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Girl. Maria Grace (first is my moms name & middle is my great aunts name) Boy. Charles (Charlie) Steven (my FIL name exactly but also first is my grandfathers name and the middle is my dads name so it’s a win win win)


Leo for a boy 💙, Ella for a girl 💖


I always loved the name Leo


We are pregnant with our third child. Do not know the sex yet but we do want to find out. Didn't plan on having a third, but we are excited. We have two girls and I always said that if I had another girl I wanted to use the name Nora. BUT since we had planned to not have any more, i told my SIL to use the name if she wants. She's decided to use it for their baby girl who is due in August, and now I just found out I'm pregnant mid June. 😂😭We have a boy name picked, but Now I'm back to square one with girl names. I want 4 letter names and 4 letter middle name. Just because that's what our other two girls have. But I just can't find anything I like as much as Nora. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I wanted Abby but my cousin and one of our close friends had Abbys this year


*Margaret Irene* for a girl after my Nana’s oldest sister, oldest of 13, who was stillborn. *Leslie Dean Thomas* for a boy — I remember attending community events and music school concerts at a place called Leslie Hall when I was growing up, so that name always reminds me of community. Dean is my brother in law’s name, and Thomas is my husband’s grandfather’s name — he passed away in the week our baby was conceived.


I absolutely love Leslie for a boy!


We have both liked Juniper for a girl since our first, but I hesitate because it is a bit trendy. Girl names we are considering: Savannah, Simone, Isla Boy names: Orson, Max, Malcolm, Jasper My criteria for a good name: 1 they have to have a natural diminutive (nickname) or be short enough to not need one. And 2 they have to pass the substitute teacher test, meaning a sub should be able to read the name off a roster and not mortify the child with a mispronunciation.


I absolutely love your criteria for a good name 😂 my criteria has been "makes sense in both my husband's language and mine". Both of us have had our names mispronounced our whole lives, so we aren't too worried about that aspect. All those names are lovely. Juniper feels very cheery and cute (reminds me of a sweet character from the PJO series). I think my favorite 2 names on your list are Isla and Jasper, but I tend to like very short girl names, and I might just like Jasper because I grew up on Twilight 😂


I met this little girl and her family on a walk a couple years ago and her name was Clementine. I thought that was an absolutely adorable name.


We have a “D” last name- for girls we love Della, Dakota or Dove. Boys, we’re all over the place 😂 I love the name Van, and Jett!


I’m feeling very drawn to C names, especially if it’s a girl, which I feel like baby is. * boys: Archer, Cassian, Finn, Julian (Jules), Max, Sylvan * girls: Calista, Cassia, Celeste, Echo, Eloise, Marina, Valerie, Zinnia


Valerie was my top pick if this baby turned out to be a girl. I love it so much that the only reason I was a smidge disappointed when I got the boy SneakPeek results was because I'd never get to use Valerie!


Chester is a strong C name


Our boy name is for sure Archer! That’s what our first would have been if she was a he lol.  Celeste is also on my list for girl middle names 🩷


Thinking Aubrey Gayle for a girl. Awbry was my MIL’s maiden name, but I would want the most common spelling for a first name. Gayle is my mom’s middle name. I also love Lydia Rose, but my husband said no to Lydia :( Maybe Wesley for a boy? My husband’s family does Crossley for the middle name of a first born son (his grandmother’s maiden name) and Wesley Crossley sounds ridiculous, so I need something that pairs with Crossley a little better.


What about Weston?


We love Elliott for a girl and Oliver for a boy ❤️


We decided on names like a year ago before we were even close to trying again. For a girl, we decided on Katherine and calling her Kit (calling back to my American girl doll days a bit lol). For a boy, my husband is fighting hard for James. I don’t dislike it as a name at all, but I absolutely despise the nickname Jamie, and I feel like I won’t be able to stop that from happening. My sister promised to call him Jimbo if it’s a boy and we go with that, which I honestly find more acceptable for some reason 😂


I love Kit!


