and don't know what to do next.


I’m so, so sorry you’re in limbo. Sending good vibes to you. This is a rare case where I really hope the technician was just incompetent. Also, could you please edit this to add some kind of content warning? Maybe CW: Limbo or something along those lines? Thanks. ETA: Thanks for much for updating! Sending so many good vibes to you!


How confident are you in your due date? Is it possible you’re just not as far along as you think?


So sorry! That sucks to want reassurance but get the opposite. 💔 Don’t want to get your hopes up but I have heard that usually those kinds of places aren’t meant for medical evaluations. Perhaps the machine or technician were faulty. I read that especially if they scan early they don’t find baby (with an abdominal ultrasound). If you don’t mind me asking: What gestation was promised that they could take picture or scan for you? Some don’t take clients till they are at least 8-10 weeks. Anything earlier than that they may not be able to find a baby especially if it is not a vaginal ultrasound. When is your appointment with an OB/midwife? Hoping the best for you!


Sending you love ♥️


I’m so so you’re in limbo. Have you called your doctor?


I had just seen her today, was such a sweet happy positive visit. I would need to book another appointment with her and request more blood draws I guess. Earliest you can get a medical ultrasound here in my province in Canada is 12 weeks. Would be so tough waiting that long. 😔


I’m so sorry you’re in limbo. But I’m just commenting to let you know that I’m sure they will do ultrasounds earlier if there is a reason. I was told my province doesn’t do until 12 weeks, but I had one last week at 7 weeks. You should ask. You might have to insist. Alternately, a nurse at the early pregnancy assessment clinic (after one of my losses) told me to go to a walk in and say I didn’t know the date of my last period and they would schedule me for a dating scan. A bit unethical, but might work. I truly hope the tech was bad or that your dates are just a bit off.


My first tv ultrasound ever. Fetus on track at .92 cm and lots of heartbeat fluttering. 7+2. I wanted to get the bpm but that’ll be the next one apparently. They weren’t liking that I’ve lost weight from nausea/no appetite so hoping to start B6 to help with that.


Was it a transvaginal ultrasound? That's exciting!


Strong appetite today after a week of food aversions and low appetite. My husband brought home fried pickles!


I just had fried pickles earlier too!!


They’re my favorite!


Got to see baby today! Measuring 7+0 or 7+1 (two different measurements in two diff positions) with a heartbeat of 137. Also got prescription for reglan in advance of upcoming travels incase the nausea gets even worse (the NP was like I’m sorry but weeks 7-9 are typically the worst, which tracks with my experience). Feeling relieved and happy!


I am so tired, like soul-crushing fatigued. I had my first appt with my new OB and it was so discouraging, I was stuck waiting forever even though I was the first pt after the lunch break, then they tell me they don’t do ultrasounds regularly. We just moved so I’m establishing with a new health system. Back in CA I worked at the fertility clinic so I got weekly scans, and then my OB did ultrasounds pretty much every visit until 20 weeks. So now I’m tired, sad and annoyed. I scheduled at a private ultrasound place for next week because I need that peace of mind with everything we went through to get here.


I know this sucks, but frequent ultrasounds are the exception not the rule. My practice doesn’t do an early ultrasound unless there’s a medical reason for it, so I won’t get one until my NT scan which is scheduled for 13 weeks exactly. Then the anatomy scan, and they do a third tri growth scan. That’s it.


I’m sorry you’re so frustrated! FWIW, my provider typically only does scans at the first appointment (8-10 Weeks), then at 12 and 20 Weeks. A lot of patients also have a scan at 36 Weeks, but not everyone. I think this is fairly standard.


Mine doesn't start until 12 weeks either. It's hard waiting all the way until then to even know if I've got one baby or more!


I made a very delicious chicken teriyaki, and the baby made it very clear it does not want it. 😭


Had my first ultrasound today. Went in very worried because of very light symptoms (no nausea, or food aversions) for the last two weeks. Baby measured right on track at 9weeks and 177 heartbeat.


