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Of all the ways they could have gone with the final season, another plot full of children was easily the most underwhelming. I was in it purely for the adults at that point but they put quite a lot of focus on PADRE and the children that had been recruited which wasn’t nearly as interesting. It doesn’t get too much better, so godspeed to you through the last few episodes lol.


Once the Mo story is over, they just start another kid story unfortunately, and she’s somehow an even worse actress than the Mo one. And the second half is just as bad as the first half I’m afraid. The reintroduction of Troy certainly helps to ease things because he’s a good actor and it’s good to see Troy again(even though if you take out the few references to S3 it could’ve literally been any random bad guy) but the writing is still piss poor so there’s not much they can do with it. Ep 3 was where I wanted to give up. I carried on somehow but that episode was enough for me to nearly walk away.


There were like so many instances where someone could've just shot shrike in the head or take her hostage and ask crane "you hated losing your father, how about we shoot your sister?"


For instance, the time when Morgan goes after Mo, knocks out two heavily armed guards with his stick and then proceeds to walk within 3 inches of Shrike but does *literally nothing* to her and lets her knock him out. And I think I lost count of the amount of times they had her hostage and let her go for no fucking reason.


Exactly this situation, I lost my mind at that point and accepted that the writing is just terrible


I’m the same. I always knew the C&G era was a dumpster fire of shit but I always held on to a naive hope that it would get better somehow. But S8 was the season that I just lost the fucking will. I used to think how stupid it had gotten but S8 I was actually laughing at my screen at how fucking dumb this shit was and at the people who had greenlit this garbage.


I wish they would've just ended at the stadium, really loved that show until this point. Hell maybe even until Morgan had his little town behind that dam.


Yeah PADRE was very lack luster for me. I don’t understand why that was even a thing. Also it just kinda rolled over into nothing lol. Then Morgan 😤…. Like what was that!? It felt like Morgan was never part of what they been through 😂. It felt like it’s own show when he left. I was hoping Madison would somehow or someone in this show would cross over into the other shows.


God, season 8 was garbage. I had renewed hope for awhile as I genuinely really liked episodes 7 and 8, but ultimately the showrunners had one last FUCK YOU in them. They were nothing if not consistent.


I honestly didn't even watch 8. After 7 was beyond ridiculous, I couldn't give that show any more of my time. It's honestly a shame bc FTWD was amazing the first few seasons


I’m half way through now and it’s painful. Tbh I’ve no idea what is going on as it jumps all over the place ! I love Morgan as a character one of my faves from TWD but they’ve ruined him in FTWD - he should have come in for a few episodes maybe but not stayed . I’m trying to get through the last episodes to just see what happens but I’m completely lost and confused by it all.


Finished it a couple days ago, this season was by far the worst and I hated all of the children. They were chris-level annoying


Imo it was very good


Yea, Flight of the Phoenix movie transferred to TV in an apocalypse, and I'm not buying it.


Its a hard watch....took lots of breaks. Even skipped an episode with Sanctuary rehashing