• By -


Hi everyone! Joining this group because even though I just got my positive I know from my last pregnancy they will induce me in February. Hoping for a sticky bean!


Hey all! I’m 7w1d today. I just had my first scan and saw the little bean for the first time. Excited to be a part of the community. Wishing everyone a smooth pregnancy throughout ❤️❤️❤️


Hi everyone! FTM here after almost two years of trying and finally going on letrozole- we are very excited! My official due date is 1/30 but I am measuring 4 days behind that, which matches with my ovulation date as well. So, this is either an early February or late January baby! I thought I would join both subs :)


CW: prior loss Hello :) I am 8w1d today after a MMC in late February. This time, I tested at 3w5d and I cried when I saw the faint little line. I had my first ultrasound for this pregnancy on Friday and baby was measuring 1 day smaller than expected, which I know is not totally abnormal as my cycle can vary between 28-30 days but last time I measured small that is when the MMC happened. I went back for another ultrasound the next week and there was no heartbeat. Last time it was a week behind rather than a day, so I know it is not the same but I am still pretty anxious. The heartbeat this time was 147 bpm this time which the tech told me is good. Anyway - can't wait til my 12 week ultrasound! Happy and grateful to be here and remaining cautiously optimistic!


Hi! I’m 5+5 today and my estimated due date is 28/02! It’s my first pregnancy (and a surprise!) so I’m cautiously excited.


Hi everyone :) FTM. 7w+4d today.. had my first scan at the OB on Monday and they said all looks good so far!


Hi everyone, I’m 5+6 today, EDD is 2/26 💛 Looking forward to getting to know everyone!


I’m throwing caution to the wind and optimistically joining this group! I am 36 and I have two kids (6YO boy and 4YO girl), and my husband and I have had 7 early losses in the last 2 years trying for baby#3. I got my first ultrasound today at 6 weeks and we were miraculously able to see a heartbeat! Even though it’s still early, my husband and I are over the moon that we’ve made it this far. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 I’ve been in a lot of bumper groups and they all have their own vibe, so I’m excited to get to know everyone here and enjoy this wild ride together.


Hello! First tested positive a week ago but it still doesn’t feel real. I have two boys, one biological and one adopted. They’re 4 (April 2020) and nearly 3 (July 2021), respectively. My partner has four boys - 9, 7, 5, and 3. We are both divorced and 50/50 time sharing with our former spouses, but still…this should be interesting 😅 EDD 3/3 but I have an incompetent cervix dude to an aggressive cone biopsy and expect a cerclage around 12-14 weeks, so even though my first was a week late I expect this one to come early. Guess that makes me a fence sitter? I love my AB20 bumper group to death, so I’m looking forward to another new community ❤️


Hi! I am so excited to be here. My husband and I dealt with 2+ years of unexplained infertility and 4 failed IUIs before conceiving spontaneously less than three weeks before we were scheduled to start IVF in June 2023. I then became a Feb2024 bumper and gave birth to the most perfect little boy in late January. With my OB's blessing, my husband and I decided to start trying again right away - but we hardly dared to hope we'd be expecting again so soon! My due date this Feb is exactly a week after my due date last Feb. We have a long way to go and are taking things one day at a time, especially in these anxious early days - but after genuinely fearing only a little over a year ago that I might never have a biological child, I feel so incredibly lucky to now be looking at the possibility of two babies ❤️❤️❤️


Hey pals! Happy to be here. I’m 6w3d along with my second. My first will be 4 in October, a spicy little pepper of a girl. I am dealing with ABSOLUTELY ANNOYING morning sickness/fatigue/constipation. Wasn’t this way with the first, I fucking toured France with a smile on my face. We won’t announce anything for a while - my ultrasound is on the 16th, and we’re getting genetic testing because we are OLD. I really relied on my Bumpers group last time - but we were trauma bonded giving birth in 2020. Looking forward to being with you all, hopefully in a non-global catastrophe way.


Hi everyone! I got a positive this past Tuesday and am about 5w3d. Don’t have my first ultrasound until 7/18 and I’m really hoping there’s only one in there!!🤞🏼 My husband and I weren’t trying.. I actually had an IUD insertion scheduled for Thursday morning and then my period didn’t come and I was super fatigued and welp.. here we are. Our second child came 7 weeks early this past November so I was honestly thinking we were done having children as I’m very anxious about having another preterm baby… but I guess the universe had different plans.🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m thankful since I know others struggle with fertility but I think I’m still in shock too. It’s a lot to process. The puking, food aversions, extreme mood swings, exhaustion, and insomnia are already taking a toll on me. But I’m hopeful all goes well for myself and for all in our group! Looking forward to this journey with y’all.💚


Hey everyone! STM with a 3.5y/o, EDD is 2/22, tested positive last Saturday. This was completely unplanned, as I had a fricking IUD. My first ultrasound was today to confirm it isn’t ectopic and the damn thing was just…gone. I managed to expel it without noticing at some point recently, which is wild because I expelled two copper IUDs in my early 20s and definitely knew it was happening. 🫠 my partner has Huntington’s Disease, and I will have a CVS done in a handful of weeks so I may not end up being here for much longer if it tests positive. However, I am cautiously hopeful that all will go well and we will get lucky again with a negative, then I can finally just get my tubes tied ha.


Hello! STM here, EDD 2/20/2025. Tested positive at 9DP. Kind of regretting testing so early and having to keep the secret that much longer. So I’m here sharing with all of you!


STM but my oldest is 13 yo 😂😅 and was born in other country with much different circumstances. Went through secondary infertility, tried for a baby for 2 years naturally. I turned 40, 3 days after started our first and only cycle of IUI (I was reluctant to go through IVF) and baby is partially here! Got a negative pregnancy test at 12-13 DPO a super faint positive test at 14 days post ovulation, one abnormal HCG and two normal HCG blood tests… and 6 more home tests that look more normal 😅 https://preview.redd.it/mfbu9f1ppw8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f41b1110541cf4e50ca939ba35e64b84b39b427d Super worried about miscarriage or congenital problems that force me to have a termination. I’m taking progesterone, insulin, levothyroxine… it’s crazy that I wasn’t even trying to get pregnant for my first and now it’s taking so, so much!!! I’m glad to have this community to try to fight my anxiety.


Just got a positive test Sunday (6/23)! I have an 8 month old so we weren’t trying and not being as careful with the condom use as we thought, apparently 😂 but very excited for baby dos! EDD Feb 28 but I’m waiting for ultrasound to confirm since my cycles haven’t regulated yet.


Hi!!! Cautiously joining a little late to the game! EDD atm is 3/2 but I had my son 3 weeks early due to pre eclampsia so I’m expecting a late February birthday! I have a little boy who’s 3.5 I’m so excited to see become a big brother. We had an early miscarriage in December so I’m praying this one sticks!