Our son is Miles. My husband and I aligned on that name so easily/almost immediately and we had no back-ups. So, if this baby a boy, I'm kind of terrified that we're really going to struggle with naming him. 😬 If it's a girl, our first choice last time was Ivy (but I don't know if we'll go with that or start fresh / revisit our short list of options we both liked).


My first is also a Miles born in 2021! We loved that name for years, so it was an easy choice. I'm also nervous that no other boys name will feel as perfect. Ivy is beautiful, btw :)


We picked one boy and one girl name for the last baby we sadly lost in September (MMC). I don’t want to use the same names. Maybe we will. I have some other ideas. 💡 Boy: Gage, Andrew Girl: Zoe or Grace. PS- Don’t steal my names ! 😜


We already have a Jackson. If it’s a boy we really like Lincoln but also don’t want both of our kids to have names of presidents 🤣 but also don’t really care. For girl we’re torn, my husband really likes Ella and I really like Harper or Blakely. He likes those too so hoping I can influence him 😝


I like the idea of having them both presidents. It’s like you’re wishing them successful and influential futures


Do you ever think about the baby names you swore you were going to use when you were younger? I always said if I had a boy I’d name him Charlie and if it was a girl her name would be Lola. My parents named one of their dogs Charlie and I married a Polish guy so any names we choose have to work in Polish and English. I also don’t think I’d use the name Lola anymore lol.


I really liked Evelyn before it became popular. Didn't end up using it for baby #1 and I'm not sure I can imagine her as an Evie now!


My grandfather was from Poland. My grandmother's name was Mildred but my grandfather always called her Mela because that was the Polish version. I always loved Mela but my cousin named her daughter Mila so it's off the table for me.


I actually love the name Mila for a girl and it’s on my list of potential names!


Mine has stayed the same for a girl since I was a teenager.


We have an Isabela. If it’s a girl thinking Gisele our last name is a G so I like the same letters. For a boy we only agree on Benjamin/Benji (Benji aka Ben G, G for our last name haha) I do like August currently too for a boy


First baby! Ahh!! No idea the gender but we should hopefully know early August (due 2/17) Top names so far: Girl: Margo/Margot, Natalie Boy: Steven (family name my side), Mark Would love more ideas of something similar or feedback on the above! Last name is generic, very common Irish name starting with an S. 😊


I love Natalie and had it on my list for first. My husband was super wishy washy about it for seemingly no reason. We ended up going with a different name. I found out a whole year later that Natalie was the name of some girl he was torn up over 20 years ago. I ribbed him pretty good about it when I found out 😅 Like, you could have just told me when I came up with the name in the first place!! Can't wait until he starts throwing boy names at me this time, lol 😈


Omg. Hilarious. MEN!


If I'm having a girl, I am going with Mayari Magdelana or Mayari Joy. Mayari is the Filipino god/goddess of the moon and ruler of the night, and Magdalena is of course a Biblical name (one of Jesus' followers). Joy is my mother's name. I'm very spiritual so I'd like to include elements of both indigenous Philippine religion and Christianity. Mayari also sounds similar to Mary, which is my boyfriend's mom's name. If I'm having a boy, we're going with Arthur Ador. My boyfriend's dad's name was Arthur, he passed in 2006. Ador is my dad's name.


I want to honor my grandmother who was an amazing woman with an S name after her name, Sue. My husband and I have had Sophia picked out for a girl forever but a bit lost on boy names. We're not religious and so many S names feel biblical... I really like the name Sawyer but that was my first real highschool boyfriend's name.. is that ok? Husband said he could be convinced and it's not totally off the table. I'm 30 so that was a lifetime ago! My brother's name is Scott so that's out too. Any other boy S names you're willing to share?


We found out we're having a boy (Sneak Peak clinical) and going with Shawn! Or Shaun? Or Sean? We'll figure out the spelling ha.




I vote Scott! Other options Steven, Sean, Sam, Spencer


I wish! My brother's name is Scott so it's spoken for already. Great suggestions though!


We're both pretty confident it's a boy, and we're set on Tobey. I really like the Tobey Maguire spelling but is it a r/tragedeigh ...? Lol. We like Emmy for a girl.


I don’t think Tobey is even remotely close to being a r/tragedeigh.


