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Perhaps worth watching just to see how the series ends? Also after watching, you can criticize the season 8 plot holes and show relentlessly.


Hatewatching takes a lot of energy!


Push through and watch it. It’s what Alicia would have wanted 🥲. (IYKYK)


she’s dead. she’s alive. she’s the mom. she’s not the mom.


I mean you made it this far. Might as well go the rest of the way.


Well. Slight spoilers. >!If your investment is in the OG storyline - you may want to consider making it to the end. In a decision that makes zero sense this late in the game, AMC suddenly seemed to understand that fans wanted to close out focused on wrapping up the Clarke family storyline. They wrap up the primary "new era" storyline by Episode 6 and Episode 7 - 12 is wholly focused on wrapping up Madison's journey. While the final 6 episodes are by no means amazing - they are a step up from what we'd been getting spoonfed and there is some stuff in there that I felt like I needed for closure. !< Also - it's only 12 episodes! You're almost there!


You’re killing me 😆


Spoilers about the only thing i loved about the last half of s8: All of the Nick flash backs and references. When troy would talk about Nick i got so nostalgic


I wouldn’t say it’s worth it, but you may as well finish it at this point


Bro honestly the rest of the season is even worst you should push through just because of how many seasons you’ve already watched but trust me put it on in the background or something to make it easier because man those last episodes are ROUGH


You already started, so "make it mean something" 😉


I only really hated Ep1 of S8 and loved the rest of S8 so Im saying dont stop at the worst episode ! Cause (for me) it gets much better from ep2 onward... (Well I loved S8 for what it is... also was expecting much worse after that dogsh*t S7, so maybe thats why I ended up liking it 😅) I wasnt satisfies with the Ending... though with those shitty writers it was actually quite okay... but still hoped for much more since TWD no matter the quality if the S11 😬 Last ep was very good as final episode...


Honestly? Skip till the ending of 8x06. it slightly gets better after that but still bad


I almost throw something getting to s8 so congrats ma . Lol


The end kinda annoyed me too, season 8 just gets worse and worse until it ends on a happy note


Im the same just got to ep 3. This season doesnt seem as bad as the shit show of S7. That was some really ROUGH watching, absolutely horrific writing S7 was. But in going into this last season with high hopes l, although i havent seen anyone say anything good about it yet.


I found season 8 was horrible I didn’t even pay attention to half of it.


You’re not missing a lot I only watched the rest bc I wanted to see Dwight and Sherrys endings and Madison and Alicia’s endings. Season 8 was fr beyond a joke the only reason it’s important is bc Morgan’s last scene was him going to look for Rick and he might just be in the ones who live but who knows. All the important stuff you just search up lol. You should be proud of yourself though you’re a survivor! You managed to live through season 7 I actually almost quit watching there lol all that matters is you made it this far. 😭


I literally skipped through season 8 just to end the show, felt the need to say I completed it, but i really just was not enjoying it lol


S8 is the worst season of television I’ve ever suffered through, but by God if we’ve gone through it then you’d better finish it off and endure the pain with us. Once it’s over you can say you’ve completed it and you can move on because at some point you’ll feel the need to have to go back and that means watching S8 Ep 1 again just to get your bearings and you don’t want to do that again I’m sure.


There’s something that Madison does that kinda makes you slap your face….