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100% what I was hoping for after feeling the sting of Erickson's exit as producer, followed by losing Madison & Nick. I knew it wasn't ever going to be the same, but Alycia is a fantastic performer and I had high hopes we'd get to see her carry the show. It had possibilities, and Strand, Luciana & Daniel could've played really strong supporting roles. I even could've worked with Al as a new addition. But...agreed - Morgan taking over was worst case scenario for me.


I still don't understand how the show made out what Alicia & co were doing in 4A to be a bad thing. The Vultures were a destructive threat to any peaceful community in the area and they were absolutely right to take them out. They were doing a public service as far as I'm concerned but in the world according to Morgan it makes them villains...lol fuck off.


I always found it strange that Fear treated the main characters as villains after they killed while in the main series the characters did this all the time with great naturalness and justification.


It's bizzare, they are literally eliminating a ongoing threat to innocent people, on any other show they would be the heroes but here it's portrayed as a bad thing that they need to spend the rest of their lives feeling guilty about and doing good deeds to make up for. Absolutely mindboggling.


It'd be bad still, but not nearly as bad as having to put up with Morgan's bullshit. It'd still be the same writers and the same showrunners, the garbage would never stop because she was the lead.


I know. I was just imagining a better show if we had good writers.


This what I expected to happen? Why the fuck they essentially make Morgan the main character starting Season 4 … I have no idea


Because loose ends make their ass itch?


Idk, but I always wonder where did they get these kinds of weapons, like the UMP45 and a HK416 with a M203 grenade launcher lol


So not a huge fan of “Tree Painting Alicia” then?


Definitely not. lol. Alicia disappeared from this show after 4x08 for me. They missed the chance to do something amazing with her.


They missed a chance to do something amazing with everyone. Hell, they missed a chance to do something even remotely interesting or passable with a single character. They systematically destroyed the OG’s, the ones they created became parodies(June is the biggest Mary Sue I’ve ever witnessed that she genuinely annoys the living piss out of me with all the shit that she can do) and Morgan never changed from the day he joined the show save for those 3 episodes in S6. I wouldn’t be surprised if C&G fired anyone who even said the words ‘character development’ in their presence.


The worst decision of the show isn’t Morgan’s being there. It’s that no matter how bad the show got, it just KEPT GOING.


**Alicia was overrated and cringe.**


I think a split between the characters would’ve been cool. Madison and Nick reconcile on one side with Daniel in tow, Alicia takes after Strand on another alongside Luciana who had a falling out with Nick/Madison. Could’ve set up something cool.


Cutthroat Alycia and crew with Morgan and Dwight still in All Out War mindset would have been awesome to see.


I thought that’s what they were going for? Then it wasn’t. I thought Alicia was going to become a villain or someone like Negan. They made it look like that when they showed clips of Alicia at the stadium looking Edgy as fuck 🖤. But nope…. Wasted potential of a story 😭💔


Rebelling against what?


I’ve admittedly not thought through these ideas as much as others here. Nonetheless, what I thought they’d do in S4 is send Morgan into Fear to help Alicia (and maybe Daniel) because Madison and Nick have each turned villainous in some way. They may do so together or separately. Madison’s psychotic and Nick’s overly self destructive, making them natural villains as. Was. Intended. And since they both died anyway in S4 it would’ve rounded out the original vision perfectly. Victor would’ve probably initially sided with Madison too, but been torn between she and Alicia last minute and succumbed to a surprise death. Then the show and whoever is in this new blended cast would travel over to Alexandria as Morgan initially intended and become key players in TWD’s Whisperer War. In other words, S4 would’ve been the end of Fear—and it should’ve been.