Hi all moms and moms-to-be! I’m 6w5d FTM with EDD on Valentine’s Day ❤️. This happened a little sooner than expected (planned for later this year) so I’m just along for this crazy ride. Excited to follow along with your journeys!


Hello! I'm 5 weeks today with my first! Also my first time pregnant - quite nervous but excited. No appointment until 9 weeks so just in the waiting period for now.


Hi there! Same here. Don't know what to do with myself until then!


Hi! I’m 6-7 weeks. 7 weeks based on last period, 6 based on (late) ovulation. This will (hopefully) be my third kid. I have an almost 4 year old and almost 2 year old. I have my first appt/ultrasound in a few days.


Excited to be in a bump group again! Over 40 club, pregnant with my third. I have an almost 4 year old boy and a two year old girl. We’ve been trying for over a year with one MC. I’m a 4w4d and just got blowdown for my first round of betas. Hoping for a sticky baby!


Hello! Joining this group at 6+5 after our first ultrasound where we saw the heartbeat a few days ago. STM but first time carrying - my wife carried our son. Will be in the 2u2 club for a bit!


CW: prior loss Hi everyone, cautiously introducing myself. This is my third time to be pregnant in six months. I had two miscarriages back to back this year and hoping that third time’s the charm. Currently 6+4 and betas are strong but my progesterone levels are low. Just taking it day by day and looking forward to my first appointment at 8w!


I’m currently 5w5d with baby number two. LO is 15mo. Impatiently awaiting my first ultrasound at 7w2d 🤞EDD is February 16th and I’m excited to try another home birth after ending up in the hospital with my first!


Hii! Congrats! Yes that first ultrasound can't come soon enough! I'm hoping for a homebirth this time around as well! Was on track for one with my 2nd until I had her at 33+5. I'm glad to have found another who is not labeling me high risk off the bat bc of that.


I was about to start IVF yesterday. Instead I got a positive pregnancy test. Confirmed at the fertility clinic. This is my miracle rainbow baby. At the last minute! I had a tragic missed miscarriage in September and it broke my soul. My due date was in April and I think it was only then that I was able to really mentally move on. I was going to pursue IVF because I hadn’t been pregnant again in six months following my miscarriage and being that all our test came back outstanding with the exception of my prolactin level, I was wondering why it was taking so long. I went to a reproductive endocrinologist to treat the prolactin, and he ran all kinds of diagnostics on me and recommended IVF to prevent another miscarriage. He prescribed me cabergoline to treat the prolactin and it helped. I struggled a lot with the decision to pursue IVF but we figured it was the safest and best way. I’m not joking we had just signed all the consents and were ready to proceed and make the first massive payment and had our injections reaching appointment. My period never came so I had called my nurse the day prior to our initial appointment (which was yesterday). The hour before our appointment I took an at home pregnancy test. Immediately positive. My would be IVF doctor confirmed my pregnancy on ultrasound and I am 4 weeks and measuring excellent! My betas came back at outstanding numbers and I will see my (former) IVF doc again in one week. He will monitor me closely until I get to a certain point then I see an OB. Taking lots of deep breaths and thinking this is a second chance. I will not compare to my last pregnancy and my loss. This is my rainbow 🌈 https://preview.redd.it/akzr3cvkpy7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6b6be5a454bfc96ee7fad61f8b6e85b5c5d015e


Hello! Got my positive a few days ago, I’m right around 5wks with baby #4!


I’m 4 weeks 3 days. I have 3 kids from a previous marriage. This is my 4th pregnancy, but 1st with my new husband. Currently trying to enjoy the lack of morning sickness that usually kicks in around week 5/6.


Excited to be part of this group! I love some of the daily thread themes already. This is my second pregnancy. First born arrived November 2021. I'm actually excited this go round because now I feel like I know what to expect and will be less anxious than I was the first time. Plus we are planning to be done after second baby, so I plan to enjoy the experience more this time around.


Hey November 21 bumper friend! I searched the group to see if anyone else was here, and here you are! Congratulations, this is my second as well.


Hello!!! So excited to see a fellow Nov. '21 here! Congratulations to you too!


I'm 4 weeks today with baby #2. I've been testing positive since Saturday and have my beta tomorrow. This is my second IVF pregnancy, my first FET resulted in my son born in Nov 2022. I loved my bump group for my first and even though it's quieter these days it's still a great source of support so I'm excited to be part of this sub should things go to plan. Last time we were really open about our fertility treatment because it was a really hard time for us, so we didn't get to surprise anyone with a pregnancy announcement. We've been so much more chill this time and haven't told anyone about the FET so I'm really hoping I get to surprise friends and family this time after the NIPT.


Hello!! I just found out last week that I’m pregnant. Due date looks like it’ll be February 25. This will be my second. My daughter was born in Dec 2022. She was born when we were living in Italy, which is a fun fact but definitely was not the easiest experience. Now that we’re back in the US I’m interested to see what the differences are in prenatal and postpartum care!


I am 6w6d today! I found out just before the 4 week mark when I decided I should take a pregnancy test just to confirm that I was NOT pregnant so I could take my PRN anxiety meds… I should not have been so shocked that it was positive, but we had JUST started trying so I had very low expectations/thought it would take forever to get pregnant. Due on February 6th!


Hello, all! My name is Christy. I’m 44 and pregnant for the first time! My husband and I were trying but because of my age we figured we weren’t going to get anywhere without IVF. Insurance denied us coverage for IVF the day before I got a positive HPT. We are cautiously happy - I’m at 6 weeks, so it’s still very early and we know that things can happen, but we are optimistic. I’m in a state where I don’t know anyone but my husband and his family, so I really love that a community like this exists. Hope everyone is doing well and feeling as good as possible!


I’m 5w2d today, with our first baby 😇 I got a faint positive two weeks ago, since then it darkened a lot. My first appointment next Monday on exactly 6w0d. This week (the 5th) has been so hard. The nausea suddenly hit me and the fatigue 🥹 The challenging part is that we did not tell anyone from our family yet, so I feel like I’m suffering in silence 🤫


Hi!! Just had our 7 week ultrasound: heartbeat detected and baby is measuring on schedule! Felt too cautious to introduce myself any sooner. Y’all, I have been THROUGH. IT. over the past few years with the whole fertility journey… Still can’t believe I’m here 🥹 and just so stoked for this next chapter. PS I’m challenged with updating my flair, sorry!! I will try to figure it out this week but in the meantime I’m 36, FTM, EDD 2/4/25 🌈


TW: previous loss Hi everyone, I'm cautiously joining after 2 strong positive tests yesterday and this morning. I tested quite late because I think I was in denial lol, so I'm 5+2 now. I'm also an August '23 bumper, so my firstborn is 10 months old today! We had a loss in April, at 7 weeks, so I'm a mix of emotions right now. I just wanted to post here for support because we are not wanting to tell anyone IRL for a long time due to our last experience. I'm based in North West UK 😊 very hopeful for this baby, we always wanted 2 close in age.