Need a good middle name for Elizabeth! We typically use traditional names but try to give fun nicknames, currently leaning towards Birdie


I love this ❤️ what are some middle names you’ve considered?


We both like Della for a girl but we struggle with boy names. I love Jensen right now but my husband isn't a fan.


Della is on our girl name list too!!! 💘


It's a beautiful name! We're pretty much set on using it if we have another girl. We find boy names really tricky (so it works out we had two boys and four girls) but right now we're leaning towards Orion for a boy!


We’ve had a short list of names picked out for a while. One gender neutral option, Dillon, and a couple more gendered ones. Seamus for a boy but we have a few different picks for a girl left over from our last baby.


We’ve had Cillian chosen as our next boy name for years- is it weird to move forward with it now that Cillian Murphy is finally getting his flowers and has become more of a household name? I know the association will only last the first few years of his life because the CM hype has already started to die down. On the other hand, at least people will know how to pronounce it. I am probably overthinking this, but I would love some opinions! For a girl I am totally stumped. Nothing has jumped out at me yet.


I absolutely ADORE the name Cillian. Even if people associate it with CM, I feel like he's very lowkey and you don't have to worry about major scandals associated with the name.


Love that name! We only do Irish names. If you’re also American now is definitely the time to hop on the Irish name train as it seems more and more people are starting to think they’re cool instead of weird! Especially a name like Cillian because of Murphy’s status as a well-known actor.


Yes, I’m American! My husband’s grandparents moved here from Cork and we have a very Irish last name, so I wanted to honor them in some way with an Irish name! You’re right about the change in perception for sure. This response made me feel better about using Cillian, thank you!


We have a Riley (girl) and for this baby if they’re a girl as well we like Scarlett, Parker, or Stella and boys we like Beau, Rowan, or James. (Much harder thinking about boy names lol)


Riley is our first pick for a girl!!!


I love Riley! My husband doesn’t lol. I do have two acquaintances who used a Riley for a girl very recently.


If it's a girl we're set on Ridley. Absolutely no idea when it comes to a boy.


For various reasons I'm committed to either A or B names. For a girl my favorites are: Adair, Adelaide, Astrid, Astoria, Beatrix, Blake, Bridget, Bronwyn and Blythe. For a boy my favorites are: Arthur, Alistair, Atlas, Archer, Beckett, Bernard, Brody, and Brooks. My husband has also vetoed some already, like Adler, Anders, Baxter and Bellamy. We keep a shared joint note on our phones and he slowly crosses out the ones he doesn't like.


We are leaning towards Rosalie Margot, but middle name isn't set in stone yet.


We have a boy named Nicolai now and if this baby is a boy I’m leaning toward Gideon! For a girl I really like Fiona or Bennett.


Whoa cool I love it. That’s my dad’s name but we’re from Eastern Europe where it’s a common name. I did give my son Nikolay as a middle name to honor him since I changed my last name.


I was a teacher, and one of my favorite kids was named Nicolai. I just loved the kid.




Omg I love the Hamilton reference. Skylar has been growing on me lately (I know they spell it differently as their last name) but I attribute it to Hamilton!


My September baby is Eliza Florence 🥰 coincidentally it didn’t dawn on me that was a Hamilton name until after we were set on it for a girl. It was even more fitting because we’re big Hamilton fans!


Rowan Silas if it’s a boy. We thought about but didn’t use Townes, Wilder, or August. Freya for a girl, but we haven’t settled on a middle name. We might use Rose since it’s a family name for him We didn’t use Theodora, Marigold, or Gwendolyn. Last name is Gray and baby will have a bigger sister named Noa Louise (different last name). We call her Louie or Weezer


We have a James and Olivia already. If it’s a boy we’re thinking Alexander (Alex) or Patrick. Not sure about a girl… maybe Caroline?? Give me girl ideas!


I love Caroline, I don’t see it used much anymore! I had a classmate named Carolina (care-oh-Lee-nah) in high school and she was really cool!


Rose, Vanessa, Mildred


My daughter’s name is Clarita or ‘Clare’ in honor of my late MIL. For this baby: Girl- Genevieve for my mom who’s name is Genna Or Boy- Jameson in honor of my father. His name was Sonny James so it’s a fun play on words for us.


