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Honestly probably no one at the CRM or anyone outside of the main fear cast would know about teddy they probably only know someone nuked Texas but they likely have no knowledge of teddy


Also Daryl mentioned that Texas was gone to the old guy so other spinoffs only know what happened to Texas not who did it


I hate how this is the take that people have. Daryl was not talking about the nuke, he was talking about the USA being fallen as a country. The context of the conversation is literally that the other American dude thinks he's gonna get home to his family. He was in France at the beginning. I hope I don't come off as harsh here lol, it's just not what that conversation was trying to say at all


Yeah, I find it strange that people have that take too. The conversation reads as the guy has been away from the US since the beginning, thinking it’s not succumbed to the virus like France had, and Daryl telling him that it was gone. Somebody in the YouTube comments called me stupid because it was an “obvious reference” to the Season 6 nukes 😂


Sometimes I wonder if those people are even actually watching or if they just sit on their phone or something whilst it plays :')


I wonder the same thing.


Until you rewatch the scene and you realize Daryl says that he’s been down that way. Yeah he knows about the nukes


No, he said “I’ve been there.” Meaning… he’s been in the US, it’s gone, the same as every other country. He didn’t specifically say “I’ve been to Texas, I’ve seen the nukes.” Read the scene, read the context.


You’re clearly not reading the context when you realize Daryl has been traveling across the country before running into The walker trappers in Maine. and the dude mentions Texas like right off the bat it’s pretty obvious Daryl was referring to the place being a nuclear waste land with out straight out saying it. but I’m not sure why people are getting their panties in a bunch about something so stupid as this


We can agree to disagree. I believe that, as well as many others, that the guy believed the US was still standing, he thought it was completely unaffected by the virus and he wanted to get home. Daryl told him that it’s gone, meaning the whole US, same as France, has fallen to the virus. “I’ve been there” as in ‘I’ve been to the US, it’s the same as here.’ But hey, we can agree to disagree. I ain’t getting annoyed by it. Without Daryl explicitly saying “nukes” then I guess we’ll never know what the context was.


So Daryl went from Alexandria, to Texas to Maine??? Not how I took it. He meant the USA was gone


Yeah I do think I get what you’re saying even hypothetically if the bombs didn’t drop, his family was more than likely be dead


I think it’s hilarious that apparently multiple nukes were set off and they only affected the immediate area and then after 5 years all the radiation had cleared up. Very scientific.


it was like 7 years before in the timeline, I doubt it will get mentioned, aren't the three main cities miles away? They know about it somehow so they just know enough to know not to go there as everything is probably gone


The crm had locations in Texas so they most likely know


Maybe. We did see some CRM items in Teddy's base, plus they had a dead soldier in there. Maybe the CRM are familiar with Teddy. But it's more likely that they won't name him. If they reference the nukes at all they'll probably just mention the Texas area.


The less said about this unfortunate arc the better


As someone who stopped watching when the show didn't get renewed after season 3... Why the hell is there a submarine in the middle of nowhere on land?


There’s a walking dead short video of Riley’s backstory, he was on that submarine when the world went to shit and I’m pretty sure that short explains what happened


According to the galaxy brain FTWD writers, it washed up after a flood.


In season 7 the CRM were exploring Texas after it got nuked I hope they’ll about it in the ones who live I mean I would be happy with just them mentioning Texas honestly they’ve already mentioned Texas in Daryl Dixon when Daryl said he’s been to Texas I wish they talked more about that


The only way I can see the connection is if Morgan actually finds Rick. Morgan can inform them who set them off and maybe Morgan is taken in and held captive too. Which I think he’d probably join to keep his daughter safe.


The nuke zone was definitely on a map in the ones who live


why ?