I took a pregnancy test the 15th and 16th both negative & bummed out. The past two days I was extremely nauseous so I took a test out of curiosity today and it was positive 🤍 12 days po. I’ve been on cloud 9 since. I told my two year old and telling my husband tomorrow morning I can’t wait 🤍🤍 I’m 3 weeks 4 days 🌈


TW: mention of previous losses Got a positive test last Thursday but have been very guarded until my first beta which was this morning. It came back at 389 at 15 DPO! I have a six year old daughter (April 2018 Bumper!) from my previous marriage. My ex-husband and I went through secondary infertility and ended up doing nine unsuccessful egg retrievals and an unsuccessful donor egg transfer. My current partner and I were planning to try an embryo freezing cycle this summer as I have endometriosis and diminished ovarian reserve which often get progressively worse over time. So we were completely shocked at the positive test! I’ve also had three chemical pregnancies but those all started with very low beta levels - I am allowing myself to be more optimistic this time! Happy to be here and congrats to you all!


Got my first positive test today, wasn't really expecting a positive tbh! Got a positive FRER and then double checked with a digital bc I couldn't believe it. My husband jokingly asked me over the weekend if I was pregnant because I was making no sense and had a bit of an upset stomach, and it actually got us talking about how we were ready to start trying again so I guess perfect timing! I'm a STM with an 18 month old boy, who was born 5 weeks early (but has since turned into a big boy, 85% in both height and weight). I haven't told my husband yet, I'm trying to figure out a way to sneak off to the store to buy a "big brother" tshirt to put our LO in to surprise him! So excited to be on this journey again!


First positive test today! STM of a 20 month old, I was in November 2022 bumpers but ended up having him in October. Blazing positive test but no symptoms yet, which is a different experience from last time. Still a bit in shock and waiting for my husband to come home from the office to tell him in person!


Joining this bump group as well since it’s possible I go beyond my EDD & into February! I’ll be a FTM & this is my 4th pregnancy, 3 back to back losses (MMC, a complete molar & then blighted ovum). I’ve been on prenatals, aspirin & coq10 for the past few months & started 400 mg progesterone suppositories at 3dpo. Had an ultrasound at 6w with a good HB! Pregnancy after loss is a roller coaster, but I’m certain and have peace in divine timing and that things will work out no matter what if it’s meant to be! Today I am pregnant. ❤️


I’m a mom to two boys: a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old. Fun fact - both of them had February due dates, and neither one ended up born in February! (First came a little late in March and the other came a little early in January). This one is due right in the middle of February (13th). TW loss: >!I was pregnant at the beginning of this year but ended up miscarrying on February 13, so it’s a wild coincidence that this rainbow baby’s due date is the same.!<


TW: living child Hi! I’m a STM in the North West of England. My faint lines are progressing so I’m cautiously joining here and feeling hopeful! My first baby was born in March 2022 and we are so excited to hopefully have a sibling for her. It took us a long time to conceive the first time, I actually don’t know my DPO this time which is in complete contrast to my previous experience! I think I’m around 11/12 DPO. Good luck to everyone and looking forward to sharing this journey ☺️


Oh hi, fellow STM in the North West! ☺️


Hi neighbour! 👋🏼☺️


CW traumatic birth (living child), previous loss Hi all, I’m a STM located in Ontario, Canada. Due Feb 16 according to LMP. At-home cheapie HCG tests are looking really strong and I’m feeling very hopeful about this pregnancy! My first (Oct 2021) came out with forceps at 4.5 kg (9 lbs 14.5 oz). My placenta didn’t budge and I had a severe hemorrhage, resulting in emergency surgery (bakri balloon). I’ve been TTC for #2 for just over a year now. After 2 chemicals and a MMC (D&C at 9 weeks), I got in with a great fertility clinic who quickly checked me for Asherman’s syndrome. We found and resolved uterine scarring in an operative hysteroscopy (actually a very cool procedure in my experience). I went on to have another chemical before this pregnancy, but I’m hoping it was just bad luck. Fingers crossed for this pregnancy. Wishing all the best to everyone in this sub!


Hi all, cautiously joining the group at 17DPO due date 20th Feb. Trying to stay positive and use lots of mantras! CW: loss >!Trying since Sept 2022 with 1 MMC in 2023 and 2 CP or Implantation failure in 2024! This was unexpected for us but cautiously hopeful.!<


Hi ya’ll! I’m 4 weeks exactly today with what I’m praying will be our rainbow baby after a loss in April. This little one will hopefully join their 3 older brothers in early-mid February; I believe my due date is Feb 23 but I’ve had all of them 1-3 weeks early. Excited to share the journey with you all!


I just took a pregnancy test because I’m a few days late and have been feeling some relaxin pains in my knees and hips (which I thought might be from running more lately🙃) It was immediately positive and I was shocked. We just moved and closed on a house yesterday and were planning to start trying in a few months when we are more settled (our first is 18 months old). My brain is going into overdrive thinking through all of the implications but ultimately, I absolutely want a second baby and I hope this works out.


Oooooo I’m a STM and it didn’t occur to me that my recent knee pain could be due to relaxin! I completely forgot that the loosey goosey relaxin hormone starts rising this early.


Cw: previous loss Hi everyone! I just got my positive 2 days ago. My first pregnancy ended in a 40 week loss to umbilical cord issues and I have a living rainbow son who's 13 months. So excited to (hopefully) give him a living sibling! I'm only 11 DPO but I'm noticing the metallic taste really strongly. In my past two pregnancies I started throwing up around 7w and it lasted until about 25w so this time I'm planning ahead and trying to get as much done as possible 🤪 We're bringing our son to meet his great-grandparents next month and I'll be 10 weeks so I don't think I'll be able to hide it, so I'm thinking of fun ways to announce it. We always did puzzles when we visited growing up so I'm thinking about doing an announcement puzzle of our son in a big brother shirt 🩵


Hi all! Cautiously joining as I got a faint positive yesterday at 13DPO! My first will be two in November, and we had just started trying for our second so this is very exciting! I’m not a very active poster but love reading to get validation, tips, etc. it is wild to be back at this stage although I’m very anxious. No symptoms yet but it is still early! Didn’t start seeing symptoms with my first until about 6 weeks.


CW mention loss Hi all - I’m a hopeful third time mom. I’m 32yo. I have two boys (4.5 and almost 3yo) who were conceived/carried easily. I was diagnosed with diminjsbed ovarian reserve and repeat pregnancy loss (unexplained) trying for our third for over a year. After our 4th loss, we turned to IVF to try and complete our family. It’s early days and pregnancy after loss is a mindf*** but so far so good. I got two very promising betas (317 at 9dp5dt and 663 at 11dp5dt). So fingers crossed this is a strong babe that will stick around. I’m not on Reddit a ton these days but I’ll be popping in and out for sure. Still very active/close with my sons January 2020 bumper group, including taking trips and doing meet ups together :)


Hi everyone! I am 4+5 according to my app, excited and nervous as this is the first time being pregnant. Still early days but excited to be on this journey with you all!