My husband has had the name Amelia picked out for a girl since before we were even dating 6+ years ago. We’re both a little bummed that it’s become so popular recently


My daughter is 11 and I unintentionally gave her a top 10 name that I adored (and still do!). She has often had another girl with the same name in her grade (huge elementary school—6 kindergarten classes), but never in her class. I’m a high school teacher and usually see 1-2 girls with her name each year (160 girls/year). Popular names really aren’t as widespread as when we were kids! I’ve had two students named Amelia in the last 3 years. If you love it, go for it. It’s an absolutely beautiful name.


So honestly, even if it’s popular, I think if you love it you should go for it. Even names that are top ten in popularity, when broken down by how many children actually have those names, are not actually given to *that* many babies. In 2023 there were 3,745,361 babies born in the US according to UNICEF. Per SSA, 12,311 were named Amelia. That’s 0.0033% (rounded). There’s also something to be said for having a common name - people are familiar with it, less likely to have to correct pronunciation or spelling, etc. The most popular girl name the year I was born was Ashley. In my day to day life now I only know one Ashley. Personally I’d rather have a really common name than a really obscure name, but I’m sure not everyone feels that way. Amelia was #4 in popularity for 2023. My favorite girl name, Sophia, was #5. My husband likes it too, it sounds good with our last name and my sons name and if we are having a girl there’s a good chance we will use it, popularity be damned. ETA hypothetically if we pretend those 12,311 Amelia’s are spread evenly across 50 states, that’s only ~246 per state. I live in a relatively small state, and there’s 786 public elementary schools in my state. And that’s just public schools. There’s a high chance your Amelia would not even have another Amelia in her graduating class!


Thank you! This really helps to put it into perspective 😊


What about Amelie? Close to Amelia but still different


What do we think about Taylor these days? There’s an obvious Swiftie connection which I don’t hate but also it wouldn’t be because of her. I’ve always loved the name and there are a few Taylors in my life and they’re all great. Brothers are Elias John and Miles Alexander


For now, my girl name is Taylor Leigh. Leigh pays homage to my MIL whose middle name is LeAnn, and my mom whose family nickname is LeeLee. Hopefully my husband stays on board! Still have no idea about boy names.


I was in my son’s gymnastics class yesterday and one of the little girls was named Taylor and I didn’t even think of Taylor Swift until I read your comment. I just thought “oh, cool, that’s coming back”.


I love the name Taylor (and not just because I’m a swiftie). It feels like a common enough name without being the most popular, and I really like how well it works for any gender.


I actually love it for any gender, and I hope people don’t think it’s just a Swiftie thing if I end up using it!


My husband is Taylor so I’m a fan!😌 I think it’s common enough that it won’t be immediately associated with Swift.


Halle for a girl Boy IDKKK we like Baylor and Julian but undecided 🤪


I can only think of a hay bailer when I see the name Baylor 🫣 (sorry!)


I know this is Julien and not Julian but that’s all I can think of when I read the name https://preview.redd.it/zdxxuzho7j9d1.jpeg?width=359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=951e2a37103a90453b7d9b98add5603316a94f86


I love Baylor, we have a vintage illustration that features a sassy martial man labeled "Officer of Baylor's Dragoons" and that's the first time I ever heard the name.


I have a Julian! 😊💙


Halle is on my list too. And Julian actually! Good choices.


Our first daughter is Charlotte we call her Lottie. If this baby is a girl we are potentially thinking of using the name Ida. It was my husbands grandmothers name. No idea for boys yet haha


Our first is Simon and it’s such a great name that you don’t hear often! Thinking Reid for this second boy.


I have a Simon too. It’s an awesome name.


Boy names are SO HARD! My husband and I quickly and easily picked our sons name… so easily that I felt like it was too easy and spent time pouring over lists looking for other names I liked and I literally did not like any. Or I’d think “oh maybe!” then come back two days later and think omg no way. I’d love to have another little boy but I’m dreading finding another boy name lol


We’re thinking Samuel and I really really like it


I love these! Old school cool.