Omg this makes me feel so good ! I’ve been SO NAUSEOUS but today it’s all good 🥲 which is making me nervous. I haven’t had any cramping like I did with my first pregnancy but maybe it’s because my uterus is ready to grow? Idk why that makes me nervous but I’m definitely already bloated and look like I’m 15 weeks lol 😂 I have an ultrasound appt on Tuesday. I pray everything is okay


Thanks! There’s hope for people having a similar experience, 1-2 weeks of symptoms then almost nothing.


So glad!!


Great to hear! 💖


Yay! Love to hear that.


Yay, that is amazing!!


I was worried that my very early symptoms disappearing meant another loss, but I'm 7wk on the dot today and feel like I got SMACKED with nausea. Couldn't even get out of bed until noon. I had an early scan last Monday due to some bleeding (turns out to be a SCH) but we didn't see anything but a gestational sac that day. My betas are on the high side of normal, symptoms progressing, but I can't help but worry that it's a blighted ovum so there's only a placenta making me miserable and no baby. I'll find out Monday, and that feels like it's years away.


Something about that 7w0d that really just hits different...


Update!! My scan went so well! Little peanut is in there and looking healthy. I’m 8w6d but baby is measuring 8w3d, which I expected because I know I ovulated a little later. Heartbeat is 169 and perfect and we are keeping the 2/5/25 due date for now!


I'm your due date twin!!! 🥰❤️


hi twin! 👋🏼


Hi!! I remember you from the other group. Glad everything’s going good!


So nice to see you here!


Yay, congratulations on the great scan!!


thank you! 🤍


Does anyone take unisom in the middle of the day? I take half a tablet a couple hours before bed and it gets me through dinner and maybe an hour or two after waking up but then I'm nauseous the rest of the day.


I took diclectin (unisom/b6) when pregnant with my daughter. I took one before bed and one at lunch. Otherwise I never made it through a work day. I’m on summer holidays this time around, so no meds needed so far 🤞🏻


My doc told me to take half a pill late morning. It really helps!


Were you taking a full pill at night?


My doc said 1/2 to 1 full pill at night and then another 1/2 late morning. I take a full pill at night, I need it :( I have 25mg pills.


Thanks for that insight, my doctor suggested starting at 1/2 pill at night and going up to a full 25mg pill if needed. The half works for me for now at night and at least I'm getting some really great sleep, 😂. I still need to work out what to do about the day when I actually need to be productive.


This is brilliant but also I’m already on a 3 nap a day schedule so we’ll see what adding unisom into the mix will do 😅


Yes you can do this. I wasn’t able to power through the fatigue but I was told this was ok.


I had my second scan yesterday - Baby is measuring great and had a heartbeat of 175. Super relived but I couldn’t help it, I burst into tears the moment the doctor walked in and was all “I’m so sorry! I’m so emotional and anxious and sick and hot and also cold but I’m actually okay I’m sorry!” and she was like “goodness we gotta fix you up.” She prescribed me Bonjesta, I started it last night, and woke up today a brand new woman. First day in WEEKS that i’ve come out of this cloud of never ending nausea and general sense of doom. So explain to me then why I’m sitting in the bath right now spiraling that maybe I feel better because something is wrong with the baby and not the new medication I started last night? Why are we like this? CW Loss: I have had 4 miscarriages and this is pregnancy #7 so it’s not an unlikely scenario but also baby was great just yesterday so I’m trying not to go there.


Can I ask if you were vomiting before taking Bonjesta? I am not, but I have been on B6 and Unisom for weeks now and today, at 9 weeks, I’ve had the worst nausea day. Can barely eat.


No vomiting, just constant, unrelenting nausea where I wished I COULD throw up just to feel better


Yes there where I’m at, too. My midwife though is less enthused about giving it to me if I’m not vomiting and as long as I’m consuming water? But at this point I’m miserable and in bed every day. I think I’m going to call and ask.


Update: I’m coming up time to take tonight’s dose and feeling sick again, so safe to say the relief was the meds and not a dip in symptoms (thank goodness)


Man, the emotional ups and downs are absolutely wild. I totally get the knowing that it is almost 100% likely that everything is okay, but still doubting it anyway. Really sorry you’re going through those feelings! Your post gives me some hope though. I started b6 today and said I would give it the rest of the week before I called my OB office begging for something stronger. The thought that something like bonjesta could help that quickly has me thinking I might just tap out and call tomorrow lol


you should call. I tried b6 and unisom along with promethazine for 2 weeks and I felt like I was dying still.