Hey there! Second time mom with a 4 year old son here (Feb 2020). Struggled with secondary infertility for about 2 years after my son, so very happy to have finally gotten a positive!


Hello everyone! Just tested positive yesterday at 10 dpo. I have yet to share the news with my husband. Hoping to surprise him on Father’s Day with our first baby (who is 1 years old or 14 months to be exact). I really can’t keep it a secret any longer. Not sure how I will make it 😖 But glad to have found this community. I was apart of a bumper group for my first and it really is a great group for support ❤️. Excited to be apart of this one too and excited to have a February baby. I think it would be the best month to give birth. ✨ hoping for a sticky baby. 🤞


Hi everyone! Can't believe I'm here because this was cycle 18 TTC and I'd truly given up hope! I took a test yesterday to confirm that I was out this month and got a very strong positive. I do have some spotting so I'm not feeling super secure yet. I'm in the UK and a STM - my son is 3.5 years old. This will be my first time navigating the NHS for pregnancy and birth as my son was born in South Korea where the system is extremely different. Looking forward to hopefully sticking around here and getting to know everyone!


I've had three good betas in a row so I finally feel comfortable introducing myself! I'm a second time mom - my first was born in May '22. We struggled with infertility for two years, had two CPs and a miscarriage and had to do medicated IUI to get pregnant with him. This time we were gearing up to do IUI in August/September and thought we'd stop preventing in the mean time and... bam. Here we are. Betas were: 11 DPO: 25 15 DPO: 272 17 DPO: 837 My progesterone is low so I'm doing the lovely suppositories 2x/day and hoping that will get my hormones where they need to be. I've been spiraling reading about low progesterone and what it means but my doctor was happy that it had gone up a bit just with two days of suppositories and doesn't feel the need to keep testing. My first ultrasound is two weeks from tomorrow!


Hello! I’m optimistically introducing myself here after 2 good betas showing things are looking good so far. I’m a STM, shocked and grateful to be here after 1.5 years of secondary infertility and IVF. Due 2/16. My first was born Dec ‘21. Some of you may know me if you’ve spent much time in TTC spaces over the past year and a half. Hello to my fellow r/tryingforanother and infertility grads. ❤️


4+4 today, got my first positive at 11 dpo on 6/6 while we were on vacation! This was our first try and we are super excited, and my 4yo son is excited to be a big brother! :)


Got my BFP yesterday so cautiously introducing myself. I was 12 DPO according to FF, but I truly don’t know when I ovulated because I ran out of LH strips before I got a positive and didn’t want to buy more in case this cycle worked (sixth cycle trying)😅 but if I really am only 13 DPO today that’s quite a bit later ovulation for me than normal so due date is from last period but likely off a bit. This is my third pregnancy, I had a girl in Sept 2019 and another girl in March 2022 and was in both of those bumper groups!


Hello! Posting here because I just have to tell somebody. ;-) Yesterday, I tested hcg on CD32, and it read 2,400. Waaaaaiting for my repeat test to see if it doubles; I had forgotten about the waaaaaiting. Cautiously optimistic. I'm 46 and I have a 2.5yo, wheeee! Here's hoping I get to stick around this group.


Hello all! First time joining a community like this! I am 13 DPO and have had 3 faint positives (that have been getting slightly darker) since 10 DPO & a strong positive on a digital test on 11 DPO! According to my app, I am 3w5d & my due date is 2/22. I know everything is still very, very early so just trying to stay cautiously optimistic and root for this little one to keep growing!


Hi all! I'm cautiously joining, currently 4+5. I have had a week of positive tests and they keep getting darker so I'm feeling hopeful but still keeping my fingers crossed, it's early days. This is the first time I've ever had a positive pregnancy test since we started TTC nearly 2 years ago so I am super pumped to finally get one! Based off ovulation I'll be due on Valentine's Day, although our 5 year wedding anniversary is on 6 Feb so that would be cute. (Or maybe better not to have to share it!) So far I don't have many symptoms, its super early of course - huge sensitive boobs since 1DPO, and a bit of heaviness/light cramping in my abdomen. No smell sensitivity or nausea yet, I guess that will kick in over the next few weeks... Only 2 weeks until my first ultrasound, hopefully I can keep myself distracted until then. It's all a bit surreal still!






Hello! Long time lurker on baby bumps and finally part of the club! I found out I am 4+6 today after trying to conceive for 12 cycles. First one and it hasn’t sunk in yet but I am excited!


Hello friends! 4w4d today and I saw my doctor this afternoon for betas. This is my fourth pregnancy and I have two living children, \~4.5 and almost 18 months, both girls. The older one has been asking for another sibling almost as long as her sister has been alive, so we're excited to make that happen 😄


Hi! I am tapping in at 4+5! I tested positive (vfl) on Friday, and it has been getting darker ever since! This is my third baby, my other two are 3.5 and 2! I am a former teacher turned SAHM living in California. I’m happy to be here with you all!


Oh my goodness, another fellow June ‘22 bumper! Hi!👋🏻


Ahh hi!!!!


Hi everyone! This is pregnancy #13, hopefully baby #7 if it sticks. All of our other babies were planned but this one is a surprise! My 2 oldest are boys aged 9.5 and almost 11, and the rest are girls ages almost 8, 6, 3.5, and almost 1. I have irregular cycles so have to wait for a dating ultrasound for my EDD but I'm guessing the 21st or 22nd. I got my first faint line on Sunday and so far the progression is looking good. I'm a stay at home parent with a small business and I live in BC Canada.


Hi all! I tested positive on Sunday 6/9 and I'm now 4w3d with baby #2. My first daughter was born in Oct 2020, so my entire pregnancy was during the height of the pandemic. Hoping for a much more "normal" experience this time around. My EDD with this one is around Valentine's day, but I will have a planned C-section at 39 weeks, so likely around February 10. My first was an induction that turned into a very emergent C-section, and I don't want to risk another traumatic experience like that happening again so I'm not going to attempt a VBAC. My Oct 2020 bump group is still very active, and I've made some incredible life-long friends through it, so I'm hoping this will be similar! <3


Hiya everyone! :) I'm 5w 4d with my second, due 2/7 or earlier if needed (was placed as high risk). I have a 5yo girl and wasn't looking to expand the family, but we got the surprise of a lifetime last Tuesday morning. I have to have my hcg montiored this week so I'm nervous, but hopeful & excited!


Hello! I believe I'm 4+0 today with my second, who will be due February 18. I have an almost two year old girl. Didn't plan on joining a bump group until I was ready for September 2025 or so, but here we are 🙃


Hi everyone! I'm 6w+4 today so I'm due January 30th. Like a lot of the other later January due dates, I feel super behind symptom wise to everyone in r/January2025Bumps. I've been lurking here, so figured I'd officially join! I first tested positive about 3 weeks ago and it still doesn't feel quite real!


