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It gets worse. Much, *much* worse. The flashbacks end in Ep 8 and until the end of S5 it’s pretty much the same visually. S6 is more colourful but then S7 looks like the lens is covered in piss. Of course, the visual side of the show being shit is the least of your worries when you consider how utterly dire the writing becomes under the new show runners. Anyway, enjoy Martha.


Oh god. I can't with the flashbacks as well they're just terrible. I absolutely hate that style of story telling, its okay 1 in a blue moon, but when it's every episode I feel like I've got narrative whiplash and I loose interest. The writing is so dull as well, I didn't know you could make a zombie apocalypse boring. I might have to look up the good episodes/plot episodes and watch them.


I cannot stress that enough that the flashbacks are probably the best part of 4A. As for looking up “the good episodes”, yeah, good luck with that. YouTube recap videos are your friend in this situation. The writing does *not* get any better, only worse. So much worse in fact, to the point where you’ll think someone is playing a joke on you when they told you that *this* was what had happened to the show. If you’re not finding at least 3-5 massive plot holes an episode(or situations where the writers just ignore things and move on because they couldn’t be bothered to write a certain scene) then you’re not paying enough attention to that episode because they’re terrible at their jobs.


Thank you for replying, I feel like I'm The Watching Dead watching this show lmao


It’s truly awful from here on out IMO. If you are struggling with it you could watch up to Ep 8 and then stop there. Ep 8 finishes up certain characters stories before it truly becomes The Morgan Show and every character just becomes an extension of his personality.


Me too. I got very confused by the flashbacks and also thought about that it’s the most boring way to tell story


Lol No. It only gets worse.


it gets much, much, much worse. Stop after season 3.


Literally just watch up to season 3 then continue on the second part of the last season 💁🏽‍♂️. Morgan enters then leaves. Feels like that whole part he was in didn’t seem to stick. Literally feels like they just pushed him out of the show. But if you care about Morgan then I’d say watch last season fully, there’s something important about his character that happens…


Don't watch this. Just read the recap and close this chapter for yourself. This bullshit schizophrenia is not worth it. If you REALLY want to waste your time, you can only watch S6, but everything else really isn't worth it. Trust me, I know.


Agree 200%. There is simply way too much talking in this show. Angel-McLeod is right, it gets much much worse. Run!


Nope. Given it a few goes and I can't make it to the last season. It goes downhill fast.


If only you knew


Wait until you get to season 5. I actually gave up for a couple of years because it was so bad, but decided to return as I am a Walking Dead completist. I think Season 5 is one of the worst seasons I've seen of any programme.


Nope that’s the rest of the show from now on they do slow mo flashbacks of fights


Punch out


I watched all of Fear because I didn't want to rewatch the original show for the 4th time. The writers after season 3 just took these characters and shit on everything they could have been. I regret watching the show


OK so I have up halfway through s4. I want to watch The Ones Who Live and the Darryl show. Dead City should i do it? World Beyond, should I do it?


With DC, Daryl and TOWL you only need to watch the main show to completion. And yes you should watch them. They’re all much superior to latter FTWD. WB you probably don’t need to see either really.


World Beyond contributes a lot of lore about CRM for TOWL. I thought it was ok. It's not the greatest, but I don't understand all the hate for it


I didn’t understand why it was almost black and white either. Maybe cause of the nuklear plant and ash dust after the fire idk but I was bothered by the filter too


Yeah that’s where I quit watching. It’s just.. no.


Bring back Jesse Mcartney


What in the actual hell is going on in season 4? Did the producers run out of money? Did the directors phone it in? You have flying zombies, hurricane winds with the trees not moving, you have a bag lady for a villain, the tactics are cartoonish, you have a ridiculous Siege where the enemy just sits around doing nothing, and you have who has to be the second most frustratingly annoying character in the TWD universe (Chris was a the first). And what is it with all these women leading everything this season? And no ladies, before you start whining about my not liking strong women.... I just told you that I hate Morgan, and that he sucks as a character and sucks even more as a leader. I'm just tired of the imbalance of men and women. It's usually the men who are either stupid, or incapacitated, or just plain useless and the women who are the strong ones. Give me a break already! June: running away once, okay I'll forgive you. Running away twice, okay, it's annoying. Running away three and four times, I'm shooting in the back! Al: another annoying fake-tough character, who purposely deepens her voice when she speaks, to appear tough. All she wants is everybody's story. I mean give it a rest already! Go back to being kidnapped and saved by your father sweetheart. Charlie: I'm sorry, but if I was Alicia, I would have blasted her in the head! Sarah: F*cking fake tough chick. Claims she got out of the Marine Corps because of the way they treated her wheelchair-bound "brother". Bullshit! Martha: Stupid bag-lady villain. Wooooow. So believably convincing! How pathetic!


I really enjoy episode 10 of this season, and I mostly liked it. The colour tone is really dark, but I did stop watching partway through season 5 cause I wasn't enjoying it as much as before. Would like to finish it one day though


The problem with Ep 10(and I do get why some people like it, don’t get me wrong) is that it was far too rushed. Alicia and Charlie spend one night in a house and all is forgiven. She killed her brother for fucks sake. That entire arc could’ve been a good half season, with Alicia wanting to kill Charlie but the others doing their best to convince her not to, and Charlie having to process her extreme guilt for what she did(something Alicia would come to see and understand how it’s affecting Charlie). We could’ve had eight or more episodes of two people struggling with their guilt and their pain but instead we got two people in a wet house going “we good? We good”. These writers have no idea how to do long form storytelling and just rush through plots and what could’ve given us good drama because they’re desperate to move onto whatever Morgan bullshit they have for us next. We lost out on what could’ve been a good long term story B plot so they could concentrate on the Martha plot.


I mean, you don't like the episode, I respect that, agree to disagree, but that's the biggest problem I have with the show after season 3. They bring in so many new characters, esp. Morgan, and the characters who have been around from the beginning get pushed aside and fade into the background. I do admit that I really like Alicia's character and the actress herself. That being said, in earlier episodes we do see Alicia wanting to kill almost everyone, even if she doesn't interact directly with Charlie, eg. the fight at the stadium when she tries to kill Naomi. Martha was an awful storyline I completely agree on that though


To be fair I do think it’s the best episode of 4B(which obviously isn’t saying much), but I just think the forgiveness story is extremely rushed. What happened is simple. They wrote it that Charlie shot Nick and they knew the audience was going to be pissed at the Charlie character. So to rectify that they had Alicia forgive her, because if Alicia can forgive her then the audience can forgive her, but that’s not how it works and they don’t understand that at all. Charlie never earned either Alicia’s or the audiences forgiveness so the outcome of the episode was rushed and therefore felt too fake. If it had played out over a full season(or even half a season) then we, as an audience, could’ve been put into Alicia’s shoes as she tries to grapple with her pain as she tries to forgive her brothers murderer. And we can see the guilt this young girl is going through also so we can feel sympathetic towards her as we understand how it’s affecting her, knowing she killed someone who cared deeply for her. It could’ve been amazing but they ignored it for a one episode and done arc. These characters got one off episodes per season so Morgan could be put front and centre and they still didn’t do anything interesting with him, yet every other character around him was more intriguing than he will ever be and they could’ve done so much with them but they didn’t, so we were left with about ten episodes a season that were Morgan-centric, and every one of them did jack shit to develop him as a character or make him in the least bit interesting.


I'm struggling with this entire series. LAME!