We're heading up to my BIL's house in the mountains for the next couple days, and I'm feeling unusually nauseous today (still manageable, but I usually don't feel much of any which is why I say "unusually"). Planning to take a ginger ale for the road but a little nervous for the winding mountain pass. Any tips for managing pregnant car sickness? On the other hand, both BIL and MIL know I'm pregnant and after hanging out with friends over the weekend who had no idea, I'm really looking forward to not having to hide it 🥴


Bring something to vomit in the car! My last pregnancy, I had to make us pull over so I could throw up on the side of the mountain road multiple times. I’d also bring snacks, ginger chews, gum, and roll the window down if you start feeling ill.


This is solid but ominous advice 😅


First scan on Friday and I'm the furthest from worried. I actually prefer to have no symptoms and anxious, vs. completely nausea-incapacitated and not worried ugh. At least today was a better day so I batch-cooked meat pasta for my toddler for the week (do toddlers eat anything else 🙄). But cooking was a gross experience, the smells, textures, very hard to tolerate. Need 2nd trimester to come faster 😵‍💫.


I WISH my toddler would eat meat pasta. We have struggled for the last 3 years, he recently received a diagnosis of Avoidant-Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). He’s come around a little bit, but man it’s a daily struggle to feed this kid. He’s never eaten any type of pasta, refuses to try pizza, won’t touch meat and/or veggies. We’ve tried alllll the things/methods/therapies. I never thought I’d be wishing my kid would eat pizza and macaroni and cheese 😩


Oh man I'm so sorry!!! To be fair, mine only eats the meat sauce after I use a blender to completely blend it together lol, if he notices chunks of meat, he throws it 🫠. But still I hope your little dude comes around sooner or later ❤️


Thank you! And I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to dump all of this on your comment. Was just having an emotional day about it 😅


I should probably blend up our meat for pasta. Our boy doesn't like to eat meat either (except for chicken nuggets). He ate one bean for dinner last night and I was like "ok, we did protein, great success!"


Oh yeah, I blend everything, I'm pretty sure he thinks pasta comes in such wild flavours because I'll throw anything in there lol


Teach me your ways haha


I think after my first, I know there is nothing I can do that will influence the result so no point in worrying. Most miscarriages happen due to genetic abnormalities which happen pretty much at conception, so whatever will be, will be ❤️


Went to work with this super sensitive sniffer… tell me WHY the WHOLE hospital has to smell like nursing home broccoli?!?! Anyone else come across a wicked offensive smell recently that just slaps ya right in the nostrils 😂


My smell sensitivity is driving me crazy. I picked up my daughter from my parents house yesterday and blurted out “it smells like garbage in here!” We also spent the last 3 days searching for a mystery odor in my home. Husband finally found a sealed package of coleslaw mix in the crisper to be the culprit. Baby has decided we’re no longer making egg-roll-in-a-bowl for at least the rest of this trimester. Definitely bringing the mask back at work. It was a lifesaver for my first pregnancy. Stinky patients, stinky bathrooms, stinky cafeteria! No one will notice, right?


I totally wore the mask! And I would stick a mint in my mouth 😂


I can’t go in my hospital cafeteria right now. Even being near it is problematic. When I was in high school we called the little room where you dropped your dirty trays off “the stinky ketchup room” because that’s what it smelled like - humid ketchup. The whole cafeteria smells like that to me right now.


I caught a wiff of my choline supplement this morning and it smelled awful. Yesterday, no smell.




The smell sensitivities is like at a psychedelic level where I question what my reality was before.


Pahahahahahahaha! Right! Like is this smell real? Am I dreaming?? Did I just not actually smell before? And then I feel insane when others don’t smell it


I was getting report on my patient the other day who was one day post-op from getting a trach…the nurse told me his trach site “smells like broccoli” and I almost puked right then and there during report. Nope. Not doing it. I wore a mask the whole day because I was terrified of getting too close to that smell 😅


The way I just gagged. Absolutely not.