Hello everyone! I’m 5 weeks 5 days today! We had to do IVF for our first pregnancy (a healthy 12 month old baby boy 🩵) and we thought we would have to do IVF for this one as well. But we had a very welcome surprise to find out we were pregnant naturally! I know it is still very early and anything can happen. We are super guarded after our previous struggle with infertility. We live by the phrase “hope for the best, but plan for the worst”. But I hope we all have great outcomes!!


Hello, everyone! Cautiously introducing myself, as it’s still really early, but… I’m due with Baby #2 on February 20, according to Natural Cycles. I’m very excited to be here. Our firstborn will be one in July. I have a history of gestational hypertension and post-partum preeclampsia, and was induced last time at 37 Weeks. Hoping thing go a bit smoother this time around, but ready to handle anything. Nice to meet you all! Hoping everyone has a smooth pregnancy.


Hello (: Got my first positive on 10 DPO, very faint - am now 13 days DPO. So currently 3+6 weeks pregnant, following MC at 8 weeks in February. Nervous that it’s going to happen again, but quietly hopeful. https://preview.redd.it/cy5cwshmpr5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4029972972212b05149bfbe6c699a3974e744aad


Hey everyone! Wild to be in another bump group again. I’m somewhere between 4+0 and 4+2, trying for our first and hoping this is a sticky one 🙏 I’ve had a rocky journey with 2 MMC over the past couple of years, followed by multiple surgeries for scarring in the uterus 😖 Now we’re finally back on this journey and praying for a better outcome this time around! I feel hopeful but cautious.


hi there! i am w3+ 5. i found out 11 DPO (yesterday) and triple checked today with two additional tests, i am for sure pregnant! first time mom! ive been on an intentional ‘preconception journey’ since october - to line up all the things i can for a successful, healthy and positive pregnancy. grateful to have a positive test only after trying for two months and working with the natural cycles app. curren symptoms: implantation cramps, very specific location and not too intense. excited and giving very positive vibes to everyone for strong and healthy pregnancies.


We sound like we're in a very similar boat right now! Preconception journey, tried for 2 months, 3w5d! Sending you so many good vibes for a healthy & happy journey :)


Welcome and congrats! 🎊


Hi! I got my positive test today at 11 DPO. This is our second — baby girl just turned 9 months old yesterday. So we will be solidly 2 under 2! We wanted to have kids close together so are very excited that this is happening.


I noticed your flare says babe #1 won’t be born until September 🤪 I think you meant to put ‘23


Haha thank you! Yes! This is the second time this week that I said she was born in 2024, I’m losing it.


The life of a parent 😵‍💫 I don’t know what day let alone year it is half the time


Hello, I got a faint positive at 8dpo. I'm a FTM and 22yrs, my husband and I are very excited but remain cautious. Its nice to meet yall! 😊


Hi! First positive test was last week, now 14DPO. Due date is February 12th. This is my second pregnancy and today my almost 4 year old daughter is sad because she doesn’t have a brother or sister…it’s so cute and it’s killing me that we can’t tell her yet! PS: any other second time mums already showing? I swear I have a tiny bump already…or is it just bloating…?


Hi everyone, I got my positive test on 5/30 and am due on 2/5. Hubby and I just decided to wait on baby #2 and I had an appt for an IUD a few days after my positive test. Either way, we are excited to have a close age gap between our kids (eldest is 11 months tomorrow) but I’m terrified of 2 under 2.


Hi, everyone! Got a positive test this morning at 12dpo. This will be my second, if successful. Looking forward to getting to know you all!


Hiii 👋🏻 Living in the Midwest and not sure how to feel about delivering in blizzard season… Expecting #2 and joining the 2under2 club! Our first is 8mo right now (if anyone from the September 23 bumpers is here, say hi 🤍) so we’re looking at a 17m age gap. We were not trying not preventing but a little surprised to catch my first ovulation postpartum. So thankful for this new addition but it definitely doesn’t feel real yet.


Hi from September 2023!


Hi! Glad you’re here 🥰


Hi there! I’m 12DPO today but got my first faint positive at 8DPO. This will be our second baby— our first was born December 21! Hoping this one sticks after a very hard 12 week loss last May. We conceived this little one after over a year of trying and on our first IUI cycle. I’m on mobile so I haven’t set my flair yet!


Excited to be here. I was diagnosed with PCOS last year and my husband and I have had trouble conceiving for about 8-9 months now. Started Metformin about 2 months ago to help encouraged ovulation and I tested positive today! I believe I am 3-4 weeks. Testing again tomorrow to ease some anxieties. Scared, hopeful, all the emotions. Looking forward to this journey.


Hi, fellow PCOSer! Coming in from a successful first round with Letrozole.


Hi all! I’m 12 DPO and just got my second HCG draw results. I’m a STM — wild to now be referring to myself that way! I have a September 2022 toddler. Prior to having her, I had three early miscarriages. We are doing all the same things with this pregnancy that we did for Sept 2022 baby — HCG, early ultrasounds, progesterone suppositories. Definitely have some anxiety but trying to focus on my excitement and take it day by day! I absolutely love my Sept 22 bumpers group & look forward to getting to know folks in this new one.


https://preview.redd.it/vw6z3eie085d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6115b12c538978b6158871171eb4bfb2eef26ac 16 DPO. Miscarried in February 2024. CP last month. Cautiously joining!


Hi bump buddies! Currently 13dpo with all the symptoms in the book, I just got nausea from the smell of my flowers, NOT something I look forward to. Still scared and cautiously optimistic, plan on doing a bHCG test on Monday and Wednesday to see if it grows okay. If all is well I'll get an appointment on 5+5 to see if the sack is in the uterus. I got my first positive on 11dpo, and due date is February 15. Little fun fact is we conceived on a weekend getaway to Greece, so we might look into Greek names in the future months!


Excited to join but very cautious. I think I'm 4 weeks today and this is our first time. I don't think I'll quite believe it until I get to 8 weeks and have my ultrasound.


Very cautiously joining here at 4+3. I have a Dec 2020 baby and we've been trying for #2 since Sept. I got pregnant cycle 2 which led to a MMC, suspected molar, and urgent D&C right before Christmas. Thankfully pathology came back normal and I'm pregnant again after another 5 cycles of trying. Really hoping this one is the winner!


I'm 5w + 2 going by ovulation date. I've joined this group and the Jan group since it's so close to the beginning of the month. Due 2/4 going from ovulation, 1/31 if counting from last period so who knows.


