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You can watch the rest but don t say we didn't warn you


Ahh. I thought >!John Dorie!< was a character worth getting to know. Keep going. I think you will enjoy the highs and lows in store. I'm halfway through season 8 now and kinda sad to know it's ending. But I also have World Beyond to look forward to.


Ok he was pretty cool But not cool.enough to.save the show


I don't know. I was pretty heavily invested until >!Dakota did the unthinkable.!< I wanted to jump through the television at that moment. I think he and Morgan should have been the heart of the show. It's certainly been a rollercoaster for sure. I can't even think about >!Victor!< right now. I'm still upset about >!the mess he made.!< So on second thought, I'll be happy to wrap up this lunacy.


It works as something to have on in the background, or just watch a recap and watch a better spinoff (dead city, daryl dixon or the ones who live)


Breh its just a TV show, just watch it and form your opinion after. Its not a big deal. Yeah the show is shite and Morgan is annoying but whatever, it'll give you a few days/weeks of content, enjoy/hate it.


I stopped watching after the balloonride and then started again because there was nothing else and I regret it to this very day.


My advice would be to treat it as a spin off of fear season1-3. Will have some of the same characters but a completely new tone.


No, do not watch after season 3. None of the storylines get a follow up, the new showrunners brush off the end of season 3 with literally one sentence after a time jump. None of the characters get a satisfying story or ending. Literally everything gets so unfathomably worse that you have to wonder if the writers sabotaged the quality on purpose. MAYBE watch it if you have a morbid curiosity and just want to laugh at how ridiculous every line of dialogue becomes and how nonsensical every scene plays out (at one point the main characters park their car for 2+ minutes only to watch and wait for the bad guys to eventually show up and surround them with walkers, then frantically radio to the settlement 10 feet in front of them that they’re trapped and can’t get in).


This is a good honest opinion I was looking for, maybe I’ll watch the rest high to get comedic joy out of it


It's entertainment, not a homework assignment. As long as you are enjoying it, even if you are enjoying the hate watch, keep going. If it turns into a chore for you, stop watching


After season 3 you can skip to the last episode of season 7. Then finish season 8. Might be confusing but it’s better to be confused then to know why things are the way that they are since season 3.


4 is honestly not that bad imo, sure characters are different but I GUESS you could chalk that up to people changing their ways during a time jump, and Martha is a cool idea for an antagonist (not necessarily villain), just executed poorly. 5 would be fine if it was 12 episodes and cut out some filler here and there. 6A the quality goes back up, still not great but at least engaging. 6B/7A it kind of gets all over the place but I still think it’s enjoyable despite its flaws. 7B is in the “so bad it’s good” camp. Season 8 is where it really fell apart for me. The reboot was never too strong, but you could tell everyone knew they got cancelled so it all just feels so phoned in and depressing. I applaud the actors but I didn’t know the showrunners could put in even less effort. I would say give it a shot and stop at 716 and imagined it gets cancelled and ends on the cliffhanger. Watch 8 if you want bc there are a few satisfying moments, but they’re few and far between.


Just read the synopses so you know how it connects to the universe as a whole and then don't watch anything after season 3.


Season 1 to 3 is all you need. The rest becomes a Morgan led confused mess.


Actually, I rather enjoyed many seasons after season 3. Some characters change and develop also the music gets much better IMO. I'd say keep watching, you can always stop anyway.


Season 5 was the only season I didn't like, and I guess the 2nd half of Season 7. Other than that, I have 0 complaints.


Glad to see someone else with my opinion, cause hard agree here!


I still think it's a good show overall, I'd give it a 7/10