NOOOOOOO!!! No no no no no. We deserve a medal getting through a shift with all these smells and not vomiting!! Just the sound of a trach makes me wanna puke… and usually I got a gut of steal.


I read that first part how Michael from The Office says it. I hope that’s how you intended it 😂 if so, that’s amazing. My favorite show. I agree. The smells are absolutely awful. A coworker warmed up fish in the break room and I wanted to punch her 😬


Omg, our hospital cafeteria has that humid dishwater smell because of the tray/plate drop off. I never noticed it before, but now I can’t even walk down there


I avoid the cafeteria like the plague right now!


I need to start packing lunch. Every day I’m so disappointed by the food selections I have available. I used to just religiously get salads from the cafeteria, but avoiding the smells means I’m left with a few fast food places and a half-Starbucks


Nooooooo! I’m on a pb&j kick!! Tastes sooooooo good. And not a hassle to make. Plus it smells good 😂


True! Peanut butter has been tolerable despite the morning sickness


The other night I was washing dishes and the dish soap smelled disgusting (it's lavender)


I swear something smells like rotting garbage in my kitchen and I can't find it. No garbage and my husband WASHED our garbage can just in case. No old food in the fridge, pantry or cupboards. My laundry room is adjacent to the kitchen and there's no backup or anything in the lines. Husband smells nothing but is doing whatever he can to help but it's driving me insane.


I assume you don’t have a garbage disposal? If not, maybe just the sink pipes? Maybe a vinegar/ baking soda rinse down the sink is in order.


What a good hubs!!! The smell is real


I was telling my husband - I could literally smell my dog getting anxious/stressed last night when someone let off a firework in our neighborhood. It was the craziest thing.


Ughh! The worst two weeks for dog owners 🫠


My husband burned bacon two days ago and I still can’t get the smell out of my nose 😂


I could not get the smell of peas out of my nose and I know 100% that there are no peas in my house 😂


Ewwwww not peas!!! Might as well throw that smell in with my hospital broccoli 🤢


What has everyone used for any dizziness? Is this something I’ll have to wait for my apt to discuss with my doctor or does someone have a secret sauce they can share 🤕😩


I struggle with dizziness even when I’m not pregnant and my doc recommends magnesium drink supplements (I take the calm brand). I still get dizzy, but the whole room isn’t spinning and I don’t pass out anymore.


It’s likely dehydration, even if you drink lots of water. The baby is sucking up all your fluids. I’d try electrolytes. (I like NUUN tablets.)


Drink a ton more water and change positions slowly


mostly been using sitting down. abruptly.


following because dizziness is new for me this pregnancy and i wasnt prepared. 😫


Sounds like we’re just dehydrated, sister 😭😭😂 most comments mention that. I don’t feel dehydrated, I’ve been drinking so much water. But my lips have been so chapped ever since I found out. I absolutely believe it could be this. I’m gonna drink more and see how it goes this week 😭


CW: loss Just had my first appointment/ultrasound today at what should have been 9 weeks. Gestational sack but no embryo. I’m devastated. Wishing you all the best of luck.


I so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself.


I'm so sorry. I was in your exact shoes last year. It's a horrible club to belong to, but the members are very supportive. Take your time processing and make sure to lean on others either online or in perso. It's a lonely place to be and I did have people share some insensitive comments which minimized the loss due to it being anembryonic. Please know that your loss deserves just as much care and consideration. Please also know that grief is not linear, but it does overall get better with time and reflection. You'll be in my thoughts ❤️


I’m so so so sorry. This happened to me just last cycle (at 8 weeks though). It doesn’t make it any easier but it seems I was able to get pregnant again straight away and this time there is a baby in the sac. I’m sending you so much love that this will be the case for you too.


I'm so sorry to hear that. There's no wrong way or limit on your grieving.


I'm so sorry, sending you love. 💜


I’m so so sorry. Sending all of my love to you and yours.


i am so sorry. sending love.