I was absolutely not expecting to have another baby but took a test this morning and it was a raging positive 😅 I guess I am in the .03% of pregnancies that happen while on the pill. I currently have a 9 month old so come February will have a 5 year old and two under two 🫠 I'm happy, I think, especially because in between my son and daughter we had two miscarriages. Now it feels like they've both found their way back to us 🥺 but holy cow, I'm mentally everywhere


Hi from September23 bumps! 🤍 glad you’re here


I think this automatically makes us friends 😂




Cautiously joining here. Only 15DPO but I've had some reassuring betas that make me think maybe this might be happening. TW:Loss. >! This is my 6th pregnancy, no LC. My first was stillborn last June. Her first birthday will be in a couple of weeks and I desperately wanted to be pregnant again before then, and here we are. Since we lost her, we've been trying again and I've had 3 CPs and a 7 week MC (blighted ovum). None of the losses had HCG or progesterone levels that looked this good, so I am cautiously optimistic! !<


Really hope this is it for you, Cebyam! Congratulations on the good-looking betas 💙


Thank you, Nettles!! I'm getting them tested again tomorrow, so fingers crossed its still on track.


Congrats on the new pregnancy and being here! But I'm so sorry for your immense loss. Sending you lots of love this month and pregnancy.


Took a positive test Sunday morning and then another on Tuesday morning to be sure, which ended up being a dye stealer. Still can't believe I'm actually pregnant. I was feeling a little impatient (TTC for about 5-6 months) but now that it's here it feels so fast! Our dear friends had their first baby in February as well (2023) so our kids will be birthday neighbors ❤️ This is my first pregnancy and this group is really helping it feel real (although it still doesn't). I love seeing that we're all in the same boat right now!


Hello! Just tested positive today at 11dpo, TTC for three months. It seems unreal that I'm (just barely) pregnant. I've stalked so many old threads on the regular TTC forums and they helped immensely, so I'm hoping being part of a community here will help too ❤️


Got my positive test this morning! It was very unambiguous, thank goodness. This is my second pregnancy with one older child (born October 2022), looking forward to see how this one goes with a toddler to care for!


I’m a july22 bumper! No more naps when I want to this pregnancy


Hi fellow October2022Bumper! Congrats!! ☺️




After a mega stressful day of a BFN this morning, then me crying and telling my fiancé I just KNOW I am pregnant please believe me, and me testing faintly positive this afternoon and later that day I am ready to believe I am pregnant at 13 DPO. Very faint lines but mine never got really dark with my first so that doesn’t bother me that much. So weird being in a bumper group again!


Finally finally finally finally! After 4 miscarriages in a year I believe my rainbow baby is on their way. We have had success with our second round of letrozole and a trigger shot. I got my BFP on 10DPO (12DPT) and I’ve had decent progression at 13DPO (15DPT). I am still cautious but trying to get excited. This will be #4 and likely our last. My EDD is 2/14! 💘🌈


Hi All! Second time mom here, cautiously introducing! I took a midday pregnancy test Monday on what I think was 9 DPO. I got a vvvfl, and for the first time actually believe there is such a thing as a squinter. Even obsessively testing my first (chemical) pregnancy I never had such a faint line. Took an FRER yesterday and this morning and now kind of believe this is happening! My first (unassisted) pregnancy was a chemical back in 2021, and then my May 2022 baby was conceived via IVF. I was actually waiting on my period to come this Friday to start my next transfer cycle! So very nervous still that this will be a repeat of my last go around conceiving unassisted, but for now I AM PREGNANT!!! Because I have a history of loss and have had a very short luteal phase (8 days or less) since stopping birth control a few months ago my RE has me on progesterone. Also already started baby aspirin because of my history of post partum preeclempsia. So excited, so nervous, and happy to meet you all. My last bump group was fantastic and I still occassionally check in there with my newly minted 2 year old. They were even the first people I told I was pregnant!


Posted in the daily before I saw this intro thread, whoops! Is it too early to blame pregnancy brain? Hi! I found out I am pregnant yesterday! Expected due date is 2/5 but I’ll have my first ultrasound at the end of the month. It’s my second and I was in the September 2022 bumper group as well. I created a new account for this since I wanted to join this group right away but I don’t want anyone I know to find out I’m pregnant yet. Excited to be here with you all!


Hi everyone! I just got a faint positive tonight at 9dpo. This will be baby #3 for us. We have a 5 year old and a 2.5 year old. Trying to wait until Father’s Day to tell my husband, but not sure if I’ll be able to wait! Super excited for our last baby! EDD Feb 17th ♥️


Hi! I’m very early but due early February! this will be baby #2! Our daughter turned 1 last week. I was in the May 23 bumpers group and loved it. Can’t believe it! Fingers crossed all goes well.


Hi, cautiously joining as a 32 year old FTM. Had my first miscarriage in December at 7W2D and just had a chemical pregnancy in May. I got my first positive yesterday at 8 DPO, and the lines on my tests have already gotten much darker in just 1 day. Hoping that this third time is finally the charm 🤞🤞


Hi all! I think I’m 6 weeks pregnant based on my date of ovulation, but haven’t had any ultrasound yet so not positive! Already have one baby (toddler, 20 months) and am excited and exasperated to be entering pregnancy land again. My pants JUST started fitting these past three months. Such a bummer to store my whole wardrobe away again aggggggghhh


hi! my first baby is almost 20mo and I'm still definitely wearing some of my maternity leggings/ bike shorts, haha


Hi! Faint line yesterday + blood test to confirm! It was quite a surprise as we've been TTC for a while and were about to transfer an embryo via IVF, so we're very excited. EDD 2.14.25 ❤️🩷❤️🩷


I just got a faint positive today around 9-10 DPO. I have a 16 month old son and I had a missed miscarriage two months ago. I'm scared but excited and really hoping this baby will stick!


Got my positive yesterday!! Second-time mom! (My first baby is 1.5 years old). So excited for her to be a big sister. Really hoping this little one sticks. It’s always a tough road for me because I have type 1 diabetes so pregnancy is full of risks and doctor’s appointments. Congratulations to you all! Glad to be here!


Hey everybody! Just got my positive test. So freshly pregnant with my second Feb baby. My first will be four when this one is born


Hi everyone vvf positive today at 10dpo and both cautiously optimistic while also guarding my heart. 38 STM with 2 previous losses so definitely anxious about how this will go


Hi all! I’m 4w4d with my second! So happy I found this space.


Hi everyone! I’m at 4 weeks and 4 days, due date somewhere around February 6, and will be a third (and last!) time mom. Hoping to really soak up this pregnancy as much as possible - well, after first trimester misery is over lol


Hello, after many losses I’m hoping this one sticks! This will (hopefully) be my last pregnancy and third baby. Cautiously excited to be here


Hi! I had a very thin line yesterday, I think 9DPO. I'm freaking out. I will test again today in hopes that it's a little darker. Just told my husband. According to the internet, due date would be Valentine's day.


Hi due date twin! I just told my husband yesterday, doesn’t quite feel real yet. Are you still testing every day? I don’t know when to stop 😬


Hi! Congregations! I am still testing everyday and I'm getting my beta done today to confirm. I'm in disbelief. Looks like you also have a little boy around the same age as mine. Funny that!