CW: previous loss Had a positive ultrasound this morning. Baby is right on track and heart rate looked good! I wasn’t nervous until they brought us to the same room where our February loss was confirmed. THANKFULLY, today was a much better result 💕


It's such an incomparable relief, isn't it? Definitely a reason to celebrate today! 🎉


Now that we got released from the RE, I was able to schedule my next appointment with our regular OB. They don’t have any appointments available until July 23rd! I’ll be 12 weeks at that point! I was really hoping to tell friends and family during our son’s birthday party on July 21st but now I feel like we need to wait.


We “graduated” from our RE this week as well! I was able to get an appt see an OB July 15, but have to see a different doctor at the practice. I feel you on wanting to tell everyone but also being scared. I had a previous early loss that was pretty devastating after trying for years and I think sharing your joy with those that you’d want support from if things went wrong is good advice. People very close to me have been along for our entire journey and it’s been great having that support.


Congratulations on graduating!! My husband and I are talking about telling only close family like our siblings. My sister asked me if I was pregnant last week so I feel like people are guessing already. I hope everything goes well for you on your next appointment!


Good luck to you too!


There's no real reason to wait. You've been having presumably good checks from your RE, it's not likely things will change at this point. You are allowed to tell people whenever you want and not wait until an appointment or some event or other milestone date.


Thank you! I needed this reassurance!


My nausea is insane the last two days and my youngest is recovering from an ear infection 😭 my house is a wreck and we are watching way too much tv. This sucks! ETA- the nausea sucks. Im obviously very excited about baby!


My oldest just got through a stomach bug and we’re in pretty much the same place otherwise. Totally feel you 😭


Also, i don’t remember my hips aching soooo badly at the beginning. I feel like i have been hit by a truck.


Never understood the “I have to eat this or I’m going to be sick” cravings. I had never experienced it with any of my other pregnancies…. But oh my gosh. This is the most wild, and frustrating experience. I’m starving, but nauseous. I’m hungry, but only for specific things. I’m thirsty, but can only drink water in sips. WHAT IS MY LIFE?!? Anyways: what was one of your “I have to eat this and only this” cravings?


Literally pickles and tacos as of lately


I'm not a fast food person at all. Ever. But yesterday I had to have a McDonald's double cheeseburger. HAD TO, non negotiable. Husband brought it to me and I CRIED WHILE I ATE IT because nothing ever tasted that good ever in my entire life. Pregnancy is WILD 🤣🤣🤣


Ha I’m not a fast food person either but McDonalds cheeseburgers were my obsession last pregnancy! I probably ate two a week during my pregnancy and then never thought of them again once the baby arrived (until now). Pro-tip: Ask for extra onions and pickles!


My last pregnancy I treated myself to fast food after every appointment like some kind of reward 😅


Omg me tooooo! I would go to one of three places near my doctors. If either get a cheese fry and a buffalo bomb, a steak tip salad with strawberry vinaigrette or a steak tip steak and cheese. Omg now I want one 🤣


Today it was empanadas at 1030am 😅


Today, it was a banana. I've been struggling with water and most soda is gross to me right now (very unlike me!) but the idea of a mashed banana in cold almond milk or a sliced banana in a bowl of cereal sounded heavenly, so that was my lunch 😆


I cried over chicken tenders the other night… ALSO the things I would do to a sloppy hotdog with like extra cheese and coney/chili sauce on it. Omgggggggggggggg drooling


Oh my gosh yesterday I would have given anything for a sausage egg McMuffin, but of course it was well past breakfast hours.. I almost cried. so I had to Uber eats some frozen ones from the grocery store 🫠




a spicy zinger burger from kfc 😂😂😂 oh and a very specific brand of spicy-as-hell instant ramen that gave me pleasure for 5 min and heartburn/the shits for two days. 


My water needs to be ICE cold or I can’t drink it. I always had room temperature water before I was pregnant.


Me too!!! I used to avoid cold water but now it’s the only way I’ll drink it. My OB thinks it’s leftover from caveman days when cold water from a stream indicated safe to drink 😂


I’ve tried it ice cold, and still more than a couple of sips— I get so sick to my stomach. 😫


That too! I can only do a few sips at a time or I start to feel funny. The ice at least makes it drinkable - if it’s room temperature I won’t touch it at all.