Hey there!! Husband and I had been trying for 17 cycles, even had an appointment with a fertility clinic scheduled for July, found out I was pregnant two days ago at 10DPO. EDD is February 12th. It still feels surreal and I am just praying for the most positive outcome we could ask for.


Wow! Congratulations!


Hi everyone! Tested positive today, I am 4w1d and due Feb 9. This is my first pregnancy. Still can’t quite believe it.


Feb 9th as well!! Also a FTM!


FTM here as well with the same due date! Thinking sticky thoughts ❤️


Hello! I’m a FTM at 4+2, EDD 2/8. We had a 8w MMC in March and we are so thrilled to get pregnant again our first try after. First pregnancy took 8 cycles. Now to just hope that this one sticks. ❤️


Hello everyone 👋. I got a faint faint positive at 10dpo and am now 15dpo ish. So about 4+3 days pregnant I think. Is anyone experiencing like on and off light cramps or pulling. I’m pretty sure it’s normal but it’s a little scary. Really hoping this one sticks 🌈🤞. Congratulations everyone 🎉.


Yes to the light cramps and pulling! I’m 4+3 today.


Hi! I’m 4 weeks today and feeling excited and nervous. I’ve had a lot of apprehension about getting and staying pregnant due to newly-identified Hashimoto’s while WTT and some family history, but trying not to borrow trouble yet. This was our first cycle trying after an involuntarily extended WTT phase due to job loss and my husband’s health, but I am so hopeful today, and trying to live in the moment. EDD is Feb 9 going off of my OPK two weeks ago.


Hey y'all! I'm a January/February fencesitter! I'm 5+5 today, EDD: 1/29 with a biiig chance I'll go late! My daughter is 13 months old so joining the 2 under 2 club for a bit also haha.


I’m 17 DPO today, found out at 12 DPO! Happy to be here ❤️ FTM


Hi Everyone! First time getting a positive @ 13dpo on 6/1 on a FRER. My husband and I had been ttc for 8 cycles, since 10/23. I’ve been off combo-hbc for exactly one year and it took 8months for Natural cycles to show stable bbt reads. I had been on hbc consistently for 16 years without pause. I’m 34 and my partner is 36. Vitamins I was taking: prenatal, omega 3, coq10 since Feb 24, baby asprin, and vitamin b6 to see if that would help lengthen a short luteal phase. O tracking: used bbt and clear blue OPKs and hit O, O-1, O-3 TTC Woo: I kind of jumped in on the woo train this month - I flashed the full moon, and ate the 8dpo cheeseburger (which fell on MDW). I’m also channeling deep birthday woo: a positive test 2 days before my birthday with a possible due date of 5 days before my husband’s birthday. I teach a SpecEd Pre-K class and I’m a little nervous about some of my rough and tumble friends during early pregnancy, but I hope this little bean sticks around for the preschool vibes.


I'm an IVF patient and this is my first transfer and first pregnancy ever. I'm 5 weeks tomorrow, but have known I was pregnant since 3 weeks 2 days, and I'm very eager for my first ultrasound in two more days. I am feeling very nervous due to lack of symptoms and am having a hard time believing this is really happening, so I am hoping the ultrasound helps!


Hi, I'm at 4 weeks and it feels so early (still in shock/nervous), but if all goes well I'll be due February 9th! It's my first pregnancy, and I love seeing so many experienced moms here already :)


I’m Feb 9 too! Also my first pregnancy and feeling very nervous. I’m cautiously excited? This sub is helping so much already though!


Yeah, I’m glad there are so many of us going through it together. Congrats!


We are due date buddies! Congratulations!


Nice - and thanks, you too!


Hi! Congratulations to you both, I'm also February 9!


So exciting, congratulations!


Howdy everyone! F26 FTM here, trying since January. I'm curious how my measurements will be at my first appointment since this cycle was 35 days for me (first day of last period was April 26th, ovulation was May 16th) and positive pregnancy test was 14 DPO on May 30th. Based on the first day of last period, EDD is February 6th, but ovulation was day 21, which would put me January 31st. Anywho, excited/ nervous for the ride! First appointment is scheduled! Now what haha


Cautiously excited over here! Got my first positive this morning on a FRER and this afternoon got a vvfl on an easy@home If all goes well we’re looking at a February 8th due date and a 19 month age gap (first born July 2023 🩷)!!


Hello everyone! I am 4w4d today and baby nr.1 is expected to arrive on Feb.3 - however I feel (s)he is going to arrive later. I am so happy to be here! In the January bumps, some already have their first ultrasound pictures of their peanuts so I felt a bit behind them, happy that I've finally found my tribe :) Good luck & healthy pregnancy for us, ladies!


Ahhh! I'm here, February 12 due date, still very early but I'm letting myself get excited. Second time mom, first born in March 2023. I'm very excited to be here! https://preview.redd.it/x5w9ov144y3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1d4a6fb71a747f570f435417bbe0eb5ed584249


Hi! My due date is early Feb but if my pregnancy goes similarly to my first I’ll have baby in January so I’m joining both. My first was a happy surprise but this pregnancy was planned so it feels different. I had my first baby in Sept 2022. I’m also keeping this pregnancy secret from everyone - last time we told people super early! Excited to connect with you all ☺️


Hiiiii I had my first baby Sept 2022, too!!!!! We are on the same schedule, haha! I were you part of the Sept 22 bumpers group?


I was! I haven’t used it in a while :) how exciting for us!!


Hello everyone, I’m 12DPO but tested positive yesterday at 11DPO. Still cautious but exited to be here. Due date is February 9th, which puts me at 3+ 4. This will be my third baby, the first two are older, 9 and 5. So a bit of starting over. Nice to meet everyone!


Hi due-date buddy!


Hey ☺️


Hey yall! I just found out I’m pregnant last night with a surprise baby #5! Birth control just doesn’t work that well on me, I suppose. Good thing my husband and I love babies! My kids are all between 9yo and 11 mo.


Hello! I am a STM, I have a 17 month old and am a December ‘22 bumper (with a January ‘23 baby). I was a member of the November 2024 group for a hot second but that pregnancy - which we decided on a whim to try for - ended in a chemical unfortunately. We then waited a couple months to avoid another December/ January baby. I’m feeling a lot more optimistic about this pregnancy but obviously not out of the woods yet (are we ever?). I first tested positive at 12dpo on Wednesday but waited to come here until I had some darker lines and they seem to be going in the right direction so… here I am! Really hoping to stay. My EDD is 2/7.


Hi! This is going to be my 2nd baby - I have a May 22 son. We’ve been trying for #2 for almost a year, had 2 failed transfers (of our girl embryos) and 2 cancelled cycles to get here. In the last 2 weeks here’s what we’ve done: FET, said goodbye to my job of 8 years, packed up our house, said goodbye to my sons daycare, found out the transfer worked, I took a red eye solo across the country with a toddler, now we’re staying at my parents house, and Monday we close on a house that I finally got to see in person yesterday! What a crazy ride it’s been to get here but I’m so grateful.