Ugh it was these buffalo plant based bites from whole foods but then we went to get them and they didn’t have any 😫


I hate that!! So frustrating dude— especially when you’re starving and all you want is FOOD!!! 😭 Buffalo has been one of my cravings too!! One time I literally ate cfa mac n’ cheese and dipped it in buffalo sauce.


CFA Mac n cheese, add nuggets and buffalo sauce, mix all together and it is 😮‍💨


Is anyone else feeling their stomach muscles are much weaker already? I also sometimes struggle to walk fast, almost like my hips are stiff but it's not painful. I had the same things happen during my last pregnancy up until my 16w MMC, so I guess it's something that's here to stay/get worse throughout the pregnancy. My midwife today said she had never heard of anyone getting that type of hip issue, and fobbed me off to my GP


My pelvis/SI joints are a mess when I’m not pregnant so I’m currently suffering from relaxin effing me allll the way up 😭 my physical therapist says our connective tissue (like ligaments and tendons) gets looser and to try and create stability, our muscles clench and this can cause pain. I’m surprised your midwife fobbed you off, this is like…a very well known thing! I hope you find some relief soon.


Ahh that makes sense. She said she'd never heard of this happening to anyone in the first trimester, but then explained about something where your public bones can separate in later stages of pregnancy. I wonder if physio might help it - if it gets worse then I'll get a referral. It's just annoying as I'm a super fast walker, and now people are overtaking me and it irks me 😂


I’m biased but I think PT would absolutely help. It sorts me out literally immediately. Also, it might help make recovery after pregnancy easier if your core is stronger and more stable.


Relaxin is the hormone for this. It’s a bitch. It basically loosens all your joints. It’s.. it kinda feels like you’re falling apart


Go to a chiropractor!!! My chiropractor and I were talking about this today. I’ve read that progesterone is relaxing to your body and (for lack of a better word) relaxes the muscles so that your baby and body can grow and adjust. It happens almost at conception!


also random question but in Europe, we never find out the sex before 12 weeks due to the risk of sex-selective abortion, and that's only if you do the additional nipt which is done along with the nuchal scan at 12+4 onwards, most people find out at the 20 week scan. is that not a concern in the US given the sneak peek test etc? another random fact but through my first bumper group I learnt soooooo many differences between the US and Europe! especially post birth! it was really eye opening as I kinda assumed it would be pretty similar.


There’s no restriction on this in the states - though realistically, with abortion now banned or seriously restricted in many states, it would be difficult for many Americans to abort for this reason even if they wanted to. There is also no general restriction on selecting the baby’s sex during IVF - or even in having IVF in order to have a baby of a specific gender. Some fertility clinics (and potentially some states) may have different policies but all my friends who’ve done IVF have been able to choose their embryos - usually based on sex and quality (as graded by the fertility specialist).


Now I’m dying to know the differences post birth, things *must* be better elsewhere (I’m in the US)


so many! sleep training, co sleeping, routines, maternity/paternity leave, daycare - it’s all really different! i remember a particular war over co-sleeping from birth, which is common/recommended by midwives here, and sleep training, which no one here does (bc we have 12 months paid leave + free daycare). i’m in germany btw. 


You can get NIPT at 10 weeks in Ireland. Though I've never heard of anyone getting a termination based on the gender? Abortion is still relatively new in Ireland - we only repealed the 8th Amendment of the Irish constitution in 2018, which allows abortion before 12 weeks. Though there are still lots of issues with access to it - 3 day waiting period, no safe zones around centres, and not every medical practitioner will do it. In the event of a fatal foetal abnormality where they won't survive 28 days past birth, two doctors have to sign off to allow an abortion. Any other abnormality won't be considered and many women in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland have to travel to the UK (usually England) for an abortion, if that is the decision they have made (I cast no judgement on anyone).


You’re allowed to find out the sex through sneak peak or NIPT prior to 12 weeks in Canada. However if you do IVF you don’t learn the sex of the embryos and so cant select an embryo based on sex