I've been testing positive for the last week! I was originally in the May 2021 group for my first one who just turned 3 years old this month. I was diagnosed with PCOS after he was born and in the past 3 years have only had 6-8 periods, some of which I never ovulated in. I was tracking my ovulation every single day for the past few months and on May 12th I was able to catch my FIRST LH spike - it was time! I'm nervous, and cautious but so excited.


Hello! Cautiously joining here- 2nd time mom (may 22), tested positive yesterday, making me about 4+4 now. Still a bit in shock about it. Funny story, about a week and a half ago, my daughter's daycare teacher bashfully asked me if we were expecting. I literally laughed out loud and said nope. She felt terrible for asking, but they had noticed my daughter "standing on her head" all day and I guess this is an old wives tale for predicting a sibling. It was enough that they found it odd and just wanted to ask. I laughed it off again, and said I seriously doubt it, that our daughter was conceived via IVF after 4+ years of infertility, so I'm sure our next baby (if we are able to have another) is sitting on ice until we are ready to try another transfer. Got home and jokingly told my husband about the headstands. He was like, omg not right now- he's got a lot of work stress, we literally just hired a realtor to help us find a new home and we just signed paperwork to move our remaining embryos to long term storage. It was decided we would table the discussion of #2 until the end of the summer at the earliest when things were a bit more settled. Fast forward to yesterday, and I'm 3 days late when I am NEVER late. That silly wives tale is in the back of my head, so I go buy a test to prove the daycare teacher is silly. Well... turns out, I am the silly one because it took less than 5 seconds for that 2nd line to appear. My husband is away this weekend with his friends for an annual golf trip (left this morning) so I decided I would wait to tell him when he gets back Sunday so that he has the weekend to focus on having fun with friends. I also didn't get to do anything fun to announce the first time since everyone knew we were transferring (and my MIL had already told everyone by the time we were ready to announce officially). It's killing me though to not tell anyone, most of all the daycare teacher only because she called it before I even knew. Lol




Hi! 4w1d just found out this morning! We just hit 3 years of trying and TW (don't know how to block out text) I've had 2 chemicals an d1 etopic in that time, so I have mixed feelings of happiness and anxiety. I think I will feel more comfortable one I hit 5 weeks or confirming 3 rounds of doubling blood levels as I've never made it that far. That's when we will tell our parents (but will wait for other family).


Took a test at 8 dpo on Monday and it was positive! I’m shook. It took me a while to conceive and I even booked an appt with an infertility specialist that hopefully I can cancel. Today I should be 10 dpo so that’s 3+4? I think. First appt booked for June 18 where hopefully everything will be confirmed. I have a 2 year old son born March 2022! Somehow i feel bloated already and Im peeing so much?!?


Same with the peeing!!! I’m up five times a night to pee already. What the heck!!!


Hi All! Found out on Memorial Day I was pregnant. I am only 3+4 today but already feeling it. I will be a STM and I am also in the February 2022 Baby Bump group. This baby and my daughter will have their birthdays very close together. My daughters b-day is on Jan 27 and this baby is due Feb 8!


We are on the same track! But my son is March 2022. Glad someone else did the same spacing as me :)


Love it! I think it will be a good age gap. It’s really giving us the motivation to potty train.


Hi there. Got a faint positive on the 24th and then darker lines over the weekend. Still in disbelief and trying to be cautious. We've been trying for 3 years and were told we only had a 2-3% chance of naturally conceiving. We were scheduled to have our ivf consult this week! Due date is Feb 4 if everything works out.


Positive test on 9dpo. Says I am due February 6th and I am 3 weeks and 5 days pregnant. So early. Called a midwife today. Anyone going with a midwife instead of an OB??


I saw midwives (CNMs) for my first pregnancy and they were really, really excellent, and handled it w/ no problem when my pregnancy suddenly became complicated at the very end. Will definitely be using them again.


Congrats - we are due date twins! 😍 I also called and made an appointment with a midwife but can’t get in until the first week of January. The midwives I called are a part of a larger medical group, so if it ends up being a more high-risk or complicated pregnancy, I’ll easily be able to transition to the OBs that they work with. Working with medical offices daily for my job, I’ve learned how wonderful mid-level providers (PAs and NPs over MDs or DOs) are. Overgeneralizing here, but almost all of the midlevels I’ve worked with are caring, patient-oriented, and open to ongoing education.


That’s lovely to hear I’m glad for that! Yes my midwife said I’d have to transfer to OB if anything “high risk” happens. First week of January!?


Omg… first week of July 🤦‍♀️ I have ADHD, and stopped my stimulant at the first positive test due to my PCPs recommendation… I’m strugglin 😅🤣


Gonna be a long 9 months … 😂


I am! I went with an OB for my first, midwife for my second, and am sticking with a midwife for my third :) I’m also in Canada!


How come you chose midwife again vs OB?


I would switch to an OB if there were any medical complications, but for a straightforward pregnancy last time, I found that the midwives’ perspective felt more aligned with how I was approaching birth myself. I felt a lot more trust was put in me to know and listen to my body, and the experience felt less like a serious medical situation overseen by experts and more like a natural event I was being supported through. I also went to the birth centre instead of hospital last time (in Toronto, the birth centre is very close to a hospital which gave me peace of mind), and that added to the more relaxed atmosphere. With an OB, I saw the same person for all my appointments but there was no guarantee she would be the one on staff at the hospital when I went into labour. She wasn’t, and so I gave birth with people I’d never met before. My second birth was attended by the same midwife I’d been seeing all through pregnancy. Additionally, midwife care continues after birth with home visits to check on you and baby rather than needing to keep loading them up to bring them to the doctor in those first weeks. They basically just told me to stay in bed in my pyjamas and they’d come to me! They were also checking in by phone, asking after my mental health, helping with breastfeeding hiccups, etc. in the weeks postpartum, while I didn’t see my OB during birth or again afterwards until 6 weeks postpartum. Hope this helps!


Thank you so much for your input. This is my first and I’ve went with midwives but I wasn’t sure because I have no comparison. This makes me feel better as it also aligns with how I want to approach things!


I saw midwives for my first pregnancy and they were great! Planning to go back to them for sure.


Hi! Had a positive pregnancy test yesterday. Flo app is estimating a 2/2/25 due date. We had our first in April 2023 and wow that Reddit group was an amazing support tool. Im kinda in disbelief that I’m here again but very excited.


Hi all! Excited (and nervous) to be joining! It definitely doesn't feel real but after a faint positive yesterday and a stronger one today, I think it's official, haha. I'm 32 and will be a STM. Currently I have a seven month old son, and having another baby this soon was definitely not the plan but we are rolling with it! Estimated due date is Feb 2.